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The starting point of the article is V. Ivanov’s epistolary statement and an expression included in it: “me, semper idem” as important for reflections on the question of “person and time.” Ivanov’s expression, considered within its context, was analysed taking into account other texts by the same poet (the poem Fio, ergo non sum, as well as others from the Prozrachnost’ cycle, author’s commentaries etc.), and S. Frank’s philosophical reflection and his idea of a person as a unity which encompasses continuing in time (“vremiaoblemlushcheje jedinstvo licznosti”). In analogous interpretation (lecture analogique) of both expressions included in the title of the article, two Paul Ricoeur’s conceptual categories were used: the idem identity and the ipse identity, as well as the thinker’s notion of their dialectic relationship. Referring to the European model of thinking about time (St. Augustine), taking into account its presence in Frank and Nikolai Berdyaev, author of the article considers two types of conceptualisations of the category of becoming, in its relation to the category of Being and the problem of transcending time in the reflections of the above- mentioned thinkers and in V. Ivanov’s poetry. Therefore, the article discusses situations in which a human as a person transcends the order of “horizontal” time, and in their existential experience enters the vertical dimension of Eternity (“moment-Eternity”). In relation to that, what turned out to be useful was another notional analogy: the concept of the “poetic moment” and “metaphysical moment” in Gaston Bachelard.

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Maria Cymborska-Leboda
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The essay is meant to be a reflection, a conclusion of sorts regarding the topic proposed by the organizers of the "Towards beauty." It is meant to be about the problems of introducing aesthetics to public spaces. From the point of view of many disciplines. This academic event took place in the April of 2014 at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Gdańsk. The Author assumed the perspective of an architect when contemplating the problems being discussed. This approach emphasizes the role that is played by the concept of the urban landscape. The work is composed of an introduction, which illustrates the reasons for adopting this perspective. This part is followed by a classification of the stances and academic research that has been presented in the delivered lectures and essays. This generalization has the form of a typology composed of five points, which describe the general issues that were discussed. The overarching thesis of this is essay is the statement that the choice of problems that have been discussed at the conference are the result of a contemporary model of thinking about the management of space, which results from a much too liberal approach that has been adopted after the socioeconomic changes that occurred in 1989. This begs the question whether the issues that are important in the context of the aesthetics of cities are effects the causes of which could lie in society's approach to its reality. Due to the aim of this essay being a commentary on the academic event that was the Gdańsk conference and a sort of reflection on the issues that were being discussed there, the Author decided not to provide it with a conclusion at the end. The Author's comments contained in this work are only a voice in the discussion and a complementation of the opinions that have been presented during the conference. The article is supposed to elicit a familiarity with the presented issues so that the reader can form their opinions, and, what is perhaps even more important, provide the foundation for future academic discussion on the topic of the beauty of the cityscape.

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Miłosz Zieliński
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Budowanie miast nie jest zajęciem dla każdego. Aby na tym polu działać z powodzeniem potrzebne są umiejętności, z których pożytek staje się dobrem publicznym. Umiejętności – zdobywane wraz z wiedzą i doświadczeniem, nakładającymi się na wrodzone zdolności: intelekt, wyobraźnię, wrażliwość artysty. Ale również owo dobro publiczne, a więc akceptowane i właściwie pożytkowane dzieło sztuki budowy miast nie zaowocuje w każdych okolicznościach. Trudno sobie wyobrazić zadowolenie nomadów z mieszkania w dzielnicy willowej. Nie znaczy to jednak, aby urbaniści tworzyć mieli „pod publiczkę” – wprost przeciwnie! Jak w każdej sztuce, tak i w tej, odbiorca powinien otrzymać od twórcy dzieła nieco więcej niżby się spodziewał. Celem planowania jest ład przestrzeni. Jego ustawową definicję trudno wykorzystać jeśli chodzi o mieszczące się w niej „wymagania kompozycyjno-estetyczne”. Od czasów Witruwiusza określano je jako venustas a więc pożądany powab przestrzeni. Dziś, z rzadka używając synonimu „piękno” – podchodzimy do tego tak, jakby nie wypadało o tym mówić, jakbyśmy zapomnieli, że sztuka budowy miast może przynieść piękno w otoczeniu człowieka! Wobec trudno uchwytnego – w urzędowej nowomowie – meritum, zastępuje się je gąszczem wymagań dotyczących między innymi skali opracowania, oprogramowania komputerowego, zakresu uzgodnień, skutków finansowych itp. Zupełnie tak, jakbyśmy chcieli dokonać wyboru miss na podstawie zaświadczeń lekarskich kandydatek. Tymczasem kryteria te powinny być jedynie dopuszczające do uczestnictwa w konkursie, zaś laureatem i zleceniobiorcą powinien być ten, kto zaprojektuje najpiękniejszą kompozycję przestrzenną,
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Aleksander Bӧhm
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The article analyses physicists’ attitudes towards philosophy on the examples of the positions of eminent theorists. There are two physicists’ philosophical attitudes towards philosophy: pro-philosophical (Einstein, Bohr, Heisenberg, von Weizsäcker, Penrose, Rovelli) and anti-philosophical (Weinberg, Hawking, Feynman). I analyse some physicists' arguments for or against philosophy. It is demonstrated that physicists are most critical of all philosophical conceptions that accept a priori factors in cognition, while those who recognize the significance of philosophy for science most often refer to the Pythagorean-Platonic tradition as the proper basis for understanding modern physics.

