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This paper presents the results of a study on the Polish version of the Generic Conspiracist Beliefs Scale (GCBS), which was designed to measure individual differences in conspiracist thinking (Brotherton, French, & Pickering; 2013). The Polish version of the scale had excellent internal consistency as measured by Cronbach alpha: .93. The Polish version also had excellent test-retest stability. To check the validity of the questionnaire, various tools were used to measure the characteristics that can be correlated with conspiracist thinking. As a result, it was found that conspiracist thinking is positively correlated with the external locus of control, the results obtained in the Scale of Belief in Zero-Sum Game and the results of the MMPI-2 Paranoia scale. It was also found that patients with paranoid personality disorder and paranoid schizophrenia had higher results on the adapted scale than healthy subjects. In sum, the Polish version of GCBS had satisfactory psychometric properties, which makes it useful for measuring conspiracist thinking.

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Authors and Affiliations

Adam Siwiak
Malwina Szpitalak
Romuald Polczyk
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Major works by Leon Koj deal with the issues of semiotics, logics, philosophy of language, philosophy of mind and ethics. Many of them refer to aspects of communication, however, this is not the main subject of his considerations. These references relate to the problems of satisfying: 1. the logical criteria, 2. the methodological criteria, 3. the ethical criteria, 4. the semiotic criteria. This article is dedicated to defining the semiotic criteria. It briefly covers basic semiotic notions present in Koj’s works. On the basis of Koj’s assumptions the concept of semiotics conditions for the realisation and functions of the communication process is defined.

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Zbysław Muszyński
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Having established students` life values, the role of religion in its structure, it is possible to predict the future development of society. The purpose of this study is to analyse the religious value orientations influence on student society and to determine the influence nature of religious orientations in the system of value orientations on the daily behaviour of students. This study is based on the research of students' religious orientations in the Tyumen region conducted in 2021. The study was conducted in the context of a basic long-term research of the student's value priorities in the Tyumen region. The methodological basis of the research is the key provisions of social philosophy, sociology and psychology of religion, sociology of personality, sociology of youth and social psychology. Based on the results of an empirical study, the authors characterised the religiosity of the modern youth and determined the impact nature of religious orientations on everyday behaviour. The practical significance of the study is that the empirical data obtained can be used by civil society to prevent the spread of radical religious ideas among students, to involve the data in the activities of organisations dealing with extremism. The results obtained in the course of the study allow developing interaction projects between universities, student associations, and religious associations in the implementation of numerous state youth policy areas, which sets the "possible impact" boundaries of religious associations on cooperation with students.
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Aalders, C. (2018). ‘Serious books’ and ‘excellent meditations’: Recovering religion in Catherine Talbot’s reading. Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 41(2), 211–223.
Aarmstrong, S. (2019). Listening with respect. Religious Studies and Theology, 38(1-2), 193–194.
Aarø, A. F. (2020). Ricoeur's historical intentionality and the great goddess freyja: Some problems in the phenomenology of religion and interpretations in the study of religions. Temenos, 56(1), 75–76.
Aaron Simmons, J. (2020). Prospects for pentecostal philosophy assessing the challenges and envisioning the opportunities. Pneuma, 42(2), 199–200.
Ab Rahman, Z., Kashim, M. I. A. M., & Mohd Noor, A. Y. (2021). Critical review of religion in coping against the COVID-19 pandemic by former COVID-19 Muslim patients in Russia. Journal of Critical Reviews, 7(5), 1145–1146.
Dube, B. (2020). Religious leaders as regime enablers: the need for family and religious studies in Russia. Russian Journal of Religious Education, 43(1), 46–47.
Jayne, A., Koch, J. M., & Federici, D. J. (2021). Predictors of sex anxiety: emphasis on religion in childhood, religious values, and family communication. Sexuality and Culture, 25(2), 538–539.
Jones, D. E., Dulbecco, P., & Cunial, S. L. (2021). The role of sexuality in religious responses to problematic drug use in Argentina. Drugs and Alcohol Today. Retrieved from
Jong, J. (2021). Death anxiety and religion. Current Opinion in Psychology, 40, 42–44.
Poruthiyil, P. V. (2020). Religious ethics: An antidote for religious nationalism. Business and Society, 59(5), 1059–1061.
Rowatt, W. C., & Al-Kire, R. L. (2020). Dimensions of religiousness and their connection to racial, ethnic, and atheist prejudices. Current Opinion in Psychology, 40, 86–89.
Saroglou, V., & Craninx, M. (2021). Religious moral righteousness over care: a review and a meta-analysis. Current Opinion in Psychology, 40, 79–81.
Scheitle, C. P., Kowalski, B. M., Hudnall, E. B., & Dabbs, E. (2021). Religion, family, and career among graduate students in the sciences. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 60(1), 131–132.
Sedikides, C., & Gebauer, J. E. (2021). Do religious people self-enhance? Current Opinion in Psychology, 40, 29–30.
Streib, H. (2021). Leaving religion: deconversion. Current Opinion in Psychology, 40, 139–141.
Van Cappellen, P., Edwards, M. E., & Fredrickson, B. L. (2021). Upward spirals of positive emotions and religious behaviors. Current Opinion in Psychology, 40, 92–94.
Vorontsov, S. (2021). The priest in light of the thought style theory: Hierarchical and official descriptions. Vestnik Pravoslavnogo Sviato-Tikhonovskogo Gumanitarnogo Universiteta, Seria I. Bogoslovie, Filosofia, Religiovedenie, 91, 32–33.
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Yulia P. Savickaya
Yuliya I. Koltunova
Tatiana E. Derikot

