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Echiurans (spoonworms) are a very distinctive group of polychaete annelids that had long been considered to consti- tute a separate phylum. Their fossil record is extremely limited, although trace fossils that have been suggested to be attributable to them date back as far as the Cambrian Period. The oldest body fossils are from the Carboniferous Mazon Creek Biota, and preserve only limited morphological detail. New material from the Middle Ordovician (Darrivilian, Didymograptus murchisoni Biozone) Castle Bank Biota of Wales shows fine detail of the morphology of a new taxon, Llwygarua suzannae gen. et sp. nov., including several details that indicate an assignment to the derived family Thalassematidae, allied to the speciose genus Ochetostoma. These details include proboscis morphology, anterior setae, and muscle organisation within the trunk. An additional specimen is described in open nomenclature, as it may be either a distinct species, or a juvenile of Llwygarua suzannae gen. et sp. nov. with a relatively elongated proboscis. These worms demonstrate a very early and previously unrecognised diversification of the echiuran grown group, further supporting an early diversification of Annelida as a whole
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Joseph P. Botting
1 2
Lucy A. Muir

  1. Nanjing Institute of Geology and Pa-laeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 39 East Beijing Road, Nanjing 210008, China
  2. Department of NaturalSciences, Amgueddfa Cymru-National Museum Wales, Cathays Park, Cardiff CF10 3NP, UK
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This article presents the last decade of the Krystyna Cywińska’s journalism, published in the London Nowy Czas [ The New Time] in 2007– 2017. Her journalistic career began in London in 1947: she was a regular contributor to Radio Free Europe, the BBC, the London Dziennik Polski i Dziennik Żołnierza [ The Polish Daily and Soldier’s Daily] and its Sunday supplement Tydzień Polski [ The Polish Weekly]. In the course of fifty years she developed a distinctly personal style of commenting on the social and political realities of the day, especially those affected the lives of the Polish expatriates.

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Jolanta Chwastyk-Kowalczyk
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This article profiles Katarzyna Bzowska-Budd, a Polish journalist and member of the generation of political refugees the 1980s. Based in London, she has become luminary of the Polish diaspora. In 1991–2002 she was editor-in-chief of the Dziennik Polski i Dziennik Żołnierza (The Polish Daily and Soldier's Daily) and published extensively in Polish and expatriate journals. A keen observer of British life, she writes from the immigrant perspective complemented with a superb understanding of English sensitivities.

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Jolanta Chwastyk-Kowalczyk
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Ukraine, upon giving up the nuclear arsenal left on its territory by the USSR, entered in 1994 into a Memorandum on Security Assurances with the United Kingdom, United States and Russian Federation (Budapest Memorandum). Since the crisis began between the Russian Federation and Ukraine in February 2014, a number of States have invoked the Budapest Memorandum. Unclear, however, is whether this instrument constituted legal obligations among its Parties or, instead, is a political declaration having no legal effect. The distinction between political instruments and legal instruments is a recurring question in inter-State relations and claims practice. The present article considers the Budapest Memorandum in light of the question of general legal interest – namely, how do we distinguish between the legal and the political instrument?
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Thomas D. Grant
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During World War II a group of Polish exiles from the prewar Piłsudski faction issued at irregular intervals a bulletin called Letters from London. It published articles criticizing the Prime Minister in Exile General Wła-dysław Sikorski, and more vehemently, his successor Stanisław Mikołajczyk, for bowing down British and American pressure and making unacceptable conces-sions to the Soviet Union.
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„Listy z Londynu” 1942–1945.
Adamczyk A., Piłsudczycy w izolacji (1939–1954). Studium z dziejów struktur i myśli politycznej, Bełchatów 2008.
Duraczyński E., Rząd polski na uchodźstwie 1939–1945. Organizacja, personalia, polityka, Warszawa 1993.
Duraczyński E., Turkowski R., O Polskę na uchodźstwie. Rada Narodowa Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej 1939–1945, Warszawa 1997.
Dymarski M., Stosunki wewnętrzne wśród polskiego wychodźstwa politycznego i wojskowego we Francji i w Wielkiej Brytanii 1939–1945, Wrocław 1999.
Friszke A., Życie polityczne emigracji, Warszawa 1999.
Kwiecień M., Wśród potępieńczych swarów. Prawne aspekty rozliczeń politycznych wśród uchodźstwa polskiego we Francji i Wielkiej Brytanii 1939–1943, Kraków 2013.
Rostocki W., Stosowanie Konstytucji kwietniowej w okresie drugiej wojny światowej 1939– 1945, Lublin 1988.
Waingertner P., Konspiracja trzech pokoleń. Związek Młodzieży Polskiej „Zet” i ruch zetowy (1886–1996), Łódź 2017.
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Krzysztof Tarka

  1. Instytut Historii, Uniwersytet Opolski, ul. Strzelców Bytomskich 2, PL 45-084 Opole
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Wolność i Lud [ Freedom and the People] was the press organ of the agrarian People’s Party Freedom (SL-W) published in London in 1948–1949 and 1953–1954. The periodical, which eventually appeared at monthly intervals, propagated the key ideas of the political programme of the SW-L, kept track of the life of the Polish émigré community and commented on world affairs. It provided regular coverage of the developments in Poland, especially with regard to in agriculture, social transformation processes and culture.

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Arkadiusz Indraszczyk

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