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Lithic fragments including quartz grains occur infrequently in the shallow-marine limestone sequence of the Fatra Formation deposited in the tensional intra-shelf depression of the Central Western Carpathians during the Rhaetian. Nevertheless, their study can bring data answering questions of sources, palaeogeodynamic arrangement, and processes at the end of the Triassic. In this study, we examined optically the cathodoluminescence (CL) colours of single quartz grains from the Kardolína section (Tatra Mts, Slovakia). These colours reveal a dominance of grains derived from regionally metamorphosed and plutonic rocks. Grains of hydrothermal and pegmatite origin are less frequent. Some of the quartz grains show recycled cement rims suggesting at least a second cycle origin. This sedimentary basin was situated near to the passive margin formed by the Variscan consolidated terrains of the Vindelician Highlands. Our study of the CL colours of quartz grains contributes to the elucidation of the nature of the rocks of the vanished Vindelician mountain belt.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marek Vďačný
Jozef Michalík

  1. Earth Science Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Dúbravská cesta 9, P.O. BOX 106, 840 05 Bratislava, Slovakia
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The specific name velunensis is established to encompass porcupine remains ( Hystrix Linnæus, 1758) recovered from the Pliocene site of Węże 1 in southern Poland. The studied specimen was previously assigned either to H. primigenia (Wagner, 1848) or H. depereti Sen, 2001, however it can be distinguished from these species and other fossil Hystricidae by its distinct occlusal morphology, most importantly the presence of an anterolingual flexus dissecting the anteroloph of P4. Hystrix velunensis sp. nov. was probably closely related to H. primigenia and H. depereti. A previously undescribed specimen from the nearby site of Węże 2 most probably belongs to H. refossa Gervais, 1852b, which would be the first known occurrence of this species in Poland.
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Michał Czernielewski

  1. Institute of Paleobiology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Twarda 51/55, 00-818 Warszawa, Poland
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The scope of this analysis included fluvial sediments of the low terrace of the Grajcarek stream in the Małe Pieniny Mts. (Western Carpathians). The structure of the terrace has been surveyed in five profiles. The sedimentary sequence includes alternating layers of gravel and calcareous mud with a maximum thickness of up to 2.2 m. A rich and varied malacofauna has been found in the mud. The age of the sediments was determined using the radiocarbon method. The sediments that make up the terrace cover the younger part of the Middle Holocene and the entire Late Holocene. The analysis of the malacofauna has allowed for the characterization of environmental changes. The most important of them dates back to the Middle Ages and is associated with the phase of intensive settlement in the Pieniny Mts.. It is indicated by deforestation and the related change in the composition and structure of malacocoenoses manifested by the replacement of forest communities by ones with open-country species. Gravel horizons are records of flood periods correlated with wet climatic phases. It is possible to distinguish six such phases covering the following periods: 6600–6100 y cal BP, 5500–5100 y cal BP, 4500–4100 y cal BP, 3200–2300 y cal BP, 2000–900 y cal BP and 400–200 y cal BP. They correspond to the periods of increased fluvial activity of rivers, intensification of mass movements, advances of alpine glaciers and the increase in the water level in lakes.
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Witold Paweł Alexandrowicz

  1. AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environment Protection, Chair of General Geology and Geotourism, Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland
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The Upper Cretaceous succession (Coniacian to lowermost Maastrichtian, with focus on the Campanian) at Petrich, Central Srednogorie Zone in Bulgaria, is described and calibrated stratigraphically based on nannofossils, dinoflagellate cysts and inoceramids. The following standard nannofossil zones and subzones are identified: UC10–UC11ab (middle to upper Coniacian), UC11c–UC12–UC13 (uppermost Coniacian to Santonian), UC14a (lowermost Campanian), UC14b TP–UC15c TP (lower Campanian to ‘middle’ Campanian), UC15d TP– UC15e TP (upper Campanian), UC16a TP (of Thibault et al. 2016; upper part of the upper Campanian), and UC16b (Campanian–Maastrichtian boundary). The base of the Campanian is defined by the FO of Broinsonia parca parca (Stradner) Bukry, 1969 and Calculites obscurus (Deflandre) Prins and Sissingh in Sissingh, 1977 (a morphotype with a wide central longitudinal suture). The Areoligera coronata dinoflagellate cyst Zone (upper lower Campanian to upper upper Campanian) is identified, corresponding to the UC14b TP–UC16a TP nannofossil subzones. The inoceramid assemblage indicates the ‘Inoceramus’ azerbaydjanensis ‘Inoceramus’ vorhelmensis Zone, correlated within the interval of nannofossil subzones UC15d TP–UC15e TP. The composition of the dinoflagellate cyst assemblages and palynofacies pattern suggest normal marine, oxic conditions and low nutrient availability within a distal shelf to open marine depositional environment during the Campanian.
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Authors and Affiliations

