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Koncepcja ideałów nauki była wkładem Stefana Amsterdamskiego do sporu na temat racjonalności naukowej. Przyjmując, iż metoda naukowa nie jest zjawiskiem ponadhistorycznym i że towarzyszą jej silne presupozycje normatywne, Amsterdamski staje po stronie Kuhna w jego dyskusji z Popperem oraz jego kontynuatorami i poplecznikami. W istotnym sensie Amsterdamski jest jednak Popperystą, jego intencją jest bowiem rozszerzenie zasięgu krytycznej dyskusji poprzez odniesienie analiz krytycznych do czegoś, co określa on nowożytnym ideałem nauki. Prace Amsterdamskiego, zwłaszcza omawiana w artykule monografia Między historią a metodą, są jednocześnie próbą zabezpieczenia statusu filozofii nauki jako instancji normatywnej w stosunku do ideałów nauki. Artykuł stanowi rekonstrukcję koncepcji Amsterdamskiego i zawiera analizę krytyczną relacji między celami, jakie Amsterdamski sobie stawiał, oraz metodami ich realizacji. Wskazuję na elementy, które wydają mi się w koncepcji ideałów nauki najbardziej problematyczne, sugerując alternatywne sformułowania podnoszonych przez Amsterdamskiego problemów. Wykazuję, iż koncepcja Amsterdamskiego upoważnia do podjęcia próby opracowania nowej koncepcji podmiotu nauki, która to koncepcja mogłaby dostarczyć odpowiednich wskazówek do krytyki nowożytnego ideału nauki.
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Anna Michalska
Keywords proszki owocowe
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O kolorach posiłków, tajemnicy suszenia oraz przymusie dla producentów mówi dr Anna Michalska z Instytutu Rozrod Zwierząt i Badań Żywności PAN w Olsztynie.

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Anna Michalska
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In the run-up to EU accession, Polish researchers are closely reviewing existing domestic regulations on corruption, financial crime and fraud.
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Barbara Kunicka-Michalska
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Products of complex geometry, aerodynamic shape and high quality surface finishes are among the most difficult to produce by using stamping methods. When additionally materials with special properties are intended, the task of determining their technological character becomes difficult to solve without the use of physical and numerical methods of process modeling. The paper presents the results of modeling the process of producing a single tube of the jet engine tubular diffuser subassembly. This is a product representative of such a complex geometry one. The charge material for this element requires resistance to operating conditions at elevated temperature and high durability. Therefore, an Inconel type nickel superalloy was proposed for the charge material. In the solution of designing the method of producing a single diffuser tube task, the capabilities of the AutoGrid automatic strain analyzer and the FEM simulation software Eta / Dynaform 5.9 were combined. Numerical simulations of different variants of the manufacturing process of the diffuser tube were made using the Eta / Dynaform 5.9 software. The results of forming simulations became the basis for the alternative technological cycle design of this drawpiece.

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M. Hyrcza-Michalska
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This work deals with the analysis of elasto-plastic post-buckling state of rectangular laminated plates subjected to combined loads, such as uniform compression and shear. The plates are built of specially orthotropic symmetrical layers. The analysis is carried out on the basis of nonlinear theory of orthotropic plates involving plasticity. The solution can be obtained in the analytical-numerical way using Prandtl-Reuss equations. The preliminary results of numerical calculations are also presented in figures.
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Ryszard Grądzki
Katarzyna Kowal-Michalska
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Changes that take place in a job environment, job structure, job perception, as well as in the sphere of features, meanings and values ascribed to work are constituents of changes in the contemporary world, particularly of the development of the free market economy. It is difficult to overestimate the significance of these changes for the quality of career construction, its development and modification of its individualized paths. The contemporary study of career requires taking into account multicontextual changes in the world of work, that make employees face new challenges. In the economy based on knowledge, which in turn determines the orientation of the modern society to knowledge, the career development of its members and investing in their „portfolio” become the key elements of such an economy. The development of a career “portfolio” means the investment and renewal of the career capital on the path of proactivity.
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Agnieszka Cybal-Michalska
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In the article the author discusses the relationship between education and socio-cultural needs. The socio – cultural reality is the reality of a permanent change. It is difficult to describe and even more difficult to understand. The specific character of qualitatively new changes in the relations between globality and locality implies a completely new perception of reality, ways of interpreting the world, and a new quality of judgments about the condition of the modern man. This reality is also a ”multiplicity of worlds”, which means a large number of possibilities to create oneself. What individuals perceive as their ”own” has the biggest developmental potential when it is worked out on the proactivity path. proactive people are distinguished by interrelated features: the search for a possibility of change (the environment examination, going beyond limitations of a given situation), establishing effective and change oriented goals (opening new paths of action), foreseeing problems and remedia measures (the analysis of one’s own achievements, looking for signals of threats or dangers), looking for new ways of achieving goals (the ambition is to make a new tradition).

