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This article presents the next period in the history of Jadwiga Zamoyska’s School of House Keeping (Szkoła Domowej Pracy Kobiet Jadwigi Zamoyskiej). It was established in 1882 in Kórnik, but as a consequence of oppressive Prussian policy it was moved to Galicia, to Kuźnice near Zakopane, to where the Zamoyski family also moved their residence. When World War I broke out, Jadwiga Zamoyska and her children – Władysław and Mary – stayed in Paris. They could not return to the Austro-Hungarian monarchy because they were French citizens. Zamoyska could supervise the school and give advice in various matters only by mail. It was also difficult to financially support the school, because most of her landed properties were located in Prussian Poland. Besides these hardships, the school could still function, though the number of teachers and schoolgirls diminished. Under the circumstances, the school’s personnel offered a shelter to war refugees and orphans. As the main aim of this school one can point to the upbringing of the schoolgirls in the Catholic faith and the shaping of their personality in such a spirit. The school programme was focused on developing practical skills (cooking, sewing, gardening, farming, etc.) as well as general knowledge in mathematics, humanities and the natural sciences (with special reference to the history of Poland, aesthetic needs were fulfilled by classes in singing and drawing as well as physical education).

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Authors and Affiliations

Zofia Nowak
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The purpose of the “Zakłady Kórnickie” Foundation was to assure fi nancial basis for the institutions founded by Jadwiga and Władysław Zamojski. In the law passed in 1925 the first place among the aims of the Foundation was held by “maintenance and development of The Housework School for Women”. The Foundation, however, was not performing this legal obligation properly. Preliminary school budgets were set at a level that was too low and the funds were paid too late and not to the full amount. This disorganized life at the School. There was not enough money to pay employees’ salaries on time, income tax, health insurance etc. were likewise was not paid. It was necessary to request for loans, buy food and coal on credit, etc. Drastic savings were made at the cost of the School during the great economic crisis. In 1931 two of the three courses run by the School were closed. The situation began to improve in the School year 1934/35. In 1937, besides the traditional course, a two-years’ high school of economics was inaugurated. In 1938 complete reconstruction of the School buildings was started but the outbreak of the war prevented its completion.

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Authors and Affiliations

Zofia Nowak
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Although Svalbard archipelago is considered as a natural laboratory for the environmental studies in the High Arctic, the knowledge on the transport and diversity of bioaerosols (aeroplankton) in the atmosphere is poorly recognized. To improve our knowledge about the aeroplankton over the Svalbard, we conducted a short-term study in the central part of the archipelago with a special focus on two important, but understudied in this region, airborne components: pollen grains and invertebrates. Aerobiological traps, three impact-type samplers and 12 pitfall-type water traps, were operated for a week of July 2022 at three sites located near Longyearbyen, the largest settlement of Svalbard. These sites, that is, Platåfjellet, Longyearbreen Glacier, and glacier valley, varied in the local sources of biological material and altitude. In total, 11 pollen taxa were isolated from pollen impactors. Most of them (68%) belonged to non-native plants, for example, Alnus sp., Betula sp., Picea abies, or Pinus sylvestris-type pollen. In pitfall-type water traps, we found invertebrates representing Acari (Prostigmata, Endeostigmata and Oribatida), Collembola ( Agrenia bidenticulata), Tardigrada (Eutardigrada) and Rotifera (Bdelloidea). The most taxa-rich site, both for pollen and invertebrates, was Platåfjellet, characterized by open landscape dominated by small cryptogams, mainly lichens and mosses, and sparse patches of vascular plants. Even though our sampling was short-term, we found diverse taxa belonged to native and alien species, indicating that both local and long-range transport shape aeroplankton composition and seeding of Arctic habitats. Long-term aerobiological monitoring in diverse ecosystems of Svalbard is needed to understand spatio-temporal influence of aeroplankton on ecosystems.
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Authors and Affiliations

Łukasz Grewling
Ronald Laniecki
Mikołaj Jastrzębski
Julia Borkowska
Zofia Marek
Katarzyna Kondrat
Zofia Nowak
Michał Zacharyasiewicz
Marcelina Małecka
Barbara Valle
2 3
Beata Messyasz
Krzysztof Zawierucha

  1. Faculty of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University, ul. Uniwersytetu Poznańskiego 6, 61-614 Poznań, Poland
  2. Department of Life Sciences, Università degli Studi di Siena, Via A. Moro 2, 53100 Siena, Italy
  3. NBFC, National Biodiversity Future Center, Palermo, Italy

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