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The article presents an assessment of the effects of anthropogenic activities on the quality of water in four streams flowing through a camp based on a combined assessment of environmental impacts and the water quality index. The quantitative and qualitative assessment of environmental impact was made after identifying the anthropogenic activities carried out in the camp. The water quality index ( WQI) was calculated after monitoring seventeen physicochemical and microbiological variables and the Montoya index was applied. The samples were collected during 48 sampling campaigns, organised over the period of six months in eight stations. Two stations were located in each stream, one before and one after it passed through the camp. The results indicated that streams 1, 3, and 4 show a slight deterioration in water quality, affected by anthropogenic activities carried out in the said camp; meanwhile, stream 2 shows an increasing deterioration in water quality. The water quality of the streams before passing through the camp was determined to be between “uncontaminated” and “acceptable”, while after passing through the camp it was classified between “acceptable” and “slightly contaminated”. The results indicated a non-significant difference between the downstream and upstream WQI values for streams 1, 3, and 4; while stream 2 did show a significant difference in the WQI between upstream and downstream; indicating that anthropogenic activities alter the quality of the water.
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Authors and Affiliations

Fernando García-Ávila
Magaly Jiménez-Ordóñez
Jessica Torres-Sánchez
Sergio Iglesias-Abad
Rita Cabello Torres
César Zhindón-Arévalo

  1. Universidad de Cuenca, Facultad de Ciencias Químicas, Cuenca, 010107, Ecuador
  2. Universidad Católica de Cuenca, Carrera de Ingeniería Ambiental, Ecuador
  3. Universidad César Vallejo, Professional School of Environmental Engineering, Lima, Perú
  4. Universidad Católica de Cuenca, Unidad Académica de Salud y Bienestar, Sede Azogues, Ecuador
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Mining activities from exploration to final material handling up to shipment pass through various stages where environmental pollution results. Mining method can and should be selected in such a way that their impact on individuals and environmental to be minimized. Until now, different mining specialists have carried out many studies on mining method selection. Unfortunately neither of previous approaches takes into account of the environmental consideration and methodology for assessment of environmental impacts criterion. This paper discusses environmental impacts of mining operations associated with different mining methods. For this purpose, the Folchi approach was modified for environmental impact assessment which associates the mining methods inherently and developed of a procedure to assist a selecting of mining method. Firstly, the general and explanatory information about effects of mining on the environmental pollution are given in the paper. Moreover field and purposes of the study are introduced. The paper presents an environmental assessment for different mining methods. And, secondly, the impacts of each mining methods on environment are focused and discussed. Finally, some concluding remarks are made and the related applications for the mining method selection are discussed by using in a case study. As the main advantage, this new algorithm takes several environmental issues and their interaction takes into consideration for environmental assessment of a mining method selection.

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Authors and Affiliations

F. Samimi Namin
K. Shahriar
A. Bascetin
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The impact of wind power plants on the environmental components is assessed taking into account a number of their parameters, in particular the technical characteristics of wind turbines, the characteristics of networks, engineering and other structures. To do this the life cycle of the wind power plants is described taking into account (by way of inventory) all the necessary materials and resources. Waste management scenarios have been developed, the use of which will make it possible to reduce the harmful impact on the environment. Based on the inventory and input data on the wind farm under study, a diagram is generated – a tree of life cycle processes of the wind power plant – to determine the potential environmental impacts. A list of impact categories that represent the load on the environment caused by the wind power plant is defined; also, the relative contribution of harmful factors is determined for each category, taking into account possible scenarios of waste management. Ecological profiles have been built for all potential impacts on the environment. After normalisation and determination of significance, individual estimates of all indicators and their distribution in three categories of lesions were obtained: human health, ecosystem quality and resources, as well as four stages of the wind farm life cycle: production, dismantling and disposal, operation, transportation and installation. The obtained profiles made it possible to determine individual indicators and eco-indicators, expressed in eco-points that characterise the wind farm under study.
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Authors and Affiliations

Mariia Ruda
Taras Boyko
Oksana Chayka
Maryna Mikhalieva
Olena Holodovska

  1. Lviv Polytechnic National University, 12 Bandera Str., 79000, Lviv, Ukraine
  2. Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi National Army Academy, Lviv, Ukraine

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