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Agnieszka Cybal-Michalska
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In knowledge based economy, which actually reflects the knowledge oriented modern society, career development of its members becomes the key factor, same as investing in career “portfolio”. In the article a career construct is invoked as an individual’s property considering individual career choices, individual career development planning and monitoring strategies. When addressing career related matter, one cannot overlook the issue of subjective meaning given to a career in the context of satisfactory outcome and success achievement experienced by the subject. Cognitively interesting issue addressed by the author are the results of research into evaluation of one’s own chances to succeed from the perspective of university students who are in the transition period from academic education to entering a job market.

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Agnieszka Cybal-Michalska
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Świętochłowice is a town located in a central part of Katowice conurbation (Silesian Voivodeship). The town has been industrially and anthropogenicaly changed, and a large area of it has been turned to postindustrial waste yard. A rich population of Epipactis palustris was discovered in 2001, in a north-westen part of the Świętochłowice district - Chropaczów, on a zinc and colliery heap. The population of Epipactis is numerous and of expanding tendencies.
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Adam Rostański
Monika Michalska
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In the article the Author discusses the problem of works devoted to the January Uprising of 1863, prepared by Polish historians for the 50th anniversary of the event. She asks what was the character of the various publications printed on consecutive anniversaries of the uprising, and - more broadly - what were the social functions of these texts. Answering the question. Author claims that these publications had social role going far beyond the traditional, scientific function of a typical historic text
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Lidia Michalska-Bracha
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Johann Fidalke (1703–1763), a Gdansk pastor and a gymnasium teacher, gathered a substantial collection of books comprising more than 10,000 volumes. After his death, the books were sold during four auctions, and the valuable collection was dispersed. However, owing to an auction catalogue kept in the collections of the Gdansk PAS Library, we may recreate the content of the Gdansk pastor’s collection. Its most considerable part was made up of different editions of the Holy Bible – with a total of 95 editions in 156 volumes. The article provides a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the said Bibles, focusing on the presentation of their languages as well as the places and times of their publication, and their bindings. The article is accompanied by an index, in which the different editions of the Bible in Fidalke’s collection are identified and catalogued in line with the contemporary standards, on the basis of the rudimentary information given in the auction catalogue.
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Maria Otto-Michalska

  1. PAN Biblioteka Gdańska, Dział Zbiorów Specjalnych, Pracownia Starych Druków
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The fusulinid foraminifers of Schellwienia arctica (Schellwien, 1908) have been investigated from Polakkfjellet Mt., south Spitsbergen, and used as biostratigraphic marker for the latest Carboniferous earliest Permian strata of the Treskelodden Formation. A series of thin sections enable to investigate the internal structure and growth pattern of individual specimens. The observed variation of growth suggests dynamic environmental conditions at the investigated location and most likely over one-year long life span of this foraminifer.

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Błażej Błażejowski
Aleksandra Hołda-Michalska
Krzysztof Michalski

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