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Compared to the new state borders of the Danube basin after World War One, the drawing of the Austro-Hungarian border was not only different but required the longest time (1918-1924). It was not a territorial dispute between a victorious and a losing state, but one between the two losers of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, Austria and Hungary. During the Hungarian Soviet Republic (March to August, 1919), only the Austrian delegation was invited to the peace conference. This delegation successfully argued, through peaceful diplomatic channels, to make Western Hungary part of the new Austrian Republic. Under the Austrian peace treaty of Saint-Germainen- Laye (September 10, 1919) and the Hungarian one of Trianon (June 4, 1920), Austria received the area as well. However, the Hungarian side, using the means of political violence namely the paramilitary activity, enforced a referendum on Sopron/Ödenburg, the natural capital of the territory, which was previously judged to Austria (December 12, 1920). The participants of the referendum and the entire frontier population decided about their homelands not on ethnic grounds but on purely economic interests.

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Ibolya Murber
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In this paper, I intend to explore the influence of sentimentalism in the works of Gábor Dayka (1769– 1796), a Hungarian poet, an author of sentimental poems imbued with the ideals of the Enlightenment. The sentimental tones of his verses derive first of all from being misunderstood and oppressed and from the impossibility of unveiling the opaque sadness of the mysterious melancholy. Dayka, forced to choose the ecclesiastical career and then abandon it because of his liberal ideas, gradually becomes a sentimental and pessimistic poet who thinks love is painful and projects his pain into nature. I will focus on the sentimental means of expression of Dayka from the poem titled Rettenetes éjszaka (Terrible Night) to Titkos bú (Mysterious Melancholy).
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1. ABAFI, L. (1880): “Dayka Gábor élete”, in: ID.: Dayka Gábor költeményei, Aigner Lajos, Budapest, V–XLIII.
2. BARÓTI, D. (1971): “Dayka Gábor”, in: ID.: Írók, érzelmek, stílusok, Magvető, Budapest, 192–203.
3. BÍRÓ, F. (1994): “A titkos bú poétája”, in: ID.: A felvilágosodás korának magyar irodalma, Balassi, Budapest, 363–371.
4. GÁLOS, R. (1913): “Dayka Gábor költészete”, Egyetemes Philologiai Közlöny, 145–154.
5. KABDEBÓ, L. (1968): Dayka Gábor költői pályája, Városi Könyvtár, Miskolc.
6. KABDEBÓ, L. (1969): “Dayka Gábor: A rettenetes éjszaka”, Irodalomtörténeti Közlemények, 2–3, 269–274.
7. KAZINCZY, F. (1813): “Dayka’ élete”, in: Ujhelyi Dayka Gábor’ versei. Öszveszedte ’s kiadta barátja, Kazinczy Ferencz, Trattner, Pest, III–XLVIII.
8. KOVÁCS FERENCNÉ ÓNODI, I. (szerk.) (1993): Dayka Gábor versei, Gazdász, Miskolc.
9. KOVÁCS, Gy. (1962): “Szentjóbi Szabó László és Dayka Gábor szentimentális költészete”, Irodalomtörténet, 1, 78–95.
10. LŐKÖS, I. (1962): “Dayka Gábor egri éveiről”, Irodalomtörténet, 3–4, 398–409.
11. MAKAY, G. (1993): “Dayka Gábor: Titkos bú”, in: ID.: “Édes hazám, fogadj szívedbe...”, Aqua Kiadó, Budapest, 42–45.
12. MARTINÁK, J. (2015): “Dayka Gábor költészete”, Kazinczy és kora, Széphalom, 25, 147–155.
13. MEZEI, M. (szerk.) (2000): Magyar költők. 18. század, Neumann Kht., Budapest.
14. SZABÓ, Z. (1986): “A szentimentalizmus”, in: ID.: Kis magyar stílustörténet, Tankönyvkiadó, Budapest, 136–148.
15. SZAUDER, J. (1963): “A magyar szentimentalizmus problémái”, Irodalomtörténeti Közlemények, 4, 405–421.
16. SZILÁGYI, M. (2000): “A ‘titkos bú’ poétája? Dayka Gábor kánonizálódásának kérdőjelei”, Irodalomtörténeti Közlemények, 5–6, 603–616.
17. TOLDY F. (1833): “Dayka’ élete”, in: Dayka’ versei. Öszveszedte Kazinczy Ferencz, Egyetem betűivel, Buda, III–XIV.

