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People increasingly project idealized images of themselves in today’s world – those who manage to remain authentic make for highly sought-after employees.
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Joanna Żukowska

  1. Institue of EnterpriseWarsaw School of Economics (SGH)
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This article is devoted to the worldwide development of renewable energy in connection to the development of the socio-economic system and employment transformations. It is emphasized that the use of renewable energy sources is growing extremely fast globally, and it is generating positive socio-economic effects such as creating jobs worldwide. It is noted that in contrast to the situation in the field of traditional energy, the number of vacancies in the field of renewable energy continues to grow; photovoltaic, bioenergy, hydropower and wind forms of renewable energy are powerful employers in the world economy. It is noted that the increase in the number of people employed in the field of renewable energy is a consequence of the decentralized nature of the sector, as a result of which, renewable energy technologies produce more vacancies per unit of investment compared to traditional electricity generation technologies. It has been emphasized that the further development of renewable energy depends on the volume of investment in the creation of production facilities, which contributes to the further creation of jobs. Furthermore, it has been determined that the problem of renewable energy staffing is also extremely relevant for Ukraine. It is noted that the current system of training for this energy sector does not meet the long-term requirements; the increase of energy efficiency and the development of renewable energy transform the qualification requirements for employees, which requires the transformation of approaches to the training and development of employees.
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Authors and Affiliations

Svitlana Kalinina
Olena Lyndiuk
Vasyl Savchenko
Valeriya Podunay
Svitlana Lanska
Eduard Savchenko

  1. Theoretical and Applied Economics Department, Ukrainian State Employment Service Training Institute, Ukraine
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The aim of this paper is to examine individual social remittances in the sphere of employment, against the background of the changing employment patterns and flexibilisation of work. Through an analysis of life stories of post-accession return migrants from the UK to Poland, it investigates the way in which returnees’ work experience gathered abroad impacts on their perception of employment standards in general. The revealed differences are understood as ‘potential social remittances’, i.e. the discrepancies acknowledged by returnees between the realities experienced during emigration and after their return (in this case to Poland). It is argued that the actualisation of the ‘potential social remittances’ depends on return migrants’ coping strategies as well as on the institutional and structural settings in returnees’ home country. The four main distinguished strategies are: re-emigration, activism, adaptation and en-trepreneurship.

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Mateusz Karolak
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The article presents the results of research carried out in construction companies among employees involved in the organisation and management of construction projects. The research concerned factors and their impact on decisions regarding the planning of quantitative employment workforce at a construction site. Based on individual assessments of individual factors, average assessments were calculated and hierarchies of the factors examined were made. In the second part of the article, the dispersion coefficient of relative classification was used to assess the reliability of the opinions collected. The content presented is a continuation of the work of the authors on the subject of employment planning at the construction site.

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Edyta Plebankiewicz
Agnieszka Leśniak
Patrycja Karcińska
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The global economic crisis of the past decade and the accruing shifts in labour market policy, coupled with the rapid advances in technology have resulted in a far less certain future employment horizon than ever before [1]. In response, Higher education institutions (HEIs) are best positioned to advance knowledge and produce work ready graduates with the requisite skills for the future economy [2]. In this paper, the current understanding regarding the role of HEIs, the academic-student partnership, graduate employability, industry collaboration and research led teaching are merged into a framework entitled P-PAC (Partnership in Pedagogy, Accreditation and Collaboration). This framework encourages and embeds a partnership approach between academia, students and industry with the goal of promoting collaboration, facilitating relevant curriculum and pedagogy practise and accrediting achievement in order to effect deeper and more engaged learning and teaching, so that students are better equipped with the necessary skills for both employability and global citizenship. The P-PAC framework is validated using a 5 ECTS Lean Systems module. The authors also define Threshold Concepts-major as those concepts (identified by the academic) which are inherent in a module and which need to be achieved by the student, in order to attain mastery of the subject matter. Threshold Concepts-minor are defined as those intermediate concepts identified by the student in their mastery of Threshold Concepts-major. Examples of both concept types are presented in this paper.

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Attracta Brennan
Mary Dempsey
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Between 2014 and 2016 the number of foreigners on the Polish labour market increased by over 300 per cent. They were mainly Ukrainian citizens taking up seasonal employment on the basis of the so-called ‘sim-plified system’. According to the literature, such a large increase in labour immigration in a short period of time may be an important factor in the growth of unemployment and the reduction of the employment rate of natives. The main purpose of this text is to show the correlation between the increase in the employment of foreigners in Poland and to determine whether or not this has had an impact on the deterioration of the state of the labour market. For this purpose, data from the Central Statistical Office and the Polish Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy were collected. As a result of our analysis, it was found that the significant increase in the presence of foreigners on the Polish labour market, which the country has faced in recent years, was not correlated with the rise in unemployment, the increase in the rate of economic inactivity and the availability of seasonal jobs. On this basis, we can state that the increase in the supply of foreigners on the Polish labour market, compared to other factors influencing it, was weak enough for the negative effects of the increased employment of foreigners to not occur.

