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B a c k g r o u n d: The anatomy of arteries supplying blood to the brain often varies among the population. It applies particularly to posterior cerebral circulation. The impact of its anatomy variabilities on the formation of intracranial aneurysms has not been determined yet. The aim was to find out if posterior cerebral circulation anatomy variations coexist with basilar artery aneurysms (BAAs). We retrospectively analyzed 27 patients with BAA and a group of 30 patients matched by gender and age but without BAA. In both groups together most (66.67%) of patients were female and the average age was 59.75 ± 10.91. All of the patients had Computed Tomography performed. We assessed the occurrence of BAA, basilar artery (BA) diameter, vertebral artery (VA) diameter, posterior cerebral artery (PCA) diameter, and if patients had hypoplastic VA or PCA.
R e s u l t s: The presence of right VA hypoplasia significantly increased the risk of BAA occurrence (48.15% vs. 16.67%; p = 0.011). The occurrence of hypoplastic VA on either side was significantly associated with the risk of BAA formation (59.26% vs. 26.67%; p = 0.013). Patients with BAA had slightly larger left PCA diameter 1cm after division (1.96 ± 0.51 vs. 1.64 ± 0.42; p = 0.014) in comparison to those without BAA. Additionally, hypoplastic right PCA occurred more often in patients with BAA (22.22% vs. 0%; p = 0.022).
C o n c l u s i o n s: We can conclude that the anatomy of PCA and VA affects the occurrence of BAA. Hypoplastic VA, the presence of wider left PCA and hypoplastic right PCA may be factors that coexist with BAA occurrence.

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Authors and Affiliations

Małgorzata E. Czuba
Maciej J. Frączek
Katarzyna Ciuk
Jakub Polak
Piotr Gabryś
Paweł Brzegowy
Andrzej Urbanik

  1. Students’ Scientific Group at Department of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland
  2. Department of Radiology, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland
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Purpose: The purpose of this research is to defi ne the total number of septa and the total number of antra in the sphenoid sinuses (created as a result of the presence of additional septa), as well as the relation between the number of the septa and their location in the adult population.

Materials and Methods: The study was conducted as a retrospective analysis of the computed tomography (CT) scans of the paranasal sinuses of 296 patients (147 females and 149 males), who did not present any pathology in the sphenoid sinuses. The CT scans of the paranasal sinuses were done with the spiral CT scanner (Siemens Somatom Sensation 16) by using a standard procedure, in the option Siemens CARE Dose 4D, without using any contrast medium. After obtaining the transverse planes, the frontal and sagittal planes were created using secondary reconstruction tool (multiplans reconstruction — MPR).

Results: The analysis of the obtained images in the transverse plane and secondary CT reconstructions has shown the presence of only one sphenoid septum (main septum — MS) in 21.96% of the patients, which divided the sphenoid sinus into two sphenoid antra. In 78.04% of the patients, there were more than one sphenoid septa present in the posterior part of the sphenoid sinuses, hence there were additional septa (AS) present. One AS was present in 22.97% of the patients. The most common variant — two AS — was found in 32.09% of the cases. The presence of more than two AS was found in the following number of patients: three AS in 9.8%, four AS in 7.09%, five AS in 1.69%, six AS in 3.04% and seven AS in 1.01%. Th e rarest variant was the presence of more than seven AS: eight AS in 0.34% and nine AS also in 0.34%. Th ere were no sphenoid sinuses that would have more than nine AS in the researched material.

Conclusions: Due to the high incidence of the anatomical variants of the paranasal sinuses, a CT scan is recommended in all patients before a planned surgery in order to avoid the potential complications that might arise as a result of the complicated structure of the paranasal sinuses.

