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Fieldexperiment with spring rape (Brassica napus var. oleifera f. annua) cultivars Star andLisonne was conductedin the years 1995–1999 at the vicinity of Olsztyn, Poland. The herbicides trifluralin (Triflurotox 250 EC), alachlor + trifluralin (Alatrif 380 EC), metazachlor (Butisan 400 SC) andclopyralid(Lontrel 300) were appliedin spring rape according to recommendations (Zalecenia 1993). The aim of this study was to estimate the effect of the herbicides on glucosinolates content in spring rape seeds. The obtainedresults revealedsignificant effect of meteorological conditions on glucosinolates content. The Star cv. was characterizedby higher level of these compounds in comparison with Lisonne cv. The adequate values were 15.96 μmol g-1 of d.m. and 12.32 μmol g-1 of d.m., respectively. It is evident on the base of the statistical analyses of the obtained results that herbicides modified glucosinolates content in seeds of both cultivars. The level of these compounds was increased as the effect of Triflurotox 250 EC use (data obtainedfrom three years investigations) and Alatrif 380 EC (four years) while Butisan 400 SC activity was unfavourable (four years).

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Authors and Affiliations

Barbara Adomas

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