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A product is referred to as robust when its performance is consistent. In current product robustness paradigms, robustness is the responsibility of engineering design. Drawings and 3D models should be released to manufacturing after applying all the possible robust design principles. But there are no methods referred for manufacturing to carry and improve product robustness after the design freeze. This paper proposes a process of inducing product robustness at all stages of product development from design release to the start of mass production. A manufacturing strategy of absorbing all obvious variations and an approach of turning variations to cancel one another are defined. Verified the application feasibility and established the robustness quantification method at each stage. The theoretical and actual sensitivity of different parameters is identified as indicators. Theoretical and actual performance variation and accuracy of estimation are established as robustness metric. Manufacturing plan alignment to design, complimenting the design and process sensitivities, countering process mean shifts with tool deviations, higher adjustable assembly tools are enablers to achieve product robustness.
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Murthy S. Boorla
Tobias Eifler
Chris McMahon
Thomas J. Howard
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Management and Production Engineering Review (MPER) is a peer-refereed, international, multidisciplinary journal covering a broad spectrum of topics in production engineering and management. Production engineering is a currently developing stream of science encompassing planning, design, implementation and management of production and logistic systems. Orientation towards human resources factor differentiates production engineering from other technical disciplines. The journal aims to advance the theoretical and applied knowledge of this rapidly evolving field, with a special focus on production management, organisation of production processes, management of production knowledge, computer integrated management of production flow, enterprise effectiveness, maintainability and sustainable manufacturing, productivity and organisation, forecasting, modelling and simulation, decision making systems, project management, innovation management and technology transfer, quality engineering and safety at work, supply chain optimization and logistics. Management and Production Engineering Review is published under the auspices of the Polish Academy of Sciences Committee on Production Engineering and Polish Association for Production Management. The main purpose of Management and Production Engineering Review is to publish the results of cutting-edge research advancing the concepts, theories and implementation of novel solutions in modern manufacturing. Papers presenting original research results related to production engineering and management education are also welcomed. We welcome original papers written in English. The Journal also publishes technical briefs, discussions of previously published papers, book reviews, and editorials. Letters to the Editor-in-Chief are highly encouraged.
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Michał Ćwik
Jerzy Józefczyk
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Management and Production Engineering Review (MPER) is a peer-refereed, international, multidisciplinary journal covering a broad spectrum of topics in production engineering and management. Production engineering is a currently developing stream of science encompassing planning, design, implementation and management of production and logistic systems. Orientation towards human resources factor differentiates production engineering from other technical disciplines. The journal aims to advance the theoretical and applied knowledge of this rapidly evolving field, with a special focus on production management, organisation of production processes, management of production knowledge, computer integrated management of production flow, enterprise effectiveness, maintainability and sustainable manufacturing, productivity and organisation, forecasting, modelling and simulation, decision making systems, project management, innovation management and technology transfer, quality engineering and safety at work, supply chain optimization and logistics. Management and Production Engineering Review is published under the auspices of the Polish Academy of Sciences Committee on Production Engineering and Polish Association for Production Management. The main purpose of Management and Production Engineering Review is to publish the results of cutting-edge research advancing the concepts, theories and implementation of novel solutions in modern manufacturing. Papers presenting original research results related to production engineering and management education are also welcomed. We welcome original papers written in English. The Journal also publishes technical briefs, discussions of previously published papers, book reviews, and editorials. Letters to the Editor-in-Chief are highly encouraged.
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Shpend Imeri
Khuram Shahzad
Josu Takala
Yang Liu
Ilkka Sillanpää
Tahir Ali
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Management and Production Engineering Review (MPER) is a peer-refereed, international, multidisciplinary journal covering a broad spectrum of topics in production engineering and management. Production engineering is a currently developing stream of science encompassing planning, design, implementation and management of production and logistic systems. Orientation towards human resources factor differentiates production engineering from other technical disciplines. The journal aims to advance the theoretical and applied knowledge of this rapidly evolving field, with a special focus on production management, organisation of production processes, management of production knowledge, computer integrated management of production flow, enterprise effectiveness, maintainability and sustainable manufacturing, productivity and organisation, forecasting, modelling and simulation, decision making systems, project management, innovation management and technology transfer, quality engineering and safety at work, supply chain optimization and logistics. Management and Production Engineering Review is published under the auspices of the Polish Academy of Sciences Committee on Production Engineering and Polish Association for Production Management. The main purpose of Management and Production Engineering Review is to publish the results of cutting-edge research advancing the concepts, theories and implementation of novel solutions in modern manufacturing. Papers presenting original research results related to production engineering and management education are also welcomed. We welcome original papers written in English. The Journal also publishes technical briefs, discussions of previously published papers, book reviews, and editorials. Letters to the Editor-in-Chief are highly encouraged.
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Michał Wieczorowski
Tim Eichner
Ingo Lindner
Alejandro Pereira
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Management and Production Engineering Review (MPER) is a peer-refereed, international, multidisciplinary journal covering a broad spectrum of topics in production engineering and management. Production engineering is a currently developing stream of science encompassing planning, design, implementation and management of production and logistic systems. Orientation towards human resources factor differentiates production engineering from other technical disciplines. The journal aims to advance the theoretical and applied knowledge of this rapidly evolving field, with a special focus on production management, organisation of production processes, management of production knowledge, computer integrated management of production flow, enterprise effectiveness, maintainability and sustainable manufacturing, productivity and organisation, forecasting, modelling and simulation, decision making systems, project management, innovation management and technology transfer, quality engineering and safety at work, supply chain optimization and logistics. Management and Production Engineering Review is published under the auspices of the Polish Academy of Sciences Committee on Production Engineering and Polish Association for Production Management. The main purpose of Management and Production Engineering Review is to publish the results of cutting-edge research advancing the concepts, theories and implementation of novel solutions in modern manufacturing. Papers presenting original research results related to production engineering and management education are also welcomed. We welcome original papers written in English. The Journal also publishes technical briefs, discussions of previously published papers, book reviews, and editorials. Letters to the Editor-in-Chief are highly encouraged.
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Dragana Živković
Dragan Manasijević
Nada Štrbac
Milica Niculović
Jelena Živadinović
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The application of the 5S methodology to warehouse management represents an important