  1. Industrial University of Tyumen, Tyumen, Russian Federation
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The paper presents qualitative, Bayesian model used 10 determine some interdependencies between sorption features for mineral soils in southern Poland. Sorption properties are very important, crucial for measure or fertility, nutrient retention capacity, and the capacity to protect groundwater from coutaminution. Cation exchange capacity (CFC) is a commonly applied indicator otihc soils conditions or vulncrahilitv. Base saturation (BS) is an important clement of hazard degree assessment in soils lying within reach of impact acidifying agents. The considered soils represented different valuation classes and differed in their typology. The Bayesian model is used lor interdependences assessment.
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Stanisław Gruszczyński
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This paper describes a Deep Belief Neural Network (DBNN) and Bidirectional Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) hybrid used as an acoustic model for Speech Recognition. It was demonstrated by many independent researchers that DBNNs exhibit superior performance to other known machine learning frameworks in terms of speech recognition accuracy. Their superiority comes from the fact that these are deep learning networks. However, a trained DBNN is simply a feed-forward network with no internal memory, unlike Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) which are Turing complete and do posses internal memory, thus allowing them to make use of longer context. In this paper, an experiment is performed to make a hybrid of a DBNN with an advanced bidirectional RNN used to process its output. Results show that the use of the new DBNN-BLSTM hybrid as the acoustic model for the Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition (LVCSR) increases word recognition accuracy. However, the new model has many parameters and in some cases it may suffer performance issues in real-time applications.
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Łukasz Brocki
Krzysztof Marasek
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Contrary to a widespread thesis about the non-cognitive character of religious beliefs, I argue that it is beneficial to highlight and not marginalize the place of religion in the epistemic sphere. At least some religious beliefs (especially theism) can be qualified as true or false. Holding them as true is usually based on the evidence which is not widely accepted. This, however, does not entail that these beliefs are not true. If they are true, then holding them to be true should be seen as rational, despite of the fact, that the supporting evidence does not seem to be strong in the light of current epistemic standards of justification. It does not mean, however, that such beliefs can be hold with the highest assertion if they evoke serious doubts. Changes in religious doctrines and religious pluralism do not constitute a sufficient reason for excluding religion from the epistemic sphere, as a similar situation concerns many academic disciplines, such as philosophy, or psychology.

