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The paper presents unequivocal arguments in favour of the procedural nature of the canonical confrmation of holiness, as regards the process of beatifcation and canonization on the diocesan level. It was also underlined by Cardinal Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints on 18 February 2008 in his intervention, concerning the Instruction issued by the Congregation and approved by the Pope, on stricter obeying the existing law. It was clearly stressed by the Cardinal that the document is not legislative in nature but is an administrative act of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints. He also rejected the common and false opinion that Pope John Paul II allegedly replaced procedural methodology in canonical processes of the confrmation of holiness by a methodology of historical-critical research. The Italian term “inchiesta” is to be understood not as a solely scientifc inquiry but also procedural. The interpretation of the internal regulations of the Congregation and its doctrine are in favour of the canonical procedure, which is analogous to ordinary canonical processes both in the diocesan and in the Roman phase. Eventually, the paper refers to the nature of the fnal decision of the pope in cases of beatifcation or canonization, which proves that the canonical confrmation of holiness in the Church is complex and unique to this kind of cases.

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Authors and Affiliations

Ks. Henryk Misztal

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