step for all manufacturing companies, especially for managing products that consist of

a large number of components. Moreover, from a lean production point of view, inventory

management requires a reduction in inventory wastes in terms of costs, quantities and time

of non-added value tasks. Moving towards an Industry 4.0 environment, a deeper understanding

of data provided by production processes and supply chain operations is needed:

the application of Data Mining techniques can provide valuable support in such an objective.

In this context, a procedure aiming at reducing the number and the duration of picking

processes in an Automated Storage and Retrieval System. Association Rule Mining is applied

for reducing time wasted during the storage and retrieval activities of components

and finished products, pursuing the space and material management philosophy expressed

by the 5S methodology. The first step of the proposed procedure requires the evaluation

of the picking frequency for each component. Historical data are analyzed to extract the

association rules describing the sets of components frequently belonging to the same order.

Then, the allocation of items in the Automated Storage and Retrieval System is performed

considering (a) the association degree, i.e., the confidence of the rule, between the components

under analysis and (b) the spatial availability. The main contribution of this work is

the development of a versatile procedure for eliminating time waste in the picking processes

from an AS/RS. A real-life example of a manufacturing company is also presented to explain

the proposed procedure, as well as further research development worthy of investigation.

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Maurizio Bevilacqua
Filippo Emanuele Ciarapica
Sara Antomarioni
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Maritime freight transport represents an effective solution, allowing to ensure a low-impact

service both under an economic and a sustainable perspective. As a consequence, in the last

ten years, an increasing trend of goods transported by sea has been observed. In order to

improve the terminal containers’ performance, recently published scientific studies shown

the applicability of the ‘lean logistic’ concept as a strategic key for ensuring a continuous

improvement of the logistic chain for inter-/intra terminal containers’ activities. According

to this approach, the adoption of a dry port can positively affect terminal containers’ performance,

but this requires resources and investments due to inter-terminal activities (e.g.

transport of the container from port to dry port and vice versa). The purpose of the study is

to develop a mathematical programming optimization model to support the decision making

in identifying the best containers’ handling strategy for intermodal facilities, according to

lean and green perspectives. Numerical experiments shown the effectiveness of the model in

identifying efficient material handling strategies under lean and green perspective.

