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The paper identifies key global challenges threatening the world and indicates the role of higher research and education institutions in effectively facing them. The analysis suggests that the key factor in securing our save future requires constantly increasing efforts in creating new and widely communicating available knowledge in favor of wisely understood common good.
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Authors and Affiliations

Michał Kleiber
1 2

  1. członek rzeczywisty PAN
  2. Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki PAN, Warszawa
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The article, drawing on the tradition of Frankfurt School, brings to the focus a great paradox of the Enlightenment – a hidden affinity of rationality and mythology. Noticing the phenomenon of great enthusiasm, underlying the message of the Enlightenment, it tries to pin down the starting point of a new scientistic eschatology – bringing to life a mirage of unending prosperity and unlimited profusion, following the advances of science. The idea of accumulation of knowledge is approached as a pivot of a new mythology. At the same time, putting light on the notion of “cognition industry”, the article offers critical insights tracing an inevitable erosion of high-minded dreams and expectations. Cognition industry is studied as a machinery turning up-side down the hopes of the Enlightenment – protecting the interests of instrumental rationality, and replacing the ideal of getting at the truth with the mechanism putting in motion the “production” of truth, operating in a domain of narrowly calibrated utility.
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Adorno T., Minima moralia. Refleksje z poharatanego życia, przeł. M. Łukaszewicz, Kraków 2009.
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Authors and Affiliations

Stanisław Filipowicz
1 2

  1. członek rzeczywisty PAN
  2. Wydział Nauk Politycznych i Studiów Międzynarodowych Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
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This article is a summary of the author's research into the background, social environment and other elements of Nicolaus Copernicus' biography. The author draws attention to the genesis of the dispute over the astronomer's “nationality” and emphasises his nineteenth-century origins. The author points to the influence of the partitions of Poland on the one hand, and the rise of German nationalism on the other, as the main reasons for its emergence. He emphasises the fact of Copernicus' loyalty to the Polish king and, consequently, Copernicus' historically understood “Polishness”. The author discusses the history of the astronomer's home town - Toruń, its economic and political role in the 13–16th centuries and, in particular, the commercial confederation linking the city and its merchants with Western and Northern Europe, the lands of the Polish Kingdom, Upper Hungary (today's Slovakia) and Silesia. These links indicate the causes and directions of merchant migration that led to the appearance of the Copernicus family in Toruń. The author put forward a thesis on the Westphalian origin of the family of Nicolaus Copernicus' mother, Watzenrode. The family came from the village of Wazerath (in the 15th century Watzenrode), situated near the German- Belgian border. The Watzenrode family arrived in Toruń in the first half of the 14th century together with a wave of migrants from Westphalian towns with Soest and Dortmund at the head. Of the 8 great-grandmothers of Copernicus, 6 came from families directly descended from Westphalia, one from Ruthenia, and one from Livonia. The Watzenrode family belonged to the elite of Toruń's patricians - three of its members were local councillors and three jurors, and five of its representatives went on to study at university. There was a tradition in the family of striving to achieve high social prestige through a clerical career for its members, taken from John Abezier, and continued by the astronomer's uncle, Łukasz Watzenrode, both bishops of Warmia. The astronomer's father's family came from Silesia, not from the village of Koperniki, but from the town of Nysa. The surname “Copernicus” had a professional character, being connected with the mining or processing of copper. In Nysa the Koperniks were recorded in the bench book under the name “Kopersmed”, which was a translation of their Slavic surname into the official language of the books – German. Considered in earlier literature to be the astronomer's grandfather, John Copernicus was probably his father Andrew's cousin. However, he played a significant role in the life of the astronomer's family. It was probably thanks to Jan Nicolaus Copernicus that his father went from Nysa to Cracow for a merchant apprenticeship to Jan Sweidniczer, and later, thanks to the relationship with this merchant, he went to Prussia and settled in Toruń. Nicolaus Copernicus was not the youngest child in his family. This misconception was caused by the order in which the children of Nicolaus and Barbara Copernicus were listed in a genealogical table prepared by the Gdańsk writer Stanisław Bornbach. Earlier biographers of Copernicus considered this order to be chronological, whereas it was alphabetical. In contemporary sources Nicolaus appears twice before his brother Andrew (never in reverse order), which is sufficient evidence for the recognition of his seniority in relation to his brother. The astronomer was born in Toruń, but not in the tenement house at 15 Kopernik Street, where today there is a part of the museum devoted to him. This house belonged to the astronomer's family in the years 1458–1480, but probably already in 1468 they moved to the tenement house at 36 Rynek Staromiejski, half of which belonged to the Watzenrode family already at the end of the 14th century, and the other half was bought by the astronomer's father in 1468. Anna Schilling, hailed in literature as the “lady of the heart” of the astronomer approaching the end of his days, was most probably his cousin from Gdańsk. She was the daughter of Nicolaus Copernicus' cousin. She lived in Frombork as a widow, rather as a carer of her elderly and probably already ailing cousin. The question of Copernicus' place of rest in Frombork Cathedral is still open. The identification of his remains still raises some doubts among researchers, especially anthropologists and geneticists. Despite these reservations, the author concludes that our knowledge of Nicolaus Copernicus' background, youth and private life on the eve of his 550th birthday is much greater than it was even several decades after his death and only a few years ago.
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Authors and Affiliations

