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The purpose of the paper is to present the author’s reflections on the origin and popularity

of various approaches to maintenance and improvement of production processes, their

terminological consistency, understanding, and practical application of their principles. The

author’s reflections are based on his observations made over his many years of activity as

a lecturer and consultant in the area of production engineering and management. It was

shown that there is a need to make scientists and practitioners aware of the relatively large

degree of freedom in defining the scope and way of application of strategies of continuous

improvement. The author’s proposal is to refer to all approaches to maintenance and improvement

of production processes with the title “Strategies of Efficient Action” and all

supporting methods as “Practices of Efficient Action”.

Considerations presented in the paper can be useful in more and more efficiently applying

the power of TQM, Six Sigma, Lean Manufacturing and other strategies of processes

maintenance and improvement in the daily activities of companies.

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Authors and Affiliations

Adam Hamrol
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The goal of this paper is to present the author’s thoughts on the possible contribution of

quality engineering to sustainable development. It is indicated that in the product life cycle

designers have the greatest potential to support this challenge. Arguments have been presented to abandon the commonly accepted paradigm, according to which the overriding goal

of the designer is to achieve the highest market value possible measured by the prospected

level of demand for the products designed. It is postulated to include the minimization of

the risks brought to the natural environment and social relations as a criterion of product

design quality. To this goal, it is necessary for designers to pursue both environmentally

friendly materials and technologies and design concepts reducing consumers’ pressure on

continuously increasing demand. Such an approach will allow for more effective control of

consumption, the main cause of the negative effects of economic growth.

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Authors and Affiliations

Adam Hamrol
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Management and Production Engineering Review (MPER) is a peer-refereed, international, multidisciplinary journal covering a broad spectrum of topics in production engineering and management. Production engineering is a currently developing stream of science encompassing planning, design, implementation and management of production and logistic systems. Orientation towards human resources factor differentiates production engineering from other technical disciplines. The journal aims to advance the theoretical and applied knowledge of this rapidly evolving field, with a special focus on production management, organisation of production processes, management of production knowledge, computer integrated management of production flow, enterprise effectiveness, maintainability and sustainable manufacturing, productivity and organisation, forecasting, modelling and simulation, decision making systems, project management, innovation management and technology transfer, quality engineering and safety at work, supply chain optimization and logistics. Management and Production Engineering Review is published under the auspices of the Polish Academy of Sciences Committee on Production Engineering and Polish Association for Production Management. The main purpose of Management and Production Engineering Review is to publish the results of cutting-edge research advancing the concepts, theories and implementation of novel solutions in modern manufacturing. Papers presenting original research results related to production engineering and management education are also welcomed. We welcome original papers written in English. The Journal also publishes technical briefs, discussions of previously published papers, book reviews, and editorials. Letters to the Editor-in-Chief are highly encouraged.
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Authors and Affiliations

Mariusz Bożek
Adam Hamrol
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The article presents tools, methods and systems used in mechanical engineering that in

combination with information technologies create the grounds of Industry 4.0. The authors

emphasize that mechanical engineering has always been the foundation of industrial activity,

while information technology, the essential part of Industry 4.0, is its main source of innovation.

The article discusses issues concerning product design, machining tools, machine tools

and measurement systems.

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Authors and Affiliations

Adam Hamrol
Józef Gawlik
Jerzy Sładek
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Contemporary societies are strongly dependent existentially and economically on the supply of electricity, both in terms of supplying devices from the power grid, as well as the use of energy storage and constant voltage sources. Electrochemical batteries are commonly used as static energy storage. According to forecasts provided by the Environmental Protection Agency at the global and EU level, in 2025 lead-acid technologies will continue to dominate, with the simultaneous expansion of the lithium-ion battery market. The production, use and handling of used batteries are associated with a number of environmental and social challenges. The way batteries influence the environment is becoming more and more significant, not only in the phase of their use but also in the production phase. The article presents how to effectively reduce the environmental impact of the battery production process by stabilizing it. In the presented example, the proposed changes in the battery assembly process facilitated the minimization of material losses from 0.33% to 0.05%, contributing to the reduction of the negative impact on the environment.
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Authors and Affiliations

Agnieszka Kujawinska
Adam Hamrol
Krzysztof Brzozowski

  1. Poznan University of Technology, Plac Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie 5, 60-965 Poznań, Poland
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The Controlled Atmosphere Brazing (CAB) process together with NOCOLOKr flux is associated with the occurrence of potassium fluoroaluminate residue inside the cooler. Excess of this flux residue is known to cause gelation of the coolant, which deteriorates the efficiency of the cooler. The flux residue amount is most often measured via Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS), in accordance with DIN ISO 9964-3. This is a time-consuming measurement that requires the use of specialized equipment and costly solvents. The following article presents two innovative methods for flux residue measurement after CAB process. They include Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) with Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) and Reflected Light Microscopy (RLM) with Differential Interference Contrast (DIC) module. The accuracy of these methods has been compared to the reference AAS method to evaluate their potential as alternative, less expensive, and quicker measurement methods for determining the quantity of flux residue.
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Authors and Affiliations

Sławomir NADOLNY
Adam Hamrol
Michał Rogalewicz
Adam Piasecki
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The paper presents the results of research on the influence of the parameters of Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) on the mechanical properties and geometric accuracy of angle-shaped parts. The samples were manufactured from acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) on a universal machine. A complete factorial experiment was conducted. The results indicated that the critical technological parameter was the angular orientation of the sample in the working chamber of the machine. The results were compared with the results of research performed on simple rectangular samples. A significant similarity was found in the relationships between the FDM parameters and properties for both sample types.
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Authors and Affiliations

Wiesław Kuczko
Adam Hamrol
Radosław Wichniarek
Filip Górski
Michał Rogalewicz

  1. Poznan University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Piotrowo 3, 61-138 Poznan, Poland

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