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The paper presents an induction generator connected to the power grid using the AC/DC/AC converter and LCL coupling filter. In the converter, both from the generator and the power grid side, three-level inverters were used. The algorithm realizing pulse width modulation (PWM) in inverters has been simplified to the maximum. Control of the induction generator was based on the indirect field oriented control (IFOC) method. At the same time, voltage control has been used for this solution. The MPPT algorithm has been extended to the variable pitch range of the wind turbine blades. The active voltage balancing circuit has been used in the inverter DC voltage circuit. Synchronization of control from the power grid side is ensured by the use of a PLL loop with the system of preliminary suppression of undesired harmonics (CDSC).

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Authors and Affiliations

A. Kasprowicz
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Small construction objects are often built by standard task teams. The problem is, how to allocate these teams to individual works? To solve the problem of allocation three methods have been developed. The first method allows to designate optimal allocation of teams to the individual works in deterministic conditions of implementation. As a criterion of the optimal allocation can be applied: “the minimization of time” or “the minimization of costs” of works execution. The second method has been developed analogously for both criteria but for stochastic conditions and for the stochastic data. The third method allows to appoint a compromise allocation of teams. In this case, the criteria “the minimization of time” and “the minimization of costs” are considered simultaneously. The method can be applied in deterministic or stochastic conditions of works implementation. The solutions of the allocation problems which have been described allow to designate the optimal allocation of task teams and to determine the schedule and cost of works execution.

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Authors and Affiliations

T. Kasprowicz
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Construction risk assessment is the final and decisive stage of risk analysis. When highly changeable conditions of works execution are predicted, risk should be evaluated in the favorable, moderate, and difficult random conditions of construction. Given the random conditions, the schedule and cost estimate of the construction are developed. Based on these values, the risk of final deadline delay and the risk of total cost increase of construction completion are calculated. Next, the charts of the risks are elaborated. Risk changes are shown in the charts and are analyzed in the range [1, 0].

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Authors and Affiliations

T. Kasprowicz
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Risks pertaining to construction work relate to situations in which various events may randomly change the duration and cost of the project or worsen its quality. Because of possible significant changes of random events, favorable, moderate, and difficult conditions of construction work are considered. It is the first stage of the construction risk analysis. The probabilistic parameters of construction are identified and described by using the design characteristics model of the structure and the construction technology model. The first describes the probabilistic properties of the structure execution's technology. The second describes the probabilistic properties of the works execution. Both models contain basic probabilistic data for scheduling, cost estimating, and risk assessment of the construction.

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Authors and Affiliations

T. Kasprowicz
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In the article, I try to show the world of the past as the world of games. First of all, history appears as a game – the game of the historian with his subject of study or cognition. Secondly, history itself can be conceptualised by the metaphor of the game. The history of Portugal is treated as an example of the object of historical research, which changes along with the theories applied. The act of theorising sets the limits of the known past. On the basis of selected examples from the history of Portugal in the 20th century, I try to show how the use of various research tools allows us to ask new/different questions.

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Authors and Affiliations

Karol Kasprowicz
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In this paper, I will look at the functioning of space through a specific example of the practice of socially modelling past realities in the 1940 Exposition of the Portuguese World. (Exposição do Mundo Português). The perspective of the Exposition will allow us to analyse the model of the"Portuguese world" and propose the creation of an interpretative key, in order to understand the “essence” of Portuguese spatial imagery. We will look at the exhibition in the perspective of Krzysztof Pomian's semiophore theory, trying to interpret its main assumptions and the cultural patterns that fund it, as well as what kind of model of space it co‑creates. In the light of the exhibition we will try to answer the question of how space constitutes the mental foundation of the model of the"Portuguese world". And how the spatial patterns of Portuguese culture are made present through the selected semiophores of the Portuguese World Exhibition.
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Authors and Affiliations

Karol Kasprowicz

  1. Uniwersytet Marii Curie‑Skłodowskiej w Lublinie
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The Randomized Earned Value Method enable to control the time and cost of works during the implementation of a construction project. The method allows to assess the compliance of the current advancement in time and actually incurred costs with the adopted plan. It also allows to predict the date and amount of the project completion costs. Individual assessment indicators (BCWS, BCWP, ACWP) are calculated after the ongoing control of the progression of works. In the case of randomly changing of implementation conditions, the calculated in this way values of the indicators may be unacceptable because of overlarge differences in comparison to actual values. Therefore, it is proposed an EVM enhancement and additional risk conditions analysis. In this approach data from the quantity survey of works are randomized based on analysis of variations between actually measured and planned values of duration and cost of implemented works. It is estimated the randomized values of individual indicators after successive controls of the progress of works. After each project advancement control the duration and cost of the works that remain to be performed are estimated. Moreover, new verified overall time and total cost of the project implementation are also estimated. After the last inspection, randomized values of the final date and total cost of completion of the project are calculated, as well as randomized values of time extension and total cost overrun. Of course, for randomized values, standard deviations of individual quantities are calculated. Therefore, the risk of time and the risk of cost of the project implementation are presented in the risk charts. The proposed approach provides a better assessment of the progress of works under risk conditions. It is worth to add that the method does not require significant changes to the typical construction management process, however, it ensures realistic consideration of the influence of random factors on the course and results of individual works and the entire project.
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Authors and Affiliations

