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The aim of this paper is to conduct a diachronic analysis of the Polish word rżysko ‘stubble’, whose root retains the primary designation of rye, namely reż ‘rye, obs.’. Although this noun was ousted by żyto ‘rye’, a derivative of the verb żyć ‘to live’, its cognates are still used in many Slavic and Germanic languages, e.g. Russian rožь (рожь) ‘rye’, and English rye. The paper presents other cognates with a view to contrasting the English word rye with its obsolete Polish cognate reż and understanding the evolution of both words. For this purpose, the study seeks to identify the sound changes responsible for the discrepancy between the Polish-English cognates which developed from *rughi-. The derivative rżysko ‘stubble’ has been analysed in the context of other nomina loci as well as the semantic change which affected the word. It is suggested that the phenomenon exemplifi ed by rżysko can be referred to as a root archaism.
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Mikołaj Rychło
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One of the diffi culties of Slavic etymology which also occur in works devoted to the reconstruction of Proto-Slavic vocabulary, is the problem associated with distinguishing words, with an identical or similar sound, of native origin, and borrowings. The article considers four situations of this kind. The reconstruction of the allegedly Proto-Slavic word *kova one adduced the dialectal Croatian kȏva ‘quarry’, whereas it is a local phonetic variant of the well-attested noun kȃva ‘quarry; pit, trench; mine’, borrowed from the Italian (and Venetian) cava ‘quarry; mine; pit; cave rn’. Among the descendants of the Proto-Slavic *kojiti ‘to soothe, to alleviate’ one included the dialectal Croatian kojȉti ‘to wind a rope, to haul in a net’, whereas it is a fi shing term borrowed from the dialectal Italian coir ‘to wind a rope’; in this context one considered the dialectal Kajkavian Croatian kojiti ‘to breast-feed; to cultivate, to nourish’ (which heretofore was unfamiliar to Croatian scholarship), the actual descendant of the Proto-Slavic *kojiti. The dialectal Croatian lȕća ‘a lump of earth’ was said to be derived from the earlier *glut-ja from the Proto-Slavic *gluta ‘a dense lump of something; protuberance; knag’, whereas the geography indicates that it is more likely a Romance borrowing which is etymologically related to the Latin luteum ‘mud’. In this context one considered the Čakavian lȕća ‘skull’ and ‘a species of a nocturnal moth (death’s head hawkmoth, Acherontia atropos), which is probably related with this Romance borrowing. Apart from the unquestionable Proto-Slavic *klǫpь ‘bench’ one also reconstructed the proto-forms *klupь *klupa, whereas the Slavic words, which were supposed to indicate original forms featuring the root -u- are borrowings from German: Kashubian klëpa ‘a sandbank which protrudes above the sea level’ from the German Klippe ‘coastal rock’, Croatian klupa ‘an instrument which is used to measure the diameter of a tree trunk’ from the German Kluppe, which has the same meaning in the technical language.
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Wiesław Boryś
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The reviewed book was written basing on Piotr Szlanta’s habilitation thesis defended in 2015 at the University of Warsaw. It deals mainly with “the Polish question”, by describing the relations between Emperor Wilhelm II and his Polish subjects. The title deals with stereotypes of the Emperor and his Polish subjects, and its evolution during subsequent decades. Piotr Szlanta managed to grasp the ambiguous relation between these two sides. On the one hand, the Emperor sought for acceptance and recognition from the side of “his Poles”, on the other hand, he underlined on almost every occasion the historical role of Germans in civilising east territories and its inhabitants. The last attempt of gaining support of Poles towards his politics and himself was an attempt of creating “The Kingdom of Poland” in autumn 1916. Piotr Szlanta’s book, basing on a broad research in various archives managed to highlight this complicated chapter of Polish-German relations.