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Authors and Affiliations

Joanna Jaworek-Troć
Michał Zarzecki
Izabela Mróz
Paweł Troć
Robert Chrzan
Jarosław Zawiliński
Jerzy Walocha
Andrzej Urbanik
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The purpose of this study was to examine the height of the main septum (MS) in the sphenoid sinuses and its type, depending on the percentage prevalence of its tissue composition (osseous and membranous) in the adult population.
M a t e r i a l s a n d M e t h o d s: A retrospective analysis of 296 computed tomography (CT) scans (147 females, 149 males) of the paranasal sinuses was conducted. The patients did not present any pathology in the sphenoid sinuses. The CT scans of the paranasal sinuses were carried out with a spiral CT scanner (Siemens Somatom Sensation 16) in a standard procedure, in the option Siemens CARE Dose 4D. No contrast medium was used. Having obtained the transversal planes, a secondary reconstruction tool (multiplans reconstruction — MPR) was used in furtherance of gleaning sagittal and frontal planes.
R e s u l t s: In all cases, the height of the MS was measured by using a straight line running parallel to the course of the septum (when the MS was regarded as straight) or curved (when the MS was regarded as irregularly shaped). The average height of the MS was 2.1 ± 0.41 cm in the whole research group. Completely osseous MS was found in 32.77% of the patients. In 63.85% of them, the MS was partially membranous. The rarest was the MS which was not even partially ossified —a membranous type, that was observed in 3.38% of the patients.
C o n c l u s i o n s: Variant anatomy of the paranasal sinuses may lead to complications encountered during a surgery, hence a CT scan is advised before the planned treatment.

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Authors and Affiliations

Joanna Jaworek-Troć
1 2
Michał Zarzecki
Izabela Zamojska
Robert Chrzan
Anna Curlej- Wądrzyk
Joe Iwanaga
Jerzy Walocha
Andrzej Urbanik

  1. Department of Anatomy, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland
  2. Department of Radiology, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland
  3. Department of Integrated Dentistry, Institute of Dentistry Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland
  4. Department of Neurosurgery, School of Medicine, Tulane University, New Orleans, USA
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The purpose of the research was to define the frequency prevalence of the incorporation of sphenoid sinuses’ septum / septa in the carotid canal of the adult population.
M a t e r i a l s and M e t h o d s: 296 computed tomography (CT) scans of the patients (147 females, 149 males), who did not present any pathology in the sphenoid sinuses, were evaluated in this retrospective analysis. Spiral CT scanner — Siemens Somatom Sensation 16 — was used to glean the medical images. Standard procedure applied in the option Siemens CARE Dose 4D. No contrast medium was administered. Multiplans reconstruction (MPR) tool was used in order to obtain frontal and sagittal planes from the transverse planes previously received.
R e s u l t s: Bilateral incorporation of the main septum (MS) in the carotid canal was not present in any of the patients, whereas unilateral incorporation was noticed in 21.96% of the patients (17.68% females, 26.17% males). On the right side it occurred in 11.82% of cases (10.88% females, 12.75% males), and on the left side in 10.14% of cases (6.8% females, 13.42% males). Bilateral incorporation of the additional septum (AS) was found in 8.45% of the patients (4.08% females, 12.75% males), whereas unilateral incorporation was noted in 28.37% of the patients. It was seen on the right side in 11.82% of cases (12.93% females, 10.74% males), and on the left side in 16.55% cases (15.65% females, 17.45% males). The most common variant was the incorporation of only one of the septa (either the MS or the AS) in the wall of the carotid canal unilaterally. Such situation took place in 30.07% of the patients (29.25% females, 30.87% males).
Incorporation of two septa on the same side was noticed in 4.39% of cases (4.08% females, 4.7% males), and incorporation of three septa in 0.34% of cases (0.7% males).
C o n c l u s i o n s: The anatomy of the paranasal sinuses is varied to a great extent, hence performing a CT scan is crucial before the scheduled surgery, as it may lessen the unforeseeable surgical complications, that may result from the high prevalence of variants in the sinuses.