Polina Pavlishina
Doche Dochev
Michael Wagreich
Veronika Koukal

  1. Department of Geology, Paleontology and Fossil Fuels, Faculty of Geology and Geography, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Sofia, Bulgaria
  2. Department of Geology, University of Vienna, A-1090 Vienna, Austria
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A right theropod pedal ungual phalanx II-3 from the Campanian Williams Fork Formation of northwestern Colorado is described, and a combination of features, including the large size, tapering distal tip, robust and stout overall form, triangular cross-section, and a relatively flat ventral surface allows a confident referral to Tyrannosauridae Osborn, 1906. Although this specimen was found in a relatively southern state, the proximal articular surface of this ungual is similar to that of Gorgosaurus libratus Lambe, 1914, a taxon found in the northern state, Alberta. Although based on limited evidence, this may suggest that the range of tyrannosaurids considered endemic to the north of Laramidia extended farther south than previously thought.
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Chan-Gyu Yun

  1. Biological Sciences, Inha University, Incheon 22212, Republic of Korea
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Several closely-spaced phosphorite beds stand out at the Albian–Cenomanian transition in the mid-Cretaceous transgressive succession at the northeastern margin of the Holy Cross Mountains, central Poland. They form a distinctive condensed interval of considerable stratigraphical, palaeontological, and economic value. Here, we correlate the classical section at Annopol with a recently investigated section at Chałupki. We propose a new stratigraphic interpretation of the phosphorite interval, based on lithological correlations, Rare Earth Elements and Yttrium (REE+Y) signatures of phosphorites, age-diagnostic macrofossils, and sequence stratigraphic patterns. This interval has long been considered as exclusively Albian in age. However, new macrofossil data allow us to assign the higher phosphorite levels at Annopol and Chałupki, which were the primary target for the phosphate mining, to the lower Cenomanian. In terms of sequence stratigraphy, the phosphorite interval encompasses the depositional sequence DS Al 8 and the Lowstand System Tract of the successive DS Al/Ce 1 sequence. The proposed correlation suggests that lowstand reworking during the Albian–Cenomanian boundary interval played an important role in concentrating the phosphatic clasts and nodules to exploitable stratiform accumulations. Our conclusions are pertinent to regional studies, assessments of natural resources (in view of the recent interest in REE content of the phosphorites), and dating of the fossil assemblages preserved in the phosphorite interval. On a broader scale, they add to our understanding of the formation of stratiform phosphorite deposits.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marcin Machalski
Danuta Olszewska-Nejbert
Markus Wilmsen

  1. Institute of Paleobiology, Polish Academy of Sciences, ul. Twarda 51/55, PL 00-818 Warszawa, Poland
  2. University of Warsaw, Faculty of Geology, ul. Żwirki i Wigury 93, PL 02-089 Warszawa, Poland
  3. Senckenberg Naturhistorische Sammlungen Dresden, Museum für Mineralogie und Geologie, Sektion Paläozoologie, Konigsbrücker Landstr. 159, D-01109 Dresden, Germany
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This review presents the results of multi-year efforts for the development and integral investigation of the collection of Deschampsia antarctica É. Desv. plants originated from the maritime Antarctic. To create the collection, we have optimized the procedures and conditions for germination of seeds and generation of aseptic plants in vitro together with their subsequent clonal propagation, long-term in vitro culture, and acclimatization of plants to pot culture, and finally produced fertile plants able to set viable seeds. The collection of plants cultivated in vitro and in pots is consisted of clones of 22 different genotypes originated from eight island populations from the Argentine Islands – Kyiv Peninsula region. Some of these clones have been successfully cultured for more than ten years and were found to be genetically stable over this period. The collection was shown to be heterogeneous in a number of variables. The morphological and anatomical characteristics of the plants, as well as the data of karyological, molecular cytogenetic, molecular genetics, and biochemical analysis are presented. The created collection of D. antarctica plants can provide a valuable plant material with well-studied characteristics grown under controlled conditions to perform experimental research on the mechanisms for plant adaptation and resistance to various abiotic factors of Antarctic environment. Furthermore, development of the collection and its comprehensive characterization form the basis for further biotechnological developments focused on the use of this Antarctic plant as a source of biologically active substances, which can potentially be used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.
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Authors and Affiliations