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Salvatore Digiesi
Francesco Facchini
Giovanni Mummolo
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Management and Production Engineering Review (MPER) is a peer-refereed, international, multidisciplinary journal covering a broad spectrum of topics in production engineering and management. Production engineering is a currently developing stream of science encompassing planning, design, implementation and management of production and logistic systems. Orientation towards human resources factor differentiates production engineering from other technical disciplines. The journal aims to advance the theoretical and applied knowledge of this rapidly evolving field, with a special focus on production management, organisation of production processes, management of production knowledge, computer integrated management of production flow, enterprise effectiveness, maintainability and sustainable manufacturing, productivity and organisation, forecasting, modelling and simulation, decision making systems, project management, innovation management and technology transfer, quality engineering and safety at work, supply chain optimization and logistics. Management and Production Engineering Review is published under the auspices of the Polish Academy of Sciences Committee on Production Engineering and Polish Association for Production Management. The main purpose of Management and Production Engineering Review is to publish the results of cutting-edge research advancing the concepts, theories and implementation of novel solutions in modern manufacturing. Papers presenting original research results related to production engineering and management education are also welcomed. We welcome original papers written in English. The Journal also publishes technical briefs, discussions of previously published papers, book reviews, and editorials. Letters to the Editor-in-Chief are highly encouraged.
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Kelwyn A. D’Souza
Sharad K. Maheshwari
Zbigniew A. Banaszak
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The scientific goal of this article was to confirm the thesis that efficient complaint management

can be one the company’s competitive advantage elements of in the sphere of logistic

customer service. The theoretical part of the article presents basic foundations related to

complaint management process as an important element of post-trade sales process in customer

service. The research part presents an example of the implementation of efficient

assumptions of the complaint management process on the example of a construction industry

manufacturing company. Guidelines for the design and implementation of an effective

and efficient complaint handling process are presented. An example of process analysis is

done using appropriate quality tools.

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Maria Cieśla
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Lean management has become a much-researched topic in operations management. Beyond

its technical aspects, nowadays the analysis of soft factors (corporate culture, organization,

management, human resource management, knowledge transfer practices) have come to the

fore. However, there are few sources available to the lean organization to find out what organizational

changes are taking place alongside the lean application, and what organizational

structures are being developed. In our study first we deal with the literature-based concepts

of lean organizational structure and with the international examples, and then through five

Hungarian corporate solutions and with help of the literature of organizational theories we

synthesize the lean organizational forms.

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Zsuzsanna Bathory
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Management and Production Engineering Review (MPER) is a peer-refereed, international, multidisciplinary journal covering a broad spectrum of topics in production engineering and management. Production engineering is a currently developing stream of science encompassing planning, design, implementation and management of production and logistic systems. Orientation towards human resources factor differentiates production engineering from other technical disciplines. The journal aims to advance the theoretical and applied knowledge of this rapidly evolving field, with a special focus on production management, organisation of production processes, management of production knowledge, computer integrated management of production flow, enterprise effectiveness, maintainability and sustainable manufacturing, productivity and organisation, forecasting, modelling and simulation, decision making systems, project management, innovation management and technology transfer, quality engineering and safety at work, supply chain optimization and logistics. Management and Production Engineering Review is published under the auspices of the Polish Academy of Sciences Committee on Production Engineering and Polish Association for Production Management. The main purpose of Management and Production Engineering Review is to publish the results of cutting-edge research advancing the concepts, theories and implementation of novel solutions in modern manufacturing. Papers presenting original research results related to production engineering and management education are also welcomed. We welcome original papers written in English. The Journal also publishes technical briefs, discussions of previously published papers, book reviews, and editorials. Letters to the Editor-in-Chief are highly encouraged.
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Qian Wu
Alina Shamsuddin
Rosmaini Tasmin
Josu Takala
Yang Liu
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The main aim of this research is to compare the results of the study of demand’s plan and

standardized time based on three heuristic scheduling methods such as Campbell Dudek

Smith (CDS), Palmer, and Dannenbring. This paper minimizes the makespan under certain

and uncertain demand for domestic boxes at the leading glass company industry in Indonesia.

