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Evaluating soil strength by geophysical methods using P-waves was undertaken in this study to assess the effects of changed binder ratios on stabilization and compression characteristics. The materials included dredged sediments collected in the seabed of Timrå region, north Sweden. The Portland cement (Basement CEM II/A-V, SS EN 197-1) and ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS) were used as stabilizers. The experiments were performed on behalf of the Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget (SCA) Biorefinery Östrand AB pulp mill. Quantity of binder included 150, 120 and 100 kg. The properties of soil were evaluated after 28, 42, 43, 70, 71 and 85 days of curing using applied geophysical methods of measuring the travel time of primary wave propagation. The P-waves were determined to evaluate the strength of stabilized soils. The results demonstrated variation of P-waves velocity depending on stabilizing agent and curing time in various ratios: Low water/High binder (LW/HB), High water/Low binder (HW/LB) and percentage of agents (CEM II/A-V/GGBFS) as 30%/70%, 50%/50% and 70%/30%. The compression characteristics of soils were assessed using uniaxial compressive strength (UCS). The P-wave velocities were higher for samples stabilized with LW/HB compared to those with HW/LB. The primary wave propagation increased over curing time for all stabilized mixes along with the increased UCS, which proves a tight correlation with the increased strength of soil solidified by the agents. Increased water ratio gives a lower strength by maintained amount of binder and vice versa.

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Per Lindh
1 2
Polina Lemenkova

  1. Swedish Transport Administration, Gibraltargatan 7, Malmö, Sweden
  2. Lund University, Division of Building Materials, Box 118, SE- 221-00, Lund, Sweden
  3. Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), École polytechnique de Bruxelles (Brussels Faculty of Engineering), Laboratory of Image Synthesis and Analysis (LISA). Campus de Solbosch - CP 165/57, Avenue Franklin D. Roosevelt 50, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium
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The prediction of strength properties is a topic of interest in many engineering fields. The common tests used to evaluate rock strength include the uniaxial compressive strength test ( UCS), Brazilian tensile strength ( BTS) and flexural strength ( FS). These tests can only be carried out in the laboratory and involve some difficulties such as preparation of the samples according to standards, amount of samples, and the long duration of test phases. This article aims to suggest equations for the prediction of mechanical properties of aggregates as a function of the P-wave velocity ( Vp) and Schmidt hammer hardness ( SHH) value of intact or in-situ rocks using regression analyses. Within the scope of the study, 90 samples were collected in the south of Türkiye. The mechanical properties, such as uniaxial compressive strength, Brazilian tensile strength and flexural strength of specimens, were determined in the laboratory and investigated in relation to P-wave velocity, and Schmidt hardness. Using regression techniques, various models were developed, and comparisons were made to find the optimum models using a coefficient of determination (R2) and p value (sig) performance indexes. Simple and multiple regression analysis found powerful correlations between mechanical properties and P-wave velocity and Schmidt hammer hardness. In addition, the prediction equations were compared with previous studies. The results obtained from this study indicate that the results of simple test methods, such as Vp or SHH values, of rock used for aggregate could be used to predict some mechanical properties. Thus, it will be possible to obtain information about the mechanical properties of aggregates in the study area in a faster and more practical way by using predictive models.
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Esma Kahraman

  1. Çukurova University, Turkey
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The knowledge of the dynamic elastic properties of a coal seam is important in the context of various types of calculations of the seam behavior under various stress-strain conditions. These properties are often used in numerical and analytical modeling related to maintaining the stability of excavations and the analysis of mechanisms, e.g. related to the risk of rock bursts. Additionally, during the implementation of seismic surveys, e.g. seismic profiling and seismic tomography in coal seams, the reference values of the elastic properties of coal are used in the calculation of relative stresses in various geological and mining conditions.
The study aims to calculate the dynamic elastic parameters of the coal seam located at a depth of 1,260 m in one of the hard coal mines in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin (USCB). Basic measurements of the velocity of P- and S-waves were conducted using the seismic profiling method. These surveys are unique due to the lack of the velocity wave values in the coal seam at such a great depth in the USBC and difficult measurement conditions in a coal mine. As a result, dynamic modulus of elasticity was calculated, such as Young’s modulus, volumetric strain modulus, shear modulus and Poisson’s ratio. The volumetric density of coal used for calculations was determined on the basis of laboratory tests on samples taken in the area of the study. The research results showed that the calculated mean P-wave velocity of 2,356 m/s for the depth of 1,260 m is approximately consistent with the empirical relationship obtained by an earlier study. The P-wave velocity can be taken as the reference velocity at a depth of approx. 1,260 m in the calculation of the seismic anomaly in the seismic profiling method.
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Authors and Affiliations

Krzysztof Krawiec

  1. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland

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