Viktor Kunakh
Maryana Twardovska
Igor Andreev
Nadia Drobyk
Daria Navrotska
Nataliia Nuzhyna
Oksana Poronnik
Iryna Konvalyuk
Ganna Myryuta
Roman Ivannikov
Ivan Parnikoza
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  1. Department of Cell Population Genetics, Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 150 Acad. Zabolotnogo Str., 03143, Kyiv, Ukraine
  2. Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University, М. Kryvonosa str., 2, Ternopil, 46027, Ukraine
  3. Educational and Scientific Centre “Institute of Biology and Medicine” Kyiv Taras Shevchenko National University, 1 Symona Petlyury str., Kyiv, 01032, Ukraine
  4. M.M. Gryshko National Botanic Garden of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 1 Timiryazevska str., 01014, Kyiv, Ukraine
  5. State Institution National Antarctic Scientific Center, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 16 Shevchenko Ave., 01601, Kyiv, Ukraine
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When taking water from pre-mountain rivers, for transferring of large amounts of river sediments, rich in mineral fertilizers, along with water to crop fields through irrigation networks requires high sediment transport capacity and deformation resistance from irrigation networks. The projecting and construction of irrigation canals with these features in the foothills requires concreting the canal. The high content of river sediments in the Sokh River (5 kg∙m –3) and the low efficiency of the Right Bank Irrigation Reservoir (10–15%) require high hydraulic efficiency of water intake canals from this system. The main challenge is to reduce costs in concreted canals and ultimately ensure technical superiority. In the research were used generally accepted research methods in hydraulics, in particular field research and consequently, mathematical analysis. Kokandsay, Kartan and Bachkir irrigation canals were accepted as the object of research, the canals were designed on the basis of the best hydraulic section, the canal side slope was taken as a variable parameter and the technical and economic efficiency was checked using computer software. As a result, it was found that the consumption of concrete raw material for 1 running meter can save 0.2–0.3 m 3, depending on the adoption of the canal side slope, the acceptance of the slope of the canal wall at values 1–1.5 will increase up to sedimentation 10%.
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Alisher Fatxulloyev
Qudratjon Rakhimov
Davronjon Allayorov
Luqmon Samiev
Makhsud Otakhonov

  1. “Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers” National Research University, Faculty of Hydromelioration, st. Kori Niyazov 39, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
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The aim of the study was the determination the effect of foliar application of growth regulator containing Ti (Tytanit®), on Lolium multiflorum morphometry, photosynthetic activity, chlorophyll content and chemical composition of dry matter. A pot experiment was carried out in a plant breeding room of Siedlce University, Poland, in 2019. The experimental units were as follows: I) control – plants sprayed with distilled water; II) plants sprayed with 0.02% Tytanit concentration; III) plants sprayed with 0.04% Tytanit concentration; IV) plants sprayed with 0.06% Tytanit concentration. The following parameters were determined: the shoots number, the number and the length of leaf blades, the length of roots, the dry weight of roots, the dry weight of plants per pot and the content of chlorophyll a and b in leaf blades. In addition, maximum and actual efficiency of the leaf photosystem, photochemical and non- photochemical quenching coefficients and the content of total protein, crude fibre, monosaccharides, crude fat, crude ash, Ca, Mg, P, K and the ratio of K/(Ca + Mg), and Ca/P in the dry matter of plants were determined. Used in controlled conditions, the regulator contributed to the growth of most morphological characteristics, improved photosynthetic activity, increased the concentration of chlorophyll a and b, and
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Authors and Affiliations

