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The paper will discuss the Russian involvement in the Holy Land that started from informal actions to evolve into formal activities of religious, trading and scientific institutions related to the Russian authorities.

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Izabela Kończak
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The problems related to construction production are multi-faceted and complex. This has promoted the search for different methods/approaches for analizing the data which supports the decision-making process in the construction industry. In the article the authors focus their attention on well-known methods and tools, and on some new approaches to solving decision-making problems. The aim of the article is to analyze the methods used to analyse data in a construction company, convey their advantages and disadvantages, and specify the degree of efficiency in the discussed area.

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A. Dziadosz
A. Kończak
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In this study, we performed the qualitative analysis of exoproteins during granule formation in the pres- ence or in the absence of cations. The staining of thin granule cryosections showed that nucleic acids, proteins, polysaccharides and calcium cations were the dominant components of the granules. Proteins are the structural components associated with calcium ions. We determined changes in the proteomic profile and tightly bound extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) of the slime. The exopolymeric matrix containing the proteins was extracted using the Dowex resin method. Proteomic profile was analysed by SDS-PAGE method (sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis) using Coomassie blue staining in the samples of the aerobic granule matrix formed in the presence of multivalent cations and compared with that of the aerobic granules cultivated without cations. The results indicate that the granule matrix is predominantly composed of large and complex proteins that are tightly bound within the granular structure. The tightly bound extracellular polymeric substances (TB-EPS) may play a role in improved mechanical stability of aerobic granules. In the supernatant fraction of the sludge, only a small amount of free proteins in the medium molecular mass range was detected. The protein with high molecular mass ( 116 kDa) produced in the reactors with added Ca2+. Ca2+ had a considerable regulatory influence on production of extracellular proteins during aerobic granulation.
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Authors and Affiliations

Beata Kończak
Korneliusz Miksch

  1. Department ofWater Protection, Central Mining Institute, Pl. Gwarków 1, 40-166 Katowice, Poland
  2. Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Energy and Environmental Engineering, Environmental Biotechnology Department, ul. Akademicka 2, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
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This study investigated the quantity and distribution of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) in aerobic granules. Results showed that EPS play an important role in the formation and stabilisation of granules. The content of EPS significantly increases during the first weeks of biogranulation. An analysis of EPS in the granules revealed that the protein level was 5 times higher than in polysaccharides. The increase of protein content correlated with the growth of cell hydrophobicity (r2 = 0.95). EPS and hydrophobicity are important factors in cell adhesion and formation of granules.

The aim of this work was also to determine the distribution of EPS in the granule structure. In situ EPS staining showed that EPS are located mostly in the center of granules and in the subsurface layer. The major components of the EPE matrix are proteins, nucleic acids and β-polysaccharides. These observations confirm the chemical extraction data and indicate that granule formation and stability are dependent on protein content.

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Authors and Affiliations

Korneliusz Miksch
Beata Kończak
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Professor Tadeusz Kowalski (1889–1948) was in correspondence with scholars from practically all over the world. He had an active interest in the developments of Oriental studies in the Soviet Union. He valued the publications he received from the USSR as well as all contacts he had with Russian researchers. He sought to cooperate with Alexander Samoylovich (1880–1938) – one of the most eminent Turkologists in the Soviet Union. This goal had been partially achieved. The archives of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences in Kraków now hold, catalogued under ref. no. K III-4, j. 174, just three letters from the Russian Turkologist. These materials, despite their small number, are an engrossing source of knowledge on the state of Soviet Turkish studies in the mid-1920s and the Soviet Oriental studies community. As the author managed to determine, these letters are all the more precious as the branch of the archives at the Russian Academy of Sciences in St.-Petersburg, where the legacy of professor Samoylovich is kept, has no copies. Interestingly, there are no surviving copies of the letters from professor Kowalski to the Russian Turkologist. This article aims to analyse the contents of the letters written by Alexander Samoylovich, the Soviet Turkologist, to professor Tadeusz Kowalski, and determine the purpose and direction in which Turkish studies were developing in the USSR in the period described in these sources.
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Authors and Affiliations

