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This articles explores the life and work of Elżbieta Glaize Walkerowa, a forgotten poet from the early19th century and owner of a girls’ boarding school in Lwów. Hitherto unknown archival sources, which have been used to reconstruct her biography, reveal that she was a close relative of François Glaize, Poland's most eminent tapestry-weaver, with connections to the House of Działyński (the Trojanów branch). The second part the article focuses on Elżbieta Glaize's 1801 debut poetry volume Pierwiastki mojej muzy [ Elements of My Muse]. The poems, written in the sentimental style which was in fashion at that time, represent the sensitivity and worldview of a young woman who, having been raised in a home steeped in literary culture, was keen to showcase her own literary ambition.
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Dorota Samborska-Kukuć

  1. Instytut Filologii Polskiej i Logopedii, Wydział Filologiczny Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
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This is a survey of selected publications by Stanisław Wasylewski that appeared in the Lwów Gazeta Poranna and Gazeta Wieczorna between 1911 and 1914. The analyses are based on extant copies of the two newspapers held in Poland in the collections of the Jagiellonian Univer-sity in Cracow. The material includes articles, theatre and book reviews as well as advertise-ments of novels to be published in serial installments.
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Beata Langer

  1. Instytut Nauk o Informacji, Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. KEN, ul. Podchorążych 2, PL 30-084 Kraków
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This article presents an overview of German-language periodicals published in Stanisławów and Lwów in the first half of the 20th century. They reflect the cultural, social and religious diversity of the local German com- munity, for the most part descendants of migrants who came to Galicia after it was incorporated into the Aus- trian Empire at the end of the 18th century. The history of those publications and of the local German-speaking community came to end after the German attack on Poland in 1939 and the incorporation of eastern Galicia into the Soviet Union.
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„Evangelisches Gemeindeblatt für Galizien und die Bukowina”, 1904‒1918.
„Evangelisches Gemeindeblatt. Amtliches Organ der evangelischen Kirchenbehörde”, 1920‒ 1939.
„Deutsches Volksblatt für Galizien”, 1907‒1918.
„Ost‑Deutsches Volksblatt”, 1922‒1939.
„Mennonitisches Gemeindeblatt für Österreich”, 1913‒1917, 1920‒1939.

