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In this paper the results of studies of polymeric binders on the example of the new BioCo2 binder, including the problem of its renewability, are presented. The results of structural studies (FT-IR) for the BioCo2 binder before and after crosslinking, and bending strength tests Rg u fresh and renewed cured molding sands with BioCo2 binder are discussed. The cross-linking binder and curring of moulding sand was carried out by physical agents (microwave radiation, temperature). On the basis of obtained results was shown that it is possible to restore the initial properties of the adhesive of BioCo2 binder. The initial properties of moulding sand can be achieved, after the cross-linking binders and after curing in the moulding sands with bioCo2 binder , by supplementing the moulding sand composition by the appropriate amount of water.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

B. Grabowska
A. Bobrowski
K. Kaczmarska
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This article is devoted to the worldwide development of renewable energy in connection to the development of the socio-economic system and employment transformations. It is emphasized that the use of renewable energy sources is growing extremely fast globally, and it is generating positive socio-economic effects such as creating jobs worldwide. It is noted that in contrast to the situation in the field of traditional energy, the number of vacancies in the field of renewable energy continues to grow; photovoltaic, bioenergy, hydropower and wind forms of renewable energy are powerful employers in the world economy. It is noted that the increase in the number of people employed in the field of renewable energy is a consequence of the decentralized nature of the sector, as a result of which, renewable energy technologies produce more vacancies per unit of investment compared to traditional electricity generation technologies. It has been emphasized that the further development of renewable energy depends on the volume of investment in the creation of production facilities, which contributes to the further creation of jobs. Furthermore, it has been determined that the problem of renewable energy staffing is also extremely relevant for Ukraine. It is noted that the current system of training for this energy sector does not meet the long-term requirements; the increase of energy efficiency and the development of renewable energy transform the qualification requirements for employees, which requires the transformation of approaches to the training and development of employees.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Svitlana Kalinina
Olena Lyndiuk
Vasyl Savchenko
Valeriya Podunay
Svitlana Lanska
Eduard Savchenko

  1. Theoretical and Applied Economics Department, Ukrainian State Employment Service Training Institute, Ukraine


This article studies the implications of the Fourth Energy Package and relevant EU Directives for households and explores their potential benefits in Ukraine. Understanding the effects of energy policies on the residential sector is crucial for promoting sustainability amidst global energy and climate challenges. Methods of descriptive legal studies and investment analysis are used to examine the primary EU legislation on renewable energy communities and citizens’ groups, focusing on their applicability to homes and renewable energy cooperatives. The analysis of Ukraine’s experiences with the adoption of green power and incentives have revealed challenges for small solar home installations operating without the feed-in tariff. Introducing net-billing makes projects unfeasible without such a tariff, and even selling electricity through aggregators on the intraday market does not help. Consequently, the payback period for small installations with batteries becomes unreasonably long (exceeding twenty-five years), while larger facilities have shorter payback termsolytechnic Institute, Ukraine (fifteen to seventeen years). These findings highlight the need for careful consideration of household green-power policies. Implementing the Fourth Energy Package in Ukraine requires measures to address the financial feasibility of small solar installations, particularly those lacking feed-in tariff support. Expanding legislative provisions to include consumers of green power, especially those in multi-apartment buildings, can enhance their participation in the electricity producers’ market. Moreover, raising household electricity prices may be necessary to support sustainable energy practices. Overall, this study underscores the importance of evidence-based policymaking for successful power transitions in homes and the broader energy sector.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Galyna Trypolska
Uliana Pysmenna
Iryna Sotnyk
Tetiana Kurbatova
Olena Kryvda

  1. SO Institute for Economics and Forecasting, UNAS, Ukraine
  2. National Technical University of Ukraine Ihor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Ukraine
  3. Sumy State University, Ukraine