Krzysztof Mikulski

  1. Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu
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The academic community was and still is a community of scholars taking various positions. Problematic was and still is the changing of ways we set these positions in both, in relation to a long lasting academic tradition and in a much shorter period of academic activity of particular scholars. Some of these ways did show in a greater extent its own usability and some in lesser. In these remarks I make the attempt to point out those who did work out well and in some way still do and which ones should be history by now. However it is not all. Relatively recently ways of positioning of scholars occurred that are in some perspectives innovative and widely applied (also in Poland). Nevertheless they do have in the academic millieu its followers and radical opponents. The bibliometric positioning of scholars is one of those ways.
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Zbigniew Drozdowicz

  1. Instytut Kulturoznawstwa, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, Poznań
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On 19 August 2021 died Professor Henryk Olszewski, born 2 January 1932. The Deceased was one of the most renowned specialists in history of law and polish parliamentary tradition, especially during the reign of Wasa dynasty. His knowledge based on analysis of manuscripts and constitutions of Polish Diet of XVII century. Professor Henryk Olszewski during all his life was connected with Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, where he graduated in 1954. All his life reflected the changes in politics: the Stalinist era, real socialism and finally the III Polish Republic. In Poznań, after the “thaw” of 1956 he started as an assistant, wrote his doctoral thesis in 1959, qualified for an associate professor in 1976, received the title of full professor in 1986. His career was connected with state policy in the field of higher education. In 1956 he was appointed to teach the history of political and legal doctrines, and he had to begin anew, although he never left the history of Polish parliament. In the new field of active research, Professor Olszewski became an excellent expert of German political thought, especially of XIX-th and XX-th century. His life was full of different activities and functions. He was the dean of Faculty of Law and Administration (1975–1978), member of Polish Academy of Sciences, and of Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences. He was also an active member of many international bodies, among them the most important was the “International Commission for Teaching of History” and the Commission for history of European parliaments. His publications count more than 700 titles, and he was active in more than 300 cases as a professor conferring a doctoral degree or reviewer in habilitation procedures. For over 40 years, Professor Olszewski was an editor in chief of “Czasopismo Prawno-Historyczne”, one of the best Polish scientific periodicals (Legal-Historical Periodical). His personal feature was his attention to the history of legal and historical science of institutions and scientists, he was even known as “custodian of scientific memory”. His extraordinary knowledge and scientific excellence were recognized by the scientific world – he became doctor honoris causa multi, Professor Henryk Olszewski received the title at Europa-Universität-Viadrina (2001) and at Jagiellonian University (2011). Adam Mickiewicz University renewed his doctor title in 2015.
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Maria Zmierczak

