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This paper is a presentation of a success story of building a premier, non-university research organization dedicated to basic research and to supporting and developing early career researchers. This story comes back to establishing of the Kaiser Wilhelm Society, predecessor of the Max Planck Society. Both those organizations were based upon so-called principle of Adolph von Harnack, the first president of the Kaiser Wilhelm Society. It consists in creating the research institutes around the leading – on a world scale – researchers, providing them the best possible working conditions and giving them freedom to build their research teams. This paper shows the way how the entire Max Planck Society is set up, what is its impartial position on a map of world leading research institutions and what are the reasons of the success of this organization. An outcome of research led in the Max Planck Institutes is shortly given.

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Paweł M. Rowiński
Piotr Olszówka
Michael Giersig
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How we speak of and write about stands, or at least it should stand, in relation what we speak of and write. If such a relation does not exist, or it is little visible for the people involved in the written or spoken message there might occur and often they do important doubts by the latter on its intention or even the assumption of bad intention. However, the existence of a clear dissonance between how we speak and write and what we speak of and write about tends many of these people addressed to perceive it as someone who breaks the norms prevailing in such speaking and writing. Those situations took place and still do often when we speak of and write about religion and religiosity without a sort of deliberation that is linked to seriousness and pompousness or even exaltation. In these remarks I do recall examples of such speaking on one side presented by libertines like M. Montaigne and Voltaire, and on the other by theologisans like St. Augustine. M. Luther and J. Tischner.

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Zbigniew Drozdowicz
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The article presents the ways of defining and understanding hope in Polish, English and American literature. The basic theses are: 1) hope is an ambivalent phenomenon, 2) hope is connected with the work of consciousness and imagination, 3) hope conjures up visions of the alternative existential and social solutions, 4) hope is a passion and a way of knowing, 5) hope constitutes the keystone of artistic and academic activity.

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Piotr Śliwiński
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This new edition of the code has been prepared by the Commission for Research Integrity and approved by the General Assemby of the Polish Academy of Sciences in June 2020. Good research practices are presented in the context of data management; research environment; training, supervision and mentorship; research procedures; safeguards; collaborative working; publication; reviewing and evaluation; conflict of interest (CoI). It is now recommended that each scientist file an annual declaration of CoI while the possible need for its addressing will be determined by the leaders of academic/scientific institutions. Violations of research integrity are briefly presented as well as dealing with those violations as well as with allegations of misconduct.

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Komisja do Spraw Etyki w Nauce
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The paper is dedicated to the memory of Professor Jan Strelau, who passed away in Warsaw 4th of August 2020. Professor Jan Strelau was the most prominent and world-wide recognized Polish psychologist and his scientific contribution was essential for psychology of individual differences and studies on temperament. Paper presents the life and scientific achievements of Professor Jan Strelau.

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Jerzy Marian Brzeziński
Bogdan Zawadzki
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The Polish Young Academy urges Members of the European Parliament and Polish government to act against the proposed cuts in the budget of Horizon Europe in 2021–2027 and to restore it at least to the initially agreed sum.

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Karol Palka
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Maria Janion (1926–2020), an oustanding humanist, scholar, critic, historian of literature; a professor at the Institute of Literary Research in the Polish Academy of Sciences, author of twenty books and several hundred articles; expert on Polish and European Romanticism; the tutor of the many generations of humanists. She died in Warsaw on August 23rd, 2020.

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Grażyna Borkowska
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The article is devoted to the memory of Professor Franciszek Ziejka, Rector of Jagiellonian University (1999–2005) and presents the most important areas of his outstanding activity. The Professor was a historian of literature, an expert in Polish culture of XIX century – especially so called “Young Poland” period – and an excellent promoter of Polish literature and history. He had a significant impact on the development of academic life in Poland, as Chairman of the Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland and initiator of changes to the regulations governing higher education in Poland. Professor Franciszek Ziejka passed away 19 of July 2020.

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Bogumiła Kaniewska
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Stefan Grabiński, a famous Polish author of weird fiction, who is known especially for his collection of short stories Demon ruchu (The Motion Demon, 1919), lived and worked in a period marked by a new artistic style – expressionism. Although Grabiński came from Lviv, often regarded as a province in Poland after the Great War, he could have a contact with the latest ideas concerning art and philosophy. Indeed, both in his short stories and in his novels may be found some traits typical for the expressionist poetics as, for example, a subjective perspective, a color sensitivity or a tendency to violent and dynamic use of formal elements. Grabiński was fascinated by a German literature – he read Gustav Meyrink, E.T.A. Hoffmann and an expressionist magazine “Der Orchideengarten”. Moreover, he liked going to the cinema where he could watch, for example, a famous German expressionist film – The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. The only text by Grabiński which was adapted into film in his life was a short story Kochanka Szamoty (Szamota’s Mistress, 1922). Although this seemed to be a great material for an expressionist film, the director – Leon Trystan – decided to realize it in an impressionist poetics.

