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The demand for REE was the background to include them to those consisting of the property of the State Treasury in Poland, enumerated in the Geological and Mining Law (Article 10). The PLN 500/kg REE payment for exploitation of REE (exploitation tax) was introduced. Both proposals will restrain the REE recovery from exploited domestic mineral commodities. The term REE is imprecise. Their deposits are rare and may be classified as “REE ore deposits”. The REE are often the accompanying constituents in varied mineral commodities and are recoverable during their processing, outside the mine. The application of an exploitation tax in such a case is inapplicable. The established value of the exploitation tax is incomparably high in respect to the value of the REE contained in mined mineral commodities. The analysis of introduced changes of mining and geological law allow to suggest the reevaluation of ownership based subdivision of mineral commodities: name the mineral commodities belonging to the land property owners and leave the list of mineral commodities consisting property of the State Treasury open. The more careful approach is also necessary in the formulation of Geological and Mining Law. It should be preliminary formulated by persons competent in geology and mining and subsequently adjusted to juridical exigencies.

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Authors and Affiliations

Marek Nieć
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During the period from 1960 to 1990 yr, as a result ofsystematic geological prospecting and exploration, the huge vanadiferous titanomagnetite deposits were discovered and evaluated. The set ofcriteria (balance criteria), introduced in 1974 yr. were used for deposit delineation and resources calculation. The deposits are located at 800--2300 mdepth, has 1.34 billion t resources of ore with average 28% Fe, 7% TiO2 and 0,3% V2Os content. The proposal and design of mine construction had caused strong opposition because of environment protection in Suwałki - Augustow Lake District where the deposits are located. The deposits were discovered in time of increasing demand for vanadium, titanium and iron, the both on international market and in Poland for expanding metallurgy. It promoted exploration and optimistic opinion on deposit value. In the same time however has increased exigencies for iron ore quality and vanadiferous titanomagnetite deposits located close to the surface in South Africa has become the main vanadium supplier to the market. It make necessary to revise the preliminary optimistic deposit evaluations. Titanomagnetite ores are seldom interesting as a source of titanium and iron because of composed technology of their enrichment and metallurgical processing and vague profitability of their extraction. The vanadium is the main valuable component of the ore. The forecasted costs of mining and ore processing and forecasted prices of V2Os, ilmenite and magnetite concentrate allow to calculate the cut off equivalent V2Os content which should be used for deposit delineation. It is 0.73% V2O5. Only 1% of previously indicated ore reserves fulfill that requirement. Comparative analysis of Suwałki deposits with other vanadiferous titanomagnetite deposits recentlymined allow to demonstrate that small amount ofresources which could be supposed economic, located at great depth, make the deposit not interesting for mining as well at present as in the anticipated future. The environment protection is therefore not threatened. The deposits are interesting geological phenomena without practical value at present.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marek Nieć
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“Mineral deposit model”, “deposit modelling” are the terms commonly used, although imprecise. This is often identified as the application of computerized methods to the elaboration and presentation of geological information, in particular for the mining design. Deposit modelling is the mode of presentation of deposit features, which in the meaning of the authors of such presentation, describes the deposit features between the points of observations as best as possible. Deposit modelling has a long history (XVI-XVII centuries), however such a term was not used. Varied methods of cartographic presentation of deposits and their features were proposed. The progress in the presentation of the deposit in space using isolines maps has led to the separation of methods of deposits geometrisation. Over time, a simple mathematical statistics method was used to describe the deposit parameters, followed by geostatistical methods. Some of them were however not commonly used as too troublesome. The computer based approach to the presentation of geological data has an unquestionable value but is accompanied by the possibility of inappropriate formalized and erroneous interpretations and a presentation as to whether the basic rules of geological knowledge were neglected. Deposits modeling is a conceptual task and cannot be fully automated.

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Authors and Affiliations

Edyta Sermet
Jerzy Górecki
Marek Nieć
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Analiza stanu zasobów i ich wykorzystania w przeszłości pozwala na poznanie czynników kształtujących jego zmiany, ułatwić może ich prognozowanie i ocenę stopnia zabezpieczenia przyszłego zapotrzebowania krajowego na surowce. Znaczenie gospodarcze współcześnie w Polsce jako źródło ołowiu i cynku mają złoża: rud Zn-Pb w obszarze śląsko-krakowskim oraz rud miedzi na monoklinie przedsudeckiej, w których ołów występuje jako metal towarzyszący. Górnictwo rud cynku i ołowiu ma na ziemiach polskich wielowiekową tradycję. Do początków XXI w. w złożach śląsko-krakowskich wydobyto około 25–27 mln ton Zn i 7,5–9 mln ton Pb. Zasoby złóż są systematycznie ewidencjonowane od 1952 r. Do lat osiemdziesiątych XX wieku notowany był ich przyrost. O d 1983 roku zaznacza się stały ich ubytek spowodowany wyczerpywaniem zasobów eksploatowanych złóż. Znaczne zmniejszenie wykazywanych zasobów nastąpiło w latach 1991–1993 r. po zmianie kryteriów bilansowości, oraz w latach 2005–2007 po wprowadzeniu do szacowania zasobów metody „okręgów” zamiast wieloboków. Zasoby przemysłowe, kwalifikowane do wydobycia, zmniejszają się systematycznie w wyniku ich eksploatacji i można przewidywać całkowite ich wyczerpanie do 2022 r. W złożach niezagospodarowanych pozostało jeszcze 3 mln cynku i 1,2 mln ton ołowiu i przewiduje się 4–5 mln ton Zn i około 1 mln ton Pb w zasobów prognostycznych. W udokumentowanych złożach rud miedzi wykazywane jest 1,3–1,7 mln t Pb oraz mln to zasobów szacunkowych. Zasoby złóż niezagospodarowanych wymagają lepszego niż dotychczas rozpoznania, a w przypadku zasobów perspektywicznych ich potwierdzenia. Koniec eksploatacji złóż zagospodarowanych powinien być podstawą dla sprecyzowania polityki państwa odnośnie do przyszłości pokrycia zapotrzebowania krajowego na surowce cynku i ołowiu oraz przyszłości wykorzystania krajowej bazy surowcowej.
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Authors and Affiliations

