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Keywords turbocharging
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The authors present the optimisation procedure and results, applied to the system discussed in part I. This procedure utilises a "fixed variables" method from the group of "search methods". The optimisation is related to the specific turbocharged engine STAR T3 70 for which necessary construction data and experimental measurements were available. Calculation results, however, are based mainly on the computer simulation of time dependant flows in the inlet and exhaust systems of this engine. They show that the presented method, after necessary improvements and the use of more advanced optimisation procedures, could represent an additional and attractive tool, which might be used by designers of such systems.
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Authors and Affiliations

Krzysztof Nakonieczny
Tadeusz R. Fodemski
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The paper presents the least admissible dimensions of black lines of spatial object images, according to Saliszczew, adjusted to the needs of database generalization. It is pointed out, that the adjusted dimensions are in agreement with the cartographic norm included in the National Map Accuracy Standards , and their application to the generalization 1 will allow, for any map scale, the determination of the: • value of the scale-dependent parameter of the generalization process, without user action; • measure of recognizability of the shortest black line section on the map, what helps to obtain unique results of line generalization; • measure of recognizability of black lines in the image – using a standard (elementary triangle) – helpful in obtaining unique result of line simplification, and an assessment of the process; • recognizability distance between lines of close buildings, securing unique aggregation of them; • verification of spatial object image lines visualization. The new solutions were tested with the Douglas-Peucker (1973) generalization algorithm, modified by the author, which treats the minimal dimensions as geometric attributes, while object classes and their data hierarchy as descriptive attributes. This approach secures uniqueness of results on any level of generalization process, in which data of spatial objects in the DLM model are transformed to conform with the requirements for the DCM model data.
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Tadeusz Chrobak
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This paper presents a piecewise line generalization algorithm (PG) based on shape characteristic analysis. An adaptive threshold algorithm is used to detect all corners, from which key points are selected. The line is divided into some segments by the key points and generalized piecewise with the Li-Openshaw algorithm. To analyze the performance, line features with different complexity are used. The experimental results compared with the DP algorithm and the Li-Openshaw algorithm show that the PG has better performance in keeping the shape characteristic with higher position accuracy.

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Hongshan Nie
Zhijian Huang
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The issue of line simplification is one of the fundamental problems of generalisation of geographical information, and the proper parameterisation of simplification algorithms is essential for the correctness and cartographic quality of the results. The authors of this study have attempted to apply computational intelligence methods in order to create a cartographic knowledge base that would allow for non-standard parameterisation of WEA (Weighted Effective Area) simplification algorithm. The aim of the conducted research was to obtain two independent methods of non-linear weighting of multi-dimensional regression function that determines the “importance” of specific points on the line and their comparison to each other. The first proposed approach consisted in the preparation of a set of cartographically correct examples constituting a basis for teaching a neural network, while the other one consisted in defining inference rules using fuzzy logic. The obtained results demonstrate that both methods have great potential, although the proposed solutions require detailed parameterisation taking into account the specificity of geometric variety of the source data.

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Authors and Affiliations

Robert Olszewski
Miłosz Gnat
Anna Fiedukowicz
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The paper discusses the global algorithm of broken line simplification, that: does not depend on parameters set by a map editor and maintains the accuracy of the 0-1 Instruction (General principles of surveying practice) of the Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography, Poland, for each map scale (smaller than the source map scale). In the discussed process of line simplification parameters depend on the map scale and on the smallest length of an elementary triangle (this length is a measure of the ability of the drawing recognition). In the process of simplification performed with the use of the discussed algorithm, the same shape of a line is ensured (maintaining the ability of the drawing recognition), since generalised data differ with the bigger or smaller range of scales from the source data. Besides, limits of intervals of generalisation thresholds have been specified, which are required for the process of automated selection of cartographic presentation methods exhibiting the results of line simplification.
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Tadeusz Chrobak
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The paper presents a multi-phase doubly fed induction machine operating as a DC voltage generator. The machine consists of a six-phase stator circuit and a three-phase rotor circuit. Two three-phase six-pulse diode rectifiers are connected to each three-phase machine section on the stator side and in parallel to the common DC circuit feeding the isolated load. The same DC bus is also common for the rotor side power electronics converter responsible for machine control. Two methods – direct torque control DTC and field oriented control FOC – were implemented for machine control and compared by means of simulation tests. Field oriented control was implemented in the laboratory test bench.