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1. Jaworek-Troć J., Zarzecki M., Bonczar A., Kaythampillai L.N., Rutowicz B., Mazur M., Urbaniak J., Przybycień W., Piątek-Koziej K., Kuniewicz M., Lipski M., Kowalski W., Skrzat J., Loukas M., Walocha J.: Sphenoid bone and its sinus — anatomo-clinical review of the literature including application to FESS. Folia Med Crac. 2019; 59 (2): 45–59. doi: 10.24425/fmc.2019.128453.
2. Jaworek-Troć J., Zarzecki M., Mróz I., Troć P., Chrzan R., Zawiliński J., Walocha J., Urbanik A.: The total number of septa and antra in the sphenoid sinuses — evaluation before the FESS. Folia Med Crac. 2018; 58 (3): 67–81. doi: 10.24425/fmc.2018.125073.
3. Jaworek-Troć J., Iwanaga J., Chrzan R., Zarzecki J.J., Żmuda P., Pękala A., Tomaszewska I.M., Tubbs R.S., Zarzecki M.P.: Anatomical variations of the main septum of the sphenoidal sinus and its importance during transsphenoidal approaches to the sella turcica. Translational Research in Anatomy. 2020 Nov; 21: 100079,
4. Abdullah B.J., Arasaratnam A., Kumar G., Gopala K.: The sphenoid sinuses: computed tomographic assessment of septation, relationship to the internal carotid arteries and sidewall thickness in the Malaysian population. J HK Coll Radiol. 2001; 4: 185–188.
5. Eryilmaz A., Ozeri C., Bayiz U., Samim E., Gocmen H., Akmansu H., Safak M.A., Dursun E.: Functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS). Turk J Med Res. 1993; 11 (5): 221–223.
6. Haetinger R.G., Navarro J.A.C., Liberti E.A.: Basilar expansion of the human sphenoidal sinu: an integrated anatomical and computerized tomography study. Eur Radiol. 2006; 16: 2092–2099.
7. Kantarci M., Karasen R.M., Alper F., Onbas O., Okur A., Karaman A.: Remarkable anatomic variantions in paranasal sinus region and their clinical importance. European Journal of Radiology. 2004; 50: 296–302.
8. Kazkayasi M., Karadeniz Y., Arikan O.K.: Anatomic variations of the sphenoid sinus on computed tomography. Rhinology. 2005; 43: 109–114.
9. Keast A., Yelavich S., Dawes P., Lyons B.: Anatomical variations of the paranasal sinuses in Polynesian and New Zealand European computerized tomography scans. Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. 2008; 139: 216–221.
10. Mafee M.F., Chow J.M., Meyers R.: Functional endoscopic sinus surgery: anatomy, CT screening, indications and complications. AJR. 1993; 160: 735–744.
11. Mutlu C., Unlu H.H., Goktan C., Tarhan S., Egrilmez M.: Radiologic anatomy of the sphenoid sinus for intranasal surgery. Rhinology. 2001; 39: 128–132.
12. Perez-Pinas I., Sabate J., Carmona A., Catalina-Herrera C.J., Jimenez-Castellanos J.: Anatomical variations in the human paranasal sinus region studied by CT. J Anat. 2000; 197: 221–227.
13. Sareen D., Agarwail A.K., Kaul J.M., Sethi A.: Study of sphenoid sinus anatomy in relation to endoscopic surgery. Int. J Morphol. 2005; 23 (3): 261–266.
14. Terra E.R., Guedes F.R., Manzi F.R., Boscolo F.N.: Pneumatization of the sphenoid sinus. Dentomaxillofacial Radiology. 2006; 35: 47–49.
15. Becker D.G.: The minimally invasive, endoscopic approach to sinus surgery. Journal of Long-Term Effects of Medical Implants. 2003; 13 (3): 207–221.
16. Bogusławska R.: Badanie zatok przynosowych metoda tomografii komputerowej dla celów chirurgii endoskopowej. Warszawa 1995.
17. Krzeski A., Osuch-Wójcikiewicz E., Szwedowicz P., Tuszyńska A.: Chirurgia endoskopowa w leczeniu guzów jam nosa i zatok przynosowych. Mag ORL. 2004; 3 (3): 79–84.
18. Kapur E., Kapidzic A., Kulenovic A., Sarajlic L., Sahinovic A., Sahinovic M.: Septation oft he sphenoid sinus and ist clinical significance. International Journal of Collaborative Research on Internal Medicine & Public Health. 2012; 4 (10): 1793–1802.
19. Fernandez-Miranda J.C., Prevedello D.M., Madhok R., Morera V., Barges-Coll J., Reineman K., Snyderman C.H., Gardner P., Carrau R., Kassam A.B.: Sphenoid septations and their relationship with internal carotid arteries: anatomical and radiological study. Laryngoscope. 2009; 119: 1893–1896.
20. Sethi D.S., Stanley R.E., Pillay P.K.: Endoscopic anatomy of the sphenoid sinus and sella turcica. The Journal of Laryngology and Otology. 1995; 109: 951–955.
21. Lupascu M., Comsa Gh.I., Zainea V.: Anatomical variations of the sphenoid sinus — a study of 200 cases. ARS Medica Tomitana. 2014; 2 (77): 57–62.
22. Bademci G., Unal B.: Surgical importance of neurovascular relationships of paranasal sinus region. Turkish Neurosurgery. 2005; 15 (2): 93–96.
23. Elwany S., Elsaeid I., Thabet H.: Endoscopic anatomy of the sphenoid sinus. The Journal of Laryngology and Otology. 1999; 113: 122–126.
24. Anusha B., Baharudin A., Philip R., Harvinder S., Mohd Shaffie B., Ramiza R.R.: Anatomical variants of surgically important landmarks in the sphenoid sinus: a radiologic study in Southeast Asian patients. Surg Radiol Anat. 2015; 37: 1182–1190.
25. Hamid O., El Fiky L., Hassan O., Kotb A., El Fiky S.: Anatomic variations of the sphenoid sinus and their impact on trans-sphenoid pituitary surgery. Skull Base. 2008; 18 (1): 9–15.
26. Stokovic N., Trkulja V., Dumic-Cule I., Cukovic-Bagic I., Lauc T., Vukicevic S., Grgurevic L.: Sphenoid sinus types, dimensions and relationship with surrounding structures. Ann Anat. 2016; 203: 69–76.
27. Tan H.M., Chong V.F.H.: CT of the paranasal sinuses: normal anatomy, variations and pathology. CME Radiology. 2001; 2 (3): 120–125.
28. Jaworek-Troć J., Walocha J.A., Chrzan R., Żmuda P., Zarzecki J.J., Pękala A., Depukat P., Kucharska E., Lipski M., Curlej-Wądrzyk A., Zarzecki M.P.: Protrusion of the carotid canal into the sphenoid sinuses: evaluation before endonasal endoscopic sinus surgery. Folia Morph. 2020 (Ahead of print). doi: 10.5603/FM.a2020.0086.
29. Jaworek-Troć J., Walocha J.A., Loukas M., Tubbs R.S., Iwanaga J., Zawiliński J., Brzegowy K., Zarzecki J.J., Curlej-Wądrzyk A., Kucharska E., Burdan F., Janda P., Zarzecki M.P.: Extensive pneumatisation of the sphenoid bone — anatomical investigation of the recesses of the sphenoid sinuses and their clinical importance. Folia Morph. 2020 (Ahead of print). doi: 10.5603/FM.a2020.0120.
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Authors and Affiliations

