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Thymus, an important central immune organ in pigs, is the site of T lymphocyte development and maturation and an important target organ for infection and replication of various pathogens. Highly pathogenic porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (HP-PRRSV) infection results in severe thymic atrophy in piglets. This study aimed to explore the effects of HP-PRRSV on the thymic structure of piglets to elucidate the pathogenesis of thymic atrophy induced by HP-PRRSV. In this study, histopathological techniques and immunofluorescence double staining techniques were used to analyze thymic tissues infected by HP-PRRSV to explore the structural changes of thymus caused by the viral infection and its target cell types. An antibody of cluster of differentiation (CD) 3 (CD3), CD20, CD80, or calgranulin + calprotectin was applied to identify T cells, B cells, dendritic cells (DCs), and macrophages, respectively. The results indicated that a variety of cell components in the thymic tissue were diffusely damaged after viral infection. In the infected thymic tissue, CD80- or calgranulin + calprotectin- -labeled cells supported the HP-PRRSV infection, whereas CD3-labeled T cells and CD20- -labeled B cells did not support the viral infection. The results showed that HP-PRRSV caused the reduction of visible cell components in the thymic tissue, and the virus attacked CD80- and calgranulin + calprotectin-positive cells (such as DCs and macrophages) in the thymic tissue, which played an important role in the pathogenesis of thymus atrophy. These results lay the foundation for elucidating the immunosuppression of piglets after infection with HP-PRRSV.
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Authors and Affiliations

Q. Liu
Y.-Y. Yu
H.-Y. Wang

  1. Nanchong Key Laboratory of Disease Prevention, Control and Detection in Livestock and Poultry, Nanchong Vocational and Technical College, Nanchong 637131, China
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African swine fever (ASF) is an acute, hemorrhagic, and devastating viral infectious disease that causes important economic losses to the swine industry. Currently, there are no effective vaccines or drugs available. Epigenetic mechanisms, especially cytosine methylation of cytosine- -phosphate-guanine (CpG) islands, have a significant impact on the life cycle of several viruses. Hence, drugs targeting DNA methylation may potentially be used for the treatment of ASF. Here, we selected the inner core, core shell, inner membrane, capsid, and external envelope membrane, to analyze the characteristics of CpG islands in the ASF virus (ASFV) genomes. Furthermore, we analyzed the promoters and CpG islands in the upstream regions of these genes. Results showed that the CpG islands of seven genes were conserved in the genomes of two genotype of ASFV strains, whereas the CpG islands of other genes were relatively conserved (ASFV strains differed mainly in the quantity of CpG islands). The different distribution of CpG islands in the genomes of different ASFV strains may affect their methylation status, which may in turn affect the regulation of viral gene expression, leading to different clinical outcomes. In addition, the predicted promoter regions based on the upstream sequences of most genes overlapped with CpG island positions. Methylation of the binding sites of the promoter regions inhibits the binding of the transcription factors to the promoters, thus inhibiting the activation of the promoters and limiting the synthesis of viral proteins. The results of this study provide a basis for exploring new antiviral therapeutic strategies from an epigenetic perspective.
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Authors and Affiliations

Y.-Y. Yu
M.-S. X
Q. Liu

  1. Nanchong Key Laboratory of Disease Prevention, Control and Detection in Livestock and Poultry, Nanchong Vocational and Technical College, Nanchong 637131, China
  2. Chongqing Three Gorges Vocational College, Wanzhou 404155, China
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Despite over 40 years of research on the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) vaccine, we still lack a considerable progress. Equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV) is a lentivirus in the Retroviridae family, akin to HIV-1 in genome structure and antigenicity. EIA is an important infectious disease in equids, characterized by anemia, persistent infection, and repeated fevers. The EIAV attenuated vaccine in China is the only lentiviral vaccine used on a large scale. Elucidating the mechanism of waning and induction of protective immunity from this attenuated vaccine strain will provide a critical theoretical basis and reference point for vaccine research, particularly in the development of lentivirus vaccines, with far-reaching scientific value and social significance. In this paper, we summarize the information related to EIAV integration site selection, particularly for the Chinese EIAV attenuated vaccine strains on the equine genome. This may improve our mechanistic understanding of EIAV virulence reduction at the host genome level. The obtained data may help elucidate the biological characteristics of EIAV, particularly the Chinese attenuated EIAV vaccine strain, and provide valuable information regarding retroviral infections, particularly lentiviral infection and associated therapeutic vectors.
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Authors and Affiliations

Y.-Y. Yu
M.-S. Xu
H. Liang
H.-Y. Wang
C.-Q. Yu
Q. Liu

  1. Nanchong Key Laboratory of Disease Prevention, Control and Detection in Livestock and Poultry, Nanchong Vocational and Technical College, Nanchong 637131, China
  2. Chongqing Three Gorges Vocational College, Wanzhou 404155, China
  3. School of Advanced Agricultural Sciences, Yibin Vocational Technical College, Yibin 644003, China

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