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Joanna Majewska
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This article talks about a famous novel by Leopold Tyrmand entitled Zły (The Bad) which was translated into English by David Welsh as The Man with White Eyes (New York: Knopf, 1959). The author claims that the novel which describes a life in destroyed Warsaw of the 1950s gradually became an epic. The author refers to a conception by Polish literary scholar and critic Kazimierz Wyka who claimed that epics are not written, but – under some circumstances, sometimes even against the will of the writers – some texts become epics. According to the author, in Zły (both in the style and in the plot) can be found the elements of brilliant epic stylization. The novel which at first was read as a thriller gradually became an epic because it described with epic accuracy a world that had disappeared, a world where a new life was born in the ruins.

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Krzysztof Mrowcewicz
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First psychological research at Arctowski station were conducted in 1979. In the nineties the American team under direction of prof. L. Palinkas conducted research in order to determine the patterns of multicultural psychosocial adaptation. The author discusses stress as a result of isolation and extreme conditions.

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Stanisław Rakusa-Suszczewski
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The aim of the article is to present the activities of foreign scientific centres of the Polish Academy of Sciences on the examples of three out of six operating centers: the center in Vienna, Paris and the Polish Science Contact Agency PolSCA PAN in Brussels. The authors of the article combine their own experiences of the former directors of the centers: in Vienna, Paris and Brussels to reflect critically on the place and role of these centers in the scientific-research area. They point to centers’ enormous and diverse potential for disseminating and promoting the achievements of scientists, not fully recognized and used by the scientific community. Taking into account the specifics of each institution, the authors describe the ways of optimal use of their cultural and social capital, and identify common structural problems they encountered during their tenure. The article consists of the following elements: an introduction, an extensive authorial analysis of each station's activities, prepared in the form of a case study and a summary with conclusions.

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Bogusław Dybaś
Maciej Forycki
Małgorzata Molęda-Zdziech
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Prof. Jerzy Jankowski passed away on 18th of August, 2020 and this paper brings back this outstanding scientist, one of the most influential geophysicists in Poland and an extraordinary man. Considered a prime architect in the development of the geomagnetic observations in Poland, Prof. Jankowski was a giant in geophysics covering a wide range of problems, from the cognition of the deep basement in Poland and Central Europe to the studies of earthquake precursors. Besides research Prof. Jankowski also offered his administrative services to the Institute of Geophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, among others being its director for more than 30 years and also to the Polish Academy of Sciences as the Head of the Division of Earth and Mining Sciences for nearly a decade. Prof. Jankowski received many significant honors during his life; internationally, he was recognized as a foreign member of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters and Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

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Waldemar Jóźwiak
Paweł M. Rowiński
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Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous successions of the Manín Unit of the Central Western Carpathians are exposed in Butkov Quarry in the Middle Váh Region, Slovakia. A significant part of the macrofauna belonging to neocomitid ammonites, formerly classified under the genus Teschenites Thieuloy, 1971, occurs in deposits spanning the Valanginian/Hauterivian boundary. The original definition of Teschenites was accompanied by uncertainties in the taxonomic and stratigraphic position of its original type species, i.e., Hoplites neocomiensiformis Uhlig, 1902. The present contribution focuses on and provides a possible taxonomic solution by establishing the new genus Tescheniceras. In Butkov Quarry, the new genus includes five species. Tescheniceras flucticulum (Thieuloy, 1977), the type species, is the most abundant. Tescheniceras callidiscum (Thieuloy, 1971), the subzonal species for the uppermost Valanginian (Thieuloy 1971b), occurs only sporadically. Because Acanthodiscus radiatus (Bruguiére, 1789), the index species for the basal Hauterivian (radiatus Zone) in the international ammonite zonation, does not occur in the locality, the basal Hauterivian is indicated by the first appearance of the genus Spitidiscus Kilian, 1910.

