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The state of the art in the field of composite polymer bridges in Poland is presented below. Such bridges were built from 1999. Some of them are fully composite polymer structure. Others are developed as hybrid structure. There are two kind of structures: steel girders with FRP deck and FRP girders with concrete deck. Different production methods of FRP elements were used: pultrusion and infusion. Some bridges are the result of research programs, but there are also some commercial projects. Also, the short application history of FRP bridges all over the world is presented and material properties of the construction material are given in the paper. Those materials are much more lighter than steel or concrete. Low weight of FRP materials is an advantage but also disadvantage. It is good from structural and economical point of view because the dimensions of girders, piers and foundation will be smaller. From opposite side to light structure could cause problems related to response of structure against dynamic actions. As a final result the fatigue strength and durability will be reduced. Of course, the high cost of FRP (CFRP especially) limits at the moment range of application. The presented in the paper bridge structures show that despite of mentioned above problems they are now in good conditions and their future life looks optimistic. It could be supposed that modification and/or development of FRP production technologies more better utilizing their properties will create more elegant and useful bridges.
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Authors and Affiliations

Tomasz Siwowski
Henryk Zobel
Thakaa Al-Khafaji
Wojciech Karwowski

  1. Rzeszow University of Technology, Faculty of Civil & Environmental Engineering & Architecture, ul. Powstancow Warszawy 12, 35-859 Rzeszow, Poland
  2. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Al. Armii Ludowej 16, 00-637 Warsaw, Poland
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Idea to travel faster and faster is as old as human civilization. Different ways were used to move from point to point over centuries. The railways, cars, air-plains and rockets were invented. Each of them have limitations and advantages. Therefore, people always look for other, better solutions. One of them is “vacuum rail” moving inside a tube, known also as a Hyperloop. The number of problems to be solved is extremely high. This paper is devoted to civil engineering problems only e.g. viaducts, tunnels, stations. It is necessary to consider the kind of sub- and superstructure supporting the tube, influence of changes of ambient temperature and solar radiation, the way to ensure safety and structural integrity of the structures in case of fire, decompression of a structural tube and air-tightening, occurrence of accidents etc. Taking into account the fact that bridge and tunnel standards do not include information relating to above mentioned problems it is interesting to determine rules for design, construction and maintenance of such structures.
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Authors and Affiliations

Henryk Zobel
Anna Pawlak
Marek Pawlik
Piotr Żółtowski
Radosław Czubacki
Thakaa Al-Khafaji

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Al. Armii Ludowej 16, 00-637 Warsaw, Poland
  2. YLE Inzynierowie Co., Warsaw, Poland
  3. Railways Institute, Warsaw, Poland
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Arch bridges are built since two thousand years at least. Structural materials changed during this time. The design methods were changed also. The biggest impact was noted with development of Finite Element Method and graphical methods of preparation of technical drawings which is strictly combined with development of computers. These processes appeared also in Polish construction industry, especially from the beginning of 90-ties XX century.

But in this paper we do not consider mentioned above problems. We would like to present development of arch bridges from construction technology point of view. This aspect of creation of bridge structures is not very often the subject-matter of analysis. For many investors, design engineers and contractors optimization of structures is most important issue. For most of them the reduction of volume (weight) of structural material is only solution. But sometimes it is not true – the construction technology gives much more efficient results.

We present below examples of realization in Poland medium and large span arch bridges – steel, concrete and hybrid structures.

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Authors and Affiliations

Tomasz Siwowski
Henryk Zobel
Thakaa Al-Khafaji
Wojciech Karwowski

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