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  1.  G.D. Marques, D. Sousa, and M. F. Iacchetti, “Sensorless torque control of a DFIG connected to a DC link”, IEEE Int. Symp. on Sensorless Control for Electrical Drives and Predictive Control of Electrical Drives and Power Electronics – SLED/PRECEDE’13, Munich, Germany, 2013, pp. 1‒7.
  2.  M.F. Iacchetti and G.D. Marques, “Enhanced torque control in a DFIG connected to a DC grid by a diode rectifier”, 16th Europ. Conf. Power Electron. and Appl. – EPE’14, Lappeenranta, Finland, 1‒9 (2014).
  3.  G.D. Marques and M.F. Iacchetti, “A self-sensing stator-current-based control system of a DFIG connected to a DC-link”, IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 62(10), 6140–6150 (2015).
  4.  Y. Li, et al, “The capacity optimization for the static excitation controller of the dual-stator-winding induction generator operating in a wide speed range”, IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 56(2), 530–541 (2009).
  5.  H. Misra, A. Gundavarapu, and A.K. Jain, “Control scheme for DC voltage regulation of stand-alone DFIG-DC system”, IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 64(4), 2700–2708 (2017).
  6.  N. Yu, H. Nian, and Y. Quan, “A novel DC grid connected DFIG system with active power filter based on predictive current control”, Int. Conf. Electr. Machines and Systems – ICEMS’11, Beijing, China, 2011, pp. 1–5.
  7.  M.F. Iacchetti, G.D. Marques, and R. Perini, “Torque ripple reduction in a DFIG-DC system by resonant current controllers”, IEEE Trans. Power Electron. 30(8), 4244–4254 (2015).
  8.  C. Wu and H. Nian, “Improved direct resonant control for suppressing torque ripple and reducing harmonic current losses of dfig-dc system”, IEEE Trans. Power Electron. 34(9), 8739–8748 (2019).
  9.  C. Wu, et al, “Adaptive repetitive control of DFIG-DC system considering stator frequency variation”, IEEE Trans. Power Electron. 34(4), 3302‒3312 (2018).
  10.  A. Gundavarapu, H. Misra, and A. K. Jain, “Direct torque control scheme for dc voltage regulation of the standalone DFIG-DC system”, IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 64(5), 3502–3512 (2017).
  11.  P. Maciejewski and G. Iwanski, “Direct torque control for autonomous doubly fed induction machine based DC generator”, 12th Int. Conf. Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies – EVER’17, Monte Carlo, Monaco, 2017, pp. 1–6.
  12.  P. Maciejewski and G. Iwanski, “Study on direct torque control methods of a doubly fed induction machine working as a stand-alone DC voltage generator”, IEEE Trans. Energy Conv. (to be published), doi: 10.1109/TEC.2020.3012589.
  13.  M. Gwóźdź et al, “Generator with modulated magnetic flux for wind turbines”, Bull. Pol. Ac.: Tech. 65(4), 469–478 (2017).
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  20.  P. Maciejewski and G. Iwanski, “Modeling of six-phase double fed induction machine for autonomous DC voltage generation”, 10th Int. Conf. Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies – EVER’15, Monte Carlo, Monaco, 2015, pp. 1–6.
  21.  G.D. Marques and M.F. Iacchetti, “DFIG topologies for DC networks: a review on control and design features”, IEEE Trans. Power Electron. 34(2), 1299‒1316 (2019).
  22.  N.K. Mishra, Z. Husain, and M. Rizwan Khan, “DQ reference frames for the simulation of multiphase (six phase) wound rotor induction generator driven by a wind turbine for disperse generation”, Electr. Power Appl. IET, 13(11), 1823‒1834, (2019).
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  25.  D. Forchetti, G. García, and M.I. Valla, “Vector control strategy for a doubly-fed stand-alone induction generator”, Ind. Electron. Conf. – IECON’12, Montreal, Canada, 2, 2002, pp. 991–995.
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Authors and Affiliations

