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Anisotropy of variations of Polish mineral deposit parameters is rarely the subject of interest of geologists who carry on the assessment projects . However, if the anisotropy is strong its description and mathematical modeling are rational and justified as it may affect the accuracy of many calculations suitably for mining geology and mining engineering, e.g. estimation of resources and grade of particular raw-material, interpolation of deposit parameters values and construction of their contour maps, designing of optimum grade mining operations or densification of sampling grid. In geostatistics anisotropy is described with directional semivariograms which represent average variability of values of particular deposit parameter in various directions, depending on the distance between sampling sites. Convenient graphic presentation of anisotropy is map of directional semivariograms and good mathematical presentation are functions describing the anisotropy models.

The paper presents the results of geostatistical descriptions of various anisotropy types in selected examples of Polish mineral deposits. Taking into account the spherical variability model, the influence of anisotropy on the results of deposit parameters estimations has been theorized for both the interpolation point and calculation block (area). It was found that anisotropy is effective for parameters estimation if three mutually interrelated factors are considered: power of directional diversification of parameters variation, contribution of random component to total, observed variation of parameters and the range of semivariograms (autocorrelation) of parameter referred to the average sampling grid density.

The results demonstrate that anisotropy influences much more the estimations of parameters value in interpolation points than those of average values of parameters calculated for particular parts of deposit (calculation blocks). Moreover, anisotropy is unimportant when the random component of variability dominates the overall variability of analyzed parameter. Therefore, the simpler, isotropic variability model can be applied to geostatistical estimations of deposit parameters.

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Jacek Mucha
Monika Wasilewska-Błaszczyk
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Safe mine operations and optimal economical decision making in the context of lignite resources require an adequate level of knowledge about the spatial distribution of critical attributes in terms of geometry and quality in the deposit. Therefore, ore body models are generated using different approaches in geostatistics, depending on the problem to be solved. In this article the analysis of geostatistical methods used for deposits modeling has been presented. Based on exploration data concerning caloric value Q, models of one exemplary lignite deposit has been made. Two models of deposit were prepared using two different methods: ordinary kriging (OK) and sequential Gaussian conditional simulation (SGSIM). Different models of the same deposit were analyzed and compared with source data using criterion of fidelity to statistical attributes like: mean value, variance, statistical distribution. Models, which have been created based on exploration data, were compared with in-situ data gained from survey activities in the exploitation process. As a result of comparison correlation factor and measures of deviations were computed: average relative error, absolute relative error. Models were compared with in situ data, considering statistical features and local variability as well. In conclusion, the study gives valuable information into the benefits of using certain geostatistical approaches for variable tasks and problems in the lignite deposits design process. For the assessment of average values of deposit parameters ordinary kriging provides appropriate effects. Geostatisical simulation (e.g. sequential Gaussian simulation - SGSIM) provides much more relevant information for tasks connected to probability (or risk) of defined threshold exceedences than ordinary kriging. Models made with simulation method are characterized by high fidelity of spatial distribution in comparison to source data.

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Wojciech Naworyta
Jörg Benndorf
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The aim of this study was the application of the geo-accumulation index and geostatistical methods to the assessment of forest soil contamination with heavy metals in the Babia Góra National Park (BGNP). For the study, 59 sample plots were selected to reflect all soil units (soil subtypes) in the studied area and take into account various forms of terrain. The content of organic carbon and total nitrogen, pH, hydrolytic acidity, the base cations and heavy metals content were determined in the soil samples. The geo-accumulation index (Igeo) was calculated, enabling estimation of the degree of soil pollution. The tested soils are characterized by strong contamination with heavy metals, especially with lead. The concentration of heavy metals in the surface horizons of the tested soils exceeds allowable concentration. The content of heavy metals was related to the content of soil organic matter, soil acidity and altitude. Higher altitudes are dominated by coniferous tree stands, which are accompanied by acidic, poorly decomposed organic horizons. Our study has confirmed the impact of pollutants transported from industrial areas on the amount of heavy metals in soils of the BGNP.