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Jens Boysen
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The article concerns a presentation of the content and of the results of the phonemic-graphemic analysis of the German records from the second half of the 14th century (1361-1380), which come from the town council of Zgorzelec (Görlitz). The purpose of the paper is to answer the question what the spelling rules in the town chancellery of Zgorzelec are and how the script fixes the features of the spoken language from the past. Due to the analysis, it could be explicitly proved, that the German used in the text matches to the level of evolution of the German language within the periodization of history of the language as it contains the standard Early New High German features as well as the dialectal structures and the sound changes, which are emblematic for the Silesian dialect. The text can therefore be classified as one of the linguistic monuments of the East Central German of Silesian tradition. All the conclusions of the study are supported with the suitable examples.
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Fokt K., Ch. Speer and M. Mikuła. 2017. Liber Vetustissimus Gorlicensis. Das älteste Görlitzer Stadtbuch [Najstarsza Księga miejska zgorzelecka] [1305-1416 (1423)], Bd. 1. Kraków: Księgarnia Akademicka.
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Piotr A. Owsiński

  1. Philologische Fakultät / Institut für Germanische Philologie, Jagiellonen-Universität in Krakau, Polen
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In the fi rst half of the 20th century, the German historiography of medicine created genuine ideas of methodology of research on the history of the medical sciences and medicinal practice. They were a continuation of the native historiographic tradition which was present in German university didactics and literature about the history of medicine in the 19th century. The uniqueness of German anti-positivist methodologies was based on a perception of cultural context in the genesis of medical theories and doctrines. They were researching cultural factors in the overall structure and analysing their infl uence on academics’ and common folk’s perception. There were two rival methodological trends — neoromantic and sociocultural ones, and the second gained wider infl uence in the historiography of medicine. The sociocultural trend had a few research schools, among them: Kulturgeschichte der Medizin, Sozialgeschichte der Medizin and Alltagsgeschichte der Medizin. The main purpose of this paper is to show the genesis of German anti-positivist trends in 20th century, the most important achievements of sociocultural historiography in Germany till 1933 and after 1945, and its infl uence on the standard American historiography of medicine in 20th century. The paper also presents a wide range of literature printed in both Germany and USA about the aforementioned historiographic trends.

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Bożena Płonka-Syroka
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Purpose: To assess the initial therapy of chronic superficial keratitis (CSK) in dogs with the use of dexamethasone and cyclosporine/ dimethyl sulfoxide combination eye drops.
Methods: The study was conducted on 41 dogs – 16 males and 25 females, aged 2 to 9 years, diagnosed with CSK. The disease was treated with two kinds of eye drops containing 0.1% dexamethasone and 0.75% cyclosporine in combination with 30% DMSO, administered three times a day. Prior to the treatment and after 5 weeks of therapy, depigmentation of the third eyelid margin, corneal neovascularization and pigmentation were assessed. The percentage of the corneal surface afflicted with inflammatory processes was calculated with the use of’s Get Area software for CorelDRAW12.
Results: The administered therapy resulted in a significant decrease in the mean number of quadrants affected by corneal neovascularization in the right eye from 2.63 prior to treatment to 0.24 after treatment (p<0.001), and the left eye from 2.66 to 0.59 (p<0.001), respectively. Mean corneal surface afflicted with inflammatory processes was statistically significantly reduced from 53.5% to 26.3% (p<0.001) in the case of right corneas, and from 54.5% to 30.2% (p<0.001) in the case of left corneas. Of 77 corneas diagnosed with pigmentation, pigmentation reduction was observed in 54 and pigmentation increase in 27.
Conclusions: Using dexamethasone and cyclosporine/DMSO combination eye drops proved to be a viable initial therapy against CSK, which facilitates reduction of inflammatory processes and neovascularization atrophy, but in many cases does not inhibit the progress of pigmentation.
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I. Balicki
M. Szadkowski
A. Balicka
J. Zwolska