Alabrudzińska E., Kościoły ewangelickie na kresach wschodnich II Rzeczypospolitej, Toruń 1999.
Bachmann A., Galiziens Mennoniten im Wandel der Zeiten. Ihre Geschichte und ihre Familien, Backnang 1984.
Bibliografia Historii Polski XIX i XX wieku, t. III: 1865–1918, wol. 3, red. D.U. Ścięgosz-Karpińska, Warszawa 2017.
Brożek A., Niemcy zagraniczni w polityce kolonizacji pruskich prowincji wschodnich 1886– 1918, Poznań 1989.
Das Deutschtum in Galizien. Seine geschichtliche Entwicklung und gegenwärtige Lage, Lemberg 1914.
Grodziski S., Historia ustroju społeczno‑politycznego Galicji 1772–1848, Wrocław i in.1971.
Heckel H., 10 Jahre „Ostdeutsches Volksblatt” — 25 Jahre „Deutsches Volksblatt”, „Ost- ‑Deutsches Volksblatt“. Jubiläums‑Ausgabe, nr 40, 2.10.1932, s. 2–3.
Heckel H., Das Deutsche Volksblatt für Galizien, „Schaffen und Schauen”, z. 5‒6, styczeń/ luty 1932, s. 43‒44.
Kaschnitz K., Prasa niemiecka w Polsce, „Sprawy Narodowościowe” 1932, nr 6, s. 595– 622.
Kowalak T., Prasa niemiecka w Polsce 1918‒1939. Powiązania i wpływy, Warszawa 1971.
Kuhn W., Bevölkerungsstatistik des Deutschtums in Galizien, Wien 1930.
Mazur G., Życie polityczne polskiego Lwowa 1918–1939, Kraków 2007.
Müller E., Einfluß der NS‑Ideologie auf die ehem.[alige] deutsche Volksgruppe in Polen am Beispiel der Galiziendeutschen und ihres „Ostdeutschen Volksblattes”, „Jahrbuch Weichsel‑Warthe“ 1998, s. 98‒104.
Müller S., Von der Ansiedlung bis zur Umsiedlung. Das Deutschtum Galiziens, insbeson- dere Lembergs 1772‒1940, Marburg/Lahn 1961.
Müller S., Galizien und sein Deutschtum. Eine Dokumentation aus Sepp Müllers Nachlaß ergänzt durch Unterlagen des Hilfskomitees der Galiziendeutschen 1948‒1951, t. 1, red. E. Müller, Stuttgart 1999.
Röskau-Rydel I., Die deutschsprachige Presse in Kleinpolen 1918 bis 1939 zwischen Ablehnung und Akzeptanz der nationalsozialistischen Ideologie am Beispiel des Ostdeutschen Volksblattes, des Evangelischen Gemeindeblattes für Galizien und die Bukowina sowie der Dornfelder Blätter, [w:] Regionen des östlichen Europas im 20. Jahrhundert. Nationalsozialismus und Regionalbewusstsein im östlichen Europa, red. B. Olschowsky i I. Loose, München 2016, s. 81–102.
Röskau-Rydel I., Galizien, [w]: Galizien, Bukowina, Moldau, wyd. I. Röskau‑Rydel, Ber- lin 1999, s. 15–212.
Röskau-Rydel I., Powstanie „Evangelisches Gemeindeblatt für Galizien und die Bukowina” [Ewangelickiej Gazety Gminnej dla Galicji i Bukowiny] i jej znaczenie, [w:] Prasa w warsztacie badawczym historyka, red. K. Karolczak i K. Meus, Kraków 2017, s. 102‒ 110.
Schneider L., 1907–1932. Unser Volksblatt — ein Jubilar, „Ost‑Deutsches Volksblatt”. Jubiläums‑Ausgabe, nr 40, 2.10.1932, s. 4–5.
Sprawozdanie Urzędu Wojewódzkiego we Stanisławowie do MSW. Departament Polityczny, Wydział Narodowościowy w Warszawie z dn. 29 marca 1939 r., [w:] Galizien und die Galiziendeutschen (1914‒1940). Kontext und Quellen, red. K. Boeckh, Herne 2018, s. 226‒227.
Zamorski K., Informator statystyczny do dziejów społeczno‑gospodarczycj Galicji. Ludność Galicji w latach 1857–1910, Kraków – Warszawa 1989.
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Isabel Röskau-Rydel

  1. Instytut Neofilologii, Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. KEN, ul. Studencka 5 PL 30-116 Kraków
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This article looks at the history and contents of the quarterly Dawna Sztuka [Old Art] published in Lwów in (1938–1939), dedicated to the history of art and archaeology. Founded by Professor Stanisław Jan Gąsiorowski, the periodical was intended, among others, as a platform for establishing ties with researchers from abroad and presenting the work of Polish archaeologists and art historians to the academic community and readers all over the world.

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Aleksandra Lubczyńska
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On the first place, author presents the situation of theological faculties before the II World War. The Roman Catholic Church in Poland had five of them: in Cracow, Wilnius, Lwow, Warsaw and within the framework of Catholic University of Lublin. The four of them developed their educational activity in many various ways at the national universities.

After the II World War, due to the changing border lines of Polish country – the Roman Catholic Church lost theological faculties in Wilnius and Lwow. The Faculty of Theology at the Wrocław University, existing since the year of 1702 and which was active even during the time of II World War (within the border lines of the III Reich), could not exist after the end of the war. In the year of 1954 the authorities of People’s Republic of Poland – without the permission of the Holly See liquidated theological faculties from the Jagiellonian University (founded by Saint Queen Jadwiga in 1397) and from the Warsaw University–removing it arbitrary to the previously non-existent Academy of Catholic’s Theology in Warsaw. The academy was a national school, and Polish Episcopal Conference, under certain conditions, only acknowledged its foundation. Academic degrees and scholars titles of this academy were canonically invalid.

