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The work focused on forecasting changes in lake water level. The study employed the Triple Diagram Method (TDM) using geostatistical tools. TDM estimates the value by information from an earlier two periods of observation, refers as lags. The best results were obtained for data with an average a 1-week lag. At the significance level of 1σ, a the forecast error of ±2 cm was obtained. Using separate data for warm and cold months did not improve the efficiency of TDM. At the same time, analysis of observations from warm and cold months explained trends visible in the distribution of year-round data. The methodology, built on case study and proposed evaluation criteria, may function as a universal solution. The proposed methodology can be used to effectively manage water-level fluctuations both in postglacial lakes and in any case of water-level fluctuation.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Adam Piasecki
Wojciech T. Witkowski

  1. Nicolaus Copernicus University, Faculty of Earth Sciences and Spatial Management, ul. Lwowska 1, 87-100, Toruń, Poland
  2. AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Mine Surveying and Environmental Engineering, Krakow, Poland


Zjawiska dynamiczne – zarówno pochodzenia antropogenicznego, jak i naturalnego – występują zazwyczaj nieoczekiwanie i ujawniają się z dużą prędkością. Zmiany morfologii powierzchni terenu cechują się w takich przypadkach dużą gwałtownością, a rejony ich występowania nie podlegają najczęściej stałemu monitoringowi naziemnemu. Z tego względu kompleksowe opisanie skutków zaistnienia zjawisk tego typu – zwłaszcza po upływie pewnego czasu od ich wystąpienia – jest trudne, a często niemożliwe. J ednocześnie, dla badań nad charakterystykami jakościowymi i ilościowymi zjawisk dynamicznych, wartości i kierunki przemieszczeń powierzchni terenu będące ich wynikiem mają duże znaczenie. Zastosowanie satelitarnej interferometrii radarowej w badaniach zmian rzeźby powierzchni terenu wywołanych przez zjawiska takie jak trzęsienia ziemi jest już od pewnego czasu rutyną. N iemniej misja S entinel, która prowadzona jest przez Europejską Agencję Kosmiczną, stwarza nowe możliwości prowadzenia monitoringu na obszarach, na których wystąpiły zjawiska o charakterze dynamicznym. Autorzy postanowili sprawdzić, czy wstrząs pochodzenia górniczego generuje ruchy powierzchni terenu oraz zbadać, w jakiej odległości od epicentrum mają one miejsce oraz określić rząd wielkości ruchów tego typu. Analizy interferometryczne, które oparto na metodzie satelitarnej interferometrii różnicowej DInSAR na podstawie zobrazowań radarowych pochodzących z misji S entinel pozwoliły na uzyskanie odpowiedzi na te pytania.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Agnieszka Malinowska
Wojciech Witkowski
Artur Guzy
Ryszard Hejmanowski


The geodetic measurements optimization problem has played a crucial role in the mining areas affected by continuous ground movement. Such movements are most frequently measured with the classical geodetic methods such as levelling, tachymetry or GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System). The measuring techniques are selected with respect to the dynamics of the studied phenomena, surface hazard degree, as well as the financial potential of the mining company. Land surface changes caused by underground exploitation are observed with some delay because of the mining and geological conditions of the deposit surroundings. This delay may be considerable in the case of salt deposits extraction due to slow convergence process, which implies ground subsidence maximum up to a few centimeters per year. Measuring of such displacements requires high precision instruments and methods. In the case of intensely developed urban areas, a high density benchmark network has to be provided. Therefore, the best solution supporting the monitoring of vertical ground displacements in the areas located above the salt deposits seems to be the Sentinel 1-A radar imaging satellite system. The main goal of the investigation was to verify if imaging radar from the Sentinel 1 mission could be applied to monitor of slow ground vertical movement above word heritage Wieliczka salt mine. The outcome of the analysis, which was based on DInSAR (Differential SAR Interferometry). technology, is the surface distribution of annual subsidence in the period of 2015-2016. The comparison of the results with levelling confirmed the high accuracy of satellite observations. What is significant, the studies allowed to identify areas with the greatest dynamics of vertical ground movements, also in the regions where classical surveying was not conducted. The investigation proved that with the use of Sentinel-1 images sub centimeters slow vertical movements could be obtained.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Agnieszka Malinowska
Artur Guzy
Ryszard Hejmanowski
Wojciech Tomasz Witkowski


Every day on roads many scenarios of accidents may occur. One of the measures to minimize their consequences is road safety barriers. Finite Element analyses are being increasingly used to support the physical testing of these devices. The paper addresses the issue of a secondary impact into the previously damaged w-beam guardrail system. This situation belongs to one of the most dangerous which can happen on roads and may cause serious hazards, especially if the vehicle goes through the barrier. To evaluate the crashworthiness of the road barrier, the computational model of the crash test was developed and validated against the full-scale crash test. Then two simulations of TB32 crash tests were conducted on both damaged and undamaged road barriers to assess the influence of damage on the effectiveness of the safety system during vehicular impact. The study has revealed that the partially damaged system preserved some of its original functionality.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Krzysztof Wilde
Dawid Bruski
Stanisław Burzyński
Jacek Chróścielewski
Łukasz Pachocki
Wojciech Witkowski

  1. Prof., DSc., PhD., Eng., Gdańsk University of Technology, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, ul. Narutowicza 11/12, 80-233, Gdańsk
  2. MSc., Eng., Gdańsk University of Technology, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, ul. Narutowicza11/12, 80-233, Gdańsk, Poland
  3. PhD., Eng., Gdańsk University of Technology, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, ul. Narutowicza11/12, 80-233, Gdańsk, Poland

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