Paweł Maciejewski
Grzegorz Iwański

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Control and Industrial Electronics, 75, Koszykowa St., 00-662 Warszawa, Poland
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For a solar photovoltaic power system on a university campus, the electricity generated by the system meets the campus load, and the extra electricity is delivered to the grid. Generally, the price of the photovoltaic system is cheaper than that of the utility power system. The full use of solar electricity can reduce the electricity cost of the school. The deep belief network is used to predict solar photovoltaic generation and electricity load, and the gap is found. According to the gap, the power loads on the campus are adjusted to improve the utilization rate of solar power generation. Through the practical application of Changqing Campus of Qilu University of Technology in China, it is found that the utilization rate of solar photovoltaic power generation effectively improved from 91.24% in 2017 to 98.16% in 2019, and the annual electricity is saved by 68 610 yuan (in 2019).
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Authors and Affiliations

Guozheng Han
Shujuan Tan
Zihan Zhang

  1. School of Information and Automation Engineering, Qilu University of Technology (Shandong Academy of Sciences), No. 3501, Daxue Road, Changqing District, Jinan 250353 Shandong Province, PR China
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Face sketch synthesis (FSS) is considered an image-to-image translation problem, where a face sketch is generated from an input face photo. FSS plays a vital role in video/image surveillance-based law enforcement. In this paper, motivated by the recent success of generative adversarial networks (GAN), we consider conditional GAN (cGAN) to approach the problem of face sketch synthesis. However, despite the powerful cGAN model ability to generate fine textures, low-quality inputs characterized by the facial sketches drawn by artists cannot offer realistic and faithful details and have unknown degradation due to the drawing process, while high-quality references are inaccessible or even nonexistent. In this context, we propose an approach based on generative reference prior (GRP) to improve the synthesized face sketch perception. Our proposed model, which we call cGAN-GRP, leverages diverse and rich priors encapsulated in a pre-trained face GAN for generating highquality facial sketch synthesis. Extensive experiments on publicly available face databases using facial sketch recognition rate and image quality assessment metrics as criteria demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed model compared to several state-of-the-art methods.
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Authors and Affiliations

Sami Mahfoud
2 3
Messaoud Bengherabi
Abdelhamid Daamouche
Elhocine Boutellaa
Abdenour Hadid

  1. Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi, Sorbonne Center for Artificial Intelligence, Abu Dhabi, UAE
  2. University of Algiers 3, Faculty of Economic, Commercial and Management Sciences, Laboratory of Governance and Modernizationof Public Management, 02 Ahmed Ouaked Street Dely Ibrahim 16302, Algiers, Algeria
  3. Center for Development of Advanced Technologies, Telecom Division, P.O. Box 17 Baba-Hassen 16303, Algiers, Algeria
  4. SUniversity M’Hamed Bougara of Boumerdes, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Laboratory of Signals and Systems,Boumerdes, 35000, Algeria
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The attempts at formalization of cartographic knowledge and its implementation in computer-aided environment to achieve the most automated level of the process have been performed for over ten years. For the past couple of years, the research on generalization have been focused on some particular tasks such as: collecting cartographic knowledge aimed at identifying the principles regulating the generalization process; formalizing of generalization principles; developing generalization models; evaluating new cartographic algorithms and data structures supporting generalization processes (ex. Applying the Delauney triangulation in the process of shifting buildings). The predominant sort of elaborations, however, concerns the generalization of either maps or spatial databases on large scales. The reason of such a state of art is directly connected with a wide sort of practical solutions of such kind of data. Basic spatial databases on country levels have been kept exactly on the scales of 1: I O OOO, 1 :25 OOO and 1 :50 OOO - and hence the need for automated generalization. However, until now, there are neither general standards nor unified principles of small-scale maps generalization. Both complexity and specific character of generalization process in overview-scales, which in practice bases mostly on an author's experience and intuition as well as on the need for taking a map context into account, make the whole task very difficult and complex. The main purpose of the performed experiments was to establish possibilities and limitations of the automated generalization of small-scale spatial data. The problem was studied from the point of view of its formalization as well as further development of a knowledge base concerning small-scale spatial data generalization in commercial software DynaGEN by Intergraph. The scope of the studies covered carrying out two generalization experiments. The first one concerned the generalization of thematic layers - road network and settlement for the area of the Lower Silesia Province. The second one was applied to the generalization of the same thematic layers in the Lodz Province.
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Izabela Karsznia
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This study expands on prior studies on wireless telecommunication generations by examining the technological differences and evolutional triggers that characterise each Generation (from 1G to 5G). Based on a systematic literature review approach, this study examines fifty (50) articles to enhance our understanding of wireless generation evolution. Specifically, this study analyses i) the triggers that necessitated the evolution of wireless telecommunication generations and ii) makes a case regarding why it is imperative to look beyond the fifth Generation (5G) network technologies. The authors propose areas for future research.
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Godfred Yaw Koi-Akrofi
Marcellinus Kuuboore
Daniel Adjei Odai
Albert Neequaye Kotey

