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Effect of annealing treatment on deep drawing behavior of hot-rolled Q235 carbon steel/410/304 stainless steel three-layer composite plate was investigated. Deep drawability of the unannealed composite plates exhibits a sharp difference for various contact surfaces with the die. The limit drawing ratio (LDR) of the composite plate with the carbon steel contacting the die is 1.75, while it is 1.83 with the stainless steel contacting the die due to the different mechanical responses to the tensile stress at the corner of the die. After annealing at 900°C for 2 h, however, the deep drawabilities of the composite plates both for various contact surfaces with the die are significantly improved and becomes almost identical, which are attributed to the stress relief, the enhanced ductility and the improved interface bonding strength of the hot-rolled component plates during annealing.
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Authors and Affiliations

Zehua Lv
1 2 3
Zhixiong Zhang
1 2 3
Jianchao Han
1 2 3
Tao Wang
1 2 3

  1. Taiyuan University of Technology, College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering, Taiyuan 030024, PR China
  2. Taiyuan University of Technology, Engineering Research Center of Advanced Metal Composites Forming Technology and Equipment, Ministry of Education, Taiyuan 030024, PR China
  3. Taiyuan University of Technology, Tyut-Uow Joint Research Centre, Taiyuan 030024, PR China
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Ultrasonic assisted active-passive filling friction stir repairing (A-PFFSR) was proposed to repair volume defects in the metallic parts. Sound joints without interfacial defects could be achieved. Firstly, the ultrasonic was beneficial to improving material flow and atom diffusion, and then eliminated kissing bond defects compared to conventional A-PFFSR joints. Secondly, the equiaxed grains were refined by ultrasonic vibration. Lastly, the repairing passes were reduced due to the ultrasonic, which decreased softening degree of the repaired joints. The maximum tensile strength of 150 MPa was achieved. Therefore, this strategy to repair the volume defects is feasibility and potential in the remanufacturing fields of aerospace and transportation.

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Authors and Affiliations

Tao Wang
Xue Gong
Shude Ji
Gang Xue
Zan Lv
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The relative sensitivity analysis method is important in the field of vehicle lightweighting. Combined with optimization algorithms, experiment of design (DOE), etc., it can efficiently explore the impact of unit mass of components on performance and search for components with lightweight space. However, this method does not take into account the size level of each component and the order of magnitude differences in sensitivity under different operating conditions. Therefore, this paper proposed a sensitivity hierarchical comparative analysis method, on the basis of which the thicknesses of 10 groups of components were screened out as design variables by considering the lightweighting effect,cab performance, and passive safety. Through the optimal Latin hypercube method, 70 groups of sample points were extracted to carry out the experimental design, the Kriging surrogate model was established and the NSGA-II genetic algorithm was used to obtain the Pareto optimal solution set, and ultimately a weight reduction of 13.13 kg was realized under the premise that the entire performance of the cab improved.
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Authors and Affiliations

Yiqun Wang
Di Li
Dongze Wu
Yukuan Li
Tao Wang
Xiaokun Wang
Shaoxun Liu

  1. Shandong University of Technology, China
  2. Rongcheng Compaks New Energy Automobile Co., Ltd., China
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In recent years, some expressway tunnels have started broadcasting warning sounds, such as fire alarms, to improve driver attention and traffic safety. However, there is few research on it, and in contrast to previous studies, we have considered different evaluation indices and through field measurement to determine the effectiveness of this practice. The characteristics of three warning sound signals, i.e., fire alarm, dynamic music, and voice command, in a tunnel were analyzed usingMATLAB. Considering pupil diameter and blink duration as evaluation indexes, the change in the mental state of the driver after hearing a warning sound was analyzed. Based on Markov chain theory, the change in the gaze region and gaze shift of the driver under the condition of a warning sound was analyzed. Results shows fire alarms and voice commands can increase the mental load of drivers, but the degree of impact was not determined. Dynamic music does not affect the mental load of the driver. The fire alarm and dynamic music attracted the attention of the driver; conversely, as the voice command warns the driver to focus on safety, it did not impact the attention of the driver. The research results provide a scientific reference for the selection of warning sounds in expressway tunnels and new research ideas for the prevention of traffic injuries in expressway tunnels.
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Authors and Affiliations

Yao Xiao
Bo Liang
Tao Wang
Jiaan Niu
Shiyong He

  1. Chongqing Jiaotong University, School of Civil Engineering, Chongqing Rail Transit (Group) Co., Ltd, Xuefu Avenue 66, Nanan District, Chongqing, China
  2. Chongqing Jiaotong University, School of Civil Engineering, State Key Laboratory of Mountain Bridge and Tunnel Engineering, Xuefu Avenue 66, Nanan District, Chongqing, China
  3. Chongqing Industrial School, Hualongqiong, Yuzhong District, Chongqing, China
  4. Chongqing Jiaotong University, School of Civil Engineering, Xuefu Avenue 66, Nanan District, Chongqing, China
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Gas explosions are major disasters in coal mining, and they typically cause a large number of deaths, injuries and property losses. An appropriate understanding of the effects of combustible gases on the characteristics of methane explosions is essential to prevent and control methane explosions. FLACS software was used to simulate an explosion of a mixture of CH4 and combustible gases (C2H4, C2H6, H2, and CO) at various mixing concentrations and different temperatures (25, 60, 100, 140 and 180℃). After adding combustible gases to methane at a constant volume and atmospheric pressure, the adiabatic flame temperature linearly increases as the initial temperature increases. Under stoichiometric conditions (9.5% CH4-air mixture), the addition of C2H4 and C2H6 has a greater effect on the adiabatic flame temperature of methane than H2 and CO at different initial temperatures. Under the fuel-lean CH4-air mixture (7% CH4-air mixture) and fuel-rich mixture (11% CH4-air mixture), the addition of H2 and CO has a greater effect on the adiabatic flame temperature of methane. In contrast, the addition of combustible gases negatively affected the maximum explosion pressure of the CH4-air mixture, exhibiting a linearly decreasing trend with increasing initial temperature. As the volume fraction of the mixed gas increases, the adiabatic flame temperature and maximum explosion pressure of the stoichiometric conditions increase. In contrast, under the fuel-rich mixture, the combustible gas slightly lowered the adiabatic flame temperature and the maximum explosion pressure. When the initial temperature was 140℃, the fuel consumption time was approximately 8-10 ms earlier than that at the initial temperature of 25℃. When the volume fraction of the combustible gas was 2.0%, the consumption time of fuel reduced by approximately 10 ms compared with that observed when the volume fraction of flammable gas was 0.4%.
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Authors and Affiliations

Zhenmin Luo
1 2
Litao Liu
1 2
Shuaishuai Gao
1 2
Tao Wang
1 2 3
Bin Su
1 2
Lei Wang
1 2
Yong Yang
4 2
Xiufang Li

  1. Xi’an University of Science and Technology, School of Safety Science & Engineering, 58, Yanta Mid. Rd., Xi’an, 710054, Shaanxi, PR China
  2. Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Prevention and Control of Coal Fire, 58, Yanta Mid. Rd, Xi’an, 710054, Shaanxi, PR China
  3. Xi’an University of Science and Technology, Postdoctoral Program, 58, Yanta Mid. Rd., Xi’an 710054, Shaanxi, PR China
  4. Xi’an University of Science and Technology, School of Safety Science & Engineering, 58, Yanta Mid. Rd., Xi’an, 710054, Shaanxi, PR

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