W artykule przedstawiono analizę wpływu energii wytwarzanej z odnawialnych źródeł na poprawę efektywności energetycznej obiektów użyteczności publicznej oraz gospodarstw domowych. Przedstawiono obecny stan technologii wytwarzania energii elektrycznej z odnawialnych źródeł oraz ich udział w ogólnokrajowym systemie energetycznym. Przeprowadzona analiza dotyczy zarówno mikroinstalacji, jak i dużych systemów wytwarzających energię elektryczną. Rosnąca świadomość społeczeństwa w zakresie korzystnego oddziaływania systemów energetyki odnawialnej na środowisko oraz wsparcie w postaci różnych programów dotujących wykonanie nowych instalacji, sprawiają, że wytwarzanie energii z odnawialnych źródeł staje się coraz bardziej popularne i powszechne. Pomimo jeszcze niewielkiego przekonania, co do opłacalności zastosowania systemów energetyki odnawialnej, to instalacje OZE są pozytywnie postrzegane i uznawane jako nowy trend w budownictwie zarówno jedno-, jak i wielorodzinnym. Rosnący udział energetyki odnawialnej w krajowym systemie energetycznym wpływa na zmniejszone zapotrzebowanie w energię wytworzoną z konwencjonalnych źródeł. W oczywisty sposób przekłada się to na zmniejszone zużycie energii pierwotnej, na przykład paliw kopalnych. W konsekwencji przekłada się to na ograniczenie eksploatacji zasobów tych surowców, a więc przyczynia się do ochrony środowiska przyrodniczego. Działania zmierzające do poprawy efektywności energetycznej i zmniejszenia zużycia energii finalnej są podejmowane przez wiele krajów na świecie oraz Unię Europejską. W 2012 roku Parlament Europejski i Rada Europy opublikowały Dyrektywę 2012/27/UE, która nakłada na kraje członkowskie obowiązek podejmowania działań mających na celu zmniejszenie zużycia energii końcowej o 1,5% w skali roku. W artykule przedstawiono stan wytwarzania w Polsce energii z OZE na przestrzeni ostatnich 13 lat. Wspomniano także o sposobach wykorzystania energii ze źródeł odnawialnych do poprawy efektywności energetycznej obiektów.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Sławomir Sowa
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The article discusses the growing importance of decarbonization of production systems in the foundry industry as a response to climate challenges and increasing requirements for sustainable development. The process of reducing greenhouse gas emissions in foundry production is caused by a number of reasons. Decarbonization of the foundry industry refers to actions aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions, especially carbon dioxide (CO2). Reducing carbon dioxide emissions is increasingly being considered as a key element of the strategy of both small and large foundries around the world. Foundry is one of the industries that generates significant amounts of carbon dioxide emissions due to the energy consumption in the process of melting and forming metals. There is virtually no manufacturing industry that does not use elements cast from iron, steel or non-ferrous metals, ranging from elements made of aluminum to zinc. The article presents various decarbonization strategies available to foundries, such as: the use of renewable energy, the use of more efficient melting technologies, or the implementation of low-energy technologies throughout the production process. Application examples from different parts of the world illustrate how these strategies are already being put into practice, as well as the potential obstacles and challenges to full decarbonization.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

C. Kolmasiak

  1. Czestochowa University of Technology, Faculty of Production Engineering and Materials Technology, Department of Production Management, Poland


There are many financial ways to intensify the construction of new renewable energy sources installations, among others: feed in tariff, grants. An example of photovoltaic grant support in Poland is the “Mój Prąd” [My Electricity] program created in 2019. This program, with a budget of PLN 1 billion, is intended for households in which installations with a capacity range of 2–10 kWp have been installed. During its first edition 27,187 application were submitted. Over 98% of installations cost less than PLN 6,000/kWp. The total installed capacity is 151.3 MWp, which gives the average amount of co-funding per unit of power at the level of PLN 884.7/kWp. The average power of the installation on the national scale is 5.57 kWp, the indicator per 1000 inhabitants is 3.94 kWp, and per unit of area is 0.484 kWp/km2. These installations will produce around 143.5 GWh of electricity annually, contributing to the reduction of CO2 emissions by approximately 109,800 Mg per year. Most applications came from the Silesian Province (3855), which translated into the largest installed capacity of 21.82 MWp, as well as 4.81 kWp/1000 inhabitants and 1.77 kWp/km2 (over 3 times higher than the average in Poland). The installed capacity in the individual province was closely correlated with the population of the province (correlation coefficient – 0.95), while the installed capacity indicator per 1,000 inhabitants with insolation (0.80). The highest power ratio per 1000 inhabitants was achieved in the Podkarpackie Province and amounted to 5.05, and the lowest in the West Pomeranian Province (2.41).

