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This paper proposes an analytical model to describe the interaction of a bounded ultrasonic beam with an immersed plate. This model, based on the Gaussian beams decomposition, takes into account multiple reflections into the plate. It allows predicting three-dimensional spatial distributions of both transmitted and reflected fields. Thereby, it makes it easy to calculate the average pressure over the receiver’s area taking into account diffraction losses. So the acoustical parameters of the plate can be determined more accurately. A Green’s function for the interaction of an ultrasonic beam with the plate is derived. The obtained results are compared to those given by the angular spectrum approach. A good agreement is seen showing the validity of the proposed model.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Hanane Soucrati
Ahmed Chitnalah
Noureddine Aouzale
Hicham Jakjoud


In the paper approximate controllability of second order infinite dimensional system with damping is considered. Applying linear operators in Hilbert spaces general mathematical model of second order dynamical systems with damping is presented. Next, using functional analysis methods and concepts, specially spectral methods and theory of unbounded linear operators, necessary and sufficient conditions for approximate controllability are formulated and proved. General result may be used in approximate controllability verification of second order dynamical system using known conditions for approximate controllability of first order system. As illustrative example using Green function approach approximate controllability of distributed dynamical system is also discussed.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Jerzy Klamka
Asatur Zh. Khurshudyan

  1. Department of Measurements and Control Systems, Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland
  2. Institute of Mechanics, NAS of Armenia
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The Green’s function approach is applied for studying the exact and approximate nullcontrollability of a finite rod in finite time by means of a source moving along the rod with controllable trajectory. The intensity of the source remains constant. Applying the recently developed Green’s function approach, the analysis of the exact null-controllability is reduced to an infinite system of nonlinear constraints with respect to the control function. A sufficient condition for the approximate null-controllability of the rod is obtained. Since the exact solution of the system of constraints is a long-standing open problem, some heuristic solutions are used instead. The efficiency of these solutions is shown on particular cases of approximate controllability.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Samvel H. Jilavyan
Edmon R. Grigoryan
Asatur Zh. Khurshudyan

  1. Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, Yerevan State University, 1 Alex Manoogian, 0025 Yerevan, Armenia
  2. Dynamicsof Deformable Systems and Coupled Fields, Institute of Mechanics, National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, 0019 Yerevan, Armenia


We derive exact and approximate controllability conditions for the linear one-dimensional heat equation in an infinite and a semi-infinite domains. The control is carried out by means of the time-dependent intensity of a point heat source localized at an internal (finite) point of the domain. By the Green’s function approach and the method of heuristic determination of resolving controls, exact controllability analysis is reduced to an infinite system of linear algebraic equations, the regularity of which is sufficient for the existence of exactly resolvable controls. In the case of a semi-infinite domain, as the source approaches the boundary, a lack of L2-null-controllability occurs, which is observed earlier by Micu and Zuazua. On the other hand, in the case of infinite domain, sufficient conditions for the regularity of the reduced infinite system of equations are derived in terms of control time, initial and terminal temperatures. A sufficient condition on the control time, heat source concentration point and initial and terminal temperatures is derived for the existence of approximately resolving controls. In the particular case of a semi-infinite domain when the heat source approaches the boundary, a sufficient condition on the control time and initial temperature providing approximate controllability with required precision is derived.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Asatur Zh. Khurshudyan


In recent years, type-II superlattice-based devices have completed the offer of the electronic industry in many areas of applications. Photodetection is one of them, especially in the mid-infrared wavelength range. It is due to the unique feature of a superlattice material, which is a tuneable bandgap. It is also believed that the dark current of superlattice-based photodetectors is strongly suppressed due to the suppression of the band-to-band tunnelling current in a superlattice material. This argument relies, however, on a semi-classical approach that treats superlattice as a bulk material with effective parameters extracted from the kp analysis. In the paper, a superlattice device is analysed on a quantum level: the non-equilibrium Green’s function method is applied to the two-band Hamiltonian of the InAs/GaSb superlattice p-i-n diode. The analysis concentrates on the band-to-band tunnelling with the aim to validate the correctness of a semi-classical description of the phenomenon. The results of calculations reveal that in a superlattice diode, the inter-band tunnelling occurs only for certain values of energy and in-plane momentum, for which electronic and hole sub-bands cross. The transitions occurring for vanishing in-plane momentum produce resonances in the current-voltage characteristics – the feature which was reported in a few experimental observations. This scenario is quite different from that occurring in bulk materials, where there is a range of energy-momentum pairs for which the band-to-band tunnelling takes place, and so current-voltage characteristics are free from any resonances. However, simulations show that, while not justified for a detailed analysis, the semi-classical description can be applied to superlattice-based devices for an ‘order of magnitude’ estimation of the band-to-band tunnelling current.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Marcin Makowiec
Andrzej Kolek

  1. Department of Electronics Fundamentals, Rzeszow University of Technology, al. Powstańców Warszawy 12, Rzeszów 35-959, Poland

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