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This study assessed sound localisation definition in ambisonic systems using two-non-parametric and three parametric decoders, in a two-dimensional format. The sound samples were played back through eight loudspeakers arranged in a circle. The participants compared pairs of sound samples to determine which sample offered a more precise perception of the sound source’s location. The data analysis, using a Bradley-Terry probability mode, revealed that parametric decoders were preferred with a 60–83% probability. Among the parametric decoders, the COMPASS method, which utilizes the Multiple Signal Classification algorithm for sound source direction estimation, received the highest scores for sound localisation judgements.
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Jacek Majer

  1. Chopin University of Music, Department of Sound Engineering, Chair of Musical Acoustics and Multimedia, Warszawa, Poland
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This paper reviews parametric audio coders and discusses novel technologies introduced in a low-complexity, low-power consumption audio decoder and music synthesizer platform developed by the authors. The decoder uses parametric coding scheme based on the MPEG-4 Parametric Audio standard. In order to keep the complexity low, most of the processing is performed in the parametric domain. This parametric processing includes pitch and tempo shifting, volume adjustment, selection of psychoacoustically relevant components for synthesis and stereo image creation. The decoder allows for good quality 44.1 kHz stereo audio streaming at 24 kbps. The synthesizer matches the audio quality of industry-standard sample-based synthesizers while using a twenty times smaller memory footprint soundbank. The presented decoder/synthesizer is designed for low-power mobile platforms and supports music streaming, ringtone synthesis, gaming and remixing applications.

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Marek Szczerba
Werner Oomen
Dieter Therssen
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In this article, we propose a new stopping criterion for turbo codes. This criterion is based on the behaviour of the probabilistic values alpha 'α' calculated in the forward recursion during turbo decoding. We called this criterion Sum-α. The simulation results show that the Bit Error Rates BER are very close to those of the Cross-Entropy CE criterion with the same average number of iterations.
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Authors and Affiliations

Aissa Ouardi

  1. Laboratory Technology of Communication, Department of Electronics, University of Saida Dr. Moulay Tahar, Saida, Algeria
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This paper investigates the differential binary modulation for decode-and-forward (DF) based relay-assisted free space optical (FSO) network under the effect of strong atmospheric turbulence together with misalignment error (ME). The atmospheric fading links experience K-distributed turbulence. First we derive novel closed form expression for average bit error rate (BER) and outage probability (OP) in terms of Meijer’s G function. Further, the OP of differential DF-FSO system with multiple relays is derived. We also analyze the asymptotic performance for the sake of getting the order of diversity and the coding gain. The power allotment term is utilized to examine the effect of different power allotment techniques on BER and OP. The simulation results have been used to validate the derived analytical results.
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Authors and Affiliations

Deepti Agarwal
Poonam Yadav

  1. Department of ECE, Delhi Technical Campus, Greater Noida, U.P, India
  2. Department of ECE, M.G.M College of Engineering and Technology, Noida, U.P, India

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