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Słowa kluczowe recycling Slag Copper recovery


There are presents the internal recycling in anode furnace, in addition to mainly blister copper and converter copper. During the process

there arise the two types of semi-finished products intended for further pyro metallurgical processing: anode copper and anode slag. The

stream of liquid blister copper enters into the anode furnace treatment, in which the losses are recovered, e.g. copper, resulting from

oxidation and reduction of sulfides, oxides and the oxidation of metallic compounds of lead, zinc and iron. In the liquid phase there are

still gaseous states, which gives the inverse relationship relating to the solid phase, wherein the gases found an outlet in waste gas or

steam. The results of chemical analysis apparently differ from each other, because crystallite placement, the matrix structure and the

presence of other phases and earth elements are not compared, which can be regained in the process of electrorefining. One should not

interpret negatively smaller proportion of copper in the alloy, since during the later part of the production more elements can be obtained,

for example from sludge, such as platinum group metals and lanthanides. According to the research the quality of blister copper, to a large

extent, present in the alloy phase to many other elements, which can be recovered.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

A.W. Bydałek
P. Schlafka
K. Grządko
W. Wołczyński
P. Kwapisiński
M. Wędrychowicz

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