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In technology of coal fines beneficiation in Poland mainly fines jigging processes are in use. In case of steam coal fines beneficiation it is till 80% of the whole amount of produced assortments, while in case of coking coal fines it is 100%. The necessary condition of not homogenous feed separation which is directed to beneficiation process in pulsating water stream is a sufficient liberation of particles. The stratification of particles in working bed causes that particles of certain size, density and shape gather in individual layers in working bed of jig. The introduction of sufficient amount of additional water determines appropriate liberation of particles group, which generates partition into concentrate and tailings. The paper presents the results of sampling of industrial jig used for the beneficiation of coal fines by three various settings of additional amount of water under sieve which is directed to jigging. These amounts were equal to 35, 50 and 70 [m3/h]. Collected samples of separation products were then sieved into narrow particle size fractions and divided into density fractions. In such narrow size-density fractions the coordinates of partition curves were calculated for tailings of hard coal fines, which were subsequently approximated by means of Weibull distribution function. The separation precision measured by separation density, probable error and imperfection were determined on the basis of obtained model separation curves. The evaluation of separation effects was performed for a wide particle size fraction: feed directed to jigging process and narrow particle size fractions. The analysis of separation results in size-density fractions allowed to determine the influence of particle size change on the value of probable error. The results of separation precision in size-density fractions were compared with effects of separation of wide particle fraction, i.e. feed directed to jigging process.
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Agnieszka Surowiak
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Atmospheric turbulence is considered as major threat to Free Space Optical (FSO) communication as it causes irradiance and phase fluctuations of the transmitted signal which degrade the performance of FSO system. Wavelength diversity is one of the techniques to mitigate these effects. In this paper, the wavelength diversity technique is applied to FSO system to improve the performance under different turbulence conditions which are modeled using Exponentiated Weibull (EW) channel. In this technique, the data was communicated through 1.55 μm, 1.31 μm, and 0.85 μm carrier wavelengths. Optimal Combining (OC) scheme has been considered to receive the signals at receiver. Mathematical equation for average BER is derived for wavelength diversity based FSO system. Results are obtained for the different link length under different turbulence conditions. The obtained average BER results for different turbulence conditions characterized by EW channel is compared with the published result of average BER for different turbulence which is presented by classical channel model. A comparative BER analysis shows that maximum advantage of wavelength diversity technique is obtained when different turbulence conditions are modeled by EW channel.
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Dhaval Shah
Hardik Joshi
Dilipkumar Kothari

  1. Faculty of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Institute of Technology, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, India
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The aim of this paper is to compare three different methods of analysis of results of lightning impulse breakdown voltage measurements of solid materials such as insulating pressboard. These three methods are the series method, the step method and the up-and-down method which are applied to withstand voltage estimation commonly in high voltage engineering. To obtain the data needed for the analysis a series of experimental studies was carried out. It included studies of mineral oil and natural ester impregnating 1 mm of thick cellulose-based pressboard. In order to show the distribution of breakdown voltage the Weibull distribution was additionally applied in data analysis. The results were also assessed from the viewpoint of dielectric liquid used for impregnation. The studies carried out showed that series and step methods give comparable results opposite to the up-and-down method. The latest overstates the results for mineral oil impregnated pressboard and understates for natural ester impregnated pressboard when juxtaposing them with the rest of the methods applied. In addition, there is lack of possibility to assess the withstand voltage for the up-and-down method directly from the vector of random variable. It is possible only as a result of a specially developed equation which always arouses doubt. From the methods applied it seems that the step method can be a great substitution for the series method as intuitive, fast in application and limiting the number of samples in solid insulation material testing.
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Authors and Affiliations

Artur Klarecki
1 2
Paweł Rózga
Filip Stuchała

  1. Lodz University of Technology, Institute of Electrical Power Engineering, Stefanowskiego 18/22, 90-924 Lodz, Poland
  2. Lodz University of Technology, Interdisciplinary Doctoral School, Zeromskiego 116, 90-924 Lodz, Poland
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Theoretical tensile strength of brittle materials is 102-104 times larger than real strength. The particle structure, apart from the force of atomic bonds in an ideal crystal, affects real strength. A single-phase particle, spatially continuous and homogenous from the point of view of its chemical composition, is assumed to be the basis. A real particle is formed by means of introducing pre-existing microcracks and other geometrical and physical internal defects. The size distribution and number ofthese defects, affecting the particle strength, form the mechanical structure ofa particle. Since both the number and size ofpre-existing microcracks are randomvariables, respectively the particle tensile strength iś°"a random variable, described by Weibull's distribution. This paper has analysed the effect of particle structure on its tensile strength from the point of view ofthe weakest link theory and the statistical theory of fracture. In both cases for the distribution is obtained whose parameters are connected with the distribution ofmicrocracks lengths (formulas 5 and 15). The next part of the paper shows the results ofempirical tensile strength tests oflimestone and porphyry particles. The authors set distribution functions of tensile strength (formulas 20-22 and figures 3-5) and calculatedWeibull's moduli of the tested samples and the average particle strength. The average particle tensile strength is connected with the particle size by one of the formulas (25), depending on the fact whether particle fracture resulted from stimulating the volume, surface or edge microcracks. In case of limestone (one-component material) the particle fracture is caused by edge microcracks (formula 27a) while for porphyry (multi-component material) by surface microcracks (formula 27b). The dependence of crushing ratio on particle strength is described by an increasing power function (formulas 29-32). The exponent in this dependence is correlated with Weibull's modulus (formula 33). The presented results concern two raw materials. Further investigations will decide whether the obtained results are of general character, concerning all materials.
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Marian Brożek
Ewa Oruba-Brożek
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The roof-caving step scale goaf behind the working face is sensitive to the region’s spontaneous combustion and gas concentration distribution, including many rock block cracks and holes. A severe deviation from the dynamics of fluids in porous media by representative element volume (REV), leading to the results of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation, has a significant error. A heterogeneous two-dimensional pore network model was established to simulate the goaf flow accurately. The network was first created using the simple cubic lattice in the OpenPNM package, and the spatial distribution of the “O-ring” bulking factor was mapped to the network. The bulking factor and Weibull distribution were combined to produce the size distribution of the pore and throat in the network. The constructed pore network model was performed with single-phase flow simulations. The study determined the pore structure parameters of the pore network through the goaf’s risked falling characteristics and described the flow field’s distribution characteristics in the goaf. The permeability coefficient increases as pore diameter, throat diameter, pore volume and throat volume increase and increases as throat length decreases. The correlation between throat volume and permeability coefficient is the highest, which indicates that the whole throat is the main control factor governing the air transport capacity in the goaf. These results may provide some guidelines for controlling thermodynamic disasters in the goaf.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ke Gao
Qiwen Li
Lianzeng Shi
Aobo Yang
Zhipeng Qi

  1. Liaoning Technical University, College of Safety Science and Engineering, Key Laboratory of Mine Thermodynamic Disasters and Control Of Ministry Of Education, China

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