  1. Department and Clinic of Animal Surgery, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Poland
  2. Small Animal Clinic, University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice, Slovakia
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In the article the Slavic term * ǫb(ъ)lъ ‘source, spring; well’ is analyzed from the point of view of its word-formation and etymology. The discussion of preceding etymologies leads to the formulation of a new etymology, based on the internal analysis of * ǫ-b(ъ)lъ ‘source, spring; well’ as * n̥-bl̥o ‘unmuddy’ = ‘clear (water)’. The identified cognates in Baltic * balā, Germanic * pōla-, and possibly Continental Celtic * bolā, all ‘swamp, marsh’, imply the initial, ‘non-Indo-European’, * b-. Finally, it is tested, if the etymon could represent an extension in -l- from the root * gu̯ebh- ‘marsh, swamp’ in the zero-grade of ablaut. The answer is ‘yes’.
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Václav Blažek

  1. Department of Linguistics & Baltic Studies, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republik
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The article treats of one of the most innovative series in the Polish humanities after the 1945, the Poznań German Library. The series is a scientific-editorial project initiated 1996 to introduce readers in Poland (both specialists and nonspecialists) into the most important questions of German history, sociology, political science etc. in the 18th, 19th, 20th and 21st century.

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Łukasz Musiał
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For many centuries, Upper Silesia was the scene of intensive language contact between a continuum of West Slavic dialects (or the Polish and Czech languages) and German colonists, mainly in the 13th century. The process of colonisation under German town law led to the establishment of hundreds of new towns and villages, some with German names. The oldest historical sources for Upper Silesia are Liber fundationis episcopatus Vratislaviensis (Book of endowments of the Bishopric of Wrocław), dating back to c 1305, as well as registers of such endowments from c 1325. German medieval place names in Upper Silesia are a minority, and no such town names can be found in many areas. This article is an analysis of the percentage of German place names in relation to all place names [in Upper Silesia]. It defines the areas with the largest number of such names and contains a linguistic analysis of the names. Interestingly, the area with the largest number of German place names is the Duchy of Teschen, with the castellany of Oświęcim (which was once part of the Duchy of Teschen), the neighbouring part of the Duchy of Racibórz and the western part of the Duchy of Opole. In the Duchy of Bytom (the Siewierz part of which no longer belongs to Upper Silesia), German place names were not very common. For the areas covered by the Diocese of Kraków, the names of parish priests are known as well. The presence of the German name of parish priests in towns and villages with German place names half a century from their establishment indicates that German people may have lived there, especially because it is certain in some cases that they did.

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Grzegorz Chromik
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The essence of the “border problem” between Poland and the FRG reaches back to the provisions of the Potsdam Agreement of 1945. The Polish position was unambiguous from the beginning: the border on the Odra and Nysa Łużycka rivers was established under international law in the Potsdam Agreement, while the subsequent actions undertaken within the framework of the “peace settlement” could only have complementary, declaratory significance. On the other hand, in the FRG an official legal position was developed according to which the former eastern German territories were only given to Poland (and the USSR) “under their administration”, and the final decision on the border was left to be taken by the future unified Germany in a “peace treaty” or a “peace settlement”. This position was not changed by the Normalization Treaty between Poland and the FRG of 1970, because it was interpreted in the FRG as only a “treaty about the renunciation of force”, an element of a modus vivendi which was to last until the unification of Germany. On the other hand, the Zgorzelec Treaty of 1950 between Poland and the GDR was interpreted as not binding for the future unified Germany. Such a position deeply destabilized political relations between the FRG and Poland in the post-war period and had a conflict-generating significance in a number of areas. At the beginning of 1990 the political changes in Poland coincided with the process of German unification. The democratic opposition in Poland, and thereafter the government of Tadeusz Mazowiecki, unequivocally supported the right of the German people to self-determination, at the same time expecting an unequivocal position on the Polish-German border. This fundamental problem was closed in 1990 under two international agreements: the Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany (2+4 Treaty) and the Treaty between the Federal Republic of Germany (united Germany) and the Republic of Poland on the confirmation of the border between them. Thus for thirty-plus years now the “border problem” has been removed from the agenda of political discussions in Polish-German relations, which proves the effectiveness and durability of the agreement reached, which was reflected in both treaties.
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Jan Barcz
1 2