Tadeusz Kasprowicz
Anna Starczyk-Kołbyk

  1. Military University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy, ul. gen. Sylwestra Kaliskiego 2, 00–908 Warsaw, Poland
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The REVM method is a modernized option of classical EVM method. The new method has been developed for applying in unstable condition of works implementation. When the works can be accidentally disturbed and the impact of random disruption factors on course and results of works must be taken into consideration. Next, Randomized Budgeted Duration to Completion and Randomized Budgeted Cost to Completion that is duration and cost of works remaining to execution after each inspection, as well as the Randomized Budgeted Duration at Completion and Randomized Budgeted Cost at Completion that is duration and cost of all works of the project completion after the site inspection. Moreover, the risk of durations and costs overrun of works are evaluated. It is important that input data required for the REVM method are the similar and are measured in the same way as in typical control of advancement works. But results of the application consist new decision information. Control of the investment under deterministic conditions, without taking into account the risk of disruptions, resulted in a final deviation from the planned budget of over 7%, and from the planned completion of the investment by almost 12%. Without analysing the factor related to disruptions at the investment implementation stage, the material and financial schedule was completely outdated. On the other hand, when controlling the investment under risk conditions and introducing organizational and technological changes adequate to the inspection reports, the final deviation from the planned budget was less than 2%, and slightly more than 2% from the planned completion date. Researches confirm that the results received by using the REVM method well reflect real situation of works implementation.
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Authors and Affiliations

Tadeusz Kasprowicz
Anna Starczyk-Kołbyk

  1. Military University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy, ul. gen. Sylwestra Kaliskiego 2, 00–908 Warsaw, Poland
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The work presents a structural and functional model of a distributed low level radio frequency (LLRF) control, diagnostic and telemetric system for a large industrial object. An example of system implementation is the European TESLA-XFEL accelerator. The free electron laser is expected to work in the VUV region now and in the range of X-rays in the future. The design of a system based on the FPGA circuits and multi-gigabit optical network is discussed. The system design approach is fully parametric. The major emphasis is put on the methods of the functional and hardware concentration to use fully both: a very big transmission capacity of the optical fiber telemetric channels and very big processing power of the latest series of DSP/PC enhanced and optical I/O equipped, FPGA chips. The subject of the work is the design of a universal, laboratory module of the LLRF sub-system. The current parameters of the system model, under the design, are presented. The considerations are shown on the background of the system application in the hostile industrial environment. The work is a digest of a few development threads of the hybrid, optoelectronic, telemetric networks (HOTN). In particular, the outline of construction theory of HOTN node was presented as well as the technology of complex, modular, multilayer HOTN system PCBs. The PCBs contain critical sub-systems of the node and the network. The presented exemplary sub-systems are: fast optical data transmission of 2.5 Gbit/s, 3.125 Gbit/s and 10 Gbit/s; fast A/C and C/A multichannel data conversion managed by FPGA chip (40 MHz, 65 MHz, 105 MHz), data and functionality concentration, integration of floating point calculations in the DSP units of FPGA circuit, using now discrete and next integrated PC chip with embedded OS; optical distributed timing system of phase reference; and 1GbEth video interface (over UTP or FX) for CCD telemetry and monitoring. The data and functions concentration in the HOTN node is necessary to make efficient use of the multigigabit optical fiber transmission and increasing the processing power of the FPGA/DSP/PC chips with optical I/O interfaces. The experiences with the development of the new generation of HOTN node based on the new technologies of data and functions concentration are extremely promising, because such systems are less expensive and require less labour.

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Authors and Affiliations

R.S. Romaniuk
K.T. Poźniak
T. Czarski
K. Czuba
W. Giergusiewicz
G. Kasprowicz
W. Koprek
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A novel approach to a trigger mode in the Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) detector readout system is presented. The system is already installed at WEST tokamak. The article briefly describes the architecture of the GEM detector and the measurement system. Currently the system can work in two trigger modes: Global Trigger and Local Trigger. All trigger processing blocks are parts of the Charge Signal Sequencer module which is responsible for transferring data to the PC. Therefore, the article presents structure of the Sequencer with details about basic blocks, theirs functionality and output data configuration. The Sequencer with the trigger algorithms is implemented in an FPGA chip from Xilinx. Global Trigger, which is a default mode for the system, is not efficient and has limitations due to storing much data without any information. Local trigger which is under tests, removes data redundancy and is constructed to send only valid data, but the rest of the software, especially on the PC side, is still under development. Therefore authors propose the trigger mode which combines functionality of two existing modes. The proposed trigger, called Zero Suppression Trigger, is compatible with the existing interfaces of the PC software, but is also capable to verify and filter incoming signals and transfer only recognized events. The results of the implementation and simulation are presented.
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Authors and Affiliations