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Andrzej Łukasik
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This article is an introduction to the subject matter discussed in the forty-seventh issue of “Teka…”, the Journal of the Urban Design and Architecture Commission of the Krakow Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences. It focuses on the aesthetic matters associated with the shaping and protection of urban spaces. It is also a homage to the academic achievements of Professor Wojciech Kosiński, as a scholar and an architect.

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Miłosz Zieliński
Przemysław Kowalski
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The state of the built environment makes one inclined to ponder how ethics affects the space that is designed and its aesthetic quality. As a consequence, there arise questions concerning the provisions of ethical codes of professional conduct that architects must adhere to on the one hand, while on the other, the practical guidelines for architectural design and planning. In a period when matters of durability (firmitas) and utility (utilitas) have been largely dominated by other branches of design, including the matters of ecology, beauty (venustas) has come to be considered as the most essential constituent attribute of architecture. Selected interpretations of Beauty and its relationship with Good (Vitruvius, 1954; Tatarkiewicz, 1962, 1982) have been presented, including in light of the latest findings of neurobiology and neuroaesthetics (Zeki, 2011, 2019; Qiuling et al., 2018; Ishizu, Tsukiura, Cabeza, 2011). The term appropriateness (Krakowski, 1989) is herein accepted, understood as a notion of intentional, socially conditioned beauty and considered proper to describe the aesthetic standard of the built environment under design. This paper is an attempt at finding practical methods of ensuring aesthetic quality (beauty) in newly designed and redesigned spatial situations. It identifies the field of professional law (the ethical code of conduct for architects), wherein aesthetic matters are largely ignored on the one hand, while on the other it points to the necessity to teach and implement a design process that is tender (Tokarczuk, 2019) and mindful (Dominiczak, 2016) dialogue in a specific understanding of encounters with the Other (the Second), whether it’s an architect, a user or a structure. It notes the proposal of creative aesthetics (Sławińska, 1973) as a potentially possible integral branch of design. Contrary to the professional ethics of architects, which pertains to individuals who practice design and are ethically responsible for their professional conduct (design), the ethic of architecture refers to aesthetic relationships that emerge in architectural situations (Dominiczak, 2016). In this understanding, built structures are personified and seen as entities with their own identities (if the designer wills it) that engage in dialogue with Other entities (Levinas, 1998), which both create and define a given space.
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J. Krzysztof Lenartowicz

  1. Lublin University of Technology, Faculty of Building and Architecture, Independent Architectural Laboratory
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The text begins with etymological reflections on the term “art” in various European languages and its numerous connotations. Five main basic meanings of the notion of art are enumerated and described, such as: disposition for action, this very action, the realm of life consisting of some kind of actions, the rules of action, and the results of action. Subsequently, two main traditional purposes of artistic actions are indicated and characterized, which are beauty and reality. This pair of notions implies four kinds of artistic creation: aesthetic/anti-aesthetic mimetism/ antimimetism. The term of mimetism can be applied both to the imitation of nature, as well as to the imitation of preceding artists. In the latter interpretation, a different classification appears: classical/original mimetism/antimimetism. Next, Maria Gołaszewska’s definition of contemporary art is discussed in the light of previous analysis. In the conclusion of the essay the final characteristic of contemporary art is presented with a quote from Arthur Rimbaud’s poem, as “absolutely modern”.
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Krzysztof Gajewski

  1. Instytut Badań Literackich PAN, Warszawa
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The article presents the main functions of aesthetic values (beauty, simplicity, symmetry) in the process of formulating, evaluating and accepting scientific theories in the work of physicist: 1) they motivate to undertake scientific research; (2) have a heuristic role which enables the direction of the search for a new theory to be selected; (3) are a criterion for choosing between empirically equivalent theories in the absence of empirical evidences and (4) sometimes constitute an epistemological obstacle. The basic thesis of the work is that aesthetic values, in addition to positive functions, also play a negative role in science, hindering the acceptance of new theories or leading to inefficient research. Too much weight on the aesthetic side of theory can pose a threat to the objectivity of scientific cognition.