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Piotr Olczak
Dominika Matuszewska
Dominik Kryzia


Efektywność energetyczna modułów fotowoltaicznych stanowi jeden z najważniejszych aspektów przekładających się na sferę ekonomiczną przedsięwzięcia związanego z instalacją modułów fotowoltaicznych. Na efektywność modułów i wielkość energii elektrycznej produkowaną na drodze konwersji fotowoltaicznej w modułach fotowoltaicznych ma wpływ wiele czynników zarówno wewnętrznych, związanych z samą budową modułu i jego parametrami technicznymi, jak i zewnętrznych, związanych z infrastrukturą energetyczną, w skład której wchodzi okablowanie i inwertery, oraz z warunkami klimatycznymi panującymi w miejscu lokalizacji instalacji energetycznej i usytuowania modułów związanych z orientacją oraz kątem nachylenia modułów fotowoltaicznych. Instalacja modułów fotowoltaicznych powinna być poprzedzana i uwarunkowana wykonaniem analiz szacujących ilość wytworzonej energii, a więc analiz produkcji energii elektrycznej, które to pomogą wskazać optymalne rozwiązanie dostosowane do danych warunków. W artykule przedstawiono analizę porównawczą wielkości wytwarzanej energii w warunkach rzeczywistych oraz symulowanych. Analiz dokonano na podstawie badań przeprowadzonych w Laboratorium Monitoringu Energii Wiatrowej i Słonecznej AGH, danych z baz nasłonecznienia oraz oprogramowania komputerowego do szacowania zasobów energetycznych. Badaniu poddano korelację natężenia promieniowania słonecznego padającego na moduł fotowoltaiczny oraz mocy uzyskanej przez moduł. Porównano ilość wytworzonej przez moduł energii elektrycznej w warunkach rzeczywistych oraz symulowanych z dwóch źródeł. Dokonano także porównania i analizy ilości wyprodukowanej energii modułu z uwzględnieniem symulowanych różnych kątów jego nachylenia.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Bartosz Soliński
Monika Stopa


The aim of the article is to discuss and assess the diversification of renewable energy sources consumption in European Union member states. The time scope covers 2005 and 2015. The data comes from Eurostat. The analysis was based on synthetic indicators – using a non-standard method. Synthetic indicators were assessed based on three simple features such as: the share of renewable energy in energy consumption in 2015, the difference between the share of renewable energy in energy consumption in 2015 and in 2005 (in percentage points), deficit/surplus in the 2020 target reached in 2015 (in percentage points). The European Union member states were divided into four diversified group in terms of renewable energy sources consumption (first class – a very high level, second class – quite a high level, third class – quite a low level, fourth class – a very low level). Then the divided groups were analyzed according to the share of renewable energy sources in the primary production of renewable energy and the consumption of individual renewable energy sources. During the research period renewable energy consumption increased in the European Union, but individual member states are characterized by a diverse situation. The type of energy used depends largely on national resources. The countries of Northern Europe are characterized by a greater share of renewable energy sources in consumption. Biomass is the most popular renewable source of energy in the European Union. Depending on the conditions of individual countries – it is agricultural and forest biomass.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Luiza Ossowska


Artykuł ma na celu określenie głównych uwarunkowań rozwoju wiejskich przestrzeni tematycznych w kontekście odnowy wsi. Na tym tle autorzy podejmują próbę wyjaśnienia mechanizmów rządzących omawianym procesem oraz ich efektów. Wobec powyższego skoncentrowano się na przedstawieniu mechanizmów rozwoju procesów, które prowadzą do rozkwitu tej idei (anatomia sukcesu – przypadek wsi Sierakowo Sławieńskie), oraz takich, które ten rozwój spowalniają lub zupełnie ograniczają (anatomia porażki – przypadek wsi Lubcza).