Izabela Kończak

  1. University of Lodz, Poland
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Vasily Nikitin (1.1.1885–6.6.1960) – a former Russian consul in Urmia, Iranian studies researcher and Kurdologist – corresponded with professor Tadeusz Kowalski for over a quarter of a century. His letters sent to Krakow in the years 1922–1948 are held in the Archives of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) and Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences (PAU). The aim of this article is to present the relationship of Vasily Nikitin with Polish Oriental studies and Orientalists on the basis of an analysis of the letters sent by him to Tadeusz Kowalski. The correspondence changed during this time. At the beginning, Nikitin sought help from Kowalski in finding a job at the Jagiellonian University. With time, when his financial situation in Paris – where he was in exile – stabilized, he was interested in working with Polish Orientalists at a distance. Due to Kowalski’s efforts, Nikitin became a foreign member of the Polish Oriental Society and the PAU’s Oriental Commission. Thanks to this, he received publications issued by these organizations. He also published in the oldest Polish Oriental journal – the Yearbook of Oriental Studies (Rocznik Orientalistyczny) – and in other journals.
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Authors and Affiliations

Izabela Kończak

  1. University of Lodz, Poland
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The main aim of the study was to assess the feasibility of using biopolymers of different viscosities (high, medium and low viscosity) as immobilization carriers for laccase in synthetic dye removal. The following dye solutions were decolorized: indigo carmine (IC, anionic dye), methylene blue (MB, cationic dye), and their mixture in a molar mass ratio MB/IC=0.69, using biopolymers of different viscosities as laccase immobilization carriers. Toxicity tests were also carried out to assess the toxicity of the post-decolorization samples. Decolorization tests showed that the main decolorization mechanism depends on the dye class. The removal of IC (max. total removal efficiency 72.15%) was mainly by biocatalysis. The mechanism of the MB decolorization process was mainly by sorption on alginate beads, and the efficiency of enzymatic removal was low. However, the highest efficiency of MB decolorization (45.80%) was obtained for beads prepared using the high viscosity alginate when decolorization occurred by both sorption and biocatalysis. The results of mixture decolorization tests differ from the results obtained for single dyes.The results showed differences in the efficiency of the dye sorption process depending on the alginate used for immobilization. Moreover, the varying mechanisms of dye removal from the dye mixture were confirmed by toxicity tests. The occurrence of both biocatalysis and sorption promotes reduced toxicity
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Authors and Affiliations

Małgorzata Białowąs
Beata Kończak
Stanisław Chałupnik
Joanna Kalka

  1. Central Mining Institute – National Research Institute, Poland
  2. Environmental Biotechnology Department, Faculty of Energy and Environmental Engineering,The Silesian University of Technology, Poland
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The aim of the study was to assess the feasibility of utilizing sodium alginate biopolymer as animmobilization carrier for laccase in the removal of indigo carmine (IC), an anionic dye. The main goal of this work was to optimize the decolourization process by selecting the appropriate immobilized enzyme dose per 1 mg of dye, as well as the process temperature. The effective immobilization of laccase using sodium alginate as a carrier was confirmed by Raman spectroscopy. An analysis of the size and geometric parameters of the alginate beads was also carried out. Tests of IC decolourization using alginate-laccase beads were conducted. Applying the most effective dose of the enzyme (320 mg of enzyme/1 mg of IC) made it possible to remove 92.5% of the dye over 40 days. The optimal temperature for the IC decolourization process, using laccase immobilized on sodium alginate, was established at 30-40ºC. The obtained results indicate that laccase from Trametes versicolor immobilized on sodium alginate was capable of decolourizing the tested dye primarily based on mechanism of biocatalysis.
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Authors and Affiliations

Małgorzata Białowąs
Beata Kończak
Stanisław Chałupnik
Joanna Kalka
Magdalena Cempa

  1. Central Mining Institute – National Research Institute, Katowice, Poland
  2. Environmental Biotechnology Department, Faculty of Energy and Environmental Engineering,The Silesian University of Technology, Poland

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