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The profile of the Polish foundry engineer in the Industry 4.0 age is presented in the present paper. The presented results were obtained by means of three research methods consisting of: analyses of professional expertise documents, questionnaires filled-up by the executive staff of foundry enterprises and analyses of work offers for the foundry engineer position. The investigations indicated the key competences of the foundry engineer, demanded currently by employers and meeting the requirements of the Polish foundry sector. The obtained results were discussed in relation to the fourth industrial revolution and its requirements with regard to the engineering staff. This concept is based on information technology and robotizing, which means the total automation of industrial production processes as well as the widespread access to data and machines. Such an approach requires changes in applied machines, technologies and employees’ competencies. The competences of employees constitute the element deciding on the company success, aimed at obtaining a competitive advantage. Therefore adjusting the employees’ competencies to continuously changing reality is so essential.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

K. Liszka
K. Klimkiewicz
P. Malinowski


This paper concerns the meaning and use of complex linguistic skills in social life, including in the professional sphere. After an introduction based on theories of language as ‘capital’ and data about Poles’ current language skills, the author presents her own research. The object of the study was to examine the social value of multilingualism in contemporary Poland by comparing the views of students, employers, and language-service providers. The research involved questionnaires, expert interviews, and qualitative and quantitative analysis of employment advertisements. On the basis of the results, it can be stated that the value of multilingualism is variously interpreted depending on the appraising entity. Poland is not, at least at present, a market for homo poliglottus, as multilingualism would appear to be underappreciated.

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Julia Murrmann


Current fast development requires continuous improvement of employees’ skills and knowledge.

Therefore, companies are looking for the best way for improving the employees’ qualifications

and understanding of new concepts and tools which have to be implemented in

manufacturing areas. One method employs gamification for this purpose. The aim of this

paper is to present how gamification can increase the acquisition of knowledge concerning

lean manufacturing concept implementation. Gamification is an active learning approach for

people who will understand the subject easier by ‘feeling’ and ‘touching’ personally the analysed

problems. The research utilized a questionnaire which assessed the game participants’

engagement level. The assessment focused specifically on the participants’ motivation, cognitive

processing and social aspects. The participants were also examined before and after the

game in order to assess the increase of their understanding of different lean manufacturing

topics and tools. Five different games with different groups of participants were played. The

results confirmed the hypothesis that gamification has a positive impact on the knowledge

acquisition as well as on motivation, cognitive processing and social aspects. Finally, various

insights on how to better design, conduct and utilize gamification in the similar technical

context are presented.

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Dorota Stadnicka
Ahmed Deif


Employers signal difficulties in sourcing technically-educated staff. They often engage, though to a limited degree, in cooperation with vocational schools to mitigate this difficulty. One of the reasons for the limited involvement of enterprises in cooperation with schools is the difficulty in assessing the benefits that it may bring. The aim of the study in the article was to develop and initially verify a model for evaluating the results of supporting secondary technical schools by manufacturing enterprises. The article features a multiple case study using several types of interviews, a distributed questionnaire and an analysis of secondary sources. The study was conducted in cooperation with four large manufacturing enterprises. The result of the research is a more thorough understanding of the possibilities and limitations in evaluating the results of support for schools. This support should translate in enterprises into more effective and efficient management of the competences of the future.
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Maciej Szafrański

