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A comprehensive assessment of buildings in accordance with the concept of sustainable development requires their analysis in three economic, environmental and social aspects. J It is a multi-criteria assessment, which takes into account many factors and their significance for the purpose of this assessment. Due to the complexity of this assessment, it can be performed due to a particular aspect, and the result obtained is a component of the global quality indicator as an additive function. The article presents the results of research conducted in large-panel buildings (LPB) enabling their assessment due to the social aspect. It is particularly important in the assessment of residential buildings, and the existing large resources of LPB are the basis for choosing them for such assessment According to the PN-EN 16309 + A1: 2014-12 standard, during conducting a social assessment of buildings, six main categories should be taken into account, which include: accessibility, adaptability, health and comfort, impact on the neighborhood, maintenance and maintainability, safety and security. The presented data was obtained as a result of the analysis of the features of selected buildings from the “large panel” located in housing estates in Cracow and Jędrzejów using a computer application. It is based on a mathematical model that was developed as part of a doctoral dissertation.
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Authors and Affiliations

Aleksandra Radziejowska
Anna Sobotka

  1. AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow, Department of Geomechanics, Civil Engineering and Geotechnics, Av. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Cracow, Poland
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Paper presents the issue related to the selection of slab formwork taking into account the criteria that are currently the most important The in the process of the construction project execution. The analysis included selected, modern system solutions, which significantly accelerate the tempo of reinforced concrete works and, as a consequence, increase the effectiveness of the construction project execution. The innovative system of drop heads, which the analysed slab formwork is equipped with, is offered by various formwork producers. The offered solutions, however, differ not only in the construction of the drophead itself, but also in the arrangement and variety of other system elements, as well as the scheme of their operation, which may ultimately significantly affect the effectiveness of their application. For that reason, the choice of formwork for specific buildings should be made from among carefully analysed several variants of the wide market offer. The paper presents the results of analysis and evaluation of formwork systems with dropheads according to the proposed methodology, including multi-criteria analysis.

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Authors and Affiliations

Aleksandra Radziejowska
Anna Sobotka
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This article addresses the issue of reducing carbon footprint in construction production. It focuses on the sources and factors of greenhouse gas emissions responsible for climate change. The construction sector plays a significant role in generating carbon footprint, both in the manufacturing of construction products within supply chains and during the execution of construction work on-site. The identified factors that influence carbon footprint throughout the lifecycle of a construction project and the life of a building are examined and analysed using the DEMATEL method. The research aims to identify causal relationships among factors that contribute to minimising carbon footprint in construction projects. The factors with the highest causal impact are identified in each phase of the building’s lifecycle, including Building Information Modelling (BIM), appropriate selection of construction products, and regulatory and financial incentives. The results of the analysis can be utilised to support decision-making processes aimed at reducing harmful emissions during project realisation and building operation.
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Authors and Affiliations

Katarzyna Kryzia
Aleksandra Radziejowska
Anna Sobotka

  1. AGH University Of Krakow, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Resource Management, al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland
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The construction and operation of buildings is characterized by resource intensity in the form of massive consumption of raw materials and products, large financial and human labor expenditures, energy consumption, water consumption, long term, and significant environmental impacts, especially during their use. The currently implemented concept of sustainable development and circular economy influences the directions of development of construction industry and increases interest in self-sufficient buildings, especially in terms of energy, use of closed water circuits, use of waste materials. The aim of the article is to analyse the key determinants for the development of autonomous buildings. The general idea is that an autonomous building is designed to function without the support and services provided by public facilities, such as power, water, gas and sewage networks, waste management, and even the provision of food. On the basis of literature analysis and expert interviews, the factors characterizing this type of construction were determined. Their analysis by means of the DEMATEL method allowed to assess and indicate the most significant cause-and effect relationships conditioning the development of autonomous buildings.
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Authors and Affiliations

Aleksandra Mach
Joanna Sagan
Anna Sobotka

  1. AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Resource Management, Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland
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Environmental protection is one of the objectives of the implemented concept of sustainable development and circular economy. The construction industry and its products (building objects) have a large contribution in negative influences, therefore all actions limiting them are necessary. One way of doing this is to apply substitution to existing unfavourable solutions, both in terms of construction and materials as well as technology and organization. The aim of the article was to determine the key factors conditioning the use of substitution at each stage of the investment and construction cycle, leading to environmental protection. The research paid attention to the use of substitute recycled products. The defined factors were subjected to a SWOT analysis and then, using the DEMATEL method, cause-andeffect relationships were identified that determine development in the application of substitution in the environmental context of sustainable and closed-cycle construction. The analysis was carried out by using a summative, linear aggregation of the values of the position and relationship indicators.
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Authors and Affiliations

Anna Sobotka
Kazimierz Linczowski
Aleksandra Radziejowska

  1. AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Resource Management, Department of Geomechanics, Civil Engineering and Geotechnics, Av. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Cracow, Poland

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