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Judit Papp

  1. Università Degli Studi Di Napoli “L’Orientale”, Napoli
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In 2015 and 2016, a reconnaissance study have been performed on a fortified hillfort in Lipnik, located between Sandomierz and Opatów, which had been discovered in 2015. Neither remnants of the buildings nor the presence of a cultural layer that could indicate permanent, or at least longer residence, have been found on the hillfort. Apart from the ceramics, a series of metal objects were found on the hillfort: silver beads, fragment of silver earring with ‘grape’ pendant, bronze rings, silver and bronze applications of leather straps, strap-ends, pendants and buckles from harness or saddlebags, iron and lead weights, iron arrowheads. Some of the metal artefacts have distinct analogies in Hungarian materials from 10th–11th century. Similar to the materials from a nearby settlement in Kaczyce, they indicate the possibility that groups or units of Hungarian origin that followed nomadic traditions had been staying in the vicinity of Sandomierz between the second half of 10th and the first half of 11th century. They might had been warriors serving in one of the Piast princes, captives brought by Bolesław I the Brave or merchants participating in international trade.

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Marek Florek
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One of the key factors of a competitive economy is creating a strong, internationally competitive SME sector. This essay is based on the fact that management tools used in the SME sector are insufficient. With the development of these tools, the competitiveness of companies could improve. According to the literature, using lean thinking has a positive influence on the company’s effectiveness, and also proved that lean approach can be successfully extended out of the car industry, into the limitedly resourced SME sector, too. Even though the topic of lean manufacturing is analysed by many studies, there is a lack of papers dealing with its usage in the SME sector. The originality of this paper lies in analysing the current status of using lean manufacturing practices among the Hungarian SMEs operating in the manufacturing industry. The paper includes an examination about how deeply the elements of lean thinking are present in the Hungarian SME sector, how large the development reserves are, and whether there is a difference between the usage of lean practices. A structured questionnaire was used for data collection. SMEs’ representatives, mostly CEOs and managers from the Hungarian manufacturing industry participated in the survey. The sample contained 128 observations. The study has two control variables, which are the size of the company and the relation to the lean management. The survey brought the following results. First of all, it shows that the level of using lean is low among the Hungarian SMEs. Furthermore, customer orientation is a key factor in the sector, however, there are considerable possibilities for progress by the inner processes and the handling and involvement of the suppliers. Firstly, a good basis to increase the effectiveness could be the creation of thinking in processes influencing the supply chain. Secondly, the development of the leadership and the involvement of the employees at some level are also significant. Key findings is that without state incitement and the involvement of outside experts, progress cannot be expected to spread on a broad scope. The background of the research method was created to fit the available literature and to capable to be used in other countries, too. Moreover, this way the available information can be expanded with a regional dimension, in case further studies are going to be made.
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Laszló Koloszar
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The incarceration of those determined to be security risks was a common feature of the wartime regimes of most European belligerents throughout the Great War. Yet, especially in several of the Habsburg successor states, internment and politicised incarceration continued as the war morphed into smaller wars, revolutions, and counterrevolutions. This paper traces the social history of political incarceration in Hungary between approximately 1914–1924, with special attention to the post‑armistice period, during which wartime emergency laws were extended or revised to deal with political upheaval and renewed regional warfare. Within this framework, the paper focuses on the experience of one woman, a university‑educated teacher, who became a leading leftist educator and was imprisoned for her role in the Hungarian Republic of Councils (also called the Hungarian Soviet Republic) in 1920. She left Hungary for the Soviet Union in the 1920s as part of a prisoner exchange, and she remained there until the end of World War Two. She later returned to Hungary, and in 1953, published a memoir about her experiences during World War One and its aftermath. Using a gendered analysis to move from the larger context to the individual experience helps reveal continuity and change from Hungary’s Great War to its “war after war,” as well as the systematic and improvised nature of carceral deprivation and violence against female political prisoners. It also shows how the gendered memories of the Long World War One inflected the post‑1945 socialist party’s ideological mobilisation of women, putting forward an example of socialist womanhood that simultaneously challenged and reinforced the categories of prisoners and activists.
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Emily Gioielli