Jacek Sosnowski
Barbara Wróbel
Milena Truba

  1. Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities, Institute of Agriculture and Horticulture, Siedlce, Poland
  2. Institute of Technology and Life Sciences – National Research Institute, al. Hrabska 3, 05-090 Raszyn, Falenty, Poland
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The aim of the study was to assess the effect of silage additive containing heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria (LAB) strain of Lactobacillus buchneri species on ensiling quality, as well as methane yield and the kinetics of biogas production from ensiled perennial energy grasses: Miscanthus × giganteus (miscanthus), Spartina pectinata (cordgrass), Panicum virgatum (switchgrass) and Andropogon gerardii (big bluestem). The listed plants are not commonly used for biogas production, their susceptibility to ensiling is also little known, hence the need to investigate their suitability for these processes. Effective methods for increasing the biogas yield from biomass are still demand, hence the research on the use of LAB for this purpose.
After harvesting the grasses were cut and ensiled in barrels with and without (controls) the usage of commercial silage inoculant containing Lactobacillus buchneri LN40177. After 90 days of ensiling obtained silages were analysed in order to compare their chemical composition: organic acids content, the loss of dry matter, the differences in particular fibres composition. The silages were then subjected to methane fermentation using OxiTop® sensors and exposed to air in order to check their aerobic stability.
The silages prepared with LAB additive had higher concentration of acetic acid than the control silages prepared without LAB addition, which contributed to increased aerobic stability but had no effect on the methane yield of miscanthus, switchgrass and big bluestem. Using the microbial inoculant during ensiling had beneficial effect in terms of reducing the duration of biogas production process from obtained silages: lag phase was shortened, daily biogas production rate was increased and 90% of biogas was produced in a shorter period of time compared to the control silages from investigated grasses. The modified Gompertz model well reflected the kinetics of biogas production process.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marta Kupryś-Caruk
Aleksander Lisowski
Chrystian Chomontowski

  1. Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Institute of Biology, 159 Nowoursynowska St, 02-776 Warsaw, Poland
  2. Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Institute of Mechanical Engineering, Warsaw, Poland
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Potentially hazardous side-channels of complex geometry need to be investigated using detailed hydraulic physical models. This study aims to analyse the cross-waves pattern and pulsating flow using a side-channel spillway physical model. This study compares the cross-waves pattern were measured using an experimental installation set to generate cross-waves on the surface (original series) with another structure that did not produce cross-waves (modified series). The results showed that the geometry of the left wall caused instability in flow patterns and secondary flows. The starting point of Q 2 discharge was detected by minor turbulence on the water surface near the left wall at a water depth of 3.3 m at the starting point of the wall, but with no overtopping. Cross-waves formed downstream at the right wall crosswise, lower than at the left wall. The height of the cross-wave increased substantially from Q 100 to Q 1000 discharges leading to overtoppings near the left wall at a water depths of 4.2 and 5.0 m at the starting point of the wall, and near the right wall at a water depths of 3.8 and 4.0 m at the upstream point of the wall. The modifications provided optimal hydraulic conditions, i.e. elimination of cross-waves and non-uniform flows. The Vedernikov and Montouri numbers showed that both original and modified series did not enter the area where the pulsating flow occurred. This indicated that both series were free from the pulsating flow.
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Azmeri Azmeri
Chairatun Ummah
Faris Zahran Jemi
Imam Faudli
Qurratul 'Aini Benti Nasaiy

  1. Universitas Syiah Kuala, Engineering Faculty, Civil Engineering Department, Jl. Tgk. Syech Abdur-Rauf No. 7, Darussalam, 23111, Banda Aceh, Indonesia
  2. Universitas Syiah Kuala, Engineering Faculty, Electrical Engineering Department, Darussalam, Banda Aceh, Indonesia
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The suitability of a new wireless smart farming system for controlling irrigation and fertilization of horticultural plants was assessed in the study. The system (name: AGREUS®) includes sensors (soil moisture, salinity, weather data), executive modules (valve modules), and an application available on the web portal (accessed through computers and mobile devices). The studies were performed under laboratory and field conditions. Laboratory tests included appraisal of the precision of soil moisture and salinity measurements carried out with the soil probe (comparison with the results obtained by laboratory methods). Operational tests were conducted in field trials. In these trials, assessment of the possibility of practical control of irrigation and monitoring soil salinity was performed in an apple orchard. The conducted analyses have shown the usefulness of the system, not only for automatic control of irrigation but also for making decisions about the necessity to fertilize plants. The system enables continuous monitoring of changes in soil moisture and salinity, including the migration of minerals across the soil profile (using a probe with several measuring elements) as a result of the applied irrigation or rainfall. The system allows for automatic application of irrigation or fertigation depending on the adopted soil moisture and salinity thresholds. However, the tests showed that a salinity index calculated by the system does not directly correspond to the salinity values determined by laboratory methods. For this reason individual interpretation and determination of optimal ranges for plants is required.
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Waldemar Treder
Krzysztof Klamkowski
Anna Tryngiel-Gać
Katarzyna Wójcik