  1. Faculty of Engineering Management, Poznan University of Technology, Poland


The main focus of the article is to point out and analyse translation strategies as determinants of translators’ intercultural competence in the dubbed animated films: Shrek the Third, Shrek Forever, Kung Fu Panda 1, and Kung Fu Panda 2. The research problem is an attempt to answer the questions: which components of the source culture are submitted for domestication and foreignization as well? What kind of language equivalences can we observe in the Polish and Russian dubbed animated films? Is there a parallelism between Russian and Polish strategies in translation? Are we able to observe differences between Polish and Russian translation strategies in parallel places? The research material consists of 120 pages of film dialogue transcript in Polish, written by Bartosz Wierzbięta, and in Russian, written by Pavel Silenchuk. Qualitative and quantitative research into the Polish and Russian language versions of the dubbed animated films was conducted. The analysis shows that the translators predominantly tend to use domestication in parallel places for the Polish and Russian dialogues: according to the names of people, realities, and quotes. There is one crucial difference between the approaches of the Russian and Polish translators: Pavel Silenchuk makes reference to high culture (literature, poems, and films) but Bartosz Wierzbięta makes references to low culture. What’s more, both translators tend towards a third culture that doesn’t exist in the original version. As with Pavel Silenchuk, Bartosz Wierzbięta tends to foreignization as well. The functional analogues mentioned in this research, show that creativity is a factor that determines the high intercultural competence of a translator of animated films with dubbing.
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Karolina Wakulik

  1. Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II w Lublinie


Problematyka tekstu skupiona jest wokół edukacji społecznej młodszych uczniów, którą traktuję, jako ważny obszar aktywności umożliwiający dzieciom zdobywanie wiedzy o sobie i o otaczającym świecie. Stanie to możliwe, gdy tematy społeczne podejmowane z dziećmi będą wynikać z ich indywidualnych potrzeb oraz oczekiwań społecznych, a podające metody nauczania zastąpione zostaną podejściem refleksyjnym. Ty samym „Inny” nie będzie rozumiany, jako gorszy czy zły, ale jako ciekawy, godny poznania, interesujący. Tekst jest doniesieniem z badań. Punktem wyjścia prowadzonych rozważań są dwie kategorie pojęciowe „widza w działaniu” i „gapia w uśpieniu” zaczerpnięte z Projektu Heroicznej Wyobraźni Ph. Zimbardo, które ilustruję wynikami badań etnometodologicznych prowadzonych wśród dzieci 7–9-letnich podczas zajęć z edukacji społecznej. Tekst obejmuje część teoretyczną przybliżającą istotę edukacji społecznej ze szczególnym naciskiem na nowe pola tematyczne wynikające z indywidualnych potrzeb dzieci i oczekiwań społecznych. Następnie opisana jest koncepcja badań. Dalej zaprezentowane są wyniki badań ze szczególnym wyeksponowaniem takich kategorii analizy jak: tematyka zajęć, sposoby ich realizowania i znaczenia społeczne ujawniające się podczas stosowanych praktyk komunikacyjnych. Ostatnia część tekstu zawiera konkluzje i refleksje podsumowujące.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Agnieszka Nowak-Łojewska


The article presents youth expectations towards:

– school, presented by the competences of the eighteen-year-old,

– the world, reflecting the concept of one’s own identity,

– oneself expressing the condition measured by satisfaction with oneself.

The summary tries to answer the question: can the expectations be fulfilled?

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Roman Leppert


W artykule zostały ukazane założenia i powody wykorzystywania technologii cyfrowych oraz znaczenie ich użytkowania w nauczaniu i zarządzaniu. Treści opracowania nawiązują również do technologii cyfrowych i kompetencji informatycznych jako kluczowej części modelu kompetencji kadry nauczycielskiej w edukacji. W artykule została zwrócona uwaga na fakt, iż istniejące modele kompetencji wymagają bliższej analizy, rozłożenia na czynniki pierwsze, oraz obrazowego sformułowania poprzez rozszerzenia kompetencji cyfrowych.

