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The Arctic region is under considerable pressure from the rapidly growing global tourism industry. The goal of this article is to present the current state of tourism in Spitsbergen, including the results of empirical research about the type of tourists and their preferences in organizing a trip, i.e. motivation, choice of attractions, etc. The survey in Longyearbyen town was conducted in 2018 and 2019 during two summer and two winter trips. As a result, a total of n=214 questionnaires were collected, presenting interesting insights into tourists’ profiles and their motivation in coming to the island. Based on the results, the Arctic tourism sector is characterized by seasonality, which significantly affects the distribution of tourist arrivals throughout the year. During the last 15 years, Spitsbergen island noticed the greatest boom in tourism linked to the development of transport infrastructure (new ports and airports) and accommodation (hotels). From one side, the tourism industry contributes significantly to employment in Longyearbyen, still from the other side, it burdens the local community and challenges their lives due to increased pollution of air, water and ground. The increased tourism also poses serious threats to the natural environment, which is already under pressure due to global warming resulting in melting Arctic glaciers and increased sea level. Therefore, it is crucial to implement new regulations to control and manage the development of tourism while protecting nature and its residents.
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Authors and Affiliations

Magdalena Kugiejko

  1. Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Department of Tourism and Recreation, Bogumiła Krygowskiego 10, 61-680 Poznań, Poland
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The article considers issues of ensuring sustainable agricultural production by increasing reliability of an irrigation sys-tem and water security. The article describes results of hydraulic tests performed at the water outlet with a vertical move-ment valve member. Resistance coefficients and hydrodynamic effects at the water outlet were determined experimentally. The study devel-oped a method for calculating hydromechanical transient processes in the water outlet at the stop and start of the pump. The paper substantiates the new construction of a water outlet facility with a vertical displacement of the breakdown valve. Such a design better corresponds to peculiarities of the operation of pumping stations and, if there are water pipes of considerable diameter, it has a positive effect on transition hydrodynamic processes by reducing the number of failures and downtime by up to 10%.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ievgenii Gerasimov
Henrikh Herasymov
Oleg Pinchuk

  1. National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, 11 Soborna St., 33028 Rivne, Ukraine
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The limitation in approachability to rainfall data sources with an appropriate spatial-temporal distribution is a signifi-cant challenge in different parts of the world. The development of general circulation models and mathematical algorithms has led to the generation of various rainfall products as new sources with the potential to overcome the shortage in data-scarce basins. In this study, the performance of the PERSIANN-CCS and CMORPH satellite-based rainfall product, as well as the ERA5 and ERA-Interim reanalysis, was evaluated based on detection skill and quantitative metrics in a daily, month-ly and seasonal time scales in the Dez basin located in the southwest of Iran. The basin has a wide topographic variation and scattered rain gauge stations. Overall results denote that the ERA5 dataset has the best performance in all statistic veri-fication than other rainfall products. Based on the daily evaluation of all rainfall products, the false alarm rate (FAR) is higher than 0.5, so none of the datasets could capture the temporal variability of rainfall occurrence. This study has covered the western parts of the Zagros steep slopes in which the topographic conditions have a significant effect on the activity of rainfall systems. On a monthly scale, the mean value of the correlation coefficient (CC) for ERA5, ERA-Interim, PER-SIANN-CCS, and CMORPH was equal to 0.86, 0.85, 0.51, 0.39, respectively. The results of seasonal evaluation suggested that all datasets have better rainfall estimation in autumn and winter, and the capability of all datasets dramatically de-creased in the spring. The current paper argues that the ERA5 reanalysis typically outperforms ERA-Interim and can be considered as a reliable rainfall source in the future hydrological investigation in the southwest of Iran.
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Authors and Affiliations

Mostafa Khoshchehreh
Mehdi Ghomeshi
Ali Shahbazi
Hossein Bolboli
Hamed Saberi
Ali Gorjizade