  1. Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Massachusetts
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The paper presents the most overall project of Hungarian dialectology of the past few decades and deals with the partial result of its sociolinguistic survey. The interviews analysed were recorded in Western Hungary as part of the New General Atlas of Hungarian Dialects project between 2007 and 2012. The project, funded by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and organized by the Geolinguistics Research Group of the Eötvös Loránd University, asked the participants about sociolinguistic issues at several data collection sites in the Hungarian language area, in addition to surveying dialectological phenomena. For example: Do you speak dialects here in this town? Do they speak better here than in the neighboring settlements? Do you speak in the same way in a city or official place as at home, in a family circle? Have you ever been mocked because of your dialect speech? Given that tens of thousands of hours of the recordings have not yet been processed in a systematic and comprehensive way, the first half of the study provides numerical and detailed data on how the planned program of the research group was realized in practice regarding, for the time being, the Western Hungarian data collection sites. The second half of the study presents partial results on the language and dialect awareness, attitudes and use of the respondents by analysing the sociolinguistic interviews recorded in this area. The study provides a more accurate description of the specifics in the archive of the New General Atlas of Hungarian Dialects project, as well as what the recorded data reveal on the linguistic mentality of the Western Hungarian speech community in the beginning of the 21st century. This is just one of the numerous research topics offered by the enormous archive.
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Andrea Parapatics

  1. University of Pannonia
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This article provides an overview of French translations of prose and drama on the Hungarian book market between 2000 and 2020. The quantitative and qualitative analysis is based on data from the National Library of Hungary comprising 39,792 entries, of which 2,479 are translations from French. The analysis focuses on the position of French compared to other source languages, the distribution of translations according to their literary genre, and publishers actively involved in the publication of French literature. Results indicate that French ranks third after English and German, accounting for 6.2% of the records in the sample, and is rarely used as an intermediary language for translation. Novels are the genre most frequently translated, while translations of dramatic works are sporadic. The three most active publishers of French translations in Hungary comprise one publisher of classic and contemporary literature, one of digital books and one of children’s literature.
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Adrienn Gulyas

  1. Universite Du Service Public, Budapest, Hongrie
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Tribal fragments of the Cumans, a people of the Eurasian steppe region, appeared in the medieval kingdom of Hungary in the early 13th century, on the eve of the Mongol Invasion. Many of them permanently settled in the Great Hungarian Plain, and their community had to undergo profound transformations both in terms of social and economic strategies. Mobile pastoralism, often associated with the Cuman communities of the steppe, was definitely impossible in their new homeland. However, animal husbandry remained the most important economic activity in this part of the Carpathian Basin in the centuries after the Cumans’ arrival. This paper provides a case study on the region called Greater Cumania in the Great Hungarian Plain, and especially on one Cuman village, Orgondaszentmiklós, where 14th–16th-century habitation layers were brought to light. Archaeological and written evidence for animal husbandry is analyzed in order to establish patterns of integration or specialization in terms of animal herding. The results show that although some preferences that may have been rooted in steppe tradition were retained, the main factor in economic orientation was the position in the settlement network and the connection to markets. Swine keeping, a tradition virtually non-existent in the steppe area, was adapted relatively quickly as a response to available natural resources (marshlands) in the area. It seems, on the other hand, that horses preserved their high social value and their flesh was also consumed.