Joanna Jaworek-Troć
1 2
Michał Zarzecki
Dariusz Lusina
Tomasz Gładysz
Paweł Depukat
Agata Mazurek
Wojciech Twardokęs
Anna Curlej- Wądrzyk
Joe Iwanaga
Ewa Walocha
Robert Chrzan
Andrzej Urbanik

  1. Department of Anatomy, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland
  2. Department of Radiology, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland
  3. Department of Dental Surgery, Institute of Dentistry, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland
  4. Department of Histology, Cytophysiology and Embryology, Faculty of Medicine in Zabrze, University of Technology in Katowice, Zabrze, Poland
  5. Department of Integrated Dentistry, Institute of Dentistry, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland
  6. Department of Neurosurgery, Tulane University, New Orleans, USA
  7. Department of Clinical Nursing, Institute of Nursing and Obstetrics, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland
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The purpose of this study was to determine the course of the main septum (MS) in the sphenoid sinuses in the adult population.

Materials and Methods: 296 patients (147 females, 149 males), who did not present any pathology in the paranasal sinuses, were included in this retrospective analysis of the computed tomography (CT) scans. Spiral CT scanner (Siemens Somatom Sensation 16) was used in order to glean the images of the paranasal sinuses, using standard procedure, in the option Siemens CARE Dose 4D, without using any contrast medium. Secondary reconstructions of the sagittal and frontal planes were obtained using multi-plans reconstruction (MPR) tool after obtaining transverse planes in the first instance.