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Petr Svoboda


W artykule zaprezentowano rozważania dotyczące międzypokoleniowego projektu edukacyjno-badawczego pt. „Przywracanie Pamięci Miastu”. Projekt ten realizowany był przez Toruński Uniwersytet Trzeciego Wieku w partnerstwie z Wydziałem Nauk Pedagogicznych Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu w ramach programu „Patriotyzm Jutra”, który został ogłoszony przez Muzeum Historii Polski i sfinansowany przez Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego. Przedsięwzięcie to opierało się na koncepcji miejsc pamięci Pierre’a Nory i nowoczesnej wizji patriotyzmu, a w warstwie dydaktycznej i metodologicznej osadzone zostało w ramach badań w działaniu, co umożliwiło łączenie treści historycznych z pedagogiczną metodą ich nowoczesnego przekazu. W tekście ukazano cele i efekty projektu, a także opisano jego przebieg i podjęte w jego ramach działania. Przedstawiając rezultaty tego przedsięwzięcia skoncentrowano się na wielopłaszczyznowości związanego z nim procesu międzypokoleniowego uczenia się.

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Kinga Majchrzak


Clients’ satisfaction with financial advice provided by professional advisors depends on how this advice has fulfilled their expectations and goals. However, once a recommendation is made, a client is unable to predict and evaluate the real financial outcome of the advisor’s proposal. In such a case, she/he can base her/his assessment on the characteristics ascribed to the financial advisor: her/his epistemic authority (competence) and level of caring. Additionally, clients expect to receive a “tailor-made” solution that takes into account her/his individual needs and characteristics. In the present study, we asked participants to evaluate financial experts who had recommended risky vs safe investments. The recommendations were congruent or incongruent with the clients’ risk tolerance (high vs low). The kind of recommendation influenced the participants’ evaluations of the advisors (and as a result, the clients’ perceived satisfaction) only for low-risk tolerance clients. For these clients, investment recommendations that were not adjusted to their levels of risk tolerance led to lower evaluations of the advisors and consequently to lower evaluation of satisfaction with their visits. These lower evaluations regarded both dimensions: the interpersonal aspect (caring) and competence in the field of finance (epistemic authority). Such incongruence between risk tolerance and the riskiness of the recommendation did not affect high-risk tolerance clients’ advisor evaluations.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Barnaba Danieluk
Rafał Muda
Mariusz Kicia
Katarzyna Stasiuk
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Investment casting is very well-known manufacturing process for producing relatively thin and multifarious industrial components with high dimensional tolerances as well as admirable surface finish. Investment casting process is further comprised of sub-processes including pattern making, shell making, dewaxing, shell backing, melting and pouring. These sub-processes are usually followed by heat treatment, finishing as well as testing & measurement of castings. Investment castings are employed in many industrial sectors including aerospace, automobile, bio-medical, chemical, defense, etc. Overall market size of investment castings in world is nearly 12.15 billion USD and growing at a rate of 2.8% every year. India is among the top five investment casting producers in the world, and produces nearly 4% (considering value of castings) of global market. Rajkot (home town of authors) is one of largest clusters of investment casting in India, and has nearly 175 investment casting foundries that is almost 30% of investment casting foundries of India. An industrial survey of nearly 25% of investment casting foundries of Rajkot cluster has been conducted in the year 2019-20 in order to get better insight related to 5 Cs (Capacity; Capability; Competency; Concerns; Challenges) of investment casting foundries located in the cluster. Specific set of questionnaires was design for the survey to address 5 Cs of investment casting foundries of Rajkot cluster, and their inputs were recorded during the in-person survey. The industrial survey yielded in providing better insight related to 5 Cs of foundries in Rajkot cluster. It will also help investment casting producer to identify the capabilities and quality issues as well as leads to benchmarking respective foundry.
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[1] Market Publishers (2020). Investment Casting Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Application (Aerospace & Defense, Energy Technology), By Region (North America, Europe, APAC, Central & South America, MEA), And Segment Forecasts, 2020 – 2027, 2020. Retrieved September, 2021, from https://pdf.marketpublishers.com/grand/investment-casting-market-size-share-trends-analysis-report-by-application-by-region-n-segment-forecasts-2020-2027.pdf
[2] Investment Casting Institute (2021). INCAST International Magazine of the Investment Casting Institute and the European Investment Casters Federation, 2021, XXXIV. Retrieved September, 2021, from https://www.investmentcasting.org/current-issue-public.html
[3] Online Learning Resources in Casting Design and Simulation. Retrieved September, 2021, from www.efoundry.iitb.ac.in
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