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Magdalena Łata
Andrzej Łukasik
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Dynamic changes and the increasing diversity of migrant societies support small-scale enclave businesses in Poland. Female migrants from Belarus and Ukraine appear to have found their niche in the beauty and cosmetology sector. Nevertheless, their entrepreneurship goes beyond the enclave market. Specialists provide services to migrant communities and simultaneously target Polish clients to ensure the success of their ventures. This article presents the results of qualitative research based on 13 in-depth interviews with Ukrainian and Belarusian beauty specialists. I focus on these businesswomen’s narratives about their entrepreneurial trajectories. My aim is to explore how they use and extend their social relationships in order to acquire entrepreneurial agency. Entrepreneurship can be understood as a socially embedded practice. I apply an intersectionality approach to investigate the complexity of socially constructed identities and the dimensions of individual entrepreneurial agency. Incorporating a mixed embeddedness approach, I examine the impact of structural factors on entrepreneurial activity and the importance of social networks for women’s self-realisation as independent beauty specialists.
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Kseniya Homel

  1. Institute of Applied Social Science, Faculty of Applied Social Science and Resocialization, Centre of Migration Research, University of Warsaw, Poland
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The article focuses on the problem of possible relations of a work of art to the Absolute Being. The essence of the discussed issue can be put as a question: Is it possible, without mentioning God explicitly, to declare that a piece of art, as a carrier of beauty, indicates His presence? Relating to a number of Roman Ingarden’s significant statements that refer to metaphysical experience and the status of metaphysical qualities, and drawing upon Ingarden’s existential and ontological claims, the article presents metaphysical quality as a manifestation of existential dependence. This interpretation invokes the context of the primary being, and by extension, of the Absolute Being. If a work of art (or to be more precise, its concretization) is a carrier of aesthetic beauty through which a qualitative and metaphysical atmosphere emerges (and discloses its metaphysical quality) and if (as it is postulated in the interpretation suggested) it refers to the Absolute, then the thesis that beauty leads to God has been vindicated.
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Waldemar Kmiecikowski

  1. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, Wydział Teologiczny, ul. Wieżowa 2/4, 61-111 Poznań
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The article outlines an urban concept — an attempt to associate architectural and philosophical thinking about urban form — emphasizing the aesthetic and ethical aspects of development. The author refers to the Aldo Rossi’s theory of the architecture of the city and the concept of architectonic that Immanuel Kant introduced in his Critique of Pure Reason. Attempts were made to show that studying the mutual relations between the idea of beauty, the architecture of the city and ethics of development may be useful in the further search for a new formula for planning cities and regions.
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Zbigniew K. Zuziak

  1. Rzeszow University of Technology
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Secular processes are one of the reasons of the contemporary cultural crisis. They influence many aspects of individual and social life which is reflected in the sphere of art. Artistic activity is not only a picture of human existence, but also an expression of longing and desire for what exceeds wordliness. Great masterpieces, in spite of being created many centuries ago, confirm this, as they do not stop to delight us because their creators were inspired by the beauty of Christian faith. The contemporary depar-ture from God takes different forms – from securalizatiom which radically denies the supernatural reality to desecularization with its “new spirituality”, being quite often an indefinite spiritualism in the New Age style. In this perspective, sacred art, instead of surrendering to the secularization pressure, should find its new identity as an im-portant element of the new evangelization. Art as via pulchritudinis is to continue to fulfill its evangelizing mission for modern man who so often loses his way to God. It will then become for us a meaning full of hope which human life receives from the mystery of Christ’s redeeming love.

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Ks. Jacek Bramorski
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The year 2000 was the year of the creation of ‘The Polish Library‘ also known as ‘Beauty Unknown‘. This year is the 20th anniversary of her birthday and at the same time a great opportunity to recall the creation content and promotion of this impressive 50 volume collection. The following article is dedicated to these events.

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Michał Jamiołkowski
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Most of the medieval Italian cities are civitas born of the ruins of the ancient Roman civilization. Their beauty ist the origin for deep esthetical experiences, to which Sławomir Gzell gave the name bellezza. There are a few characteristic features composing the "picturesqueness", painterliness and harmony of those cities, which lead the observer to strong emotions and constant, sensual exploration. The author contemplates the aspects creating the phenomrnon of beauty of Italian cities and towns - which are the metapfor of human desires and deepest cravings.

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Beata Malinowska-Petelenz
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Today’s world is struggling with problems of population growth, migration, communication, infrastructure, climate change, economic and pandemic crises — which create a strong uncertainty about the future. Due to these threats, concern about the aesthetic dimension of architecture is pushed to the background. Few manifestos, or rather programs, frequently concern themselves with social, ecological or economic aspects, apart from the aesthetic ones. And yet this intangible, immeasurable dimension is an inherent part within the essence of architecture as art. The following paper is an attempt to analyze the minimalist trend in the context of contemporary threats: the de-aestheticization of architecture and limiting its autonomy. The aim of the article is to show that architects working in the minimalist trend, by returning to the basics of design, searching for the essence of architecture, strive to maintain the independence of this creative field, and by searching for the value of beauty, they strive to restore architecture to its aesthetic dimension.
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Anna Mielnik
Tomasz Kozłowski

  1. Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Chair of Architectural Design
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The paper is dedicated to the memory of Professor Jerzy Wilkin, who passed away in Warsaw 10th of January 2023. Professor Jerzy Wilkin was an outstanding economist, scholar, full member of the Polish Academy of Sciences, and a professor at the Institute of Rural Development and Agricultural the Polish Academy of Sciences. The paper presents the facts of the life and scientific road of Professor Jerzy Wilkin.
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Monika Stanny

  1. Instytut Rozwoju Wsi i Rolnictwa PAN, Warszawa

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