  1. IT Studies, University of Professional Studies Accra, Ghana
  2. Vodafone Ghana, Ghana
  3. Ericsson BGH, Ghana
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This article presents methods and algorithms for the computation of isogenies of degree ℓn. Some of these methods are obtained using recurrence equations and generating functions. A standard multiplication based algorithm for computation of isogeny of degree ℓn has time complexity equal to O(n2 M (n log n)), where M(N) denotes the cost of integers of size N multiplication. The memory complexity of this algorithm is equal to O (n log (n log (n))). In this article are presented algorithms for:

  • determination of optimal strategy for computation of degree ℓn isogeny,
  • determination of cost of optimal strategy of computation of ℓn isogeny using solutions of recurrence equations,
  • determination of cost of optimal strategy of computation of ℓn isogeny using recurrence equations,

where optimality in this context means that, for the given parameters, no other strategy exists that requires fewer operations for computation of isogeny.

Also this article presents a method using generating functions for obtaining the solutions of sequences (um) and (cm) where cm denotes the cost of computations of isogeny of degree ℓum for given costs p; q of ℓ-isogeny computation and ℓ-isogeny evaluation. These solutions are also used in the construction of the algorithms presented in this article.

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Authors and Affiliations

Michał Wroński
Andrzej Chojnacki
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This paper presents the results of modeling and analysis of hybrid generation system (HSW). The system contains municipal waste gasification installation, photovoltaic (PV) system and wind farm. The system cooperates with the power system to provide electrical energy to the communal consumer. The consumer is characterized by a maximum power demand equal to 10 MW and an annual energy demand of 42.351 GWh. Generation with renewable sources was modelled using meteorological data. Moreover, in order to cover the demand with the level of generation, gas storage was used. Next, the three-stage gasification model is presented. It was validated, using the literature data, and its efficiency and gas composition have been calculated and are presented. Furthermore, energetic and economic analysis have been conducted. Installed power usage factor and efficiency of energy sources were calculated. Gross and net energy generation of hybrid generation systems have been computed and are presented. In this analysis, energy consumption by gas compressing was included. The analyzed HSW covered 54.5% of the demand. Most of this (30.2%) was covered by the gasification system. However, the system was characterized by a low net efficiency equal to 16.7%. Diagrams of power generation in each source and storage fill chart are presented. In the economic part of the analysis, results of calculations of net present value and payback period are published in order to examine the profitability of the system.
The cost of electricity was 490–1050 PLN/MWh. The results show that municipal waste gasification can be used as a part of HSW to adjust the generation with the demand. Moreover, it can be economically advantageous. However, it is characterized by high CO 2 emission and low efficiency of the waste processing system.
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Jacek Roman

  1. Institute of Electrical Power Engineering, Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Energy, Poznan University of Technology, Poland
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This paper presents the research into the design and performance analysis of a novel five-phase doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG). The designed DFIG is developed based on standard induction motor components and equipped with a five-phase rotor winding supplied from the five-phase inverter. This approach allows the machine to be both efficient and reliable due to the ability of the five-phase rotor winding to operate during single or dual-phase failure. The paper presents the newly designed DFIG validation and verification based on the finite element analysis (FEA) and laboratory tests.
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Roland Ryndzionek
Krzysztof Blecharz
Filip Kutt
Michał Michna
Grzegorz Kostro

  1. Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering, Gabriela Narutowicza str. 11/12, 80-233 Gdansk, Poland
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This is both a review of previous research and a theoretical paper on altruism. It discusses one of the crucial theories of prosocial involvement: the distinction between endo- and exocentric prosocial motivation depending on the type of internal gratification for the involved individual: satisfaction of the Self vs. improving the circumstances of another person. The relevance and validity of this distinction finds support in early empirical studies. Contemporary findings suggest a more universal regulatory context of this idea, which transcends the domain of altruism and extends to the more general issues of the Self and social perception. In addition, it anticipates a number of cognitive biases consequential to the relationship between endocentric regulation and the Self. The findings support a reinterpretation of the original term “prosocial motivation” and the use of a broader interpretative construct “prosocial orientation”, understood as a complex syndrome of regulation that encompasses the processes of social perception, value judgements, and Self-regulation, both explicit and subliminal.
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Anna Szuster
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The progressive processes of globalization and changes in the global, European and local economy require integrated efforts aimed at solving problems related to development at the national regional and the local level involving the environment, energy sources, climate and technological transformation issues. European Union Member States are given right to create an individual Energy mix. Coal will continue to play a major role in Poland’s energy mix during the next decades. Polish coal reserves can provide energy security for decades.

Despite crude oil and natural gas growth in fuel consumption, coal will continue to be the stabilizer of energy security for the country and play an important role in Poland’s energy mix in the years to come. However, further coal consumption requires investments in low carbon technologies which are of high efficiency and in high-efficiency cogeneration.

The validity of the full utilization of cogeneration potential should be highlighted. Operating cogeneration plants are more expensive than power plants but they are more efficient and generate less carbon emissions. In accordance with the assumptions of the Energy policy of Poland, a low-carbon economy with renewable Energy sources and nuclear Energy should be supported and developed, however the obsolete coal generators should be replaced with low-carbon high-efficient ones.

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Authors and Affiliations

Anna Kielerz
Monika Porzerzyńska-Antonik
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An analysis of the power system functioning and the behaviors of the energy market participants allows the trends taking place within years to be identified, including these associated with the evolution of the electric energy and power demand profiles. The problems of balancing the peak power demand are of both a short and long term nature, which implies the need for changes in the electricity generation sector. Apart from the existing “silo-type” generation units, the construction of distributed energy sources implemented in the civic formula in the framework of self-sufficient energy communes and energy clusters is becoming increasingly important. Support for these programs is realized both at the legislative level, as well as within dedicated competitions and ministerial activities. The financial support carried out by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management and the Regional Operational Programs is also noticeable. One of the activities aimed at spreading the idea of clustering was the competition for certified energy clusters, conducted by the Ministry of Energy. The goal of the contest was the promotion and development of the distributed energy sector, which could be used for the improvement of energy security in the local manner and constitute a basis for the knowledge necessary in planning and developing the state’s energy policy. The paper presents a synthetic analysis of the results of the competition for a certified energy cluster from the perspective of planning and operational needs related to the functioning of the power system. Further, the information about the investment plans of new generation capacities, including their breakdown with respect to type, achievable power and costs has been provided. Also, the balancing of the demand for electric energy by own generation within the energy clusters has been characterized for three time perspectives

