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A356 Al composites reinforced by short carbon fiber were prepared through the 2-step process: fabrication of a composite precursor and ultrasonication of the precursor melt. The short carbon fibers were coated with 0.15~1.5 μm thick SiC layer by a carbothermal reaction, and an amount of the carbon fiber reinforcement was determined to be 1.5 vol.% and 4.0 vol.%, respectively. The addition of the carbon fiber increased the hardness of A356 alloy. However, tensile strength did not increase in the as-cast composites regardless of the SiC coating and volume fraction of the carbon fiber, due to the debonding which reduced load transfer efficiency from matrix to fiber at the interface. After T6-treatment of the composites, a significant increase in strength occurred only in the composite reinforced by the SiC-coated short carbon fiber, which was considered to result from the formation of a precipitate improving the Al/SiC interfacial strength
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Authors and Affiliations

Jin Man Jang
Se-Hyun Ko
Wonsik Lee

  1. Advanced Materials and Process R&D Department, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, Incheon 21999, Republic of Korea
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This study investigates the effects of grain boundary structures on mechanical properties of nanocrystalline Al-0.7Mg-1.0Cu alloy using nanoindentation system. Grain boundary structure transforms to high angle grain boundaries from low angle ones with increase of heat treatment temperature and the transformation temperature is about 400℃. Young’s modulus and hardness are higher in sample with low angle grain boundaries, while creep length is larger in sample with high angle ones. These results indicate that progress of plastic deformation at room temperature is more difficult in sample with low angle ones. During compression test at 200℃, strain softening occurs in all samples. However, yield strength in sample with low angle grain boundaries is higher twice than that with high angle ones due to higher activation energy for grain boundary sliding.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jin Man Jang
1 2
Wonsik Lee
Se-Hyun Ko

  1. Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, Incheon, 21999, Republic of Korea
  2. Inha University, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Incheon, 22212, Republic of Korea
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A powder-bed-based additive manufacturing process called electron beam melting (EBM) is defined by high temperature gradients during solidification, which produces an extremely fine microstructure compared to the traditional cast material. However, porosity and segregation defects are still present on a smaller scale which may lead to a reduction in mechanical properties. It is important to have a better knowledge of the influence of post-fabrication treatments on the microstructure and mechanical characteristics before the use of additive manufacturing parts in specific applications. In this study, the effects of solution heat treatment (SHT) and hot isostatic pressing (HIP) on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti-6Al-4V alloy fabricated by the EBM process have been investigated. The SHT and HIP treatments can significantly improve the ductility of EBM Ti-6Al-4V due to the coarsening of α laths and the formation of β grains.
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Authors and Affiliations

Dohoon Lee
Tae-Yeong So
Ha-Young Yu
Gyunsub Kim
Eushin Moon
Se-Hyun Ko

  1. Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH), Industrial Materials Processing R&D Department, 156, Gaetbeol-ro, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon 406-840, Republic of Korea
  2. Huneed Technologies, Incheon, Republic of Korea

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