  1. Professor of International Law and the Law of EU, Kozminski University (Warsaw)
  2. Member of the Team Europe (Poland) and the Conference of the Ambassadors of the Republic of Poland
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This article presents a media-studies profile of the bilingual periodical Dialog. Magazyn Polsko-Niemiecki / Dialog. Deutsch-Polnisches Magazin, which is the biggest project of this kind in Europe. In spite of occasional problems with funding, it has been around without a break since 1987. Committed to the goal of building a better understanding between two nations torn apart by war and strife, the editors have opened their magazine to all aspects — political, cultural and economic — of Polish-German relations.

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Paulina Olechowska
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This article explores whether the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) is identical with pre-war Germany. The question is relevant for the understanding of the 1970 Treaty of Warsaw, because in the event it is identical, the FRG would be the predecessor State of Poland with regard to the former German territories east of the Oder-Neisse line and, therefore, competent to renounce any territorial title. By contrast, in the case of non-identity the FRG would only have been a third State with regard to these territories. However, even in case of identity, the scope of the Treaty of Warsaw seems ambiguous due to Allied reservations. Hence, it was wise to confirm the transfer of sovereignty in 1990.
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Robert Uerpmann-Wittzack

  1. Professor of Public and International Law, University of Regensburg
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The hydronym Szywra refers to the small river in the Warta basin flowing in the central part of Greater Poland. Although its name remained unclear for most of the researchers, it was believed to be of Pre-Slavic or Balto-Slavic origin. The paper reveals that these hypotheses were based on the wrong interpretation of the source material, and provides a new etymology for the name Szywra. Based on the critical analysis of all of the reachable records of names referring to the river Szywra, it has been proven that its Polish name is an adaptation of the former German name Schieferbach. Such a process was possible due to the long-term bilingual situation in the region of Greater Poland.

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Paweł Swoboda
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Émile Verhaeren was one of the most important poets of the Leopoldine generation in Belgium, and a committed art critic. His career started in 1881 with his apprenticeship with Edmond Picard in Brussels, the leader of the group of artists, writers and activists who sought to liberate Belgian public life from the undue influence of Paris. His articles published in many Belgian journals were collected and published by Paul Aron in 1997 in the volume titled Écrits sur l’art (1881–1916). Their analysis carried out in comparison with his poetic texts allows us to see him as an artist open to new aesthetic ideas and an activist fighting for freedom of expression in art. The key aspect of Verhaeren’s approach towards painting and literature is the recognition and better appreciation of the Early Flemish painting tradition as the basis to create the identity of the Belgians. His views on art inseparable from the construction of a national identity can be interpreted as a part of the Norse mythology developed by another important Belgian writer, Maurice Maeterlinck in the manuscript from 1888 called Cahier Bleu.
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Antwerp, story of a metropolis. 16th–17th century. Antwerp, Hessenhuis 25 June – 10 October 1993, red. Jan van der Stock, Gent 1993.

Biron Michel, La modernité belge. Littérature et société, Montréal 1994.

Bizek-Tatara Renata, Quaghebeur Marc, Teklik Joanna, Zbierska-Mościcka Judyta, Belgiem być. Fikcja i tożsamość we francuskojęzycznej literaturze Belgii (od końca XIX do początku XXI wieku), Kraków 2017.

Gerard Harry, La vie et l’oeuvre de Maurice Maeterlinck, Paris 1932.

Ghil René, De la poésie-scientifique & autres écrits, Textes choisis, présentés et annotés par Jean-Pierre Bobillot, Grenoble 2008, scientifique+ghil&ots=lZximYmGhc&sig=JMt2uvcwmKErp48m4tYNI3aKPmA&redir_esc=y#v=onepage& q&f=false (dostęp: 15 V 2021).