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Marcin Wójcik
Pamela Jeziorska-Biel


Przyszłość i rozwój energetyki to jeden z najistotniejszych problemów zarówno w krajowej polityce, jak i światowej. Ograniczenie wykorzystania paliw kopalnych w energetyce wynika z nowych uwarunkowań prawnych związanych z ochroną środowiska przyrodniczego. Zmiany te wymagają opracowania nowej strategii energetycznej, uwzględniającej limity emisji gazów cieplarnianych w krajach Unii Europejskiej oraz wymagania wspólnotowej polityki energetycznej. Jednym z dokumentów wpływającym na strukturę miksu energetycznego Polski jest dyrektywa w sprawie odnawialnych źródeł energii (2009/28/WE). Polska zobowiązała się do realizacji celu 15% udziału energii ze źródeł odnawialnych (OZE) w końcowym zużyciu energii brutto do roku 2020. Aktualnie obowiązujące zmiany w polskich systemach wsparcia OZE – w szczególności przejście z systemu zielonych certyfikatów na aukcje na zieloną energię – mogą zagrozić realizacji wspomnianego celu. W artykule przeanalizowano, czy Polska przy aktualnych warunkach zrealizuje zobowiązania dotyczące OZE do roku 2020. Ponadto w artykule przedstawiono obecne zużycie energii na świecie i w kraju, uwarunkowania prawne uwzględnione podczas tworzenia miksu energetycznego kraju oraz prognozy zapotrzebowania na energię odnawialną.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Anna Manowska


Pomimo trudności technologicznych, logistycznych i ekonomicznych, stale wzrasta zainteresowanie odnawialnymi źródłami energii na świecie. Taką tendencję obserwuje się również w Polsce, głównie przez wzgląd na pilną potrzebę przeciwdziałania zmianom klimatycznym spowodowanym rosnącym stężeniem gazowych zanieczyszczeń w atmosferze. W pracy przedstawiono zarys problematyki szacowania zasobów energii odnawialnej w Polsce w kontekście tworzenia lokalnych planów gospodarki niskoemisyjnej na poziomie gmin/powiatów, w których źródła OZE powinny zostać uwzględnione. Zaproponowano indywidualne podejście do szacowania potencjału OZE, uwzględniające lokalne uwarunkowania oraz krótką charakterystykę sektora małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw w Polsce. Przedsiębiorstwa te posiadają duży potencjał aplikacyjny dla zwiększenia udziału energii ze źródeł odnawialnych, a także poprawy efektywności energetycznej w prowadzonej działalności gospodarczej. Działania podjęte przez Ministerstwo Energii w obszarze rozwoju energetyki obywatelskiej, zwiększenia lokalnego bezpieczeństwa energetycznego i zrównoważonym rozwoju instalacji opartych na zasobach energii odnawialnej to wsparcie rozwoju klastrów energii obejmujących obszar jednego powiatu lub pięciu gmin. W pracy przedstawiono dane dotyczące ilości przedsiębiorstw posiadających koncesję na wytwarzanie energii elektrycznej w instalacjach OZE w zakresie mocy od 40 kW do 200 kW. Przedsiębiorstwa te w dużej mierze mogą stanowić zalążek do tworzenia lokalnego klastra, w którym bilansowanie energii elektrycznej na poziomie mikrosieci jest kluczowym elementem.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Tomasz Mirowski
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Given the importance of renewable energy as it provides alternative energy sources over the traditional fossil fuel that is environmentally friendly, clean and renewable, this research aims to explore scholarly articles and books that present and investigate the challenges and barriers facing the implementation of renewable energy sources in Libya where the social, cultural, financial and awareness aspects are an important consideration against renewable energy. This study contains a review of all relevant, peer-reviewed, and published articles from journals, websites, books, conference proceedings and bulletins. An extensive literature review was carried out with the aim of researching renewable energy in Libya. This was done to take a realistic perspective of the community and the knowledge services accessible. The review of literature has shown that further renewables energy research remains necessary as the current conditions of the energy sector in Libya need to be examined to understand the challenges and difficulties to introduce renewable energy within competent authorities and businesses are examined in accordance with their managers. This indicates the need to conduct various studies in Libya to explore the various challenges, mostly financial and technological, that face the purposeful implementation of renewable energy resources in Libya. Additionally, the level of awareness and culture perception of the use of renewable energy is an important aspect to be considered as reported as barriers affecting the implementation of renewable energy in various parts of the world.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Mussa Mohamed Bahour
M.F.M. Alkbir
Fatihhi Januddi
Adnan Bakri

