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The article aims to show literary images of skomorokh in the Russian versions of Christian‑Jewish disputes over faith. A textological analysis of 13 manuscript copies of Тhe Tale of the Christian and Jewish faith from the 17th‑19th centuries allows us to show how the image of the skomorokh changed in manuscripts of the Short redaction, the Extensive redaction, and the Unique redaction.
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Eliza Małek

  1. Uniwersytet Łódzki
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How does a grain of dust affect the fate of the Universe? For starters, had there been no dust in the Universe in the first place, humankind would not exist, either...
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Authors and Affiliations

Katarzyna Małek
Agnieszka Pollo
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Jak ziarenko pyłu może wpłynąć na losy Wszechświata? Dość powiedzieć, że gdyby we Wszechświecie nie było pyłu, nie byłoby w nim i nas...
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Authors and Affiliations

Katarzyna Małek
Agnieszka Pollo
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This article focuses on an extremely urgent problem of today’s Christian dialogue with China, i.e. the culture (and politics) of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and asks whether a Christian dialogue with China – which understand herself as an atheist and Communist state, which, however, is a country of many religious traditions, is possible, and if so in what form? What are its prospects and challenges?

The starting point of the article, after some historical remarks, is a kind of heterotopy of the dialogue in Chinese context, involving (III.1.) the historical and political context, then (III.2) its partners, and fnally (III.3) its forms and contents. in this framework, this article is (IV) refection on the challenges, opportunities and prospects of the Christian dialogue with Chinese culture. This refection is not taken here from the standpoint of theology, but is rather a phenomenological description of the status quo. At the end of the article (V) some statements of pope John Paul II with regard to the dialogue of Christianity with Chinese culture are quoted as a kind of summary.

The article states a great asymmetry of partners of the dialogue in China caused by the restrictive religious policy. There are some forms of dialogue which, however, are realized outside of the institutionalized Christianity, i.e. the Christian Churches. The Churches themselves, due to their historical background, are not very interested in or prepared for an inter-religious dialogue.

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Ks. Roman Malek SVD
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Cartography is the study and practice of making maps. Although originally defined for Earth, the term is also a perfect description of the aims of the VIPERS team, whose members include Polish astronomers.

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Authors and Affiliations

Katarzyna Małek
Małgorzata Siudek
Janusz Krywult
Agnieszka Pollo
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Czym galaktyki przypominają ludzi? Może tym, że każda jest inna. Różnią się kształtem, wielkością, masą, kolorami. Niektóre lubią towarzystwo, inne żyją samotnie. Czy zróżnicowanie kształtów i własności tych obiektów zależy od wieku? Czy można mówić o starych i młodych galaktykach? Dojrzałość i zaawansowany wiek u galaktyk, podobnie jak w przypadku ludzi, niekoniecznie oznacza to samo.
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Authors and Affiliations

Agnieszka Pollo
Katarzyna Małek
Janusz Krywult
Aleksandra Solarz
Keywords wszechświat
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Kartografia jest dziedziną nauki określającą zasady tworzenia map, a także zgłębiającą możliwości wykorzystania ich treści. Ta definicja – choć w tym wypadku nie dotyczy Ziemi – idealnie odwzorowuje pracę zespołu VIPERS, w którego skład wchodzą również polscy astronomowie.

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Authors and Affiliations

Katarzyna Małek
Małgorzata Siudek
Janusz Krywult
Agnieszka Pollo
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The relatively limited application of lean in the food process industries has been attributed to

the unique characteristics of the food sector i.e. short shelf-life, heterogeneous raw materials,

and seasonality. Moreover, barriers such as large and inflexible machinery, long setup time,

and resource complexity, has limited the implementation and impact of lean practices in

process industries in general. Contrary to the expectations in the literature, we bring in this

paper a successful experience of lean implementation in a company of the food-processing

sector. By focusing on two lean tools (VSM and SMED), the company reduced changeover

time by 34%, and increased the production capacity of the main production line by 11%.

This improvement enabled the company to avoid the use of temporary workers by extending

the worktime of its workforce during peak months. Moreover, the reduction of setup time

avoided the use of large lot size in production, which, in turn, reduced the total cycle time

of production and the incidence of quality problems.

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Miguel Malek Maalouf
Magdalena Zaduminska
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Pantoea species (Pantoea spp.) is a diverse group of Gram-negative bacteria in the Enterobacteriaceae family that leads to devastating diseases in rice plants, thus affecting significant economic losses of rice production worldwide. Most critical rice diseases such as grain discoloration, bacterial leaf blight, stem necrosis and inhibition of seed germination have been reported to be caused by this pathogen. To date, 20 Pantoea spp. have been identified and recognized as having similar phenotypic and diverse characteristics. Detection via phenotypic and molecular-based approaches, for example the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and multiplex PCR give us a better understanding of the diversity of Pantoea genus and helps to improve effective disease control strategies against this emergent bacterial pathogen of rice. In this review, we focused on the significance of rice diseases caused by Pantoea spp. and insights on the taxonomy and characteristics of this destructive pathogen via phenotypic and molecular identification.

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Authors and Affiliations

Mohammad Malek Faizal Azizi
Siti Izera Ismail
Md Yasin Ina-Salwany
Erneeza Mohd Hata
Dzarifah Zulperi
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The phenomenon of “soft zone” is occurring in the heat affected zone (HAZ) of high strength low alloy (HSLA) steels. Therefore, the process of weld metal solidification and phase transformation in HAZ is essential to understand the behaviour of the material, especially in the case where welded joints are debilitating part of the construction. The simulation program SYSWELD is powerful tool to predict solidification and phase transformation of welding joint, what correspond to the mechanical properties of the joints. To achieve relevant results of the simulation, it is necessary to use right mathematic-material model of the investigated material. Dilatometric test is the important methods to gather necessary input values for material database. In this paper is investigated physical and metallurgical properties of S960MC steel. The dilatometric curves were carried out on the laboratory machine dilatometer DIL 805L. In addition to determination of the phase transformation temperatures at eight levels of the cooling rate, the microstructure and hardness of the material are further analysed. The hardness of the samples reflects the achieved microstructure. Depending on the cooling rate, several austenitic transformation products were observed such as pearlite, bainite, martensite and many different ferritic microstructures. The differences between the transformation temperature results using the first derivation method and the three tangent method are up to 2%. The limit cooling rate was set at value 30°C/s. The microstructure consists only of bainite and martensite and the hardness reaches a value of 348HV and higher.
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Authors and Affiliations

M. Málek
M. Mičian
J. Moravec

  1. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Liberec, Studentská 1402/2, 461 17 Liberec I, Czech Republic

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