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Maciej Sołtysik
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The article examines the environmental performance of a diesel generator that runs on a biofuel mixture. Biofuels are considered to be more environmentally friendly than traditional petroleum products and have become popular alternatives in the field of electricity production. To reduce dependence on petroleum fuels and decrease harmful exhaust-gas emissions from diesel generators, it is suggested to use biodiesel fuel and its mixture with diesel fuel. Various environmental indicators were measured and analyzed in this study, including the emissions of harmful substances, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides and particulates. By using biofuels, pollutant emissions are expected to be reduced because biofuels are made from renewable sources such as vegetable oils or biomass. The results of the study show that the use of a biofuel mixture in a diesel generator leads to a significant reduction in the emission of harmful substances compared to the use of traditional petroleum products. A reduction in the emissions of carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides was found, which contributes to a reduction of the impact on climate change and air pollution. In addition, a decrease in particle emissions was noted, which contributes to the improvement of air quality and people’s health. The goal was achieved by researching the impact of a mixture of diesel and biodiesel fuel on the technical, economic and environmental indicators of an autonomous diesel generator. The regulation of the composition of the fuel mixture ensured the preservation of the power of the generator in all its modes of operation, while reducing the cost of purchasing fuel by 10% and reducing the smokiness of exhaust gas by up to 57%, depending on the mode of operation of the diesel engine.
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Authors and Affiliations

Alexander Galushchak
Serhii Burlaka
Ihor Kupchuk
Valerii Bondarenko
Yaroslav Gontaruk

  1. Vinnytsia National Technical University, Ukraine
  2. Engineering and Technology Faculty, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, Ukraine
  3. National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
  4. Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, Ukraine
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Fifth generation (5G) applications like Internet of Things (IoT), Enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB), Cognitive Radios (CR), Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) and Machine to Machine (M2M) communication put new demands on the network in terms of low latency, ultra-reliable communication and efficiency when transmitting very small bursts. One new contender that makes its appearance recently is the Universal Filtered Multi- Carrier (UFMC). UFMC is a potential candidate to meet the requirements of 5G upcoming applications. This related waveform encounters the peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) issue arising from the usage of multi-carrier transmission. In this investigation, two PAPR reduction techniques, called Per Subband Tone Reservation (PSTR) scheme to alleviate PAPR in UFMC systems are suggested. The first one is a pre-filtering PSTR scheme that uses the least squares approximation (LSA) algorithm to calculate the optimization factor(μ) and the second one is a post-filtering method. The concept of this proposal lies on the use of peaks reductions Tone to carry the correctional signal that reduces the high peaks of each sub-band individually. To shed light on UFMC as a potential waveform for 5G upcoming application, a comparison with OFDM modulation is done.
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Laabidi Mounira
Bouallegue Ridha

  1. Sup’Com, University of Carthage, Tunisia
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In the article, the concept, design and realization of the technological demonstrator of a mobile device for generating an electromagnetic curtain (with a name AEGIS) were presented, both in the hardware and software areas. The device is designed to block the radio communication which allow detonating the Radio Controlled Improvised Explosive Devices (RCIEDs). The preliminary laboratory tests of the demonstrator for generating the jamming signal, that were presented in the paper, aimed at assessing the correctness of the device operation and verification of generated signal parameters. On the basis of the obtained results, the ability to jam the cellular systems as well as other radio devices operating in the frequency band from 400 MHz to 2700 MHz was assessed.

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Authors and Affiliations

Piotr Rajchowski
Krzysztof K. Cwalina
Jarosław Magiera
Alicja Olejniczak
Paweł T. Kosz
Agnieszka Czapiewska
Robert Burczyk
Krzysztof Kowalewski
Jarosław Sadowski
Sławomir J. Ambroziak
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This paper presents a new approach to the design methodology of road routes, in literature often referred to as the polynomial alignment. The author proposes the use of the so-called general transition curves that have been described in detail in his earlier research papers. General transition curves employ only one curvature extremum, and the whole curved transition between two extreme points of zero curvature value is described by a single equation. As a result, the curves are very useful for the creation of route geometry in accordance with the principles of polynomial alignment. The paper describes the main concept of polynomial alignment and presents equations of curves which can be used in the proposed alignment procedure. In addition, the paper gives a detailed description of design procedures.
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Authors and Affiliations