  1. doktorantka i następczyni prof. Henryka Olszewskiego w Katedrze Doktryn Polityczno-Prawnych i Filozofii w latach 2002–2017
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Through this article, the current director of the PolSCA Office in Brussels (Dr. Tomasz Poprawka) and former director of the PAS Scientific Center in Paris (Dr. Kamil Szafrański) share their reflections and thus contribute to the discussion on the functioning and role of foreign centers of the Polish Academy of Sciences. In response to the article co-authored by the former directors of the PAS stations in Vienna, Paris and Brussels – in which they initiated the debate – the authors present their own perspective on a vision of the balanced operation of the stations in three key areas: the action plan, administrative support and communication. Having in mind an effective operation of the PAS centers abroad, the authors wish to share their ideas, based on the experience to date. These include strengthening of the stations in the future, taking up new challenges and searching for innovative solutions for their continuous development, thus meaningfully contributing to the promotion of Polish science abroad. At the same time, the authors declare their willingness to take part in further discussions on the role and operationality of the Academy’s scientific centers abroad. This publication consists of the following elements: introduction, discussion of issues related to science diplomacy, lobbying and advocacy of interests, analysis of administrative issues, an outline of aspects of internal communication and external dissemination, and a summary.
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Tomasz Poprawka
Kamil Szafrański

  1. Biuro Promocji Nauki PolSCA w Brukseli
  2. Stacja Naukowa PAN w Paryżu do czerwca 2021
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Based on the results of our research, we present the mechanisms of population changes, explain their causes and indicate possible consequences. We responded to such initiatives as “Demographic Strategy 2040. Project” prepared by the Ministry of Family and Social Policy and the draft act on the Polish Institute of Family and Demography submitted by a group of members of the Law and Justice Parliamentary Club. The above opinions are presented in the text. The proposal of the Demographic Strategy focuses on fertility. In fact demographic development is reduced to low fertility without taking into account other components of the population reproduction as mortality, health and migration. While these demographic processes are closely interrelated and cannot be analysed separately when considering about the demographic future. The parliamentary draft contains beautiful intentions indicating the need for demographic research and analysis, but it devotes just one paragraph to scientific research. The document does not refer to institutions conducting demographic research in the country, neither in international cooperation, nor to insufficient financing of this research in Poland.
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Elżbieta Gołata
1 2

  1. Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu
  2. przewodnicząca Komitetu Nauk Demograficznych PAN
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Polish researcher Henryk Arctowski, participant of the Belgica expedition, patron of the Polish Antarctic station. Before the Second World War, He worked in Lviv, where he had left his library and scientific materials that we should recover for Poland.
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Stanisław Rakusa-Suszczewski

  1. członek rzeczywisty PAN
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The essay contains author’s reflections on the relationship between thinking and understanding as well as the role and significance of diversity, chance and egoism in human life and in shaping the social reality of the Homo sapiens species.
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Paweł Kisielow
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  1. członek korespondent PAN
  2. Instytut Immunologii i Terapii Doświadczalnej im. Ludwika Hirszfelda PAN, Wrocław
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The Poznań Branch of the PAN Archive in Warsaw was established in May 1956. From April 1974, the headquarters of the Branch was located in the building of the Poznań Society of Friends of Sciences in Poznań. The Archive collects, processes and makes available archival materials on the activities of the Polish Academy of Sciences and legacies of scholars. The legacies that form the backbone of archival resources are gathered through purchases, donations and deposits. Then they are compiled in the form of inventories and made available for research purposes. The collections of the Archive of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Poznań contain rich documentation of the history of science in Poznań and in Poland. They concern both scientific institutions, including laboratories, editorial offices and some institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences, the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań and other Poznań universities, as well as biographies of individual scientists, especially those connected to Poznań and Greater Poland. Archival collections with valuable materials related to groundbreaking events in the post-war history of Poznań and Poland are also interesting. Archival collections are also displayed at exhibitions and during scientific conferences. Archives from two legacies are available on the CYRYL portal – the Poznań Local Digital Repository.
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Jarosław Matysiak

  1. PAN Archiwum w Warszawie Oddział w Poznaniu
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2022 is the 135. anniversary of birth of Ludwik Wertenstein – the pioneer of radioactivity research in Poland, assistant of Maria Skłodowska-Curie, friend of James Chadwick, fellow employee of Ernest Rutheford, co-organiser of the Radiology Unit of the Warsaw Scientific Society. The article, referring to (national and foreign) archival materials and literature, presents Professor Wertenstein and his scholar activity, describes the circumstances of his work, his family relations, as well as extensive international contacts with the physicists and chemists.
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Materiały archiwalne

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APAN, III–25, j.a. 1–58;
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Authors and Affiliations

Dorota Pietrzkiewicz

  1. Wydział Dziennikarstwa, Informacji i Bibliologii, Uniwersytet Warszawski

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