Fin de siècle et Symbolisme en Belgique. OEuvres poétiques: Théodore Hannon, Iwan Gilkin, Émile Verhaeren, Maurice Maeterlinck, Georges Rodenbach, Charles Van Lerberghe, Max Elskamp, Albert Mockel, red. Paul Gorceix, Bruxelles 1998.

Gorceix Paul, Les affinités allemandes dans l’oeuvre de Maurice Maeterlinck, Paris 1975.

Gorceix Paul, L’image de la germanité chez un belge, flamand de langue française. Maurice Maeterlinck (1862–1949), „Revue de littérature comparée”, 3, 2001, 299, s. 407,–397.htm (dostęp: 26 V 2021).

Gullentops David, Émile Verhaeren inédit, Bruxelles 2015.

Gullentops David, La poésie d’Émile Verhaeren dans les périodiques belges, „Textyles”, 2017, 50–51, s. 11–12, (dostęp: 15 VII 2020).

Huret Jules, Enquête sur l’évolution littéraire, Paris 1891, (dostęp: 25 V 2021).

Émile Verhaeren, red. Véronique Jago-Antoine, Marc Quaghebeur, Bruxelles 1994.

Émile Verhaeren, red. Peter-Eckhard Knabe, Raymond Trousson, Bruxelles 1984.

Lemonnier Camille, Nos Flamands, Bruxelles 1869, (dostęp: 25 V 2021).

Łaptos Józef, Historia Belgii, Wrocław 1995. Mockel Albert, Émile Verhaeren, poète de l’énergie, Paris 1933.

Nachtergaele Vic, La réception d’Émile Verhaeren en Flandre, „Revue belge de philologie et d’histoire”, 77, 1999, 3, s. 713–732.

Starkie Enid, Les sources du lyrisme dans la poésie d’Émile Verhaeren, Paris 1927.

Theis O.F., Émile Verhaeren, „The North American Review”, 198, 1913, 694, s. 354–364, (dostęp: 25 V 2021).

Verhaeren Émile, Écrits sur l’art (1881–1892), wyd. Paul Aron, Bruxelles 1997.

Zbierska-Mościcka Judyta, L’esthetique symboliste selon Charles Van Lerberghe, „Écho des études romanes”, 2, 2006, 1, s. 67–78.

Zweig Stefan, Émile Verhaeren, London 1914, (dostęp: 15 VII 2020).
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Marta Ścisło

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski
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Radosław Ptaszyński devoted over 700 pages of his book to Stanisław Stomma, a catholic intellectual who, during his life was confronted with two totalitarian systems, German Nazism and Soviet Communism. Stomma remains until today a symbol of „stommizm”. This name, created basing on a Stomma’s surname remains a symbol of political realism, and willingness of compromise (with direct limits), and accompanied by a strong moral integrity. Stomma, a devoted catholic played also an important role in the long process of Polish-German reconciliation. According to the Author “stommizm” itself can be recognised as a new kind of heroism, however remote from other well-known patterns of heroism.

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Robert Żurek
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Teresa Willenborg’s book is devoted to analysis of the situation of the German population of former German territories which were granted to Poland in 1945 basing on diplomatic conferences of great powers: USA, Great Britain and the Soviet Union. Willenborg focuses on experiences of Germans who decided to remain in their hometowns and villages. The subject of her interest is here mainly a term of becoming ‘foreign’ and ‘solitare’ in their own homeland after 1945. Thanks to usage of various Polish and German sources the author managed to stress the fact, that the history of post-war expulsions and national minorities often requires a transnational approach.