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Zdeněk Vašíček

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Anna Wysocka
Ewa Głowniak
Michał Szulczewski
Stanisław Rudowski
Jerzy Giżejewski
Paweł Henryk Karnkowski
Joanna Pinińska
Grzegorz Pieńkowski
Stanisław Skompski
Ewa Słaby
Anna Kalinowska
Gerard Sawicki
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The mid-Ludfordian pronounced, positive carbon isotope excursion (CIE), coincident with the Lau/kozlowskii extinction event, has been widely studied so far in shallow-water, carbonate successions, whereas its deep-water record remains insufficiently known. The aim of this research is to reconstruct the sedimentary environments and the palaeoredox conditions in the axial part of the Baltic-Podolian Basin during the event. For these purposes, the Pasłęk IG-1 core section has been examined using microfacies analysis, framboid pyrite diameter and carbon isotope measurements. The prelude to the event records an increased influx of detrital dolomite interpreted as eolian dust, coupled with a pronounced decrease in the diameter of the pyrite framboids, indicating persistent euxinic conditions across the event. The event climax is recorded as the Reda Member and consists of calcisiltites, composed of calcite microcrystals (‘sparoids’), which are interpreted as suspensoids induced by phytoplankton blooms in the hipersaturation conditions present in the epipelagic layer of the basin. Both the prelude and climax facies show lamination, interpreted as having resulted from periodical settling of marine snow, combined with hydraulic sorting within a ‘benthic flocculent layer’, which additionally may be responsible for a low organic matter preservation rate due to methanogenic decomposition. Contrary to the observed basinward CIE decline in the benthic carbonates in the basin, the Reda Member records an extremely positive CIE (up to 8.25‰). Given the pelagic origin of the sparoids, the CIE seems to record surface-water carbon isotope ratios. This points to a large carbon isotope gradient and kinetic fractionation between surface and bottom waters during the mid-Ludfordian event in a strongly stratified basin. The Reda facies-isotope anomaly is regarded as undoubtedly globally triggered, but amplified by the stratified and euxinic conditions in the partly isolated, Baltic-Podolian basin. Hence, the common interpretation of the basin record as representative for the global ocean needs to be treated with great caution.

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Wojciech Kozłowski
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Over three thousand specimens representing the superfamily Trochoidea Rafinesque, 1815 [Trochidae Rafinesque, 1815 and Calliostomatidae Thiele, 1924 (1847)] from the upper Upper Badenian = Kosovian = lower Serravallian (middle Miocene) marine deposits of Ukraine, housed in the collections of the Polish Academy of Sciences Museum of the Earth in Warsaw (MZ), are studied herein. The abundant material has allowed for investigations of the intraspecific variation and revision of earlier determinations. As a result, 21 species belonging to 5 genera have been identified, described and illustrated, of which one is new [Clanculus (Clanculopsis) krachi sp. nov.] and one is left in open nomenclature. Granulifera O. Anistratenko, 2000 is considered a junior subjective synonym of Clanculopsis Monterosato, 1879; Granulifera pulla O. Anistratenko, 2000 is considered a junior subjective synonym of Monodonta tuberculata Eichwald, 1830; Gibbula sytovae Amitrov, 1961 is considered a junior subjective synonym of Trochus miocaenicus Mayer, 1853; Gibbula volhynica Friedberg, 1928 is considered a junior subjective synonym of Trochus novemcinctus von Buch, 1830; and Trochus buchii du Bois de Montpéreux, 1831 is suppressed in favour of the senior subjective synonym Trochus puschii Andrzejowski, 1830. The geographic distribution and stratigraphic ranges of the taxa are given. Six species are known only from the Polish-Ukrainian part of the Fore-Carpathian Basin. The protoconch features are systematically studied in the Trochidae and Calliostomatidae from this area for the first time.

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Ewa Nosowska
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This work focuses on the paleoenvironmental and palaeoclimatological history of the undisturbed core sequence of 8.6 m extracted from the Bottomless Lake (Tăul fără fund) sphagnum peat bog located in Bǎgǎu, Romania, which covers the last 8,600 years based on radiocarbon dating. By comparing results of archaeological and palaeoenvironmental investigations carried out so far in the area, results of the loss on ignition analyses and the data of the chronological analyses, it was possible to reconstruct climatic factors and anthropogenic impacts on the local environment. The undisturbed core sequence has above 86% organic matter content all along excluding the erosion horizons. Anthropogenic effects (building, woodcutting, pasturage, husbandry, farming) and changes in the local climate, vegetation, and environment increased the rate of the erosion and decreased the rate of the accumulation.