Card. Karol Wojtyla creating the Episcopal Conference of Catholic’s Science and Council of the Polish Episcopal Conference caused reaction of the Holly See. Vatican’s authorities renewed the activity of Faculty of Theology in Wrocław (the year of 1968) and erected new – non-existent till now – Faculty of Theology in Poznań. Moreover, the Holly See did not approve the closure of theological faculties in Cracow and Warsaw. Thank to that, in People’s Republic of Poland – there were five theological faculties, under Church’s jurisdiction, in a similar way to the pre-war territory of the country. In 1974, they received the noble title of “Pope’s faculties”. Certainly, academic degrees and scholars titles, gained at these faculties by their graduates and scholars were invalid to the state authorities. After long negotiations, the Deal (June 30th 1989) was accepted by the government of People’s Republic of Poland and Polish Episcopal Conference. The Deal stated the approval of all Pope’s faculties and the faculty of philosophy of Society of Jesus in Cracow. In return, the Holly See resumed Academy of Catholic’s Theology (ACT) and granted its canonical validation. Imposed Deal was a serious contribution to the normalization of Church-State relations in Poland. It is certain, that it was also a great achievement of the Roman Catholic Church, and was accomplished– as it is commonly considered – not without the influence of electing, on October 16th 1978, card. Karol Wojtyla for pope John Paul II.

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Ks. Adam Kubiś
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This article douments the impact of Kazimierz Twardowski's philosophy and scientific methodology on the criticism of literature and art criticism produced in Lwów between c. 1900 and 1939.

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Katarzyna Sadkowska
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This article examines the relationship of Maryla Wolska with the poets and artists of the Young Poland in Lwów and, more broadly, with the literary community of the early 20th century. She was a leading light of Płanetnicy (The Rainmakers), an informal group of artists who met at her house in Lwów. The role of a friend and mate, someone who was treated equally as a writer, did not sit well, however, with her role as mistress of the house, hostess of a literary salon and representative of a family which occupied a high position in the social hierarchy. To ride on the crest of the wave she strove to combine two strategies, a modern jauntiness and a studious attention to 19th-century proprieties. Although she did well for herself, her success was by no means complete.

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Anna Czabanowska-Wróbel
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After the fall of the Polish-Lituanian Commonwealth, Prince Adam Kazimierz Czartoryski was involved in a number of activities in the field of culture, literature and education. This article explores his activities with regard to the contemporary press market. Adam Czartoryski, Governor (starosta generalny) of Podolia, was (behind the scenes) a promoter and coordinator of initiatives to set up quality periodicals in Wilno (Gazeta Literacka Wileńska, and also the daily Dziennik Wileński), Warsaw (Pamiętnik Warszawski) and Lwów (Pamiętnik Lwowski).
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Jolanta Kowal

  1. Instytut Polonistyki i Dziennikarstwa Uniwersytet Rzeszowski al. Rejtana 16c PL 35-959 Rzeszów
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The article discusses the expansion of the influence of the museum as a culture forming structure on the example of one of the most beautiful cities in Eastern Europe. Lviv is considered a regional metropolis, its cultural influence extends across Western Ukraine. The paper presents the evolution of the museum’s function in the spatial development of Lviv and urban conditions of expanding this function in a modern city. The need for the placement of museum complexes on the outskirts of Lviv’s city center was determined.

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Bohdan Posatskyy
Mykhailo Hrytsak
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The academic environment of Wrocław emerged and developed in particularly difficult conditions of the post WWII era. Thanks to continuation of the tradition, experience and contributions of leading scientists from the former Jan Kazimier University of Lwów, it quickly achieved an important, internationally recognized position in particular in mathematics and chemistry. Two different sociological concepts of relations within the scientific community have developed simultaneously: (1) partnership between leaders and research team members, (2) hierarchical structure based on authority of a leader. History proved that both may be effective. Wrocław became a modern center of research management comparable to leading western universities. The general approach based on relationship „between master and a follower” has been replaced by the more effective relatioship „between a school and a follower”. Similarly to the Lwów tradition the Wrocław Scientific Society has played an integrative role in relations among scientists of different disciplines.

