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The work concerns city parks in Poznan and their importance in the structure and landscape of the city. The research included 38 park objects of various origin , size and nature . There were evaluated the uniformity of parks’ distribution within the agglomeration, the shape of the outline of the plan ( the nature of the border line) and their surroundings.

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Bożena Łukasik
Agnieszka Wilkaniec
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Fortyfication Objects of Prussian Ring Fortresses in Poznań and Wrocław (from XIX–XX Cent.) in Current Spatial Planning Documents – Functioning, Protection, Landscape Shaping, Fortifications are valuable elements of cultural heritage of many Polish cities. Unfortunately, in many cases they are not properly used and protected, although some of them have the status of historical monuments. Potentially, tools for strengthening protection of fortifications are provided by spatial planning system. The research was based on detailed analysis of the Study of the Conditions and Directions of the Spatial Management of a Communes and Local Spatial Management Plans, including the area of ring fortresses in Poznań and Wrocław. In the Study of the Conditions and Directions of the Spatial Management of a Commune of both cities one can find references to the location and use of ring fortifications. The area of fortification objects in Poznan is covered by 9 Local Spatial Management Plans, 5 further plans covering the fortifications are in preparation. The area of ring fortress in Wroclaw were covered by 9 Local Spatial Management Plans. The results of the analysis of the spatial planning documents show that the tools used to protect the fortifications offered by the spatial planning system are not fully exploited. The context and landscape values of the fortifications are ignored in most of the plans. Also one can find in spatial planning documents the lack of attempts to link fortress greenery to the greenery system, and, in the case of Wroclaw, the lack of describing fortification greenery as a valuable asset. In most cases, principals of the fortifications objects protection are not enough detailed.

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Agnieszka Wilkaniec
Łukasz Pardela
Magdalena Szczepańska
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The vegetation of allotment gardens is an important element of urban green areas and constitutes a habitat where many groups of insects exist, including aphids. This research involved the monitoring of winged morphs of aphids in allotment gardens in the area of Poznań with the use of Moericke traps. The fauna structure of aphids in two large allotment gardens was demonstrated by comparing the activity of winged morphs of aphids in 2000–2001 and 2014–2015. The vegetation of these gardens was accompanied by the rich fauna of aphids. For four growing seasons, 113 species or groups of aphid species were captured with the traps. Major changes were reported in the structure of the collected fauna in the period of time when the research was conducted. The differences concerned particular positions of collected species in aphid communities. The abundance of Anoecia corni, Aphis sambuci, Phorodon humuli and Periphyllus testudinaceus increased, and now hold the position of subdominants of the communities, whereas Myzus persicae and Hyalopterus pruni decreased in comparison with the situation more than ten years ago. Rhopalosiphum padi still remains an eudominant in the communities. The main reason for this phenomenon is thought to be due to changes in the vegetation composition of gardens because the gardens are being used differently. The production function has changed to recreation.
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Authors and Affiliations

Barbara Wilkaniec
Agnieszka Wilkaniec
Beata Borowiak-Sobkowiak
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In the research on historic, composed green areas various computer technologies are applied, including among others reconstruction ideograms and virtual spatial models. They are created on the basis of historical cartographic materials, among which Prussian maps Urmesstichblatts and Messtischblatts deserve special attention as they provide extraordinarily useful and often otherwise unavailable information concerning the system of spatial composition.

The article presents a method of procedure on the example of selected research objects. Such studies are extremely useful in the process of research, analyses and documentation of the authentic state of historical sites. Moreover, they provide a significant material for further analyses concerning revalorisation and creation of the cultural landscape.

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Piotr Urbański
Miłosz Walerzak
Agnieszka Wilkaniec
Agnieszka Rosada
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GIS programs are used for the collection and processing of geographic data, however, they are also useful in the study of historical greenery. GIS allows better use of the archival and contemporary cartographic materials, collect data on individual objects, make precise measurements of the areas, track changes in use and land cover. The paper presents examples of the GIS software use, based on research related to the historical greenery in Wielkopolska region.

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Authors and Affiliations

Agnieszka Wilkaniec
Anna Gałecka-Drozda
Miłosz Walerzak
Agnieszka Rosada

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