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Authors and Affiliations

Stanisław Łyszczarz
Ewa Błońska
Jarosław Lasota

  1. University of Agriculture in Krakow, Faculty of Forestry, Department of Ecology and Silviculture, Poland
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Grade control is crucial for ensuring that the quality of extracted ore aligns with the geological model and mining plan. This process optimises production, reduces dilution, and maximises profits. It involves geological modelling, sampling, assaying, and data analysis. However, adhering to short-term planning in mining operations can be challenging due to operational bottlenecks that arise during the grade control process and blast design, along with their associated costs. Industry standards for grade control require acquiring extensive information and knowledge to achieve a high level of certainty, which takes time. Despite that, time constraints may necessitate making decisions under risk with incomplete information. In such cases, it is important to consider the opportunities, risks, likelihood, consequences, and potential success associated with each alternative. This study presents the testing results of alternative quantitative analytical methods on samples from the Barruecopardo tungsten deposit in Spain. Spectrometric techniques, including Delayed Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis (DGNAA), Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS), and Field Portable X-ray Fluorescence (FPXRF), were employed to determine the tungsten content. Based on the findings of this investigation, a real-time decision-making tool for grade control in open-pit mining has been developed. This tool utilises representative samples directly from the blasting debris, considering the inherent risks and uncertainties associated with the process
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Authors and Affiliations

Ruben Alcalde Martín
Isidro Diego
César Castañón
Teresa Alonso-Sánchez

  1. Oviedo University, Oviedo School of Mines, Spain
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The occurrence of faults in coal seams has an impact on the possibility of methane hazard. There are several methods for identifying tectonic faults, but they cannot be applied directly to solve dynamic hazard problems in coal mine. Thus, searching for appropriate methods, that can detect faults in regional and local scales is needed. In order to meet this need, the paper proposes a new measurement method of estimating changes to the coal structure, based on profilometry measurements (roughness analysis) and application of madogram functions. Based on examining coal samples from near fault zones it was shown that the proposed approach allows us to detect changes of the coal surface that appear as the distance to a tectonic fault gets shorter. The proposed method, due to its simplicity and speed of measurement, implies a potential for practical application in the process of detecting local tectonic dislocations in coal mines.
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Authors and Affiliations

Mariusz Młynarczuk
Marta Skiba

  1. AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection, al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland
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Bełchatów lignite deposit is located in the central partof Poland in the tectonic Kleszczów graben. It is dividedinto several parts, which are mining fields: Kamieńsk area (eastern part of the deposit), Bełchatów area (central partof the deposit) and Szczerców area (western part of the deposit). The subject of this study was the Belchatow area.The main issue of the investigations was the dependence of local, regional and global, horizontal variability of selected lignite qualitative parameters (moisture, ash content, calorific value and sulfur content in the as receivedstate) is a function of viewing direction. There was applied the geostatistical analysis of the lignite variability parameters with use of semivariograms.

The researches which were conducted at different scales of observation: in the locale scale – in small field size8 ́8 m called experimental area (local analysis), in larger homogeneous separated parts of the Belchatow area(regional analysis) and in the whole Bełchatów area scale (general analysis). The results proved the visible anisotropy of variability mine lignite parametres. Anisotropy structure observed in regional and global scale isconnected with tectonic structure of the Bełchatów Graben. The detailed studies show the variated level of anisotropy observed in different areas of Bełchatów field.

However, no dependence of the relative level of ash and total sulfur content anisotropy on the environment of sedimentation of the main coal deposit in different parts of the Belhchatów field has been observed. Both parameters characterize with strong or medium anisotropy level in examined fields. Moreover, anisotropy is alsovisible in the local scale. Conducted researches confirmed the thesis that zonal anisotropy is prevalent kind of anisotropy in the regional scale. In the range of the whole deposit the total sulfur content showed zonal anisotropy,whereas the ash content revealed geometric anisotropy

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Tomasz Bartuś
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The work focused on forecasting changes in lake water level. The study employed the Triple Diagram Method (TDM) using geostatistical tools. TDM estimates the value by information from an earlier two periods of observation, refers as lags. The best results were obtained for data with an average a 1-week lag. At the significance level of 1σ, a the forecast error of ±2 cm was obtained. Using separate data for warm and cold months did not improve the efficiency of TDM. At the same time, analysis of observations from warm and cold months explained trends visible in the distribution of year-round data. The methodology, built on case study and proposed evaluation criteria, may function as a universal solution. The proposed methodology can be used to effectively manage water-level fluctuations both in postglacial lakes and in any case of water-level fluctuation.
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Authors and Affiliations

Adam Piasecki
Wojciech T. Witkowski

  1. Nicolaus Copernicus University, Faculty of Earth Sciences and Spatial Management, ul. