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The Sianjo-anjo reservoir is used to meet the need for downstream clean water. Land activity at the Sianjo- anjo reservoir watershed can potentially increase the rate of erosion and the silting of rivers and reservoirs due to sedimentation. Reservoir siltation is a crucial challenge for reservoir management because it can reduce its function and affect its service life. However, sediment yield is often overlooked in reservoir planning and environmental assessment. This study aims to predict the rate of land erosion and sediment yield, and create an erosion hazard map of the Sianjo-anjo reservoir watershed. The study used a Geographic Information System, GIS-based Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) method and discovered that the erosion rate of the Sianjo-anjo reservoir watershed was between 35.23 Mg∙ha –1∙y –1 until 455.08 Mg∙ha –1∙y –1, with 95.85% classified as the low level, 0.03% as moderate, and 4.12% as high. Meanwhile, the sediment yield from the Sianjo-anjo reservoir watershed was 218,812.802 Mg∙y –1. USLE is vital to identify areas susceptible to erosion and crucial for reservoir sustainability. Furthermore, it is necessary to plan good sediment management. Long-term land conservation is required to maintain storage capacity and ensure effective operation of the reservoir.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Felia Gusma
Azmeri Azmeri
Faris Z. Jemi
Hafnati Rahmatan

  1. Universitas Syiah Kuala, Engineering Faculty, Civil Engineering Department, Syech Abdur-Rauf No. 7 Darussalam, 23111, Banda Aceh, Indonesia
  2. Universitas Syiah Kuala, Engineering Faculty, Electrical Engineering Department, Banda Aceh, Indonesia
  3. Universitas Syiah Kuala, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, Biology Department, Banda Aceh, Indonesia


The study on water erosion in the catchment basin of the Jeleni Brook was carried out in the years 1995–1999. The catchment of the Jeleni Brook has complex relief, receives frequent pre-cipitations and thus is more threatened by water erosion. Soil cultivation and water from quickly melting snow can also be the factors affecting soil erosion. Waters from the melting snow produce rills of the following dimensions (mean values): width from 11.5 to 13.6 cm, depth – from 6.4 to 7.1 cm and length – from 39 to 112 m. The mean values of soil losses vary from 0.5 to 2.02 t·ha–1.

Erosion caused by intensive storm precipitation occurs less frequently but makes much higher soil losses. One of the registered incidents shows that 51.6 t·ha–1 (4.5 mm of soil layer) can be washed out from the area of 0.66 ha. Combined effect of outwashing and ploughing in lower parts of slopes created new forms of relief such as agricultural terraces (escarps). Agricultural terraces assume the shape of scarps up to 2 m high and of different length (e.g. 150 m) along with the land use border-lines between e.g. forest and field or field and grassland.

Agriculturally used soils within this catchment need protection based mainly on agrotechnical measures or on alteration of land use. Some areas should be afforested.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Adam Koćmit
Marek Podlasiński
Małgorzata Roy
Tomasz Tomaszewicz
Justyna Chudecka
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The construction of the Keuliling Reservoir aims to accommodate and utilise water for agricultural purposes. In this research, soil erosion modelling using the USLE method showed that the level of erosion hazard for each Keuliling Reservoir sub-watershed was classified into low-moderate. Land erosion occurred in the area around the reservoir inundation is the most significant contribution to the magnitude of erosion (38.62 Mg∙ha–1∙y–1. Based on the point of sediment sampling in the Keuliling reservoir, the sediment volume was 1.43 Mg∙m–3. So, the volumetric sediment input from the Keuliling reservoir watershed is 20.918,32 m3∙y–1. The degradation of reservoir function due to sedimentation can affect reservoir services. The ability to estimate the rate of watershed surface erosion and sediment deposition in the reservoir is vital for reservoir sustainability. Besides the land erosion in the Keuliling Reservoir, there are also other potential sources of erosion that can reduce the capacity of the reservoir, i.e. the rate of sedimentation from a reservoir cliff landslide. The USLE estimation results show that the soil erosion analysis provides important and systematic information about nature, intensity and spatial distribution in the watershed and sediment volume in the Keuliling Reservoir. This finding allows the identification of the most vulnerable areas and the type of erosion dominant for long-term land management.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Azmeri Azmeri
Nurbaiti Nurbaiti
Nurul Mawaddah
Halida Yunita
Faris Zahran Jemi
Devi Sundary

  1. Universitas Syiah Kuala, Engineering Faculty, Civil Engineering Department, Syech Abdur-Rauf No. 7 Darussalam, 23111, Banda Aceh, Indonesia
  2. Ministry of Public Works and Housing (PUPR) BWS Sumatera-I, Indonesia
  3. Universitas Syiah Kuala, Engineering Faculty, Electrical Engineering Department, Banda Aceh, Indonesia


The fundamental problem from the point of view of pipeline exploitation in KGHM Polska Miedz S.A. is the very high overwearing of the pipes used for the transport of tailings, as well as determining the time of trouble-free operation of pipe system components. Failures involve significant financial outlays, severe restrictions on operation and in some cases even stopping operation. For this reason, it is vital to monitor the condition of the transport systems, as well as to determine the permissible service life of the pipe sections, after which segments at risk should be replaced or turned over in order to extend their further operation. This paper focuses on the application of interval numbers to assess the durability of piping systems. The calculations were made using classical interval numbers by using code written in INTLAB libraries. The correctness of the solutions obtained was verified using the Monte Carlo method, assuming a uniform distribution of random variables.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Iwona Duszyńska
Tomasz Krykowski
Paweł Stefanek
Joanna Bzówka

  1. KGHM Polska Miedz S.A., Oddział Zakład Hydrotechniczny, Lubin, Poland
  2. Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Mechanics and Bridges, Gliwice, Poland
  3. Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Geotechnics and Roads, Gliwice, Poland


The paper presents the results of the pitting resistance investigations of selected stainless steels in the chloride environment and the simultaneous impact of erosive factors using the cyclic polarization technique. Additionally, using electrochemical techniques, ie: electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and measurement of corrosion potential, the behavior of the passive layer of selected stainless steels in the environment of chlorides and erosion was examined. On the basis of the obtained results, the resistance of stainless steels 1.4301 and 1.4404 was found, both on the effect of chloride ions and erosive factors in the studied systems. Both tested steels are susceptible to pitting corrosion. It was found that a good measure of erosive impact on stainless steel is both impedance spectrum analysis and continuous monitoring of the corrosion potential of steel.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

S. Krakowiak
S. Kierepa
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Soil erosion is an important factor that should be considered when planning renewable natural resource projects, effects of which can be measured by modelling techniques. Therefore, disintegration models determine soil loss intensity and support soil conservation practices. This study estimates soil loss rates by water erosion using the Erosion Potential Method (EPM) in the Kebir Rhumel Watershed located in Northeast Algeria. The area is north to south sub-humid to semi-arid, receives irregular rainfall, and has steep slopes and low vegetation cover which makes it very vulnerable to erosion. The main factors in the EPM (soil erodibility, soil protection, slope, temperature, and rainfall) were evaluated using the Geographical Information System (GIS) and data provided by remote sensing technologies. The erosion intensity coefficient Z was 0.60, which indicates medium erosion intensity. While the results showed the average annual soil erosion of 17.92 Mg∙ha–1∙y–1, maximum and minimum losses are 190.50 Mg∙ha–1∙y–1 and 0.21 Mg∙ha–1∙y–1, respectively. The EPM model shows satisfactory results compared to some studies done in the basin, where the obtained results can be used for more appropriate management of land and water resources, sustainable planning, and environmental protection.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Amer Zeghmar
Nadir Marouf
Elhadj Mokhtari

  1. University of Larbi-Ben-M’hidi, Faculty of Sciences and Applied Sciences, Department of Hydraulic, Laboratory of Functional Ecology and Environment, Laboratory of Natural Resources and Management of Sensitive Environments, PO Box 358, 04000 Oum El Bouaghi, Algeria
  2. University Mohamed Boudiaf M’sila, Faculty of Technology, Department of Hydraulic, Algeria


Na polsko-czeskim odcinku rzeki Odry pomiędzy Chalupkami (Polska) i ujściem rzeki Olzy (Czechy) występują unikalne w europejskiej skali meandry (km 21,3 - 26,8). W XX wieku wystąpiło przerwanie dwóch meandrów podczas powodzi w 1977 i 1997 roku. Nastąpiło skrócenie długości rzeki na tym odcinku oraz wzrost spadku podłużnego. Erodowane i transportowane przez strumień rzeczny rumowisko osadzało się w różnych strefach odcinka meandrującego. Podczas powodzi w 1997 r. osadzające się rumowisko spowodowało zablokowanie wlotu do meandra nr I co spowodowało jego przerwanie. Artykuł prezentuje wstępną ocenę morfologicznych zmian koryta rzeki Odry oraz charakterystykę cech fizycznych i reologicznych osadzonego rumowiska.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Robert Głowski
Robert Kasperek
Włodzimierz Parzonka
Mirosław Wiatkowski


Changes in land use as a result of human activities may generate the alteration of hydrometeorological disasters. Erosion, sedimentation, floods and landslides frequently occur in the Sanenrejo watershed (±292 km2), located in East Java, Indonesia. In this paper, the soil and water assessment tool (SWAT) model is used to evaluate the hydrological processes in this small watershed. The digital elevation model (DEM) is used as the primary input for deriving the topographic and physical properties of the watershed. Other input data used for the modelling processes include soil type, land use, observed discharge data and climate variables. These data are integrated into the SWAT to calculate discharge, erosion and sedimentation processes. The existing observed discharge data used to calibrate the SWAT output at the watershed outlet. The calibration results produce Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency ( NSE) of 0.62 and determination coefficient (R2) of 0.75, then the validation result of 0.5 (NSE) and 0.63 (R2). The middle area faced the highest erosion and sedimentation that potentially contribute to hydrometeorological disasters.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Mohamad Wawan Sujarwo
Indarto Indarto
Marga Mandala

  1. University of Jember, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Jl kalimantan No. 37 Kampus Tegalboto, 68121, Jember, Jawa Timur, Indonesia


Erosion and sedimentation have a very big influence on flooding. Floods are strongly influenced by land use and population activities that change the river’s physical condition, including erosion and sedimentation. The river upstream was very steep, and the downstream was narrowing and meandering with high rainfall recorded. This study analyses erosion, sedimentation, and its handling using the eco-hydraulic base. The method involves input rainfall data, river hydraulics, land use, watershed area, and land cover. The analysis of hydrology, hydraulics, land use, flood discharge, and eco-hydraulic, inundation height, vegetation diameter, velocity reduced, and riverbank width measured in five bridges cross-sections along the river. The eco-hydraulic compares the width of existing riverbanks and design, high inundation, and the vegetation diameter to minimise flood discharge. Erosion in the right cliff is 22.73% and the left cliff is 37.04%, land erosion was 225.83 Mg∙ha –1∙year –1. The river’s bottom is formed by rocks of 0.18–1.30 mm. The plantation land used around the Lae Kombih River grows mainly an oil palm with a diameter of 0.5–0.7 m. The riverbank design on 100 m for vegetation diameter of 0.1–1.0 m can retain flood discharge for five years return period up to 72.3%, resulting in discharge of 112.04209.43 m 3∙s –1. The largest erosion and sedimentation on the river border is Dusun Silak, so it is recommended to plant Vetiveria zizanioides, Ipomoea carnea and Bambusoideae. An inundation height of 0.9 m can be recommended to design an embankment to be used as flood mitigation.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ziana Ziana
1 2
Azmeri Azmeri
1 2
Alfiansyah Yulianur
1 2
Ella Meilianda
1 2

  1. Universitas Syiah Kuala, Doctoral Program, School of Engineering, Banda Aceh, 23111, Indonesia
  2. Universitas Syiah Kuala, Department of Civil Engineering, Banda Aceh, 23111, Indonesia


The article presents research on solid particle erosive wear resistance of ductile cast iron after laser surface melting. This surface treatment technology enables improvement of wear resistance of ductile cast iron surface. For the test ductile cast iron EN GJS-350-22 surface was processed by high power diode laser HPDL Rofin Sinar DL020. For the research single pass and multi pass laser melted surface layers were made. The macrostructure and microstructure of multi pass surface layers were analysed. The Vickers microhardness tests were proceeded for single pass and multi pass surface layers. The solid particle erosive test according to standard ASTM G76 – 04 with 30°, 60° and 90° impact angle was made for each multi pass surface layer. As a reference material in erosive test, base material EN GJS-350-22 was used. After the erosive test, worn surfaces observations were carried out on the Scanning Electron Microscope. Laser surface melting process of tested ductile cast iron resulted in maximum 3.7 times hardness increase caused by microstructure change. This caused the increase of erosive resistance in comparison to the base material.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

A. Kotarska
D. Janicki
J. Górka
T. Poloczek


Water reaches a river in the form of surface runoff (precipitation that has not seeped into the ground) or underground outflow (groundwater). Both of these factors affect the erosion and river deposition processes that shape the river valley. Understanding them is crucial for effective river management.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Tomasz Falkowski
Ewa Falkowska


Soil erosion in the Nangka watershed has always been a matter of concern. Over the last decade, soil erosion has led to continuous environmental problems. A thorough examination of the extent of the problem was required to identify an appropriate soil conservation strategy within the watershed. This study was conducted to observe erosion rates and map out the erosion hazard level. Erosion predictions were analysed by using the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) model with the help of ArcGIS software. RUSLE was selected because of its quantitative ability to estimate average annual soil erosion and its compatibility with the GIS interface. The potential hazard of soil erosion was classified and ranked into five class categories as set by the national authority. The results reveal that the Nangka watershed is prone to soil erosion with the annual average values ranging from 1.33 Mg·ha –1·y –1 to 2472.29 Mg·ha –1·y –1. High soil erosion rates of 9.8% are in severe (class IV) and very severe (class V) conditions, primarily in the upper course of the watershed. The low annual average of soil erosion (class I and class II), which accounted for 75.95% of the total erosion, mostly took place in the steepness below 35%. The remaining area of 14.25% within the watershed is in moderate condition (class III). It is expected that the results of this study will help the authority in the implementation of soil conservation measures.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Yusron Saadi
Sus Mardiana
Eko Pradjoko

  1. University of Mataram, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Center for Disaster Risk Management, Majapahit St, No. 62, Mataram, NTB, 83125, Indonesia
  2. Nusa Tenggara I River Basin Organisation, Mataram, NTB, Indonesia


The present study tries to quantify soil losses using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and analytic hierarchy pro-cess (AHP) in the Medjerda watershed (Algerian-Tunisian border). The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method is used in the quantification of erosion qualitative characteristics, through its weighting. It is used for many problems requiring decision-making. This catchment area is characterized by moderately consistent lithology, irregular rainfall, medium slope and low vegetation cover, which makes it very sensitive to erosion. Therefore we claim to develop a spatialization map of vulnerable areas, based on analytic hierarchy process and GIS that define the combination of specific factors. The integration of the thematic maps of the various factors makes it possible to identify the impact of each factor in the erosion, to classify the sensitive zones, and to quantify the soil losses in the basin. This mapping will be an important tool for land use planning and risk management. From the distribution map of erosive hazards, we have identified four classes of vulnerabil-ity, areas with very high to high vulnerability are mainly in the northern part of the watershed (where the relief is very important).

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Moufida Belloula
Hadda Dridi
Mehdi Kalla


According to many experts, the water crisis will be one of the most important challenges in the coming years on the planet. Watershed management is one of the most effective ways to conserve rainwater and develop water resources. The purpose of the study was to obtain a model of critical land management in the Welang watershed area. This study uses a dynamic systems approach based on a causal philosophy (cause and effect) through a deep understanding of how a system works. The parameters used are based on sustainable agriculture in terms of physical sustainability aspects/critical land from erosion factor indicators. Model validation is done by comparing the behaviour of the model with a natural system (quantitive behaviour pattern comparison), namely the Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) Middle-Value Test. Modelling is supported by Powersim Studio Express Software ver. 10. The results show that the physical sustainability model/critical land using a simulation scenario of 25% erosion control funds shows a trend of increasing production land area and tackled land area followed by a decrease in annual erosion weight. The economic sustainability model obtained results at the end of the projected year showing farm revenues IDR 63,591,396 (USD1 ≈ IDR14.27 thous. in average in 2021). This means that the higher the acceptance value, the farming can provide economic welfare for farmers.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Maroeto Maroeto
Wahyu Santoso

  1. Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jawa Timur, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agrotechnology, Surabaya, Jawa Timur 60294, Indonesia
  2. Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jawa Timur, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agribusiness, Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
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The loss of soil quality due to erosion is a global problem, particularly affecting natural resources and agricultural pro-duction in Algeria. In this study, the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) is applied to estimate the risk of water erosion in the Ain Sefra arid watershed (Algeria). The coupling of this equation with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) allows to assess and map the soil loss rates. The land erosion is influenced by many control variables, such as the topographic factor of the terrain and the length of slope (LS factor), rainfall erosivity (R factor), sensitivity of soil to erosion (K factor), presence of vegetation (C factor) and the anti-erosion cultivation techniques (P factor). To calculate the average annual soil loss, these five factors were considered and multiplied in the RUSLE Equation. The result shows that the aver-age rate of soil loss is estimated at about 5.2 t·ha–1·y–1 over the whole watershed. This study is the first of its kind in the region and aims to assess the soil loss caused by water erosion processes in this arid zone. Consequently, it is essential to take real intervention measures in these upstream areas in order to combat this scourge, based on priorities ensuring the sustainable management of natural resources in the study area.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ahmed Melalih
1 2
Mohamed Mazour

  1. Abou Bakr Belkaïd University, Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences and theUniverse, BP 230, New campus, Tlemcen, 13000 Algeria
  2. University Center of Ain Temouchent Belhadj Bouchaib, Laboratory of Applied Hydrology and Environment (LHYDENV), Ain Temouchent, Algeria
  3. University Center of Ain Temouchent Belhadj Bouchaib, Institute of Science and Technology, Ain Temouchent, Algeria


Soil loss is a major problem for watersheds management in semi-arid environments. The objective of the present study is to analyze the annual and seasonal patterns of suspended loads and quantify the specific sediment yields in a semi-arid environment of the Mazafran Watershed in central Algeria. The obtained information of water discharge and suspended sediment load, recorded during 19 years, was confronted with precipitation data in order to establish the relationships between theforcing agents and erosive processes. The specific sediment yield was estimated by assessing rating curve data under two types of identified responses. The obtained results allowedconfirming the seasonality on suspended sediment transport in the studied basin, which accounts for 56% of the total suspended sediment load estimated in winter. The mean annual suspended sediment is estimated at 17.52 Mg·ha–1·y–1. The results highlighted that the type 2 event dominates the production of sediment in the study area in comparison with type 1 event. The analysis of the variability of rainfall erosivity index showed that there is a strong correlation between the annual precipitation and modified Fournier index ( MFI), and a weak correlation with the monthly precipitation concentration index ( PCI). Moreover, the spatial distribution of the modified Fournier index at the basin scale showed the highest precipitation aggressiveness in the Southern part of the study region for both type of events, whereas the precipitation aggressiveness low to moderate in the remaining part of the study region.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Mosbah Rabah
Hamad Bouchelkia
Fadila Belarbi
Agustin Millares

  1. University of Abou Bekr Belkaïd, Faculty of Technology, Department of Hydraulics, Rue Abi Ayad Abdelkrim Fg Pasteur, 22, BP 119, 13000, Tlemcen, Algeria
  2. Andalusian Inter-University Institute for Earth System Research (IISTA-CEAMA), Environmental Fluid Dynamic Group, Granada, Spain
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To reduce the sediment transport capacity, shear stress needs to be reduced as well. The article describes work that has been done to find a way to make these reductions possible. The theoretical study and the approach proposed allowed us to obtain a general equation that determines conditions and calculates the most important parameters which support the reduction of shear stress. This describes the mechanism that erodes soils by free surface water flow.
In a similar vein, we have shown that adding a short non-prismatic channel to the entrance of a prismatic channel, which has the same geometric shape, is a very powerful way to reduce shear stress. With the idea of reducing shear stress, we have shown that the water-surface profile type plays a key role and must therefore be included in future reflections on reducing the importance of shear stress.
Additionally, the notion of efficiency was introduced that allows to evaluate the expected gain after the reduction of shear stress and adding a short non-prismatic channel.
The laws of similarity applied to free surface flows allowed us to obtain an equation with several equivalence scales and compare different geometric shapes in terms of their efficiency in the reduction of shear stress.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Samir Haddad
1 2

  1. Houari Boumediène University of Sciences and Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering. LEGHYD Laboratory, BP 32 Bab Ezzouar, 16111 Algiers, Algeria
  2. Akli Mohand Oulhadj University of Bouira, Rue Frères Boussendalah, 10000 Bouira, Algeria


Water erosion is a critical issue for Morocco, especially in its semi-arid regions, where climatic and edaphic conditions only allow erratic soil formation and vegetation growth. Therefore, water erosion endangers human activity both directly (loss of arable land, landslides, mudflows) and indirectly (siltation of dams, river pollution). This study is part of the Kingdom’s effort to assess the risk of water erosion in its territory. It is dedicated to the Bin El-Ouidane dam water catchment, one of the biggest water storage facilities in the country, located in the High Atlas Mountains. The poorly developed soils are very sensitive to erosion in this mountainous area that combines steep slopes and sparse vegetation cover. The calculation of soil losses is carried out with the RUSLE model and corrected by estimating areas of deposition based on the unit stream power theory. This method produces a mean erosion rate of around 6.3 t·ha -1·y -1, or an overall annual loss of 4.1 mln t, consistently with the siltation rate of the dam. Primary risk areas (erosion rates > 40 t·ha -1·y -1) account for 54% of the total losses, while they cover only 7% of the catchment. This distribution of the soil losses also shows that the erosion risk is mainly correlated to slope, directing the means of control toward mechanical interventions.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Wafae Nouaim
Dimitri Rambourg
Abderrazak El Harti
Ettaqy Abderrahim
Mohamed Merzouki
Ismail Karaoui

  1. University Sultan Moulay Slimane, Faculty of Sciences and Techniques, Team of Remote Sensing and GIS Applied to Geosciences and Environment, Av Med V, BP 591, Beni-Mellal 23000, Morocco
  2. Université de Strasbourg, CNRS/EOST, ITES UMR 7063, Institut Terre et Environnement de Strasbourg, France
  3. University Sultan Moulay Slimane, Faculty of Sciences and Techniques, Environmental, Ecological and Agro-industrial Engineering Laboratory, Beni-Mellal, Morocco


The paper reports experimental results of the analysis of the 145Cr6 steel surface after erosion using the profilometrical technique by means of interferometry streaks. Erosive tests were carried out using abrasive containing quartz sand used in water jet cutting. Differences in the intensity of erosive wear were dependent on the angle of the abrasive stream (10◦ ; 15◦ ; 20◦ ; 30◦ ; 60◦ ; 90◦). In order to determine the characteristic features of the surface layer after the impact of the erosive stream, its characteristic parameters, such as roughness Ra and Sa for linear and field measurements, were analysed. Geometrical features of the regions investigated, such as shape, depth, angle of the abrasive stream, are presented. The analysis was carried out in two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) coordinate systems.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Wojciech Tarasiuk
Tadeusz Szymczak
Andrzej Borawski


Water erosion in mountainous areas is a major problem, especially on steep slopes exposed to intense precipitation. This paper presents the analysis of the topsoil loss using the SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) model. The SWAT model is a deterministic catchment model with a daily time step. It was designed to anticipate changes taking place in the catchment area, such as climate change and changes in land use and development, including the quantity and quality of water resources, soil erosion and agricultural production. In addition to hydrological and environmental aspects, the SWAT model is used to address socio-economic and demographic issues, such as water supply and food production. This program is integrated with QGIS software. The results were evaluated using the following statistical coefficients: determination (R2), Nash–Sutcliff model efficiency ( NS), and percentage deviation index ( PBIAS). An assessment of modelling results was made in terms of their variation according to different land cover scenarios. In the case of the scenario with no change in use, the average annual loss of topsoil (average upland sediment yield) was found to be 14.3 Mg∙ha –1. The maximum upland sediment yield was 94.6 Mg∙ha –1. On the other hand, there is an accumulation of soil material in the lower part of the catchment (in-stream sediment change), on average 13.27 Mg∙ha –1 per year.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Agnieszka W. Kowalczyk
Beata Grabowska-Polanowska
Tomasz Garbowski
Marek Kopacz
Stanisław Lach
Robert Mazur