  1. Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Faculty of Water Science Engineering, Department of Water and Hydraulic Structures, Golestan Blvd., Ahvaz, 6135783151, Iran
  2. Khorramshahr University of Marine Science and Technology, Faculty of Engineering, Khorramshahr, Iran
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The article presents results of quality class determination and regulatory and monetary valuation of agricultural land in the steppe soils irrigation zone using the Karmanov’s methodology of soil and climatic quality class determination and au-thor's methodology of ecological, agro-ameliorative and climatic soils quality class determination. Based on the results of spatial modeling, a series of maps was created and characteristics of ecological, agro-ameliorative and relief and climatic components of soils quality class were presented based on the example of the Kherson Region, Ukraine. According to the results soil and climatic quality class determination, it is established that the value of the class varies from 25 to 46 points; the regulatory and monetary value of agricultural land varies from USD 490 per 1 ha for dark chestnut and chestnut al-kaline soils up to USD1,360 per ha for ordinary chernozem. According to the results of ecological, agro-ameliorative and climatic soils quality class determination, it is established that the value of the class varies from 6 to 59 points; the regulato-ry and monetary value of agricultural land varies from USD145 per 1 ha for degraded and highly saline chestnut soils up to USD2,060 per ha for irrigated southern chernozem. The suggested methodology of soil quality class calculation can have multiple purposes. It is intended to be used for different physiographic conditions of land use to develop adaptive soils pro-tection measures at different territorial levels of agricultural production management with the overall objective of ensuring sustainable land use.
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Authors and Affiliations

Vitalii Pichura
Larisa Potravka
Nataliia Dudiak
Alexander Stroganov
Olha Dyudyaeva

  1. Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University, Stritens'ka str. 23, Kherson, 73006, Ukraine
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The global demand for water has been growing rapidly in the last decade with a global population growth rate of 1.1% p.a., which is equivalent to 81 million people per year. Southeast Asian countries are facing severe water scarcity challenge due to their location in the tropics. In 2018, the Sumba Island experienced the highest temperature of 36°C and lesser rain-fall of 911.1 mm3 per year and it was classified as a long dry island prone to drought due to dry winds from Australian des-serts. This paper focuses on the perceived effect of water scarcity on livelihoods in the Mandahu Village, Indonesia, due to climate change. Sampling and survey covered rural households and the findings showed that the average household of 4 to 8 people consumed around 250 dm3 of water per day. The community relied on two main sources of clean water from two main springs. However, the prolonged dry season from May until December every year results in major challenges to ac-cess water and eventually affect the agricultural productivity. Hence, the feasibility of the fog collection technology has been investigated from technological, economic and social points of view as a reliable and cost-effective source of water. The outcome of this work will produce a feasibility statement for fog-to-water as an alternative solution counteracting water scarcity in the Sumba Island, a solution which can be replicated in other climate change stricken hot spots in South-east Asia.
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Authors and Affiliations

Zaitizila Ismail
Yun Ii Go
Mahawan Karuniasa

  1. Heriot-Watt University Malaysia, School of Engineering and Physical Science, 62200 Putrajaya, Wilayah Persekutuan Putrajaya, Malaysia
  2. Universitas Indonesia, School of Environmental Science, Jakarta, Indonesia
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Our scientific research is based on the monitoring of ions before and after filtration of groundwaters in the water plant of Velekinca in the municipality of Gjilan, Kosovo. Sandy filters are the most commonly used industrial filters in surface – and groundwater industries. The reason is their low construction cost and high processing capacity. In our scientific re-search, sand filters used in the plant do not have perfect filtration, so we can monitor results before filtration (BF) and after filtration (AF) by determining the concentration of some ions and molecules. The following average concentrations have described: Ca2+ (BF: 83.42, AF: 83.19) mg·dm–3, Mg2+ (BF: 35.59, AF: 34.35) mg·dm–3, Cl– (BF: 28.018, AF: 28.73) mg·dm–3, SO42– (BF: 42.76, AF: 44.46) mg·dm–3, HCO3– (BF: 410.9, AF: 404.81) mg·dm–3, A-HCl (BF: 6.73, AF: 6.63) ml-HCl, GH (BF: 19.94, AF: 19.62) °dH, CS (BF: 18.87, AF: 18.5) °dH and NO2– (BF: 0.0033, AF: 0.0022) mg·dm–3. Be-ing scientific researchers in the field of water treatment technology, we have concluded that ions create an affinity for sand particles. They attach to each other by creating an ion-sand particle physical chain. According to our scientific research, sand filters are difficult to guarantee a high quality of water processing.
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Authors and Affiliations