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Tamás Zsolt Vári
Dávid Molnár
Pál Sümegi
Balázs Pál Sümegi
Tünde Törőcsik
Edit Szakál
Réka Benyó-Korcsmáros
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An important source of palaeoecological and palaeoenvironmental information is intra-specimen variability of isotopic composition of mammal tooth enamel. It reflects seasonal or behavioral changes in diet and climate occurring during a life of the animal. While well-known in ungulates, in carnivorans this variability is poorly recognized. However, carnivoran remains are amongst the most numerous in the Pleistocene fossil record of terrestrial mammals, so their isotopic signature should be of particular interest. The aim of the study was to verify if enamel of a fossil cave hyena (Crocuta crocuta spelaea) and a cave bear (Ursus ingressus) records any regular inter- or intra-tooth isotopic variability. We examined intra-individual variability of δ13C and δ18O values in permanent cheek teeth enamel of fossil cave hyena and cave bear from the site of the Perspektywiczna Cave (southern Poland). We conclude that the isotopic variability of the cave hyena is low, possibly because enamel mineralization took place when the animals still relied on a uniform milk diet. Only the lowermost parts of P3 and P4 enamel record a shift toward an adult diet. In the case of the cave bear, the sequence of enamel formation records periodic isotopic changes, possibly correlating with the first seasons of the animal life.

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Michał Czernielewski
Magdalena Krajcarz
Maciej T. Krajcarz
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The paper presents results of studies focused on occurrence and correlation of four main horizons of Younger Loesses: Lowest Younger Loess (LMn – after Maruszczak, 2001), Lower Younger Loess (LMd), Middle Younger Loess (LMs), and Upper Younger Loess (LMg) recorded in five sections (Politów, Wąchock, Nietulisko Małe, Komorniki and Bodzechów) in the Holy Cross Mountains area. All analysed loesses were accumulated during the Vistulian Glaciation (Weichselian). The horizons were distinguished based on separating interstadial tundra soils, coupled with thermoluminescence dating, and correlated with marine oxygen-isotope stages MIS 5d−2. The Lowermost Younger Loess (LMn) covers the Nietulisko I soil complex (Jersak, 1973), developed on deposits of the Odranian Glaciation (MIS 6) and representing a forest soil of the Eemian Interglacial (MIS 5e) and the Brørup warming (MIS 5c). A thin horizon of the Oldest Younger Loess and a thin sandy horizon, both probably corresponding to the Herning cooling phase (MIS 5d) at the boundary with the Eemian Interglacial, were distinguished within this complex. Based on previously performed grain-size and heavy mineral analysis of the Upper Younger Loess (LMg) and a topographic position of the loesses in four loessy islands of diverse regional extent, accumulation of this loess in the Holy Cross Mountains area is found to have been stimulated by the western winds. The proposed model of loess accumulation takes into account the influence of the topography of the area and its geological structure.

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Jan Dzierżek
Leszek Lindner
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The article presents application of the new geophysical amplitude data comparison method (ADCM), resulting from integrated geophysical survey using ground-penetrating radar (GPR) and magnetometry. The ADCM was applied to recognize the horizontal and vertical stratigraphy of a Roman senatorial villa located in Santa Marina (western part of Croatian Istria). The measurements were carried out in 2017−2019 at this site, accompanied by a use of GPR and gradientometer. These two methods significantly differ from each other, but on the other hand, they are complementary to some extent. This is due to the fact that the methods register different types of underground materials. The GPR records electromagnetic waves reflected from real buried remains or boundaries between geological or archaeological layers that differ significantly in electrical properties. The magnetic method, in turn, records the anomalies of the magnetic field intensity resulting from the underground concentration of ferromagnetic minerals, hence it is ideal for searching structures filled with organic matter or burning material. However, a separate usage of these methods does not guarantee a full picture of archaeological structures that are preserved underground. Only the application of the ADCM allowed for a comparison of GPR and magnetic amplitude data reading, following which a spatial image (2D and 3D) of the preserved archaeological structures and the geological stratigraphy of the Santa Maria site were obtained.

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Fabian Welc
Corinne Rousse
Gaetano Bencic
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The freshwater dinoflagellate represent microfossils which are very rarely noted in lake deposits. In Late Holocene sediments of the Lake Młynek, the Iława Lakeland, northern Poland, we identified intense blooms of algae of the genus Palatinus. They occurred primarily in the period of strong human impact during expansion of the Monastic State of the Teutonic Order. The most amazing thing is that samples in which conventional palynological maceration has been used dinoflagellate are represented by armored vegetative forms instead of cysts. During this laboratory processes, especially acetolysis, cellulosic thecae of armored forms should be destructed. This is the second known example of acetolysis resistant thecae of modern dinoflagellate, built by substance other than cellulose. Palatinus blooms were associated probably with the hydrotechnical works made by Teutonic Knights in the catchment, which caused supply and discharge of micronutrients e.g. selenium in the basin.

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Krzysztof Bińka
Fabian Welc
Jerzy Nitychoruk
Dominika Sieradz
Antoni Lewczuk

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