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Polish authors have made a considerable contribution to the formation and development of the Theology of Spirituality that has become a separate subject of ecclesiastical studies since 1931. In the Middle Ages the eminent Polish theologians were Mateusz of Kraków (+1410) and Jakub of Paradyż (+1464). They visited Germany and Czech where their works gained some recognition. Confessio Fidei Catholicae Christiana (Moguntiae 1557) by Stanisław Hozjusz (+1579) is one of the most important works of the modern times, written in Latin, published 39 times during the authors life. The contents of the work influenced the attitudes of the people of those times. Christocentrically directed spirituality is represented by Stanisław Sokołowski (+1593) and Kasper Drużbicki (+1662). Many important thoughts on spirituality, especially on Catholic mysticism, come from Mikołaj of Mościska (+1632). The very first treatise on Ascetic and Mystic Theology is Summarium Asceticae et Mysticae Theologiae (Cracoviae 1655). Grzegorz Terecki (+1659) also skilfully combined ascetism and mysticism in his Directorium Spiritualis Vitae Fratrum Eremitarum Ordinis Sancti Pauli Eremitae (Cracoviae 1649). The Cistercians played the significant part in the propagation and development of the Theology of Spirituality: Michał Antoni Hacki (+1703) and Feliks Simplex Łącki (+circa 1700) together with Stanisław Papczyński (+1701) and Florian Jaroszerwicz (+1771). Notwithstandingly, the writings of Polish Resurrectionists, especially by Piotr Semenenko, greatly enriched Catholic Spirituality. Many works of importance for the development of the Theology of Spitituality were written in more recent times including 20th century. Józef Sebastian Pelczar (+1924), Aleksander Żychliński (+1945), Józef Puchalik (1958), Antoni Słomkowski (+1982) and Stanisław Witek (+1987) are important authors whose works cast new light on the problems of spiritual life and ensured the deserved position for the Theology of Spirituality among the theological disciplines.

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Ks. Jerzy Misiurek

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