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Maciej Duszczyk
Kamil Matuszczyk
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The present paper examines how, at a time of post EU-enlargement migration, female Polish migrants in the UK act within, despite and against the social structure of gender regimes in the origin and host societies and how female migrant agents are actively mediating structures in a quest to fulfil their as-pirations. Biographical narrative interviews conducted with female Polish migrant workers in the UK and semi-structured expert interviews provide the empirical data for the analysis of how employment trajectories in migration can challenge or reinforce gender roles, and of the role of female migrants’ agency. The paper shows how some women are limited in their opportunities by gender roles and fa-milial obligations, while others are able to progress professionally either by entering a typical ‘mi-grant’ sector, by undertaking UK education, or by starting their own businesses, challenging the gendered expectations they face. The paper thus contributes to the discussion on female migrants as disadvantaged migrant workers or as active agents of change.

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Karima Aziz
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In contrast to the usual integration of migrant workers in the ‘bottom jobs’ on the labour market, the em-ployment of Ukrainian workers in Hungarian electronics plants seems to take place in a more beneficial way. With the active mediation of temporary (temp) agencies, Ukrainian migrant workers are offered regular blue-collar assembly work, together with the same social rights and benefits as their local Hungarian col-leagues. Relying, in our analysis, on the literature on industrial sociology, migration research and global value chains, we are developing a critical perspective in which migration and employment are not seen as separate spheres but as mutually reinforcing each other. We combine bottom-up empirical research based on interviews with workers and a sectoral inquiry on industrial and employment relations in the temp agency sector supplying multinational corporations. Our main argument is that complex contracting also means subtle controlling. Such contracting is not the cheapest form but it creates a different, efficient employment regime with dependent, controllable, flexibly available, ‘fluid’ employees. Employee respondents described their position as dependent, ‘out of control’ and a temporary earning opportunity. Devoid of clear mecha-nisms for controlling their work conditions or growth within the job, all respondents turned to a more instru-mental approach, in which they invested in building up social capital through friendships, networks and personal relationships. Obtaining Hungarian citizenship and learning the language were two other main strategies for dealing with insecurity. Their efforts correspond with and reinforce a more globally integrated but ethnically motivated immigration regime, characteristic of post-socialist Hungary.

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Tibor T. Meszmann
Olena Fedyuk
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The paper aims to consider the available policies for biomass output as a feedstock for further bioenergy production in post-war Ukraine in order to draw conclusions and learn lessons for the further deployment of bioenergy in Ukraine, and to define the number of jobs that bioenergy has enabled and could contribute in both Poland and Ukraine in the future. Poland has significant biomass potential, the lion’s share of which is agricultural crop waste, corn, and dedicated energy crops. Ukraine has a significant potential for the production and use of biogas and biomethane due to available feedstock and a developed gas supply system. The employment factor method was used to estimate the number of jobs in bioenergy in Poland and Ukraine. Assessments, which are the main result of the work, indicate that the number of jobs in agriculture for feedstock production for energy purposes may reach thirty-three thousand by 2030 in Poland and thirteen thousand in Ukraine. Agribiomass crop production for energy purposes in Poland is supported by the Common Agriculture Policy of the EU. Energy producers from biomass have priority access to the grid and qualify for feed-in tariffs, premiums and auctions, and special financial programs. In Ukraine, biomass energy producers may have a feed-in tariff for biomass and biogas and a 10% lower tariff for heat from biomass than the tariff for heat from natural gas. Despite the benefits of biomass, the installed capacities for its utilization remain insufficient due to the existing barriers in both countries.
In the future, Ukraine will need to develop its agricultural biomass sector more actively than before in order to substitute natural gas and other energy carriers.
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Galyna Trypolska

  1. SO Institute for Economics and Forecasting, UNAS, Ukraine; Institute for Rural and Agricultural Development, PAS, Poland
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As the corporate culture and re/setting of employer – employee relations is crucial due to changes in workplace due to impact of COVID-19, this article aims to identify types of organizational culture, and to find impact on the implementation of HR activities and employer branding, including classification of organizations by their defined strategies. A model of organizational culture, including its systematic relationships, is proposed and tested using a sample of 402 organizations across sectors operating in the Czech Republic as a characteristic economy in Central Eastern European region. This model includes different dimensions of internal brand management and manifestations of organizational culture. Data are analyzed using bivariate and multivariate statistics. Identification of a suitable type of organizational culture leads towards successful employer branding and work engagement; brand identification and communication directly raise positive perception of organizational culture. Three major areas of use of organizational culture and branding have been identified: re-setting of personnel processes depending on the change of organization’s size, on the decline in labor productivity and on organizational mergers, changes in scope of business and in market position. The results suggest that orientation on employee engagement is a better predictor of (positive) organizational culture than increase in productivity. Furthermore, the results explain supportive roles of organizational culture towards customers and employees. The results extend theory by empirical analysis of organizational culture and internal brand management from the employers’ perspective.
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Hana Urbancová
Lucie Depoo