  1. Business School, University Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  2. Advance Facilities Engineering Technology Research Cluster (AFET-RC); Facilities Maintenance Engineering Section (FAME), Malaysian Institute of Industrial Technology, Universiti Kuala Lumpur (UniKL MITEC), Persiaran Sinaran Ilmu, Bandar Seri Alam, 81750, Johor, Malaysia


Renewable energy development is crucial for resolving global warming issues and achieving

sustainable development goals. The objective of this paper is to reveal renewable energy trends

using statistical data to identify the most developed technologies in the field, their distribution by

territory, checking the interrelation between investments in R&D and patent activity.

The changes in total investments made in renewables are studied for 2004–2019 and the increasing

trend has been observed with some fluctuations in certain years, major current investments in solar

and wind energy are detected. The dynamics of international patenting activity in solar and wind

technologies, geothermal and fuel cells, the total number of PCT applications over the past 10 years

by geographic region are considered. The results show some differences across various renewable

technologies. Solar is the most patented, wind and fuel cells are less patented but solar and wind

have shown an uptrend for the last five years, while fuel cell technologies showed a decline after

2008. Geothermal is the least patented.

The comparison between investment and patent application trends in renewables undercovers some

important issues – the leading role of Japan in patenting under the PCT procedure, while China is

a major investor in renewable energy; the US and Europe with big investments in renewables are

also leading in patent registration.

Correlation between investment in R&D and patenting activity in the field of global renewable

energy should be emphasized (correlation coefficient R = 0,849 for 2002–2019). Since private

and public investment is strongly stimulated by domestic renewable energy policies, IP indicators

can help identify policy instruments and their effectiveness within the further research


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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Tetiana Sobolieva
Nataliia Harashchenko


The primary aim of this paper was to assess the development of prosumer energy sector in Poland. In the first point, the basic notions connected with prosumer energy (micro-installation, prosumer) were discussed on the basis of Law of Renewable Energy Sources of February 20, 2015 (Journal of Laws, item 478, as amended) and the main aspects of the European Union energy policy where presented in the context of the development of the prosumer energy sector. In this part of the study, numerous benefits for the Polish economy and consumers of electrical energy, connected with the expansion of prosumer energy sector, were presented. On the other hand, many obstacles which stall this sector in Poland were noticed. In the second point the most important regulations from the Law of Renewable Energy Sources of February 20, 2015 were analyzed (In the second point the most important regulations from the Law of Renewable Energy Sources of February 20, 2015 (hereinafter: the RES act) were analyzed). On the basis of this legal act, the so called “rebate system”, which is currently used in Poland to support prosumers of electrical energy, was described. Moreover, many legal and administrative simplifications implemented by the RES act were indicated. The analytical approach to the RES Act in this study resulted in the detection of many regulations in this legal act which may have an adverse impact on the development of the prosumer energy sector in Poland. In the third point, programs co-financed by the Polish government or the European Union, which financially support the purchase and installation of energy technologies using RES, were described. Statistical data connected with the prosumer energy sector in Poland was presented in the fourth point of this paper. On the basis thereof, the authors attempted to find the correlation between the number of prosumers and the share of the amount of electrical energy from renewable energy sources in gross electrical energy consumption. In the fifth point issues connected with energy technologies used in the Polish prosumer energy sector were discussed. Moreover, this point focuses on the great popularity of photovoltaic modules among Polish prosumers and results in the reluctance of Polish prosumers to install wind microturbines and small hydroelectric power plants.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Jan Kuchmacz
Łukasz Mika