Andrzej Kobryń

  1. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences, Bialystok University of Technology, ul. Wiejska 45E, 15-351 Bialystok, Poland
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A microgrid is an appropriate concept for urban areas with high penetration of renewable power generation, which improves the reliability and efficiency of the distribution network at the consumer premises to meet various loads such as domestic, industrial, and agricultural types. Microgrids comprising inverter-based and synchronous generator-based distribution generators can lead to the instability of the system during the islanded mode of operation. This paper presents a study on designing stable microgrids to facilitate higher penetration of solar power generation into a distribution network. Ageneralized small signal model is derived for a microgrid with static loads, dynamic loads, energy storages, solar photovoltaic (PV) systems, and diesel generators, incorporating the features of dynamic systems. The model is validated by comparing the transient curves given by the model and a transient simulator subjected to step changes. The result shows that full dynamic models of complex systems of microgrids can be built accurately, and the proposed microgrid is stable for all the considered loading situations and solar PV penetration levels according to the small signal stability analysis.
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W.E.P. Sampath Ediriweera
N.W.A. Lidula
H. Dayan B.P. Herath

  1. Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Moratuwa, Sri Lanka
  2. Colombo City, Ceylon Electricity Board, Sri Lanka
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The authors present an optirrusanon method, based on the thermodynamic consideration and applied to the inlet and exhaust systems of turbocharged engine. The goal function in this method is defined as a sum of exergy irreversible losses - occurring in the whole flow path. The decision variables, optimisation parameters and, also, the constraint conditions in the discussed method are defined and determined. The validation results of specially written and unique programmes, used for flow simulations in the analysed systems, are also presented. The optimisation results, based on the discussed method and related to a specific turbocharged engine are discussed in part II.
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Krzysztof Nakonieczny
Tadeusz R. Fodemski
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In contemporary cultural discourse, Chernobyl is associated with nuclear apocalypse. The author of the article examines two authors’ visions of Chernobyl in Ukrainian literature, which represent different textual strategies of the copreciprocalization of the trauma experienced. One of them, revealed in Markiyan Kamysh’s novel Oformlandia (2015), is an attempt to reconstruct a post‐apocalyptic world. The writer’s narrator, who is the same age as the Chernobyl disaster of 1986, travels to the Zone and talks about it as an exotic space that is freed from human presence. In Teodosia Zarivna’s novel The Silence of Caesium (2022) the narrator is a peasant woman who oppositely has spent her entire life near Chernobyl, but after the accident returns and becomes the last resident in her native village. The first work presents an imaginary model of the future: Chernobyl becomes a place of exotic excursions and extreme tourists. In the second, the Zone appears as an organic factor in a picture of the past – a historical era of the twentieth century, which is fading into oblivion along with its last witnesses.
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Jarosław Poliszczuk

  1. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
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Graphene oxide nanoparticles with higher thermal conductivity aid in enhancing the flow and heat transport in magnetohy-drodynamic devices such as magnetohydrodynamic pumps. Modelling such devices with promising applications inherently necessitates entropy studies to ensure efficient models. This investigation theoretically studies the entropy generation in magnetohydrodynamic flow of graphene oxide in an inclined channel. Buongiorno nanofluid model is used including the impacts of nanoparticle attributes, namely thermophoretic and Brownian diffusion along with viscous dissipation effects. The spectral quasi-linearization method with Chebyshev’s polynomials is adapted to solve the differential equations under slip conditions. On studying the effects of implanted parameters, it is concluded that the conductive heat transfer enhancement by the Hartmann number is remarked. The Bejan number is found to be greater than 0.9 and hence, heat transfer primarily causes the entropy generation. A good agreement is found between the results for special cases and the results from the literature. Furthermore, investigations conclude that entropy is contributed primarily by heat transfer.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jagadeeshwar Pashikanti
Santhosh Thota
Susmitha Priyadharshini

  1. Indian Institute of Information Technology Tiruchirappalli, Trichy - Madurai Highway, Sethurapatti, Tamil Nadu 620012, India

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