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Contemporary biographical fictions in France: between narrative and visual – This paper discusses an evolution of point of view on biographical fictions from 90’ to the present, due to the important increase of literary practices exploring images and their role in the constitution of the biographical discourse. The relation between fiction and reality presented from the point of view of Paul Ricoeur’s ‘narrative identity’ in first approaches of biographical fictions is now substituted by the reflection about the relation between narrative and visual which discloses, particularly in the case of biographical portraits of writers, the commemorative aspects of a literary text.
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Katarzyna Thiel-Jańczuk
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The article presents the problem of colonial and postcolonial discourse in relation to Eastern Galicia. It discusses the forms of cultural domination existing throughout history in the region and draws attention to their conscious “playing” by successive rulers of this territory, consequently leading to the formation of memory conflicts.

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Wiktoria Kudela-Świątek
Adam Świątek
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In her reflections on cultural memory, which “is based on communication through media,” Astrid Erll uses the term “remediation” in order to “refer to the fact that memorable events are usually represented again and again, over decades and centuries, in different media: in newspaper articles, photography, diaries, historiography, novels, films, etc.” Some of these events may even become sites of memory. In my article, in relation to cultural memory studies, I contemplate the genocide of the Yezidis in the Sinǧār district, which was committed by ISIS militants in August 2014 and in the following months, as reflected in four Iraqi novels written in the Arabic language. They are: Raqṣat al-ǧadīla wa-an-nahr (“The Dance of the Braid and the River”, 2015) by Wafā’ ‘Abd ar-Razzāq, ‘Aḏrā’ Sinǧār (“Sinǧār’s Virgin”, 2016) by Wārid Badr as-Sālim, Šamdīn (“Šamdīn”, 2016) by Rāsim Qāsim, and Šaẓāyā Fayrūz (“The Shattered Fragments of Fayrūz”, 2017) by Nawzat Šamdīn. By analysing the ways in which these writers depict ISIS persecution of the Yezidis, I aim to answer, among others, the following questions: What are their reasons for a literary documentation of these events? Is the iconic image of the genocide which emerges in the four novels similar to that outlined in the West media coverage? Therefore, the first part of the article concentrates on attitudes of the above-mentioned Iraqi writers to the Sinǧār tragedy. In the second part, the plots of their novels are briefly described with the focus on how the reality intermingles with fiction. In the third and in the fourth parts, literary modes of expression, which serve to create a symbolic resistance of Yezidi victims against their oppressors, by giving them voice and showing alternative realities and fantastic events, are examined.

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Adrianna Maśko
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The article examines Ḫātūn Baġdād (The Lady of Baghdad), a novel written in Arabic by the Iraqi author Šākir Nūrī and published in 2017. The literary text revolves around the character of Gertrude Bell, an icon of British Orientalism, and draws on her earlier media representations. The present article thus indicates how Nūrī’s novel, considered a medium of memory, participates in the remediation of Bell’s image in the context of Iraq’s modern history. In its three main sections, discussed are the Iraqi writer’s views on the relationships between the novel and history, literature and other arts, and the impact of these relations on the narrative structure of Ḫātūn Baġdād. The article likewise scrutinizes both the heroine’s attitude in the novel towards her colonial mission in Iraq and the country’s inhabitants, and Iraqi characters’ perceptions of Bell. The article refers to several studies in cultural memory, Orientalism, and postcolonial literature.
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Adrianna Maśko

  1. Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland
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The aim of the article is to reflect on the phenomenon of great art exhibitions, gathering exhibits, mainly paintings, exceptional from the perspective of national cultural heritage, which collectively represent a defined generational message. The reflection included the best‑known exhibitions of recent decades, being an expression of the historical culture of a time of great changes in the life of Polish society at the turn of the 21st century. These are two exhibitions at the National Museum in Kraków, the first exhibition ever by Marek Rostworowski, “Polish self‑portrait” (1979); the second is an exhibition of Marek Szczerski’s work entitled #dziedzictwo/heritage (2017); a jubilee exhibition organised by the National Museum in Warsaw in collaboration with the Louvre‑Lens Museum, the National Museum in Poznan and the Adam Mickiewicz Institute on the centennial of regaining independence, entitled “Poland. The power of the image” (2019‑2021). This reflection also includes the monumental exhibition organised collectively by the Royal Castle in Warsaw and the Martin Gropius Bau in Berlin, with the participation of the curator Anda Rottenberg, entitled “Side by side. Germany‑Poland 1000 years of history in art.” (2012).
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Violetta Julkowska

  1. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
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This paper attempts to look at the history of the Gdańsk bookery in the context of the metaphor used by Samuel Schelwig in 1677, describing the Library of the Gdańsk City Council as a memorial erected owing to the donations of the subsequent generations – people willing to secure gratitude from the future generations through their participation in this noble project. The text also shows this practice in earlier, 15th-century realizations as exemplified by the collections of St. Mary’s Church Library, and presents the role of the commemorative function for the implementation of the idea to establish the current Gdańsk PAN Library in 1596. Here, this event is shown as a natural consequence of the city authorities being presented with the monastery library belonging to St. Franciscan monks from Gdańsk and the collection of books of Giovanni Bernardino Bonifacio, as well as the Gdańsk elite’s efforts to secure an institution of memory for the city and educational back-up facilities for local schools.
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Beata Gryzio
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  1. Dział Zbiorów Specjalnych, PAN Biblioteka Gdańska, ul. Wałowa 15, 80-858 Gdańsk
  2. Szkoły Doktorskie Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, ul. Jana Bażyńskiego 8, 80-309 Gdańsk
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In recent reflections on the current situation of ethnic and religious minorities in Iraq and the threat of their extinction, a number of Iraqi intellectuals have stressed they cannot imagine their society without the plurality and diversity that have contributed to the creation of a common interethnic and interreligious Iraqi identity and historical memory. Among them are writers who raise this issue not only in essays, articles and interviews, but also in their fiction. The aim of the present article is to show the interweaving of literary discourse on Iraqi minorities and the wider debate among Iraqi intellectuals on the deteriorating condition of Iraqi Christians – which has led to their mass emigration – as reflected in a number of post-2003 Iraqi novels. The literary image of this exodus cannot be discussed without addressing the position of Christians among other Iraqi communities currently and in the past, as well as the question of their identity. This article refers to the following novels: Taššārī (Dispersion, 2012) by In‘ām Kaǧaǧī, I‘ǧām (Diacritics, 2004) and Yā Maryam (Ave Maria, 2012) by Sinān Antūn, Sīra dātiyya riwā’iyya (An Iraqi in Paris: An Autobiographical Novel, 2012) by Samū’īl Šam‘ūn, Frānkanštāyn fī Baġdād (Frankenstein in Baghdad, 2013) by Ahmad Sa‘dāwī, and Sabāyā dawlat al-hurāfa (Slaves of the Imaginary State, 2017) by ‘Abd ar-Ridā Sālih Muhammad. The article is divided into four parts, including an introduction in which the above-mentioned debate is presented. The second part depicts the plight of Iraqi Christians after 2003 through a brief outline of the lives of four literary characters. The third part focuses on the situation of Iraqi Christians before 2003 by relating the memories of five fictional protagonists. These two descriptive parts are followed by some final remarks. The theoretical framework of this article is based on the reflections of Birgit Neumann and Astrid Erll concerning the role of literature as a medium in the construction of cultural memory.

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Adrianna Maśko

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