The inevitability and successive implementation of the elements of the European Union (EU) energy policy and the freedom of achieving the goals left in this regard for the member states should translate into actions taking the specificity of local markets into account, in order to carry out liberalization processes in a harmonious manner. In 2016, the European Commission published a package of guidance documents “Clean Energy for All Europeans” in the perspective of 2030, also known as the Winter Package. The recommendations contained in some of the documents assume the continuation of integration of markets in the national and regional dimension, setting ambitious targets in the field of decarbonization, the increase of energy efficiency and the increase of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) share in the energy balance of EU countries. The short time to carry out a thorough reconstruction of the energy-generating sector forces to seek solutions that are in line with the European Community recommendations and, at the same time, do not constitute an excessive burden for the national economy and legal order. One of the activities is to use the potential of micro-networks of local communities striving for energy independence based on their own energy sources and to create regulations enabling the neighborly exchange of energy. This mechanism works in the form of pilot projects in many locations around the world (Sonnen Group; Power Ledger). The paper presents the concept of functional and analytical assumptions for an exemplary structure of neighboring prosumers along with the presentation of simulation results based on real generation and consumption profiles and the presentation of investment profitability indicators for the proposed functional model.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Joanna Wróbel
Maciej Sołtysik
Radomir Rogus
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The connection of renewable energy sources with significant nominal power (in the order of MW) to the medium-voltage distribution grid affects the operating conditions of that grid. Due to the increasing number of installed renewable energy sources and the limited transmission capacity of medium-voltage networks, the cooperation of these energy sources is becoming increasingly important. This article presents the results of a six-year study on a 2 MW wind power plant and a 1 MW photovoltaic power plant in the province of Warmia and Mazury, which are located a few kilometers away from each other. In this study, active energy, currents, voltages as well as active, reactive, and apparent power and higher harmonics of currents and voltages were measured. The obtained results show the parameters determining the power quality at different load levels. Long-term analysis of the operation of these power plants in terms of the generated electricity and active power transmitted to the power grid facilitated estimating the repeatability of active energy production and the active power generated in individual months of the year and times of day by a wind power plant and a photovoltaic power plant. It also allowed us to assess the options of cooperation between these energy sources. It is important, not only from a technical but also from an economic point of view, to determine the nominal power of individual power plants connected to the same connection point. Therefore, the cooperation of two such power plants with the same nominal power of 2 MW was analyzed and the economic losses caused by a reduction in electricity production resulting from connection capacity were estimated.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Andrzej Lange
Marian Pasko
Dariusz Grabowski

  1. Department of Electrical and Power Engineering, Electronics and Automation, University of Warmia and Mazury, ul. M. Oczapowskiego 11, 10-719 Olsztyn, Poland
  2. Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Silesian University of Technology, ul. Akademicka 10, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland


Solar energy is a unique source of renewable energy due to its availability and the unlimited quantity. It has long attracted the attention of scientists who are conducting theoretical and experimental research into its use. Solar energy plays an increasingly important role in the context of energy conservation. With the rising cost of conventional energy sources and limited access to natural resources, interest in the use of renewable energy sources is increasing. In this context, environmental protection is another factor favoring the development of technologies based on renewable energy sources. With economic development, the significance of new environmentally friendly technologies is increasing. One of the most popular ways for the average household to utilize renewable energy sources is by installing photovoltaic panels. Such an installation allows the use of solar energy to generate electricity, which contributes to reducing energy costs and protecting the environment. The article presents the results of an analysis of the exergy efficiency of prosumer photovoltaic systems found in the area of northern Poland. The analysis presented was based on actual operating parameters over a certain time interval. A key aspect is the analysis of exergy, which is not distributed in renewable energy sources (RES) systems.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Waldemar Kuczyński
Anna Borowska

  1. Technical University of Koszalin, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Energy, Racławicka 15-17, 75-620 Koszalin, Poland


The Włocławek Hydroelectric Power Plant is one of Poland’s largest power-generation projects.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Marcin Kmieciński