The investigation is run in a department called Preparation Box (later simply called PRP)

which experiences tardiness while meeting the requirement of domestic demand. The effect

of tardiness leads to unfulfilled domestic demand and hampers the production department

delivers goods to the customer on time. PRP needs to consider demand planning for the

next period under the certain and uncertain demand plot using the forecasting and Monte

Carlo simulation technique. This research also utilizes a work sampling method to calculate

the standardized time, which is calculated by considering the performance rating and

allowance factor. This paper contributes to showing a comparison between three heuristic

scheduling methods performances regarding a real-life problem. This paper concludes that

the Dannenbring method is suitable for large domestic boxes under certain demand while

Palmer and Dannenbring methods are suitable for large domestic boxes under uncertain

demand. The CDS method is suitable to prepare small domestic boxes for both certain and

uncertain demand.

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Filscha Nurprihatin
Ester Lisnati Jayadi
Hendy Tannady
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In the article, the significance and essence of management of intelligent manufacturing in

the era of the fourth industrial revolution has been presented. The current revolution has

a large impact on the operation of the company. Through the changes resulting from the

application of modern technologies, production processes are also undergoing revolutions,

which results in changes in such indicators of business development. Management of intelligent

manufacturing is also a challenge for socially responsible activities; due to solutions of

Industry 4.0, enterprises directly and indirectly influence environmental protection, which

results in benefits for all mankind. In the article, the analysis and assessment of management

of intelligent manufacturing, using modern technologies during the production process,

has been carried out, with particular emphasis on the components of management such as:

monitoring, control, autonomy, optimization. Moreover, the impact of the above components

of management on changes in the following indicators (KPI – Key Performance Indictors)

has been evaluated, i.e. (1) quality, (2) rapidity of the production process implementation,

(3) performance and (4) productivity, (5) decrease in waste generated during the technological

process and (6) amount of consumed electricity. For the purposes of conducting the

research, a case study has been used, developed due to the information shared by the company

manufacturing machinery and equipment for the polymer processing industry, in which

intelligent solutions of Industry 4.0 are being applied. The presented article is a significant

contribution to the current development of knowledge in the field of implementing Industry

4.0 solutions for polymer processing. The article is a combination of theoretical and practical

knowledge in the field of management and practical industrial applications. It refers to the

most current research trends.