  1. The National Institute of Horticultural Research, Konstytucji 3 Maja 1/3, 96-100 Skierniewice, Poland
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Based on FAO data, the paper presents trends in nitrogen (N) input and output in Poland. As N input ( N inp), nitrogen from mineral fertilisers, manure application, biological fixation, and deposition was included. The N outputs ( N out) include the N contained in crop harvest (main products and by-products). The trend analyses were carried out for the period before (1961–1989) and after (1990–2018) the changes in the political and economic systems. Additionally, trends in the nitrogen use efficiency ( NUE) and nitrogen surpluses ( N S) are presented for these periods. In both compared periods, the mean values of N budget indicators in Poland were (kg N∙ha –1 UAA): N inp 120 and 125, N out 61 and 84, N S 60 and 41 and NUE 53 and 67%, respectively. The estimated Y max, which represents the N out value reached at saturating N fertilisation, reached the values of 127 and 263 kg N∙ha –1 UAA in these periods. The difference in these values suggests a significant impact of agronomy improvement on N out in the recent period. The trends of nitrogen within 16 regions in period 2002–2019, based on national data, resulted in a significant variation in N indicators. The values found were in the following ranges (kg N∙ha –1 UAA): N inp 78–167; N out 62–99; N S 15–83 and Y max 139–317. The NUE ranged from 50–81%. The obtained results indicate that in Poland and its regions there is still a need to improve of the nitrogen efficiency.
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Antoni Faber
Zuzanna Jarosz
Anna Jędrejek
Jerzy Kopiński

  1. Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation – State Research Institute, ul. Czartoryskich 8, 24-100 Pulawy, Poland
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The availability of drinking water is one of the several problems humans face, considering that its availability is reduced to 0.80% of the existing fresh water. Then, coagulation-flocculation is a stage of this treatment. It is a process that agglomerates the suspended particles in a larger (floc) that could be separated by sedimentation and filtration processes to make the water drinkable. So, this work aimed to evaluate the effect of the dose of coagulant of yam starch ( Dioscorea rotundata) and the speed of agitation in the turbid water treatment process. For which the yam starch was extracted by implementing two methods which were NaOH and H2O, using centrifugation at 1500 rpm for 10 min, and adjusting the pH with HCl and NaOH 0.20 M, for later determining the effect of agitation speed (rpm) and coagulant concentration (ppm) on the percentage of turbidity removal, pH, and colour, to be compared with a synthetic coagulant. A yield of 42.60% was found in the wet base. The natural coagulants extracted with NaOH presented better turbidity removal, with a percentage of 92.48% at an agitation speed of 40 rpm and a concentration of 250 ppm. It can be concluded that natural yam coagulant can be recommended for use in the coagulation stage in the raw water treatment process for subsequent conversion to drinking water.
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Ángel Villabona-Ortíz
Candelaria Tejada-Tovar
Rodrigo Ortega-Toro
Natalia Licona Dager
Marta Millan Anibal