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Kyra Lyublyanovics
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The objective of this article is to present the funerary eye and mouth plates use as a funeral custom from the 10th century in the Carpathian Basin. Presented artefacts, which were interpreted as funerary eye and mouth plates, were sewn onto the shroud used to cover the skull or were placed on the eye cavity and on the mouth of the deceased person. The collected artefacts were divided into four parts, based on the formal aspect. Their characteristics were examined. These artefacts show strong connections with specimens known from eastern Europe, especially with the ones known from the Ural. The ancient Hungarians brought this funeral custom to the Carpathian Basin in the course of their conquest. Ethnic studies are needed to understand the discussed custom, and the subject requires further research.

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Tekla Balogh Bodor
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As the adoption of the Hungarian simplified naturalisation scheme raised much tension both in the neighbouring countries of Hungary and in the main host countries of EU citizens, this paper summarises the nature of such reactions and the most frequent fears that EU states expressed. The main aim of the study is to show what effects a country’s modification of its citizenship rules may have on the situations of other EU member-states and European Union citizens. The article also raises one practical aspect of the situation that evolved as a result of the answer by Slovakia to the Hungarian modifications – namely the ex lege withdrawal of Slovakian citizenship if a person acquires a new one from another country. It introduces in detail the free-movement aspects of ethnic Hungarians losing their Slovakian citizenship, while not leaving their homeland in Slovakia, arguing that people in such a situation may rightfully and immediately be eligible for permanent residence rights, which would provide them with a higher level of protection.

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Ágnes Töttős
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Grain size distribution is one of the paleoenvironmental proxies that provide insight statistical distribution of size fractions within the sediments. Multivariate statistics have been used to investigate the depositional process from the grain size distribution. Still, the direct application of the standard multivariate methods is not straightforward and can yield misleading interpretations due to the compositional nature of the raw grain size data. This paper is a methodological framework for grain size data characterization through the centered log ratio transformation and euclidean data, coupled with principal component analysis, cluster analysis, and linear discriminant analysis to examine Quaternary sediments from Tövises bed in the southeast Great Hungarian Plain. These approaches provide statistically significant and sedimentologically interpretable results for both datasets. However, the details by which they supplemented the conceptual model were significantly different, and this discrepancy resulted in a different temporal model of the depositional history.
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Abdelrhim Eltijani
Dávid Molnár
László Makó
János Geiger
Pál Sümegi

  1. University of Szeged, Department of Geology, 2-6 Egyetem u., H-6722, Szeged, Hungary
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The most prevalent popular and critical images of Bruno Schulz present a Polish-Jewish writer and artist who turned away from politics and history in his creative work only to be devoured by the most violent political and historical forces in his life. This article attempts to reinsert Schulz’s writings into the social and political history of his day and age, focusing on an interpretation of his novella Spring (Wiosna). It argues that Schulz viewed the meaning and progression of history and politics in mythical terms. Accordingly, his stories contain ironic mythologizations of social, political and historical events. In Spring, Schulz captures, or rather constructs, the mythological essence of the disintegration of the Habsburg Empire, producing his own imaginative and contradictory commentary on the history of his native region during his own lifetime.
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Stanley Bill
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The problem of Hungarian identity is one of the themes of Stanisław Vincenz’s essays written at the time of the Second World War. Inspired by Wincenty Pol’s thinking about relationship between the sense of geographical place and literature, he decided to explore the ‘general impact of landscape’ and in particular identify the place that would convey the essence of ‘Hungarianness’. The article looks at various aspects of this problem in Vincenz’s essay ‘Landscape – the background of history’ in the context of his other essays in which the idea of place is discussed. In effect, the article lays down a theoretical formula of indeterminate spots in modern literature. The indeterminate spot possesses six constitutive features: changeability and transmutability; fuzzy borders; shifty positioning between utopia and atopia; great semantic potential; the experience of place is involved in irreducible inconsistencies but rests on a solid ideological foundation.

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Andrzej Niewiadomski

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