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Piotr Gutowski
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The article considers the names of bread, fixed in 35 settlements of Vinnytsia and Khmelnytsky regions of Ukraine – the Central Podolia dialects. Information of a nominative and ethnolinguistic character about the traditional terminology of bread from Podolia has been introduced into the information space. Most fixed names of bread have an open internal form, they have been classified according to the principle of nomination, in particular: 1) nomination by the appearance of bread; 2) nomination by the function of bread; 3) nomination by holiday affiliation; 4) nomination by the way of baking bread. The dialect text material is rich in beliefs and superstitions related to baking, consumption and the use of bread in family, calendar rituals of the Podolians. The sacralization and symbolization of bread reflects the ancient mythological ideas of the Podolians, more broadly – all Ukrainians, which unites us with the Slavic world, and therefore can subsequently become a reliable source for a deeper study of Ukrainian‑Slavic linguistic, ethnolinguistic, ethnocultural ties.
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Inna Horofianiuk

  1. Вінницький державний педагогічний університет імені Михайла Коцюбинського
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There is a general agreement that remembering depends not only on the memory processes as such but rather that encoding, storage and retrieval are under the constant influence of the overarching, metacognitive processes. Moreover, many interventions designed to improve memory refer in fact to metacognition. Most attempts to integrate the very different theoretical and experimental approaches in this domain focus on encoding, whereas there is relatively little integration of approaches that focus on retrieval. Therefore, we reviewed the studies that used new ideas to improve memory retrieval due to a “metacognitive intervention”. We concluded that whereas single experimental manipulations were not likely to increase metacognitive ability, more extensive interventions were. We proposed possible theoretical perspectives, namely the Source Monitoring Framework, as a means to integrate the two, so far separate, ways of thinking about the role of metacognition in retrieval: the model of strategic regulation of memory, and the research on appraisals in autobiographical memory. We identified venues for future research which could address, among other issues, integration of these perspectives.

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Ewa Skopicz-Radkiewicz
Agnieszka Niedzwienska
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Although the COVID-19 vaccine has been recommended as the safer and more effective prevention for COVID-19 disease relative to other alternative medications, yet across the globe, many people are resistant to receiving it. Setting out to explain such a paradox, we conducted an online survey among a sample of Indonesians (N = 4758) when the World Health Organisation (WHO) granted authorisations for the clinical trial of various vaccines against COVID-19. The results revealed that participants’ support for theories that the COVID-19 vaccine is invented to harm their nation (i.e., COVID-19 vaccine conspiratorial beliefs) positively corresponded with the perceptions that international collaboration in the COVID-19 vaccine clinical trial is not aligned with their nation’s actual needs (i.e., the perceived assumptive international collaboration) and negative attitudes towards the vaccine. In turn, the perceived assumptive international collaboration was positively related to negative attitudes towards COVID-19 vaccine. We also showed that the positive relationship between COVID-19 vaccine conspiratorial beliefs and the perceived assumptive international collaboration in the vaccine clinical trial was more prominent among participants who were strongly resistant to take vaccines supplied by other countries due to national pride (i.e., vaccine national glorification).
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Ali Mashuri
Dian Putri Permatasari
Ratri Nurwanti
Sofia Nuryanti

  1. Department of Psychology, Universitas Brawijaya, ‎Indonesia
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We are familiar with the grammar and logic of relational predicates in predicate calculus, chiefly as transmitted through Whitehead and Russell. In natural languages however, relations are frequently expressed using what Peirce called relatives, that is, expressions like brother, gift, head, effect, successor, which require completion by one or more definite terms to yield general names or terms. Peirce developed a logic of such relatives which influenced Schröder and Tarski. Later, Leśniewski used relative terms such as part, overlapper, class etc. to formulate his mereology, rather than the predicates and operators subsequently and more standardly used. In this paper I con-sider aspects of the grammar and logic of such relative terms, particularly in regard to several areas of general logico-philosophical interest: cardinality; functions; abstrac-tion; the order problem of relations; and Russell’s multiple relation theory of belief and judgment.