This paper discusses the impact of the European Green Deal policy on the clean energy transformation in the European Union, focusing on the generation of electricity reaching a significant milestone for the EU in 2020 – renewable energy sources for the first time in history surpassing combined fossil fuels in the generation of electrical energy. This achievement, although partially influenced by the exceptional circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic and the electricity demand shock, is primarily an effect of the Clean Energy for all Europeans Package implementing the European Green Deal strategy designed to position the EU as a global leader in the green transformation, leading by example and turning climate challenges into a growth opportunity, and in doing so presenting an optimistic policy perspective for a global transformation towards a 100% renewable energy world, thus supporting mitigation of the global-warming threats by significantly cutting greenhouse-gas emissions. With the immediate effects of the 2018 recast Renewable Energy Directive (2018/2001/EU) and other related clean-energy policies under the umbrella of the European Green Deal, coal and lignite electric generation has fallen in 2020 by as much as 22% (87 TWh) and the nuclear generation has dropped by 11% (79 TWh), with natural gas to a much lesser extent, yet still noting an annual drop of 3%, while renewables grew, surpassing the combined fossil fuels electricity output in the whole of the EU. This is an impressive result confirmed in late 2021 and a hallmark of the European Green Deal initial success, the sustainability of which is yet to be assessed in the coming years, especially in view of the recent international situation of major destabilization. In this context, it should be added that although the newest 2022 Global Energy Review report by the IEA confirmed in 2021, the highest global CO 2emission level in history (following the post -pandemic economic rebound and also due to the gas-price crisis of late 2021 causing gas-to-coal shifts in electricity-mix, which in the EU, resulted in a 7% relative annual emissions increase), Europe’s emission level has remained in a diminishing trend following the European achievements of 2020, with an overall CO 2 emissions decrease of 2.4% in comparison with the level of 2019. Most likely, however, the 2021 gas-price crisis was only a mere prelude to a much more robust long- -term perturbation that will be expectedly due to the war in Ukraine and the necessary sanctions policy, especially impacting the energy market and probably further hampering the green-transition process jointly with other economic factors.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Agnieszka Ewa Rządkowska

  1. Institute of International Studies, University of Wrocław, Poland
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The article analyzes and evaluates the development of renewable energy from the standpoint of state regulation and incentives. It is noted that the global production of renewable electricity has increased by 15% over the last year. The periods of introduction of the “green tariff” as an economic stimulus for the development of solar energy, which became the starting point for the development of alternative generation in different countries, are analyzed. The role of institutional factors in the development of renewable energy, such as the free issuance of licenses for electricity generation, stimulating the creation of specialized research areas, technology development and production of relevant equipment, was observed. The necessity of taking into account the regional peculiarity in the state stimulation of the development of renewable energy is proved. The economic efficiency of the state regulation of alternative energy in time measurement per conditional unit of alternative renewable energy stations was calculated, taking the coefficient of proportionality into account. Therefore, the calculation indicates the high effectiveness of government policy in regulating energy in terms of only short-term lag (α = 1.3) and the number of stations 80 percent of full saturation relative to the basic needs of energy consumption. A separate further stage in the development of renewable energy without the introduction and expansion of the “green tariff” has been identified. This approach was introduced in Poland, which ensured the country not only the inflow of foreign investment, but also the formation of free competition among investors.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Viktor Koval
Yevheniia Sribna
Sylwester Kaczmarzewski
Alla Shapovalova
Viktor Stupnytskyi

  1. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
  2. National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Ukraine
  3. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute Polish Akademy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland
  4. V.I. Vernadsky Taurida National University, Ukraine
  5. Dubno Branch Higher Education Institution «Open International University of Human Development «Ukraine», Ukraine
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The article aims to explore the determinants of the process of attracting financial resources for implementing renewable (alternative) energy development projects in Ukraine. The authors review and systematize the sources of funding and innovative financial instruments available for developing renewable energy sources (RES) in developing countries. Based on this, a pool of financial resources/RES development tools available for investment in Ukraine has been formed. It is proposed to build a model of the optimal structure of sources of financing renewable energy development projects. The research is founded on the forecasted schedule for increasing the share of RES in the national energy balance of Ukraine up until 2035. The limitations are connected with the lack of factual data on sources/instruments of funding in the field of RES. The model enables the prediction of the amount of funds that need to be allocated to finance renewable energy development projects, while optimizing the structure of their potential funding. The originality/value of the article lies firstly in the innovative application of the optimization model for forecasting the aggregate structure of funding sources in the energy sector; secondly, in the possibility of testing the model in practice and monitoring RES development projects in the territorial communities of the Carpathian region of Ukraine on the basis of the project-educational center for the development of innovations and investments in the region; thirdly, the proposed model can be used in the activities of state authorities and institutions of Ukraine for forming the policy of supporting alternative energy development projects.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Svitlana O. Kropelnytska
Tetiana V. Mayorova