Valdrin M. Beluli
1 2

  1. University of Mitrovica “Isa Boletini”, Faculty of Food Technology, Department of Technology, Str. Ukshin Kovaçica, 40000 Mitrovica, Republic of Kosovo
  2. University of Tirana, Faculty of Nature Sciences, Department of Industrial Chemistry, Str. Boulevard Zogu I, 1001 Tirana, Albania
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In the initial stage of the growing season, the accumulation of autumn and winter precipitation moisture in poorly draining soil in arid conditions in the Northern region of Kazakhstan was a serious production problem. Research methods included measurements of autumn and winter moisture reserves in poorly draining soil and snow on the backgrounds of ordinary stubble, stubble coulisses and tall stubble left after stripper header (continuous combing) with and without autumn chiselling. The study revealed that the use of the continuous combing and stubble coulisses on poor draining soil: (a) sup-ports reserves of moisture in autumn soil; (b) the lack of chiselling leads to increased water runoff and the formation of li-mans in the fields. The use of stubble coulisses during snowy winters allowed moisture reserves in the snow to be increased in comparison with the stubble background. The use of chiselling on the background of stubble coulisses allowed: (a) to reduce runoff moisture loss in poorly draining soil by 35–50% after snowy winters, by 25–35% after little snowy winters, and prevent the formation of limans in the fields; (b) in comparison with the stubble background to increase the total re-serves of autumn-winter moisture in poorly draining soil by 61–105 mm in favourable years, and by 57 mm in years with the low autumn-winter precipitation. The use of chiselling on a stubble background did not significantly affect the total re-serves of autumn-winter moisture in poorly draining soil.
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Authors and Affiliations

Vladimir L. Astafyev
Pavel G. Ivanchenko

  1. Kostanay Branch of LLC Scientific Production Center of Agricultural Engineering, 110011, Kostanay, Abai Avenue, 34, Kazakhstan
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The paper discusses the impact of pesticides on the biological activity of soils, as well as an environmental assessment of the state of light chestnut soils by the Kazakh Research Institute of Agriculture and Crop Production with the aim to es-tablish diagnostic indicators that reduce biological activity. The study covers physical, chemical and biological properties of soils under crops of winter wheat in the light chestnut soil in the South-East of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The content of pesticides in soil samples was determined using the gas chromatography mass-spectrometric method. The paper shows results of the chromatographic analysis of soil samples regarding the content of pesticides. The study of changes of light chestnut soil biological activity was conducted to determine their relative resistance to pesticide contamination. Data ob-tained revealed the degree of light chestnut soil resistance to pesticide contamination. The study also identified species of soil invertebrates, as well as soil enzymes that should be used as bioindicators for the monitoring of the contamination with pesticides. Results obtained expand knowledge about changes in the biological activity of light chestnut soils due to pesti-cide contamination in the ecosystems of South-East Kazakhstan. In contrast to abundance indicators, the results suggest that the species composition of soil organisms can be used as a criterion for a qualitative assessment of the soil exposure to pesticides.
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Authors and Affiliations

Zulfiya Tukenova
Mustafa Mustafayev
Mereke Alimzhanova
Turar Akylbekova
Kazhybek Ashimuly

  1. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of Geography and Environmental Sciences, Department of UNESCO in Sustainable Development, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
  2. Azerbaijan National Academy of Science, Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry, 5, M. Rahim str., Baku, AZ10073, Azerbaijan Republic
  3. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of Thermal Physics and Technical Physics, Department of Physics and Technology, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
  4. Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Departments of Chemistry, Institute of Natural Sciences and Geography, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
  5. Scientific Production Center of Microbiology and Virology, Almaty, Kazakhstan
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This article shows that the most sensitive indicator of local and regional karst activity in territories of apparent karst processes is the behaviour of karst lakes. The authors propose a hydrogeological monitoring methodology for the karst pro-cess based on the phase-measuring geoelectric control method in the coastal zone of karst lakes. The geoelectric current control of hydrogeological changes in the medium at local levels uses a multi-frequency vertical electric sounding com-bined with a phase-measuring method of registering the geoelectric signal. These proven methods permit to distinguish var-iations of spatial parameters and the electric conductivity of several layers at a time. Moreover, they significantly increase the noise resistance and sensitivity of the measuring system. An adaptive algorithm function of the measuring complex for geoelectric monitoring of karst lakes’ coastal zones was developed to control the operation of facilities and data collection systems. Based on an example of a lake where karst processes are active, the key zones of hydrogeological control were identified depending on karst manifestations. The research confirmed the possibility of local and regional monitoring of the development and forecasting of destructive karst-suffosion processes based on hydrogeological regime observations of karst lakes.
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Authors and Affiliations

Oleg R. Kuzichkin
Roman V. Romanov
Nikolay V. Dorofeev
Gleb S. Vasilyev
Anastasia V. Grecheneva