A.V. Sata
N.R. Maheta

  1. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Marwadi University, India


Leadership research is an essential part of all areas of organisational science worldwide, and there is still a lack of studies in this research area. The paper aims to determine leadership competency perceptions and their sub-competencies characteristics and determinants in the fourth industrial revolution era. The research survey, conducted in 2018-2021, covered a sample of 100 respondents from organisations from the Czech Republic. The most important competencies for leadership are effective communication, innovation, cooperation, creativity, solving problems, lifelong learning, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and motivation and support of others. We selected statistical methods ANOVA and linear regression for the characteristics of the respondents and the cluster analysis for the leaders’ 4.0 types determination. The linear regression results showed that age, the field of education, position in the organisation and tenure in the organisation of the respondents affect their assessment of the level of leadership competency. We identified three management types that are currently facing the challenges of Industry 4.0: ICT-oriented Junior Managers, Top 4.0 Prepared Leaders, and Non-Creative Unmotivated Senior Directors. The contribution of this paper is the in-depth study in the area of perceived levels of partial competencies for leadership for different criteria of respondents.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Julie Čermáková
Michal Houda
Ladislav Rolínek
Martin Pech

  1. University of South Bohemia: Jihoceska Univerzita v Ceskych Budejovicich, Department of Management, Faculty of Economics, Czech Republic
  2. University of South Bohemia: Jihoceska Univerzita v Ceskych Budejovicich, Department of Applied Mathematicsand Informatics, Faculty of Economics, Czech Republic


Sustainability manufacturing is crucial in many aspects in terms of environmental impact. It concerns the consumption of energy, raw materials and materials, as well as the emission of harmful substances and waste. The implementation of sustainability manufacturing requires many actions at various levels, including strategic, tactical and operational ones. In order to implement measures aimed at minimizing the negative impact of the company on the environment, employees’ competencies are needed. The article presents preliminary research on key green competencies for sustainability companies. The research was carried out in the form of individual interviews with medium and large production companies. The result of the research is the division of competencies (knowledge, skills and attitudes) into three stages of the organization’s development, indicating the key competencies for each stage of the development of sustainability management.
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Magdalena Graczyk-Kucharska

  1. Institute of Safety and Quality Engineering, Department of Marketing and Organization Development, PoznanUniversity of Technology, Poland


The studies on lexical availability deal with the available lexicon, the set of words that speakers have in the mental lexicon and which use is determined by the specific topic of the communication. This article presents the preliminary results of an exploratory research on the lexical availability in the Polish language of a sample of 147 students from 6 secondary schools in 6 Polish cities. Following a sociolinguistic methodology, the analysis considers the incidence of variables such as ‘sex’, ‘sociocultural level’ and ‘educational level’.
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Antonio María López González

  1. Uniwersytet Łódzki


Nella nostra società globalizzata, una efficace comunicazione interculturale è diventata un presupposto essenziale, motivo per cui è importante valorizzarla e svilupparla nelle scuole. In questo articolo, presenteremo le nostre esperienze didattiche in un corso serale per il turismo e le relazioni internazionali, proponendo alcune attività finalizzate all’acquisizione di competenze interculturali nell’ambito dell’educazione civica e linguistica e come supporto alle relative microlingue.
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Laura Campanale