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Wacław Kasprzak
Karol I. Pelc
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Wacław Tadeusz Szybalski (1921–2020) was born in the city of Lwów. Gradueted from School of Chemistry of Technical University of Lwów (Politechnika Lwowska). In 1945 he obtained diploma of chemical engineering from Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice and PhD in 1949 from Gdańsk University of Technology. He left Poland in 1949, first for Denmark and later USA. From 1951–1955 Wacław Szybalski joined the famous Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, NY, as a Staff Member. From 1960 to 2003 he has position of Professor of Oncology at the McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA. Prof. Wacław Szybalski published over 260 scientific papers, covering many areas of biology, including bacterial genetics, mechanisms of drug resistance and radiosensitization, mutagenesis, multi-drug therapy, molecular biology of bacteriophages, particularly phage lambda, genetic engineering, gene therapy, synthetic biology and DNA biochemistry/sequencing. Prof. Wacław Szybalski retired in 2003, and held the rank of Emeritus Professor of Oncology and of Genetics since then. During all years in USA Wacław Szybalski relations with Poland, especially Gdańsk remained very strong. He was a Mentor of several Polish postdocs. Prof. Wacław Szybalski received many science awards over the years, was a Foreign Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Polish Academy of Art and Sciences. In 2011, he received the highest honor awarded in Poland, becoming a Knight of the Order of Polonia Restituta, First Class, presented by President of Poland Bronisław Komorowski. He has also received five honorary doctorates from leading universities in Poland.
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Ewa Łojkowska
1 2

  1. Międzyuczelniany Wydział Biotechnologii Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego i GUMed
  2. Fundacja Profesora Wacława Szybalskiego
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Artykuł przybliża postać Edmunda Libańskiego, przedsiębiorcy kinowego, autora i tłumacza sztuk teatralnych, konstruktora lotniczego oraz jego działalność jako popularyzatora nauki. Mało znaną częścią aktywności Edmunda Libańskiego jest wydawanie opisanego w artykule czasopisma „Przemysłowiec” we Lwowie (1903–1911).
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Agnieszka J. Cieślikowa
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The article introduces one of the most outstanding biochemists of the Second Republic of Poland: Jakub Karol Parnas. His scientific research played a key role in understanding the fundamental biochemical process of glycolysis. The scientific career of Jakub Karol Parnas is also a symbol of the unique intellectual atmosphere of Galicia in the 20s and 30s of the last century. Parnas's scientific achievements and research are an inspiring story of scientific success achieved in a place far from world science centers. This success was due to talent, determination and scientific passion, as well as the favorable environment of the Jan Kazimierz University in Lviv.
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Andrzej Dżugaj
Jolanta Barańska
Adam Szewczyk

  1. Uniwersytet Wrocławski
  2. Biologii Doświadczalnej PAN im. Marcelego Nenckiego, Warszawa
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During the interwar period, period many examples of sports facilities were built in the Second Polish Republic. These groups of facilities had one function designed for practicing a specific sport discipline but also multifunctional facilities were also built. Sports centres played a role not only enabling amateur exercises and improving sports skills but they were also the seats of sports societies, unions, clubs or circles that associated sports enthusiasts and promoted the development of physical fitness through sport. The activity of such groups was necessary due to the political and economic situation of the country at that time. The period of the first half of the interwar period was a time of state reconstruction, uncertainty and challenges for society after the end of the First World War. The reconstruction of the country also concerned the sports infrastructure, in which apart from facilities with a form resulting directly from their function (stands, halls, ski jumps) formal buildings were also built. One of the examples of such facilities is the Sports House in Lviv, designed by Jerzy Nechay. The example of the Sports House in Lviv and its formal location a short distance from the city centre is an example of modern design that combines a form of use with a formal function.
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Wojciech Kocki

  1. Lublin University of Technology Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture Chair of Contemporary Architecture

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