Results: The course of the MS changed the most often from the anterior to the posterior part of the sphenoid sinuses. Such situation took place in 83.78% of the patients, in 32.43% of whom a clear shift to the lateral side was noticed only in the posterior part of the MS: in 18.24% of the patients to the right side, and in 14.19% of the patients to the left side. In 17.57% of the patients the lateral shift was visible in both anterior and posterior parts of the septum, where in 9.46% of the patients it was from the left side to the right, whereas in 8.11% of the patients the shift took place from the right side to the left. The MS had the shape of the letter ‘C’ in 22.29% of the cases, and 11.82% had the typical shape of the letter ‘C,’ and in 10.47% of the patients it paralleled the inverted letter ‘C’ (upside down). Amongst the types of the MS shifting directions the rarest was the MS that resembled the letter ‘S’ — 11.48% of the patients. In 5.74% of the cases it looked like the typical letter ‘S,’ and in 5.74% of the cases it was similar to the inverted letter ‘S.’ Only 16.22% of the cases had the MS that did not change its course nor its shape and ran medially in the sagittal plane from the anterior to the posterior part of the sinuses.

Conclusions: In furtherance of reducing the risk of problems occurring during a surgery in the paranasal sinuses, it is prudent to have a CT scan done in all the patients beforehand, due to the high prevalence of the anatomical variations in the sinuses.