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Katarzyna Łukasik
Tomasz Stachowiak
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In this article conclusions from nearly 10 years of collaboration with Polish and German Engineer-to-Order (ETO) small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from mechanical sector was presented. Research objective was to highlight common organizational problems they are dealing with, which prevent them from transition to Mass Customizers. As a result, a concept of 5 foundations for robust process design was proposed: procedures, product selection, machining philosophy, planning and storage, cross-functional teams. More practical solutions from this field have to be published to fill the research gap.
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Bartosz Ciesla
Janusz Mleczko
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Wire electrical discharge machining (WEDM) is a non-conventional material-removal process where a continuously travelling electrically conductive wire is used as an electrode to erode material from a workpiece. To explore its fullest machining potential, there is always a requirement to examine the effects of its varied input parameters on the responses and resolve the best parametric setting. This paper proposes parametric analysis of a WEDM process by applying non-parametric decision tree algorithm, based on a past experimental dataset. Two decision tree-based classification methods, i.e. classification and regression tree (CART) and Chi-squared automatic interaction detection (CHAID) are considered here as the data mining tools to examine the influences of six WEDM process parameters on four responses, and identify the most preferred parametric mix to help in achieving the desired response values. The developed decision trees recognize pulse-on time as the most indicative WEDM process parameter impacting almost all the responses. Furthermore, a comparative analysis on the classification performance of CART and CHAID algorithms demonstrates the superiority of CART with higher overall classification accuracy and lower prediction risk.
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Shruti Sudhakar Dandge
Shankar Chakraborty
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The present paper describes a methodological framework developed to select a multi-label dataset transformation method in the context of supervised machine learning techniques. We explore the rectangular 2D strip-packing problem (2D-SPP), widely applied in industrial processes to cut sheet metals and paper rolls, where high-quality solutions can be found for more than one improvement heuristic, generating instances with multi-label behavior. To obtain single-label datasets, a total of five multi-label transformation methods are explored. 1000 instances were generated to represent different 2D-SPP variations found in real-world applications, labels for each instance represented by improvement heuristics were calculated, along with 19 predictors provided by problem characteristics. Finally, classification models were fitted to verify the accuracy of each multi-label transformation method. For the 2D-SPP, the single-label obtained using the exclusion method fit more accurate classification models compared to the other four multi-label transformation methods adopted.
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Neuenfeldt Júnior Alvaro
Matheus Francescatto
Gabriel Stieler
David Disconzi
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Occupational risk is closely related to work environment. For the same positions, but in different working conditions threats and level of risk can be different. For this also estimating the degree of damage hazard the largest possible should be adopted effects. However, when estimating probability occurrence of threats should include, among others: working conditions, events from the past, or possible employee behavior (in particular those that may be the cause of an accident at work). The source of the above information may be data from statistics or observations of work stations. The article presents the assessment of occupational risk at the position of the laser cutter operator, which was carried out using the Job Safety Analysis (JSA) method. According to this method, occupational risk is determined on the basis of two parameters, i.e.: consequences of C and probability of consequences P. In turn, the probability of consequences is the sum of three factors: frequency of hazard F, probability of event O and avoidability or damage limitation A.
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Michal Palega
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This study investigates (1) the effect of quality information on quality performance through process control and (2) the moderating role of shop floor leadership on the relationship between quality information and quality performance in the context of manufacturing plants on a global basis. The moderated mediation analysis with a bootstrapping approach was employed to analyse data for hypotheses testing. The data is from the fourth-round dataset of the High- Performance Manufacturing Project, collected from manufacturing plants worldwide. The results indicate that (1) quality information is positively associated with quality performance through process control, and (2) shop floor leadership (i.e., supervisory interaction facilitation) positively moderates the indirect effect of quality information on quality performance; that is, the shop floor leadership practice strengthens the effect of quality information on quality performance through process control. This study also has a practical implication for top managers who should consider the vital role of leadership practices adopted by shop floor supervisors in implementing total quality management practices and should raise awareness that leadership practices are not only for the ‘C-suite’ but also for shop floor supervisors.
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Ngoc Anh Nguyen
Chi Phan Anh
Thi Xuan Thoa Pham
Matsui Yoshiki
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Management processes in an organization involve decision-making based on many criteria (MCDM), and in this process ranking of variables plays a vital role. This paper presents the analysis of key business issues of an Indian automotive organization using an efficient interpretive ranking (eIRP) approach. This paper integrates the Situation-Actor-Process (SAP) and Learning-Action-Performance (LAP) framework of the organization with eIRP. It evaluates the ranking of actions to be carried out in an organization with respect to performance parameters. The study highlights the area where the organization should focus on achieving desired business excellence. From the analysis, it is revealed that the top-ranked suggested action for the organization is the adoption of energy policy as a core business policy followed by technology management, maintenance management, and the use of information technology for cost management. This case study is one of the few that uses the SAP-LAP framework for ranking the actors and actions of the organization using the eIRP approach, to make MCDM an easy task.
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Sumit Kumar
Pardeep Gupta
