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The essay argues that Paul Kingsnorth’s novel The Wake is written in the spirit of the eighteenth-century pastoral tradition. The medievalist trope of primitivism is used in reference to the Anglo-Saxon culture and language. What characterizes the medievalism of the novel is presentism. Buccmaster represents both the Wild Man and the Noble Savage type. In the pastoral manner, Kingsnorth writes in the spirit of anthropocentrism and focuses on the social classes in the early medieval world that he “greens” in the novel.

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Anna Czarnowus
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The article discusses the case of non‑anthropocentric humanities, analyzed frequently by researchers of various specialties. The paper presents its specificity, main assumptions and postulates. However, the article does not aim to provide a comprehensive and exhaustive overview of all its nuances or aspects, but rather critically addresses its intellectual program. The paper is divided into four parts. Firstly, it presents the basic idea of non‑anthropocentric humanities, exposing the keen interest in it in contemporary scientific discourse. Secondly, it emphasizes the turn to materiality (orientation to things studies), which has taken place within the ‘new’ humanities, and which was caused by the feeling that the current (traditional) way of thinking about the world has come to an end. Thirdly, it shows the methodology of non‑anthropocentric humanities, which rejects the notion that man is the measure of all things. The article points out that this approach does not place man (as the creator of reality) any more in the center of philosophical reflection, as traditional humanities have done, but focuses on various types of objects (i.e. non‑human entities). In the last part – which constitutes the most comprehensive and, at the same time, the critical part of the article – an answer is offered to the question whether the project of non‑anthropocentric humanities can constitute a sensible alternative to the recognition of traditional humanities. The paper proposes a dialectical approach, which allows the post‑humanistic and humanistic perspectives to be treated complementarily, and not antagonistically.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marek Błaszczyk

  1. Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu, Instytut Literaturoznawstwa, ul. Fosa Staromiejska 3, 87‑100 Toruń
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The article places the environmental history on the map of historical research. It contains a problematised definition of environmental history, outlines its key determinants, describes its research issues and methodology, and analyses the question of the historical sources that are used by environmental historians. The article also reflects on the relationship between environmental history research and theoretical reflection, primarily from the field of post-human studies and postcolonial studies. It also considers the interdisciplinary potential of these in relation to the humanities as well as natural and earth sciences. The article also contains a review of the state of research on environmental history in the Polish historiography of the last five years.

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Małgorzata Praczyk
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The author presents the thesis that the referent of the dative noun phrase is ‘a second human participant’ of the event ‒ referent of the proposition in question. The same applies to the referent of the genitive noun phrase. The two constructions differ only in their syntactic distribution ‒ dative is an adverbal case, while genetive is adnominal, which is the result of their semantic roles ‒ ‘recipient’ for dative and ‘possessor’ for genetive.

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Zuzanna Topolińska
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This paper presents a multidisciplinary model built across linguistics and selected research and hypotheses in the field of quantum physics and molecular biology. The conceptual link between the biological concept of protein sequencing and the anthropocentric assumptions concerning the operationalization of language rules will be discussed. The multidisciplinary model shows the link between the concept of sequencing language rules and constructing textemes.

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Anna Bajerowska
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On the shift toward tender sensitivity – the role of relations, emotions, and empathy in design.

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Monika Rosińska
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The article elucidates the conception of “Concise Ukrainian-Polish dictionary of set expressions: lexical equivalents, phraseologisms, proverbs and sayings” which implements an international Polish-Ukrainian project. The Council of Europe is known to devote much attention to the problems of the development of languages, their improvement and, correspondingly, to the development of linguistics, in particular, its applied branch, which includes lexicography. The dictionary under analysis represents: 1) the status of set expressions which, being widespread in the examined lingual cultures, reflect the mentality of the nation, its history, national specificity etc., 2) principles and procedures of semantic transformations of set stable lingual units by means of the cognate Slavonic language. The conception of the Ukrainian-Polish phraseological dictionary has been realized in the history of Ukrainian and Polish phraseography for the first time. The conception is based on 1) the detailed analysis of the theoretical and practical experience of compiling dictionary of this type; b) thorough outline of the system of headwords with the heterogeneous status of: 1) the representation of the mentality of the nation, its ethnographic features., norms of etiquette, ethics, psychology, theme (ideographic aspect) etc.; 2) structure, semantics and pragmatics; 3) specificity of functions and style. The conception of the dictionary is based on the methodological foundation of anthropocentrism and main phraseographic principles of bilingual dictionaries aiming at the most adequate representation of a corresponding lingual units by means of another language. The dictionary will contribute to the further research in the sphere of contrastive Ukrainian- -Polish linguistics and phraseograpical theory.

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Tetyana Kosmeda
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This article analyzes the subconscious fears and anxieties connected with loneliness, low self-esteem, all kinds of frustrations, a sense of being trapped in a bizarre reality or being pushed to transgress (i.e. to cross the border between life and death, between the human and the animal, or getting exposed to new technologies or forms of religion) in Olga Tokarczuk's Opowiadania bizarne [ Bizarre Stories]. The resulting emotional volatility gives rise to questions about one own's identity and one's place in a world beyond control. At the same time the manifold fears and anxieties impose on one a Manichean, dualistic perception of an incurably weird (bizarre) reality. So in Opowiadania bizarne we are constantly reminded of man's arrogance in his relations with the earth's ecosystem, the destructive nature of his subconscious mind, the dangers of new technologies and the corrosive effects of postsecularism.
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Agnieszka Nęcka-Czapska

  1. Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach

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