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A new approach to calculations based on the modal synthesis method is proposed for the evaluation of structural and dry-friction damping effects on self-excited vibrations due to aeroelastic instability in bladed turbine wheels. The method described herein is used to study dry-friction damping of self-excited vibration of an industrial turbine wheel with 66 blades. For evaluating damping effects, the blade couplings are applied to this particular turbine wheel. Therefore, neighbouring blades are interconnected by rigid arms that are fixed on one side to one blade and are in frictional contact on their free side with the other blade. Due to relatively normal motions in contacts, the prescribed contact forces vary over time. The aerodynamic excitation arises from the spatially periodical flow of steam through the stator blade cascade. In this paper, we attempt to model flow-induced instabilities with the Van der Pol model linked to relative motion between neighbouring blades. The proposed modal synthesis method as ROM is a computationally efficient solution allowing substantial parametrization. The effect of the angles of contact surfaces on the wheel dynamics and on the level of the self-excitation suppression will be discussed herein.
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Authors and Affiliations

Luděk Pešek
Pavel Šnábl
Chandra Shekhar Prasad

  1. Institute of Thermomechanics of the CAS, v. v. i., Dolejškova 1402/5, 182 00 Praha 8, Czech Republic
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The analysis of subsonic stall flutter in turbomachinery blade cascade is carried out using a medium-fidelity reduced-order aeroelastic numerical model. The model is a type of field mesh-free approach and based on a hybrid boundary element method. The medium-fidelity flow solver is developed on the principle of viscous-inviscid two-way weak-coupling approach. The hybrid flow solver is employed to model separated flow and stall flutter in the 3D blade cascade at subsonic speed. The aerodynamic damping coefficient w.r.t. inter blade phase angle in traveling-wave mode is estimated along with other parameters. The same stability parameter is used to analyze the cascade flutter resistance regime. The estimated results are validated against experimental measurements as well as Navier-Stokes based high fidelity CFD model. The simulated results show good agreement with experimental data. Furthermore, the hybrid flow solver has managed to bring down the computational cost significantly as compared to mesh-based CFD models. Therefore, all the prime objectives of the research have been successfully achieved.
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Authors and Affiliations

Chandra Shekhar Prasad
Pavel Šnábl
Luděk Pešek

  1. Institute of Thermomechanics of the CAS, Prague, Czech Republic
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Stall flutter is a serious threat to the operational integrity in turbomachinery, particularly in the final stage rotors of steam turbines and in compressors. Although computer science has developed rapidly and much of the research can be carried out using numerical tools, the simulation of some phenomena, such as stall flutter, is still very challenging and needs to be supported by experimental data. This paper presents an innovative experimental linear blade cascade design with five prismatic blades with pitch degrees of freedom, designed to be operated in a low subsonic wind tunnel. The geometry of the blade cascade was chosen on the basis of the experimental and numerical tests to allow stall flutter initiation. New suspension, measurement and electromagnetic excitation systems were developed and experimentally tested to allow accurate measurement of aerodynamic damping during controlled flutter tests. The novelty of the experimental blade cascade is the possibility of single pulse excitation of the blades. The cascade can be brought to the edge of stability by adjusting the angle of attack and flow velocity, and then the pulse can be used to induce stall flutter. Measurement of both mechanical and flow characteristics, also demonstrated in this paper, will provide data for in-depth analysis of stall flutter initiation and propagation.
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Authors and Affiliations

Pavel Šnábl
1 2
Chandra Shekhar Prasad
Pavel Procházka
Ludek Pešek
Václav Uruba
1 3
Vladislav Skála

  1. Institute of Thermomechanics of the CAS, Department of Dynamics and Vibrations, Dolejškova 1402/5, Praha, 182 00, Czech Republic
  2. Czech Technical University in Prague, Department of Mechanics and Mechatronics, Technická 1902/4, Praha, 166 07, Czech Republic
  3. University of West Bohemia, Department of Power System Engineering, Plzen, 301 00, Czech Republic

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