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Digital twin (DT) is a solution for presenting reality in a virtual world. DTs have been discussed in the literature only recently. The aim of this work is to review and analyse literature connected to DTs. Under a systematic literature review the authors searched databases for the information how DTs can support organization operations and how they can support sustainability of companies. A literature review was performed according to a developed research methodology, which covers research questions and keywords identification, selection criteria and results analysis. Databases, such as Web of Science, Scopus and Science Direct, were searched. The titles, abstracts and keywords were searched for works related to digital twins, sustainable development and manufacturing processes. Moreover, the search was focused on real-time monitoring, data, decision-making etc. The keywords used in the searching process are specified in the methodology. Afterwards, quantitate and qualitative analysis were performed taking into account number of publication, year of publications, type of publication, based on keywords and available information concerning the papers. Deeper analysis was performed on available full texts of the papers. The main goal of this paper was to assess how much the specified problem is discussed in literature in the context of production organizations and real-time and what kind of topics are present in publications to indicate future research needs.
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Jerzy Pater
Dorota Stadnicka
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In mid-1992, Japanese consultant Yamada Hitoshi was tasked with modifying the production systems of Japanese companies as the existing configurations at manufacturing plants no longer satisfied unstable demands. He made improvements to the overall production system by dividing the long assembly lines into several short ones called cells or seru. Although of the advantages, it is still unclear about how to manage this new production system, and what variables really promoted the desired benefits. We identify in total 39 articles from 2004– 2020 about the progress of the seru production system, and we observe some possibilities to improve the effectiveness of this type of the production system. The first is the possibility of manufacturing the product in flexible sequence, in which the operations are independent among them. We show through the developed example that the makespan may be different. We noted when converting the in-line production system to one pure seru, the makespan tend to increase. Nevertheless, when analyzing the effectiveness of serus working concomitantly considering splitting the same lot, makespan and the cost may be reduced. And finally, when converting to one of pure serus, the performance may be similar to that obtained when serus working concomitantly.
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Yung Chin Shih
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Management and Production Engineering Review (MPER) is a peer-refereed, international, multidisciplinary journal covering a broad spectrum of topics in production engineering and management. Production engineering is a currently developing stream of science encompassing planning, design, implementation and management of production and logistic systems. Orientation towards human resources factor differentiates production engineering from other technical disciplines. The journal aims to advance the theoretical and applied knowledge of this rapidly evolving field, with a special focus on production management, organisation of production processes, management of production knowledge, computer integrated management of production flow, enterprise effectiveness, maintainability and sustainable manufacturing, productivity and organisation, forecasting, modelling and simulation, decision making systems, project management, innovation management and technology transfer, quality engineering and safety at work, supply chain optimization and logistics. Management and Production Engineering Review is published under the auspices of the Polish Academy of Sciences Committee on Production Engineering and Polish Association for Production Management. The main purpose of Management and Production Engineering Review is to publish the results of cutting-edge research advancing the concepts, theories and implementation of novel solutions in modern manufacturing. Papers presenting original research results related to production engineering and management education are also welcomed. We welcome original papers written in English. The Journal also publishes technical briefs, discussions of previously published papers, book reviews, and editorials. Letters to the Editor-in-Chief are highly encouraged.
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Sebastian Kopera
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Lean Green is a concept which is implemented as a part of the sustainable development strategy, share allowing for reduction of the company’s costs related to, on the one hand, efficient use of energy factors and on the other optimum use of production factors aimed at minimisation of wastefulness, in particular in the area of post-production waste and pollution. The purpose of the article is to identify the determinants, internal stimuli and to specify the force with which they affect the implementation of the Lean Green concept in companies on various continents: America, Asia and Europe. For the purpose of better recognition of the examined problem, analysis of results of studies was made in consideration of the following criteria: country where a given company operates and share of persons outside the company in the process of implementation of this concept. In article uses the one-way ANOVA methodology, the Shapiro Wilk and Levene tests and the non-parametric Kruskal Wallis test. Hitherto studies have confirmed that the determinants are regional, which indicates the necessity of directional studies.
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Nicoletta Baskiewicz
Claudiu Barbu
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The article is devoted to the development of a multicomponent adaptive strategy for managing Russian high-tech enterprises in modern crisis conditions. Adaptability and flexibility are considered as the most important indicators of the efficiency of structures, their ability to ensure sustainable operation and effective innovative development of high-tech enterprises. A significant place in the article is devoted to possible approaches and methods of adaptive management of the enterprise in crisis, with the help of which changes in the internal and external environment are monitored, which can be expected and random, make current operational decisions that contribute to the achievement of pre-set goals based on correction of certain tasks. The questions about the quality of adaptation, adaptive characteristics of the structure and their consistency with the level and quality of adaptation of other elements of the enterprise, conjugation of adaptability and flexibility and pace of changes are considered. A number of modern techniques related to the development of strategies for the development of high-tech enterprises in crisis conditions are analyzed. The necessity of conducting a comprehensive accounting of the crisis as the main factor associated with the uncertainty of the external environment at the stage of strategic analysis is substantiated. There is an option, in which it is possible to include the crisis and its main characteristics into the strategic three competence model of the enterprise, as an additional controlled parameter. There is a general specificity of the formation of the strategy of a high-tech enterprise in conditions of risk and uncertainty.
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Sergey V. Novikov
Gennady V. Tikhonov

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