  1. Department of Finance ; Project and Educational Centre „Agents of Changes” PNU, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ukraine
  2. Department of Corporate Finance and Controlling, Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University, Ukraine
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The objective of the European Green Deal is to change Europe into the world’s first climate- -neutral continent by 2050. Therefore, European countries are developing technological solutions to increase the production of energy from renewable sources of energy. In order to universally implement energy production from renewable energy sources, it is necessary to solve the problem of energy storage. The authors discussed the issue of energy storage and renewable energy sources, reviewing applied thermal and mechanical energy storage solutions. They referred to the energy sector in Poland which is based mainly on mining activities. The method that was used in this paper is a review of thermal and mechanical energy storage solutions. In industrial practice, various solutions on energy storage are developed around the world. The authors reviewed those solutions and described the ones which currently function in practice. Hence, the authors presented the good practices of energy storage technology. Additionally, the authors conducted an analysis of statistical data on the energy sector in Poland. The authors presented data on prime energy production in Poland in 2004–2019. They described how the data has changed over time. Subsequently, they presented and interpreted data on renewable energy sources in Poland. They also showed the situation of Poland compared to other European countries in the context of the share of renewables in the final gross energy consumption.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Artur Dyczko
Paweł Kamiński
Kinga Stceuła
Dariusz Prostański
Michał Kopacz
Daniel Kowol

  1. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland
  2. Faculty of Mining and Geoengineering, AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland
  3. Przedsiębiorstwo Budowy Szybów SA, Tarnowskie Góry, Poland
  4. KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology, Gliwice, Poland


Every developing country is beginning to rely on “green” energy in connection with environmental problems, including the global warming of our planet. It is expected that in the future, the production of electricity using the conversion of sunlight would take the dominant place in the energy infrastructure around the world. However, photovoltaic converters mainly generate intermittent energy due to natural factors (weather conditions) or the time of day in a given area. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to consider options for eliminating the interrupted nature of the operation of a solar installation through innovative additional applications. To achieve this goal, issues of the prospect of using energy storage devices and the choice of the most efficient and reliable of them are considered, as are the environmental friendliness of accumulators/batteries and the economic benefits of their use. The results of the analyses provide an understanding of the factors of using existing technologies with regard to their technical and economic aspects for use in solar energy. It was determined that the most common and predominant types of energy storage are lithium-ion and pumped storage plants. Such accumulation systems guarantee high efficiency and reliability in the operation of solar installation systems, depending on the scale of the solar station. Storage devices that are beginning to gain interest in research are also considered – storage devices made of ceramics of various kinds and thermochemical and liquid-air technologies. This study contributes to the development of an energy-storage system for renewable energy sources in the field of technical and economic optimization.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Anzhela A. Barsegyan
Irina R. Baghdasaryan

  1. Department of Civil Engineering, Architecture, Energetics and Water Systems, Shushi University of Technology, Stepanakert, Armenia


The agrarian process includes many industrial phenomena and events. The goal of economics as a science is to precisely detect and describe the relationships between various market mechanisms. These phenomena can be presented as the desire “to describe reality in terms of systems, their components and relationships, both between components of the system and between different systems” (Jankowski 1997). The energy sector is a special field among many areas of the national economy, and the products of this sector have a major impact on the branches of the economy and the mechanisms of action occurring in them. The publication is devoted to the construction of a mathematical model used to support the energy policy of local government units. The aim of the study is to build a mathematical model of energy production, taking the development potential of renewable energy into account, as well as to propose the desired direction of energy policy development in the analyzed periods to the regional authorities and to offer a model for creating an energy policy in other local government units: poviats, communes. Until now, few authors have comprehensively dealt with this issue. To date, no detailed research has been published on issues related to renewable energy development and the use of mathematical methods in the construction of the energy production model in local government units. The undertaken research is a contribution to the development of knowledge about alternative energy sources in the energy margin.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Marcin Rabe

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