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The advance of technical state criteria for elements of mining hoists demands a basic strength-fatigue analysis where the real values of loads and the real time function of the load variability could be used. That problem concerns also the suspension gear of skip and balance ropes, where fatigue durability should be considered as time function related to the hoist facility type. Such objective can not be achieved without comprehensive study of the dynamics of processes both in the regular operation of the facility and in its emergency states. In this work the author presents some considerations, that are however, limited to the analysis of dynamic phenomena observed in the condition of the emergency braking of the hoist facility. The results were verified by load measurements taken for some elements of the analysed real object system.
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Authors and Affiliations

Stanisław Wolny
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In order for the ultimate state methods to be applied in dimensioning of the load-bearing elements in a conveyance, it is required that their design loads during their normal duty cycle and under the emergency braking conditions should be first established. Recently, efforts have been made to determine the interaction forces between the shaft steelwork and the conveyance under the normal operating condition [1,2]. Thus far, this aspect has been mostly neglected in design engineering. Measurement results summarised in this paper and confronted with the theoretical data [3] indicate that the major determinant of fatigue endurance of conveyances is the force acting horizontally and associated with the conveyance being hoisted in relation to the vertical force due to the weight of the conveyance and payload.
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Authors and Affiliations

Stanisław Wolny

  1. AGH University of Science and Technology, Al. A. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland

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