  1. Institute of Technology and Life Sciences – National Research Institute, Falenty, al. Hrabska 3, 05-090 Raszyn, Poland
  2. AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Mining Surveying and Environmental Engineering, Department of Environmental Management and Protection, Cracow, Poland


Currently, the world of material requires intensive research to discover a new-class of materials those posses the properties like lower in weight, greater in strength and better in mechanical properties. This led to the study of light and strong alloys or composites. This study focuses to produce current novel aluminium composite with an appreciable density, good machinable characteristics, less corrosive, high strength, light weight and low manufacturing cost product. In this research, an aluminium metal matrix composites (AMMC) (Al-0.5Si-0.5Mg-2.5Cu-15SiC) was developed using the metallurgical powdered method and subjected to the investigation of erosion wear characteristics. Here the solid particle erosion test was conducted on AMMC samples. The article presents, the design of Taguchi experiments and statistical techniques of erosion wear characteristics and the behaviors of the composite. The rate of erosion wear found to decrease with increasing impact angle, regardless of the rate of impact. With higher impact velocity erosion rate increases but decreases with stand of distance.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Rajesh Kumar Behera
Birajendu Prasad Samal
Sarat Chandra Panigrahi
Pramod Kumar Parida
Kamalakanta Muduli
5 6
Noorhafiza Muhammad
Nitaisundar Das
Shayfull Zamree Abd Rahim

  1. Biju Patnaik University of Technology, Odisha, India
  2. Orissa Engineering College, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
  3. Raajdhani Engineering College, Bhubaneswar, India
  4. College Engineering and Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
  5. Papua New Guinea University of Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Lae, Morobe Province, Pmb 411, Papua New Guinea
  6. C.V. Raman Global University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
  7. Universiti Malaysia Perlis, Center of Excellence Geopolymer & Green Technology (Cegeogtech) and Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Technology, Kampus Pauh Putra, 02600 Arau, Perlis, Malaysia


The Tatra National Park is seeing continual growth in its tourist traffic, contributing to the destruction of the soil cover along the tourist trails. This process can be reduced by applying some simple solutions.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Joanna Fidelus-Orzechowska
Elżbieta Gorczyca
Kazimierz Krzemień

  1. Institute of Geography, Pedagogical University in Kraków
  2. Institute of Geography and Spatial Management, Jagiellonian University in Kraków


Water and wind erosion are the most powerful factors in the decrease of soil fertility and a threat to food security. The study was conducted on the steppe zone in Ukraine (total area of 167.4 thous. km2), including agricultural land (131.6 thous. km2). At the first stage, the modeling of spatial differentiation of water and wind erosion manifestations was carried out to calculate losses of soil (Mg·ha–1) and to determine their degradation. At the second stage, soil-climatic bonitet of zonal soils (points) is carried out to determine their natural fertility (Mg·ha–1). At the third stage, the spatial adjustment of the natural soil fertility to the negative effect of erosion was carried out. This made it possible to calculate crop losses and total financial losses due to water and wind erosion. The integrated spatial modeling showed that about 68.7% of arable land was constantly affected by the combined erosion, in particular the area of low eroded arable land (16.8%), and medium and highly eroded land (22.1%). Due to erodibility of soil, about 23.3% of agricultural land transferred from the category of high and medium quality to medium, low and very low quality, which is caused by the loss of soil fertility of up to 70%, crop losses of up to 1.93 Mg·ha–1 ha–1 and eduction of agricultural income up to 390 USD·ha–1. In the steppe region under the research, gross crop losses from erosion were up to 15.11 thous. Mg·ha–1 (3.05 mln USD). In order to protect soils, improve fertility and increase crop yields in the steppe zone in Ukraine, the following measures were suggested: adaptive and landscape erosion control design with elements of conservation farming in accordance with the spatial differentiation of soil quality and extent of water erosion deflation danger.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Nataliia Dudiak
Vitalii Pichura
Larisa Potravka
Natalia Stratichuk

  1. Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University, Faculty of Fisheries and Nature Management, Stritens'ka str. 23, Kherson, 73006, Ukraine

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