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Jonathan Voges
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Amongst the early variations of the so-called Otto-Adelheid-pennies are coins with five pellets within the church. They exist in two varieties in respect of the distribution of the four letters ODDO in the cross angles. It can be shown that both are from the same unlocalised mint. The number of dies is rather small and that the variety with O-O-D-D precedes O-D-D-O. Issuing must have started soon after 983/984 and probably was ended before c. 993.
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Peter Ilisch

  1. Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
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The author analyses neologisms of M. Sholokhov in relation to their translation into the German language. Then the quality of the translation is determined. In order to evaluate the translations three criteria are adopted: the degree of semantic closeness between the newly created units and their translation equivalents, their expressiveness and vividness. Based on these criteria the author evaluates the accuracy of the German translations.

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Marek Marszałek
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The aim of this paper is to analyse and interprete the prose text "Vor der Zunahme der Zeichen" by the young, German-speaking writer who as a child fled from the civil war in Sri Lanka. The paper provides an analysis of the contingency of language signs (like homeland, descent, native language, identity) which is a function of the experience of flight, exile, and live in the globalized and electronic media-dominated world. The central role in the novel is played by the relation between death and literary language and its communicative and perception function.

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Anna Rutka
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Five major phases of interrelation between the Bible and literature may be distinguished in German literary history. During the Middle Ages, when the Church and Christian faith played the dominant role, the Bible was treated in literary circles as a work in itself. Authors of the abundant biblical epic poetry, affirmatively paraphrasing Scripture texts, initiated the emergence and development of national literature. The works of that period had a propagandist character and served Christianization as well as the deepening of the faith. The original sense and meaning of the Bible was challenged - in the name of science and the social idea - during the period of the Enlightenment. The Bible seen as poetry endowed with wonderful rhythm, having powerful imaginative impact, and containing elements of Eastern folklore became popular and enjoyed its renaissance in the 19th century, mainly on Herder's account. Contemporary literature employs the language of the Bible not as ornamentation but as key element of poetic expression, and biblical characters serve either auto-reflection or the presentation of archaeological archetypes. 20th century German literature tends to have critical and negating biblical stylization. Such sty- lization results when the author's intentions and value system do not agree with what the biblical text contains, and when the word of God is used for the purpose of alienation and parody. Affirmative biblical stylization occurs sporadically in contemporary literature. The most common kind of biblical stylization, typical of modernist and postmodernist lyric poetry, is partial stylization, serving polemic purposes or alternative solutions.

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Marzena Górecka
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In contrast to foreign combining forms, native combining forms are usually treated as elements on the margin of German word formation. At the same time the question is under discussion, how the notion of combining form has to be defined. Based on a semantically oriented notion, as presented in reference books, and using a large sample of items, it is argued that elements like SCHWIEGER(vater), STIEF- (kind), (Vogel)KUNDE, (Hallen)WART are just the often mentioned examples of a category with a broad range of elements and with communicative relevance. Native combining forms are not only remains of former language periods, but are permanently produced by language users in order to meet their communicative needs.
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Josef Schu

  1. Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken
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The year 2000 was the year of the creation of ‘The Polish Library‘ also known as ‘Beauty Unknown‘. This year is the 20th anniversary of her birthday and at the same time a great opportunity to recall the creation content and promotion of this impressive 50 volume collection. The following article is dedicated to these events.

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Michał Jamiołkowski
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The article examines the language biographies of two generations of a family of German origin in the Czech Republic from the end of World War II to the present day. The content analysis of the biographies is based on the application of the narrative interview method developed in qualitative sociology. The analysis of the data obtained by this method follows the stages in the language use of the two informants in coping with the challenge of the language policies of the state.

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Ingrid Hudabiunigg
Robert Marchl
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This article examines the coverage of German themes in Polish local press by focusing on a number of newspapers and periodicals published at Siedlce in the 1930s, i.e. Gazeta Podlaska, Nowa Gazeta Podlaska, Głos Podlaski, Ziemia Siedlecka, Wiadomości Diecezjalne Podlaskie and Życie Podlasia.

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Authors and Affiliations

Jarosław Cabaj

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