  1. Universidad de Cartagena, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia
  2. Universidad de Cartagena, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Food Engineering, Avenida Del Consulado 48-152, Cartagena 130014, Colombia
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Energy production from renewable sources is one of the main ways to fight against global warming. Anaerobic digestion process can be used to produce biogas containing methane. In the light of the growing demand for substrates, a variety of raw materials are required. These substrates should be suitable for anaerobic digestion, and processing them need to provide the desired amount of energy.
This paper aims to discuss the agricultural biogas market in Poland, its current state, and the possibility of development during energy transformation, in particular in terms of using waste as a substrate for energy production. In February 2022, there were 130 agricultural biogas plants registered in Poland. On the other hand, in 2020, 4,409,054.898 Mg of raw materials were used to produce agricultural biogas in Poland. Among all the substrates used, waste played a special role.
With the right amount of raw materials and proper management of a biogas plant, it is possible to produce electricity and provide stable and predictable heat supply. Bearing in mind the development of the Polish and European biogas markets, attention should be paid to ensure access to raw materials from which chemical energy in the form of biogas can be generated. Due to limited access to farmland and the increasing demand for food production, one should expect that waste will be increasingly often used for biogas production, especially that with high energy potential, such as waste related to animal production and the meat industry.
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Wojciech Czekała
Jakub Pulka
Tomasz Jasiński
Piotr Szewczyk
Wiktor Bojarski
Jan Jasiński

  1. Poznań University of Life Sciences, Faculty of Environmental and Mechanical Engineering, Department of Biosystems Engineering, 50 Wojska Polskiego St, 60-627 Poznań, Poland
  2. WP2 Investments Sp. z o.o., Kąty Wrocławskie, Poland
  3. The Municipal Association “Clean Town, Clean Municipality”, Kalisz, Poland
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The objective of this study is to recover sludge from the Dar Gueddari sewage treatment plant and use it in the cultivation of corn in the open field on clay soil. To do this, four doses were tested against two types of controls: a control without addition of sludge and another with the addition of nitrogen-based fertilisers (200 kg N, 100 kg P and 100 kg K). The short-term effects indicated that the application of the sludge had a beneficial effect on the fertilising qualities of the soil and therefore on the crop yield. The monitoring of the agronomic parameters of the maize plant showed that the growths and the yields varied according to doses of the sludge. In grain yield, the difference between plot E4 and E0 was around 3.3 Mg∙ha –1. In addition, the plots treated with large sludge doses experienced improvements in total nitrogen and organic matter. During the second season, the results obtained showed decrease in nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus). It emerged from the C:N ratio which was 8. This indicated a good mineralisation of the organic matter (OM) which was average of 2.48 ±0.04% and 2.5 ±0.01%, respectively in the E4 and E5 treatments. In addition, the amounts of N, P and Ca in dry matter (DM) increased with increasing the dose of sludge. During the 2017 season, the highest values were detected in plot E5 with averages of 1.6% in N and 0.53% in P.
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Hajar Griou
Smail Njimat
Fouad El Fettahi
Samira Ait Lhaj Lhcen
Mohammed Aboulouafa
Said Ibn Ahmed

  1. Ibn Tofail University, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Chemistry, Laboratory of Materials, Electrochemistry and Environment, University campus, B.P. 242, 14000 Kenitra, Morocco
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Straw, particularly cereal straw, is a valuable by-product of crop production, which can be used for various purposes, e.g. as livestock feed and bedding or for making fuels, however it should primarily be retained on farmland in order to prevent soil organic matter (SOM) losses and thus to maintain or improve soil quality. The aim of this study was to analyze effects of the frequency of crop residues (straw) incorporation into the soil on the content of soil organic matter and on crop yields. There were the following experimental treatments: SR – straw of all crop in the rotation removed, S1 – straw of one crop per rotation incorporated, S2 – straw of two crops in the rotation incorporated, and S3 – straw of three crops incorporated into the soil (loamy sand). After 21 years of crop rotation with straw removal (SR) the SOM level in the soil slightly decreased to 14.4 g∙kg –1 soil DM, compared to that in 1997 (14.6 g∙kg –1). However, when straw of one crop (rape) per rotation was incorporated (S1) the content of SOM increased to 15.0 g∙kg -1 soil DM, and to 15.6 and 16.0 g∙kg –1 in S2 and S3 treatments respectively. Straw retention had also a beneficial effect on the content of labile fractions of SOM (hot water extractable C and N). Grain yields and yield components of wheat and triticale, and seed yields of rape in the SR treatment were not significantly different from those obtained in S1, S2 and S3 treatments.
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Authors and Affiliations

Janusz Smagacz
Stefan Martyniuk

  1. Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation – State Research Institute, Czartoryskich 8, 24-100 Puławy, Poland

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