  1. University of Economics and Management, Department of Human Resources
  2. University of Economics and Management, Department of Management
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The article proposes the use of a synthetic indicator in spatial research. In the construction of synthetic indicator, it assumes that the indicator should not only specify the synthetic value based of on empirical data, but also show its structure. The structure of the indicator should answer the question to what extent individual empirical measures influence to the value of a synthetic indicator. Using the rules of statistical grouping, four groups of voivodships with different economic potential were distinguished. Research shows that on the synthetic indicator of voivodships (in particular groups) were affected to a varying extent by the values of empirical variables: number of employees, value of fixed assets, value of gross domestic product, number of economic operators.

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Joanna Kudełko
Zbigniew Zioło
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The article examines the trends in the development of renewable energy in Ukraine in accordance

with the long-term strategy of the energy sector of the state in the context of the transformation

of employment in the energy sector of the country. It is emphasized that investments in renewable

energy technologies create more jobs compared to traditional electricity generation technologies.

It is defined that in Ukraine there is a significant untapped potential for energy efficiency, which

requires accelerating the pace of modernization and development of renewable energy sources and

raises the issue of labor supply to the industry. It was emphasized that there are a number of opportunities

for the development of the energy sector of Ukraine related to the development of renewable

energy sources. It is underlined that the formation of territorial-industrial clusters in Ukraine

for the production of equipment for solar and wind energy with a closed production cycle forms

long-term prerequisites for socio-economic stability in the country and stimulates employment. It is

substantiated that an important reserve for increasing employment in Ukraine is to ensure the energy

efficiency of buildings. At the same time, it was noted that in the field of renewable energy and

energy efficiency in Ukraine there is a significant shortage of qualified technicians and specialists

in the field of innovative technologies, which confirms the importance of studying the problem of

labor support in the industry. It is determined that today the solution of the issue of labor supply

of the industry takes place mainly at the level of enterprises that invest in the development of their

own staff.

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Authors and Affiliations

Svitlana Kalinina
Olena Lyndiuk
Volodymyr Buchyk
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This paper presents the situation of coal mining in Slovakia, focusing on the social-political aspects and environmental aspects of its sustainable development. In recent years, the mining of lignite and brown coal in Slovakia has been closely linked to the production of electricity and heat in the Novaky power plant. Domestic brown coal production covered more than three quarters of demand in the Slovak Republic in the last few years. The sustainability of coal mining in the coming years in Slovakia is closely associated with raw materials reserves, new mining technologies, the development of the Novaky power plant, and the government's commitments to national economic interests through securing the energy supply or state aid. Of course, of these factors must be considered in the context of international obligations, such as those related to climate and environment, particularly air protection.

The three most important Slovak brown coal deposits are located in the Upper Nitra Basin. This territory includes areas in the 5th and 4th degrees of environmental quality, signifying a disturbed and very disturbed environment. Since coal is expected to remain the dominant fuel for electricity generation araund the world, and in particular for many of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, it is necessary to create conditions for the environmental sustainability of coal mining in the coming years within the context of international obligations. Both the security and the stability of the electricity network in Slovakia and maintaining employment levels in the Upper Nitra region play important roles in this discussion.

Underground coal gasification (UCG) is a newmining technology and a technology for gas recovery in situ.

A comprehensive evaluation of the impacts of underground coal gasification was carried out in addition to summarization of the expected impacts in terms of the significance and distribution of the time period.

Based on a comprehensive assessment of the proposed action, it can be stated that it could bring a socially unacceptable risk to the area, specifically the significant impairment of health or the environment (groundwater and nearby hot springs in Bojnice). The implementation of operations could affect the opulation's health, since the partition is placed in close proximity to residential areas.

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Erika Skvarekova
Lubica Kozakova
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The work aims to develop a methodical approach to assessing the employer’s level of social responsibility for employee health. Methods of statistical analysis, expert assessments, and content analysis were used. Developed a methodological approach to determining the level of social responsibility of the employer for maintaining the health of workers, which was tested in a sample of 18 enterprises of the machine-building industry of Kharkiv and Kharkiv region; it is determined by calculating an integrated indicator that combines quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the working environment in three planes (sections), which characterize the factors influencing human health: social conditions and lifestyle, the level of ecology of the working space, and the level of medical care at the enterprise. The results of the employer’s efforts to preserve the health of the employee are transformed into the health of the employee, which is analyzed through the indicator “Health Index”.
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Ganna Oganezova

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