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1. Jaworek-Troć J., Zarzecki M., Bonczar A., Kaythampillai L.N., Rutowicz B., Mazur M., Urbaniak J., Przybycień W., Piątek-Koziej K., Kuniewicz M., Lipski M., Kowalski W., Skrzat J., Loukas M., Walocha J.: Sphenoid bone and its sinus — anatomo-clinical review of the literature including application to FESS. Folia Med Crac. 2019; 59 (2): 45–59.
2. Jaworek-Troć J., Zarzecki M., Mróz I., Troć P., Chrzan R., Zawiliński J., Walocha J., Urbanik A.: The total number of septa and antra in the sphenoid sinuses — evaluation before the FESS. Folia Med Crac. 2018; 58 (3): 67–81.
3. Jaworek-Troć J., Iwanaga J., Chrzan R., Zarzecki J.J., Żmuda P., Pękala A., Tomaszewska I.M., Tubbs R.S., Zarzecki M.P.: Anatomical variations of the main septum of the sphenoidal sinus and its importance during transsphenoidal approaches to the sella turcica. Transl Res Anat. 2020; 21: 100079.
4. Jaworek-Troć J., Walocha J.A., Chrzan R., Żmuda P., Zarzecki J.J., Pękala A., Depukat P., Kucharska E., Lipski M., Curlej-Wądrzyk A., Zarzecki M.P.: Protrusion of the carotid canal into the sphenoid sinuses: evaluation before endonasal endoscopic sinus surgery. Folia Morph. 2020 (Ahead of print). doi: 10.5603/FM.a2020.0086.
5. Jaworek-Troć J., Walocha J.A., Loukas M., Tubbs R.S., Iwanaga J., Zawiliński J., Brzegowy K., Zarzecki J.J., Curlej-Wądrzyk A., Kucharska E., Burdan F., Janda P., Zarzecki M.P.: Extensive pneumatisation of the sphenoid bone — anatomical investigation of the recesses of the sphenoid sinuses and their clinical importance. Folia Morph. 2020 (Ahead of print). doi: 10.5603/FM.a2020.0120.
6. Jaworek-Troć J., Zarzecki M., Zamojska I., Chrzan R., Curlej-Wądrzyk A., Iwanaga J., Walocha J., Urbanik A.: The height and type of the main septum in the sphenoid sinuses — evaluation before the fess. Folia Med Crac. 2020; 60 (3): 65–74.
7. Jaworek-Troć J., Zarzecki M., Lusina D., Gładysz T., Depukat P., Mazurek A., Twardokęs W., Curlej- Wądrzyk A., Iwanaga J., Walocha E., Chrzan R., Urbanik A.: Incorporation of the sphenoid sinuses’ septum / septa in the carotid canal — evaluation before the fess. Folia Med Crac. 2020; 60 (4): 65–78.
8. Jaworek-Troć J., Zarzecki M., Zamojska I., Iwanaga J., Przybycień W., Mazur M., Chrzan R., Walocha J.A.: The dimensions of the sphenoid sinuses — evaluation before the functional endoscopic sinus surgery. Folia Morph. 2021; 80 (2): 275–282.
9. Jaworek-Troć J., Walocha J.A., Skrzat J., Iwanaga J., Tubbs R.S., Mazur M., Lipski M., Curlej-Wądrzyk A., Gładysz T., Chrzan R., Urbanik A., Zarzecki M.P.: A computed tomography comprehensive evaluation of the ostium of the sphenoid sinus and its clinical significance. Folia Morph. 2021 (Ahead of print). doi: 10.5603/FM.a2021.0063.
10. Tesfaye S., Hamba N., Gerbi A., Negeri Z.: Radio-anatomic variability in the sphenoid sinus pneumatization with its relationship to adjacent anatomical structures and their impact upon reduction of complications following endonasal transsphenoidal surgeries. Transl Res Anat. 2021; 24: 100126.
11. Carvey M., Baek W.K., Hage R.: Bridging the divide: The widening gap between basic science and clinical research. Transl Res Anat. 2021; 24: 100117.
12. Abdullah B.J., Arasaratnam A., Kumar G., Gopala K.: The sphenoid sinuses: computed tomographic assessment of septation, relationship to the internal carotid arteries and sidewall thickness in the Malaysian population. J HK Coll Radiol. 2001; 4: 185–188.
13. Eryilmaz A., Ozeri C., Bayiz U., Samim E., Gocmen H., Akmansu H., Safak M.A., Dursun E.: Functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS). Turk J Med Res. 1993; 11 (5): 221–223.
14. Haetinger R.G., Navarro J.A.C., Liberti E.A.: Basilar expansion of the human sphenoidal sinus: an integrated anatomical and computerized tomography study. Eur Radiol. 2006; 16: 2092–2099.
15. Kantarci M., Karasen R.M., Alper F., Onbas O., Okur A., Karaman A.: Remarkable anatomic variantions in paranasal sinus region and their clinical importance. Eur J Radiol. 2004; 50: 296–302.
16. Kazkayasi M., Karadeniz Y., Arikan O.K.: Anatomic variations of the sphenoid sinus on computed tomography. Rhinology. 2005; 43: 109–114.
17. Keast A., Yelavich S., Dawes P., Lyons B.: Anatomical variations of the paranasal sinuses in Polynesian and New Zealand European computerized tomography scans. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2008; 139: 216–221.
18. Mafee M.F., Chow J.M., Meyers R.: Functional endoscopic sinus surgery: anatomy, CT screening, indications and complications. AJR. 1993; 160: 735–744.
19. Mutlu C., Unlu H.H., Goktan C., Tarhan S., Egrilmez M.: Radiologic anatomy of the sphenoid sinus for intranasal surgery. Rhinology. 2001; 39: 128–132.
20. Perez-Pinas I., Sabate J., Carmona A., Catalina-Herrera C.J., Jimenez-Castellanos J.: Anatomical variations in the human paransal sinus region studied by CT. J Anat. 2000; 197: 221–227.
21. Terra E.R., Guedes F.R., Manzi F.R., Boscolo F.N.: Pneumatization oft he sphenoid sinus. Dentomaxillofacial Radiology. 2006; 35: 47–49.
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24. Becker D.G.: The minimally invasive, endoscopic approach to sinus surgery. Journal of Long-Term Effects of Medical Implants. 2003; 13 (3): 207–221.
25. Bogusławska R.: Badanie zatok przynosowych metoda tomografii komputerowej dla celów chirurgii endoskopowej. Warszawa 1995.
26. Anusha B., Baharudin A., Philip R., Harvinder S., Mohd Shaffie B., Ramiza R.R.: Anatomical variants of surgically important landmarks in the sphenoid sinus: a radiologic study in Southeast Asian patients. Surg Radiol Anat. 2015; 37: 1182–1190.
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Authors and Affiliations

Joanna Jaworek-Troć
1 2
Michał Zarzecki
Wojciech Przybycień
Marcin Lipski
Anna Curlej-Wądrzy
Joe Iwanaga
Jerzy Walocha
Agata Mazurek
Robert Chrzan
Andrzej Urbanik

  1. Department of Anatomy, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland
  2. Department of Radiology, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland
  3. Department of Integrated Dentistry, Institute of Dentistry, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland
  4. Department of Neurosurgery, Tulane University, New Orleans, USA

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