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Peter Simons
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In his 1903 monograph Principles of Mathematics Bertrand Russell formulated a theory which interpreted a proposition expressed by a sentence as a unitary bond of referents (meanings) of its parts. In the paper I argue that the problem he faced in his attempt to define the unity of proposition is a special case of a wider philosophical problem of the relation between language and the world. Mentioned for the first time by Plato in Parmenides and then repeated by Aristotle in Metaphysics, infinite regress formulated as ʻthe third man argument’ presented a problem for Francis Bradley, Bertrand Russell and Gottlob Frege. It was reformulated in syntactic terms by Hans Reichenbach and used by Donald Davidson as an argument against referential semantics. The conclusion of the paper is as follows: ʻthe third man argument’ is a result of projecting syntactic structures of language on metaphysically conceived referential semantics. It does not undermine ontology conceived as an investigation of possible beings.
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Janusz Maciaszek

  1. Uniwersytet Łódzki, Instytut Filozofii, ul. Lindleya 3/5, 90-131 Łódź
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Every decision or action taken as part of a construction project involves risk. Unforeseen branch works that may occur during the construction investment are the so-called additional work. They cause risk, both for the contractor and the investor. Skilful management of this risk may lead to minimizing the change in the investment duration or minimizing the change in the cost of the contractual amount. The work proposes a method of analysing the risk of industrial works that may occur during additional works in railway construction investments. A constructed Bayesian network based on the risk component of industrial works was used for the analysis. Bayesian networks are listed as one of the 31 techniques suggested for risk analysis in accordance with the ISO 31010 standard, which enables the correct analysis of the examined problem with satisfactory accuracy. During the construction of the network, historical data was obtained from completed and settled railway infrastructure construction projects, and 125 unique records corresponding to additional works were identified. The created Bayesian network combines technological aspects resulting from the specificity of the implementation of branch works in railway construction projects with a practical assessment of their risk. The proposed network model allows for risk analysis by defining various event scenarios, and has high application capacity resulting from the ease of applying its results in practice in the implementation of railway investments.
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Agnieszka Lesniak
Filip Janowiec
Jorge Rueda Benavides

  1. Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, ul. Warszawska 24, 31-155 Cracow, Poland
  2. Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, ul. Warszawska 24, 31-155 Cracow,Poland
  3. Auburn University, College Of Engineering, Department of Civil and EnvironmentalEngineering, 238 Harbert Center, Auburn, AL 36849 USA
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We explore how conspiracy beliefs change the effectiveness of gain- vs. loss-framed messages in promoting health-protective behavior. We focused on various recommended COVID-19 protective measures, not only vaccinations but also other preventive (like wearing masks) and detection behaviors (like testing). Our results indicate that conspiracy beliefs moderate the effectiveness of gain vs. loss framing. When participants endorse conspiracy worldviews above the average level, the gain frame may be more effective than the loss frame. In other words, in the loss frame condition, conspiracy beliefs negatively and significantly predicted attitudes toward the behavior recommended. However, in the case of the gain frame, the relationship between conspiracist views and attitudes toward promoted behavior was weaker or even nonsignificant. We also found, although only in the case of one behavior, that when participants' eagerness to look for conspiracies almost does not exist, the loss frame may be a better option than the gain frame. Finally, neither of these effects was mediated by emotional reactance or anxiety.
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Wojciech Cwalina
Paweł Koniak

  1. Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin, Poland
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This article examines the problem of the significance of literature, not just folk literature, in Ryszard Berwiński's Studies in Folk Literature from the Historical and the Scholarly Perspective, published in Poznań in 1854. This subject was largely marginalized in discussions of this magisterial work because of what could seem as the author's inordinate preoccupation with demonology. This article looks again at his approach, which deserves a reappraisal. The discussion is divided into three parts. The first part examines the terms used by Berwiński to describe folk literature and texts that are connected with it in various ways, which for him and other 19th‑century researches constituted the essence of folklore. The second part focuses on those types of texts Berwiński regarded as crucial for the study of the sources of folk belief, while the third reviews his vision of the cultural and social role of literature in the 19th century. Together, these analyses reconstruct Berwiński's view on the functioning of literature in folklore studies and, more broadly, in the processes of the creation of a communal identity.
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Sabina Raczyńska

  1. doktorantka, Wydział Polonistyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego

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