  1. I.T.T. Mazzotti Serale Treviso


W artykule przedstawione są koncepcje i teorie wiedzy eksperckiej, a także dyskusje nad epistemologicznym statusem wiedzy eksperckiej, kompetencji poznawczych wchodzących w zakres eksperckości oraz autorytetu eksperta. Są one traktowane jako rodzaj wiedzy pozainstytucjonalnej, tylko w niewielkim stopniu nawiązującej do wiedzy naukowej i akademickich środowisk. Zreferowane zostają stanowiska A. Goldmana, H. Collinsa i R. Evansa, Z. Majdika i W. Keitha, T. Burge’a oraz J. Shanteau w kwestii prawomocności wiedzy eksperckiej oraz sposobów jej uzasadniania. Wskazuje się na problematyczność i pewne ograniczenia tradycyjnych stanowisk w sprawie wiarygodności wiedzy eksperckiej i autorytetu eksperta. Na przykładzie zjawiska spektrum autyzmu i tradycyjnych sądów na jego temat – w szczególności ekspertyz wydawanych o osobach nim objętych oraz potocznych opinii i stereotypów – przedstawiona zostaje dyskusja nad zmianami zachodzącymi w tej dziedzinie wiedzy i społecznej praktyki. Omawiane są koncepcje eksperckości przez doświadczenie w temacie autyzmu, w tym również tzw. samorzecznictwa i samorzecznictwa- naukowców. Te nowe postawy poznawcze i społeczne funkcje ekspertów ds. spektrum autyzmu analizowane są również od strony epistemologicznej wiarygodności tego rodzaju wiedzy i kompetencji.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Maciej Wodziński
Marek Hetmański

  1. Szkoła Doktorska Nauk Humanistycznych UMCS, Pl. M.Curie-Skłodowskiej 4, 20-031 Lublin
  2. Instytut Filozofii UMCS, Pl. M. Curie-Skłodowskiej 4, 20-031 Lublin


Termin „metauczenie się”, który do literatury naukowej wprowadził J. Biggs (1985), oznacza najogólniej świadomość własnego procesu uczenia się oraz sprawowanie nad nim kontroli. Metauczenie, którego korzenie tkwią w osobistych, wczesnych doświadczeniach dziecka związanych z uczeniem się i które wyraża się w jego potocznych koncepcjach – traktowane jest w tym artykule jako podstawowy warunek nabywania jednej z kluczowych kompetencji człowieka XXI w., kompetencji uczenia się. Uznając ważność potocznych koncepcji dotyczących uczenia się, a także ich niepowtarzalność i kontekstualność – w artykule przedstawię najważniejsze problemy związane z poznawaniem wizji i rozumieniem osobistych światów uczenia się uczniów kończących edukację początkową. Na podstawie analizy literatury naukowej oraz dotychczasowych badań przeprowadzonych za granicą, a także na przykładzie kilku własnych badań (wynikających z zastosowania podejścia ilościowego lub jakościowego) przedstawię pytania, wątpliwości i wybrane trudności, pojawiające się w procesie stosowania obydwu prezentowanych podejść badawczych.

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Janina Uszyńska-Jarmoc


The world has been implementing Building Information Modelling (BIM) successfully to construction projects from small to large scale. In Vietnam and many other countries, BIM is also widely applied in different fields of the construction industry. However, there are still many problems that need to be solved. One of those is to determine the necessary BIM competencies, thereby develop BIM personnel recruitment standards. The article identifies the competencies as well as evaluates their importance when supporting the recruitment of BIM personnel in construction enterprises in Vietnam. Through survey forms such as survey on online recruitment, expert interviews, and survey forms, the study is conducted with Likert scale, relative importance index (RII) for result analysis and ranking the importance of BIM competency for three distinct group of positions in Vietnam. With this result, the authors hope that the study will be an important reference, contributing to the development and concretization of the required competency criteria in the recruitment of BIM personnel in Vietnam and other similar countries.
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Pham Xuan Anh
Nguyen Quoc Toan
Tran Phuong Nam
Hoang Duy Long
Do Duc Thang

  1. Hanoi University of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Construction Economics and Management, No. 55 Giai Phong Street, Hai Ba Trung District, Hanoi, Vietnam


