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Under conditions of gravity flow, the performance of a distribution pipe network for drinking water supply can be measured by investment cost and the difference in real and target pressures at each node to ensure fairness of the service. Therefore, the objective function for the optimization in the design of a complex gravity flow pipe network is a multi-purpose equation system set up to minimize the above-mentioned two parameters. This article presents a new model as an alternative solution to solving the optimization equation system by combining the Newton–Raphson and genetic algorithm (GA) methods into a single unit so that the resulting model can work effectively. The Newton–Raphson method is used to solve the hydraulic equation system in pipelines and the GA is used to find the optimal pipe diameter combination in a net-work. Among application models in a complex pipe network consisting of 12 elements and 10 nodes, this model is able to show satisfactory performance. Considering variations in the value of the weighting factor in the objective function, opti-mal conditions can be achieved at the investment cost factor (ω1) = 0.75 and the relative energy equalization factor at the service node (ω2) = 0.25. With relevant GA input parameters, optimal conditions are achieved at the best fitness value of 1.016 which is equivalent to the investment cost of USD 56.67 thous. with an average relative energy deviation of 1.925 m.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ernawan Setiono
I Wayan Yasa

  1. University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Faculty of Engineering, Jl. Raya Tlogomas No. 246, 65114, Malang, Indonesia
  2. Mataram University, Faculty of Engineering, Mataram, Indonesia
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Reservoirs have a very important function in providing multi-sector water requirements. In the future, reservoirs not only serve to store and available water can also be used as disaster mitigation instruments. The completeness of hydrological measurements in reservoirs can be expanded more widely for climate change mitigation. The reliability of the reservoir capacity varies greatly depending on the El-Nino character that occurs among them El-Nino is weak, moderate, strong and very strong. The El-Nino characteristic is very influential on the period of water availability, the increase of evaporation capacity and decrease of reservoir capacity. Analysis of the reliability of the reservoir volume due to El-Nino using the Weibull equation. The deficit reservoir was calculated using the concept of water balance in the reservoir that is the relationship between inflow, outflow, and change of storage at the same time. Based on the results of the analysis showed that the evaporation increase and the decrease of reservoir capacity had a different pattern that is when the evaporation capacity started to increase at the same time the reservoir capacity decreased significantly. The correlation coefficient between evaporation capacity increase and decrease of reservoir water capacity are consecutively –0.828, –0.636, and –0.777 for El- Nino weak, moderate and very strong respectively. At the reservoir capacity reliability of 50% reservoir has a significant deficit. When weak El-Nino the deficit is 2.30∙106 m3, moderate: 6.58∙106 m3, and very strong 8.85∙106 m3.

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Authors and Affiliations

Ussy Andawayanti
I Wayan Yasa
Mohammad Bisri
Mochamad Sholichin

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