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Poznanie ewolucji geosystemu w czasie geologicznym jest głównym zadaniem nowoczesnej geologii i najważniejszym zadaniem realizowanym obecnie przez ING PAN.
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Kinga Małecka
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Jak wyglądałby współczesny świat bez telefonów, odtwarzaczy MP3, nawigacji GPS, telewizorów, cyfrowych aparatów fotograficznych, kuchenek mikrofalowych, pralek i lodówek, dekoderów telewizyjnych, konsoli do gier i kart kredytowych? Nie musimy się nad tym zastanawiać dzięki Janowi Czochralskiemu i jego metodzie wytwarzania monokryształów.
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Kinga Małecka
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Badania geochemiczne osadów jezior i rzek przez kilkadziesiąt lat były szeroko wykorzystywane w prospekcji złóż mineralnych. Obecnie są powszechnie stosowane do oceny zanieczyszczenia środowiska wód powierzchniowych metalami ciężkimi i szkodliwymi substancjami organicznymi.
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Kinga Małecka
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What would today's world be like without telephones, MP3 players, GPS navigation, television, digital cameras, microwaves, washing machines, fridges, television decoders, game consoles, and credit cards? Fortunately we do not even have to imagine it, thanks to Jan Czochralski and his pioneering method of growing single crystals.
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Kinga Małecka
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For decades, geochemical studies of lake and river sediments have been widely used in prospecting for mineral deposits. Nowadays they are also commonly used to assess the degree to which surface waters are polluted with heavy metals and harmful organic substances.
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Kinga Małecka
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Studying the evolution of geosystems over geological timescales is the main aim of contemporary geology, and the most important task currently being pursued at the PAS Institute of Geological Sciences.
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Kinga Małecka
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In 2011, the Miedzi Copper Corporation (MCC) initiated its exploration program involving deep Cu-Ag deposits in the Fore-Sudetic Monocline. A very vast study area was adopted, along with the use of a wide range of research instruments. In the years 2011–2013 the exploration of MCC involved 21 concession areas. The location of concessions for exploration as well as exploration and prospecting was based on the known prognostic and hypothetical areas with confirmed contact of the Rote Fäule facies with the reduced facies, placed in the proximity of the Zechstein elevations. In 2012 and 2013, historical boreholes drilled mainly by the petroleum industry were logged, and in cases where the preservation of rock material allowed, samples were collected for chemical analyses. Moreover, a wide range of specialized examinations was performed, involving organic chemistry, coal macerals, vitrinite reflectance and petrography, with a particular emphasis on the Rock Eval method. The latter allows the presence of the so-called strong Rote Fäule associated with the presence of the richest mineralized horizons to be established. It was equally important for the purpose of exploration to perform the reprocessing of geophysical data using the innovative method of effective reflection coefficients. This allows transforming a conventional seismic image into an impulse form of seismic records, meaning a temporal sequence of coefficients, whose sections can be correlated with the logs of historical boreholes in order to trace the course of lithological series. This method provides a much higher accuracy for determining structural elements crucial for exploration than before, suggesting the presence of various tectonic phenomena important for mineralization. As a result, a more detailed mineralization distribution model was obtained and the so-called sweet spots were pinpointed, becoming an object of further drilling exploration. The number of active concessions was reduced to 6, which resulted largely not just from the absence of ore, but also from economic premises. The drilling program initiated in 2013 and still continued today allowed the discovery and preliminary documentation of three copper and silver deposits in the Fore-Sudetic Monocline. These are the Mozów and Sulmierzyce deposits, where the presence of prospective areas was previously recorded, as well as the Nowa Sól deposit, discovered in the so-called green field, where no ore exploration was previously conducted. At the current stage of identification, each of these deposits contains resources exceeding 5 million tons of equivalent copper, and the performed economic analyses indicate the viability of their extraction using the modern methods of shaft sinking, air conditioning and waste management.

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Authors and Affiliations

Krzysztof Zieliński
Stanisław Speczik
Kinga Małecka

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