  1. Belgorod National Research University, 85 Pobedy St., 308015 Belgorod, Russia
  2. Vladimir State University, Vladimir, Russia
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The loss of soil quality due to erosion is a global problem, particularly affecting natural resources and agricultural pro-duction in Algeria. In this study, the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) is applied to estimate the risk of water erosion in the Ain Sefra arid watershed (Algeria). The coupling of this equation with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) allows to assess and map the soil loss rates. The land erosion is influenced by many control variables, such as the topographic factor of the terrain and the length of slope (LS factor), rainfall erosivity (R factor), sensitivity of soil to erosion (K factor), presence of vegetation (C factor) and the anti-erosion cultivation techniques (P factor). To calculate the average annual soil loss, these five factors were considered and multiplied in the RUSLE Equation. The result shows that the aver-age rate of soil loss is estimated at about 5.2 t·ha–1·y–1 over the whole watershed. This study is the first of its kind in the region and aims to assess the soil loss caused by water erosion processes in this arid zone. Consequently, it is essential to take real intervention measures in these upstream areas in order to combat this scourge, based on priorities ensuring the sustainable management of natural resources in the study area.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ahmed Melalih
1 2
Mohamed Mazour

  1. Abou Bakr Belkaïd University, Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences and theUniverse, BP 230, New campus, Tlemcen, 13000 Algeria
  2. University Center of Ain Temouchent Belhadj Bouchaib, Laboratory of Applied Hydrology and Environment (LHYDENV), Ain Temouchent, Algeria
  3. University Center of Ain Temouchent Belhadj Bouchaib, Institute of Science and Technology, Ain Temouchent, Algeria
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Agricultural residues rich in lignocellulosic biomass are low-cost and sustainable adsorbents widely used in water treatment. In the present research, thermodynamics, kinetics, and equilibrium of nickel(II) and lead(II) ion biosorption were studied using a corncob (Zea mays). The experiments were performed in a batch system evaluating the effect of tempera-ture and dose of adsorbent. Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms were used to study the equilibrium. Thermodynamic and kinetic parameters were determined using kinetic models (pseudo-first order, pseudo-second order, Elovich). Biosorbent characteristics were studied by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy and Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. It was found that the hydroxyl, carboxyl, and phenolic groups are the major contributors to the removal process. Besides, Pb(II) ions form micro-complexes on the surface of the biomaterial while Ni(II) ions form bonds with active centers. It was found that the highest Ni(II) removal yields were achieved at 0.02 g of adsorbent and 70°C, while the highest Pb(II) removal yields were achieved at 0.003 g and 55°C. A maximum Ni(II) adsorption capacity of 3.52 mg∙g–1 (86%) and 13.32 mg∙g–1 (94.3%) for Pb(II) was obtained in 250 and 330 min, respectively. Pseudo-first or-der and pseudo-second order models best fit experimental data, and Langmuir and Freundlich models well describe the iso-therm of the process. Thermodynamic parameters (ΔH0, ΔG0, ΔS0) suggest that the adsorption process of both cations is exothermic, irreversible, and not spontaneous.
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Authors and Affiliations

Candelaria Tejada-Tovar
Ángel Villabona-Ortíz
Angel Dario Gonzalez-Delgado

  1. University of Cartagena, Avenida del Consulado Calle 30 No. 48-152, Cartagena, Bolívar, Colombia
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Rainfall in the Lake Tana basin is highly seasonal and the base flow contribution is also low resulting in the need for reservoirs to meet the agricultural demand during the dry season. Water demand competition is increasing because of in-tense agricultural production. The objective of this study is to develop water balance models. The Mike Basin model has been selected for water allocation modelling and identifying potential changes needed to the existing water allocation scheme to reduce the stress due to increased water demand. The study considers baseline and future development scenarios. The construction of new dams results in two competing effects with respect to evaporation loss. The first effect is increased evaporation from new reservoirs, while the other is reduced evaporation from the Lake Tana as a result of a decreased sur-face area of the lake and reduced inflow of water to the lake. Once a dam is built, there will be an additional free water sur-face area and more evaporation loss. In dry months from January to May, the irrigation water demand deficit is up to 16 Mm3. It is caused by reservoirs built in the basin, which reduce the inflow to the Lake Tana. The inflow varies between wet and dry months, and there is more water flow in wet months (July, August and September) and reduced flow in dry months because of the regulatory effects produced by the reservoirs.
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Authors and Affiliations

Asegdew G. Mulat

  1. Bahir Dar University, Bahir Dar Institute of Technology, Faculty of Civil and Water Resource Engineering, P.O. Box. 26, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia

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