Justyna Auguścik
Marek Nieć
Ewa Salamon
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Ore and non-ore mineralization in cracks filled with hydrocarbons in the dark grey Upper-Devonian limestone has been found in the Józefka quarry of Upper Devonian limestone and dolomite near the Górno village near Kielce at Holy Cross Mts. Poland. Hydrocarbons in the liquid form and iron and copper sulphides appears hear in the fault zone as joints filling. The wall rocks are impregnated by hydrocarbons giving them black color. Hydrocarbon impregnations appears also following the bedding planes The coexistence of ore mineralization and hydrocarbon suggests their common origin and migration from deep-seated sources, that may be the Silurian Ordovician or Lower to Middle Devonian black shales. The metallic-hydrocarbon compounds were suggested as metals carrier.

Ore and non-ore mineralization in cracks filled with hydrocarbons in the dark grey Upper-Devonian limestone has been found in the Józefka quarry of Upper Devonian limestone and dolomite near the Górno village near Kielce at Holy Cross Mts. Poland. Hydrocarbons in the liquid form and iron and copper sulphides appears hear in the fault zone as joints filling. The wall rocks are spotty impregnated by hydrocarbons giving them black color. Hydrocarbon impregnations appears also following the bedding planes The coexistence of ore mineralization and hydrocarbon suggests their common origin and migration from deep-seated sources, that may be the Silurian Ordovician or Lower to Middle Devonian black shales. The metallic-hydrocarbon compounds were suggested as metals carrier.

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Authors and Affiliations

Maciej Pawlikowski
Marek Nieć
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The occurrence of gas confined in shales allows us to consider it as a component of the host rock. During drilling wells, the gas is released into the drilling fluid from finely ground gas-bearing rock particles. The amount of gas released can be determined on the basis of mud-gas logging; in addition, it is possible to determine the gas-content in shales expressed by the volume of gas released per mass unit of rock [m3/ton]. The gas content in the Ordovician and Silurian shales (Sasin formation and Jantar member respectively) in two selected wells in northern Poland was determined using this method. It has been found that clearly distinguishable, highly gas-bearing sections, which are separated by very poorly gas-bearing ones, can be determined in the well log. The increased gas content in shales can be observed in zones generally enriched in TOC. No direct correlation between TOC and gas-bearing capacity was found however, but the structure of TOC variability and the gas-bearing capacity described using variograms is identical. Correlations of the distinguished gas-bearing layers in the wells under consideration suggest a multi-lens or multi-layered reservoir model. The lack of natural boundaries in the shale gas reservoir means that they must be determined arbitrarily based on the assumed marginal gas-bearing capacity. In the case of several gas-bearing zones, numerous variants of interpretation are possible. In any case the low, best and high estimated resources may be evaluated, assigned to each borehole in the area with radii equal to the range of variogram of gas content in horizontal part of the well.

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Authors and Affiliations

Marek Nieć
Angelika Musiał
Justyna Auguścik
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Native sulphur deposits mined using the underground melting method are characterized by a complex structure, which is the result of the many geologic processes which led to their formation.
The resource utilization rate and the consumption of hot water per ton of sulphur are the main criteria of mining effectiveness. They depend on the porosity and permeability of the rocks forming the deposit, the content and mode of occurrence of sulphur (ore texture), and the distribution of rocks with these varying features. Good recognition of geological and hydrogeological deposit features, exploitation results, is important for formulating the rules of controlling the course of exploitation in order to achieve the best recovery of sulphur with the lowest possible water consumption and to reduce operating costs.
Sulphur deposits are characterized by great local and directional variations in their structure and hydrogeological parameters. This makes the melting process irregular. The flow of hot water and melted sulphur is facilitated in certain directions. As a result, the shape, and distribution and form of exploited parts of the deposit are highly variable. Full information about the deposit is necessary for the proper understanding and prediction of processes that occur in the deposit during sulphur melting, for forecasting its effects, and for controlling the exploitation process. This information is obtained through the lithological description of core samples from exploratory and exploitation boreholes, geophysical borehole logging, and surface seismic surveys.
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Authors and Affiliations

Edyta Sermet
Marek Nieć
Przemysław Bokwa

  1. AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland
  2. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland
  3. KD SA w Sandomierzu, Sandomierz, Poland

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