Piotr Kolasinski
Krzysztof Pozniak
Andrzej Wojenski
Paweł Linczuk
Rafał Krawczyk
1 3
Michał Gaska
Wojciech Zabolotny
Grzegorz Kasprowicz
Maryna Chernyshova
Tomasz Czarski

  1. Institute of Electronic Systems, Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology, University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland
  2. Institute of Electronic Systems, Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology, University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland
  3. CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  4. Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion, Warsaw, Poland
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We describe Urukul, a frequency synthesizer based on direct digital synthesis (DDS), optimized for wave generate control in atomic, molecular and optical (AMO) physics experiments. The Urukul module is a part of the Sinara family of modular, open-source hardware designed for the ARTIQ quantum operating system. The Urukul has 4-channel, sub-Hz frequency resolution, controlled phase steps and accurate output amplitude control. The module is available in two population variants. This paper presents Urukul module construction and obtained characteristics.
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Authors and Affiliations

Grzegorz Kasprowicz
Thomas Harty
Sébastien Bourdeauducq
Robert Jördens
David Allcock
David Nadlinger
Joseph W. Britton
6 7
Ana Sotirova
Dorota Nowicka

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
  2. Oxford University, UK
  3. M-Labs, Hong Kong
  4. QUARTIQ, Germany
  5. Univeristy of Oregon, US
  6. University of Maryland, US
  7. Army Research Lab, US
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The Sinara hardware platform is a modular, opensource measurement and control system dedicated to quantum applications that require hard real-time performance. The hardware is controlled and managed by the ARTIQ, open-source software that provides nanosecond timing resolution and submicrosecond latency. The Sampler is a general-purpose precision ADC sampling unit with programmable gain and configurable interface. It is used in numerous applications like laser frequency and intensity servo. This paper presents the Sampler module construction and obtained characteristics.
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Authors and Affiliations

Grzegorz Kasprowicz
Thomas Harty
Sébastien Bourdeauducq
Robert Jördens
David Allcock
Daniel Slichter
David Nadlinger
Joseph W. Britton
7 8
Ana Sotirova

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
  2. Oxford University, United Kingdom
  3. M-Labs, Hong Kong
  4. QUARTIQ, Germany
  5. Oregon University, United States
  6. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), United States
  7. University of Maryland, United States
  8. Army Research Lab, United States
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The validation of the measurements quality after on-site diagnostic system installation is necessary in order to provide reliable data and output results. This topic is often neglected or not discussed in detail regarding measurement systems. In the paper recently installed system for soft X-ray measurements is described in introduction. The system is based on multichannel GEM detector and the data is collected and sent in special format to PC unit for further postprocessing. The unique feature of the system is the ability to compute final data based on raw data only. The raw data is selected upon algorithms by FPGA units. The FPGAs are connected to the analog frontend of the system and able to register all of the signals and collect the useful data. The interface used for data streaming is PCIe Gen2 x4 for each FPGA, therefore high throughput of the system is ensured. The paper then discusses the properties of the installation environment of the system and basic functionality mode. New features are described, both in theoretical and practical approach. New modes correspond to the data quality monitoring features implemented for the system, that provide extra information to the postprocessing stage and final algorithms. In the article is described also additional mode to perform hardware simulation of signals in a tokamak-like environment using FPGAs. The summary describes the implemented features of the data quality monitoring features and additional modes of the system.
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Authors and Affiliations

Andrzej Wojenski
Paweł Linczuk
Piotr Kolasinski
Maryna Chernyshova
Didier Mazon
Grzegorz Kasprowicz
Krzysztof T. Pozniak
Michał Gaska
Tomasz Czarski
Rafał Krawczyk
1 4

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Electronics Systems, Poland
  2. Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion, Warsaw, Poland
  3. CEA, Saint-Paul-lez-Durance, France
  4. CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
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The paper presents improvements of the developed system for hot plasma radiation measurement in the soft Xray range based on a Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) detector. Scope of work consists of a new solution for handling hardware time-synchronization with tokamak systems needed for better synchronization with other diagnostics and measurement quality. The paper describes the support of new modes of triggering on PC-side. There are communication and data path overview in the system. The new API is described, which provide separate channels for data and control and is more robust than the earlier solution. Work concentrates on stability and usability improvements of the implemented device providing better usage for end-user.
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Authors and Affiliations

Paweł Linczuk
Andrzej Wojenski
Piotr Kolasinski
Rafał Krawczyk
2 3
Wojciech Zabolotny
Krzysztof Pozniak
Maryna Chernyshova
Tomasz Czarski
Michał Gaska
Grzegorz Kasprowicz
Karol Malinowski

  1. Institute of Electronic Systems, Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology, University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland
  2. Institute of Electronic Systems, Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology, University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland
  3. CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  4. Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion, Warsaw, Poland

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