The purpose of this article is to present a proposal for an expert’s model of managerial competencies in the era of the fourth industrial revolution, called Industry 4.0. This revolution results in the emergence of new competency requirements for employees at every organizational level. In the article, we focused on the requirements for Engineers 4.0, in connection with managerial competencies expected from them. In order to answer the research questions, we conducted expert research by referring to our previous studies. Findings: The conducted research allowed to develop an expert’s model of managerial competencies for Engineer 4.0 (EMMCE). The results of the study allowed to determine the scope of managerial competencies for an engineer in the age of Industry 4.0, thus contributing, in a practical scope, to the creation of requirements for candidates applying for a managerial position in manufacturing enterprises. The model makes it possible for educational and training entities to adapt their teaching programmes and training offer to the modern requirements of the industry.
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Ewa Więcek-Janka
Karolina Werner-Lewandowska
Adam Radecki

  1. Faculty of Management Engineering, Poznań University of Technology, Poland


A reading of the etymologies suggested by Wiesław Boryś, both in lexica and in numerous articles, makes us realize in a particularly acute manner the incompatibility of our linguistic competence in the evaluation of the motivation relations of Old Polish derivatives. The problem that was put forward was illustrated on the basis of Old Polish noun derivatives with the prefix wą‑ ( wądół, wąwał, wątok), the nominal equivalent of the verbal vъn‑/* vъ‑ (the PIE *on before a consonant yielded ϙ). In the Old Polish material there are also numerous lexemes structured on the basis of the Proto‑Slavic * ‑ϙtr‑/ ‑ętr‑, preceded by the syllable‑onset wn‑, which indicated an internal location ( wnątrz, wnętrze, wnętrek, wnętrzny etc.). The Old Polish lexemes with wą‑ and wn‑+‑ ϙtr‑/ ‑ętr‑ that were described compel us to put forward a legitimate thesis that our ancestors perceived them in a different manner than the modern users of the Polish language, that they were aware of word‑formative divisibility. They perceived them as nouns which originated on the basis of prepositional expressions, therefore they should be classed under the following heading: Derivatives formed on the basis of expressions with the preposition w‑ / wn‑ / ‑.
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Krystyna Kleszczowa

  1. The Institute of Polish Studies, University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland


The subject of the considerations put forward in this article is an evaluation of the quality, in substantive and ethical terms, of the specialist translation into Polish of Henryk Hiż’s article ‘Peirce’s Influence on Logic in Poland’. The translation subjected to evaluation here was published in 2015 in the specialist philosophical journal Studia z Filozofii Polskiej [Studies of Polish Philosophy] (October 2015, pp. 21–33). In the presented evaluation, I point out substantive and ethical violations committed by interpreter, calling attention to (a) the flouting of the principle cuilibet in arte sua ; (b) manipulation of source material; (c) dishonesty in philological-textological development; (d) improper editorial preparation; (e) disregard of the subsequent literature on the subject; (f) deliberate and unjustified abridgement of the original text. The deficiencies enumerated in points (a)–(f) are the result of interpreter’s adoption of the ‘publish or perish’ strategy, the overriding goal of which is to publish an article in a high-impact journal with the aim of achieving the most favourable bibliometric result in the shortest possible time, at a cost to the integrity and ethical responsibility of the translator-researcher.

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Robert Boroch


The article is a result of a complementary advanced publication workshop accompanying the curriculum course exercises for PhD students, on the role of ICT in the research work of a scientist. To fulfill the extended course requirements the participants decided to write relevant paper, if possible, related to their individual research endeavors and their relations to the digital world. The paper consists of a collection of short chapters written by young researchers. They express their own views, based on early research experience, relevant generally to the inclusion of critical digital age components in their theses. The chapters are only moderately consulted by the tutor in the direction of finding a common denominator related to social sciences.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Miłosz W. Romaniuk
Aneta Szarfenberg
Izabela Pawłowska
Katarzyna Choszczyk

  1. The Maria Grzegorzewska University (APS), Warsaw, Poland

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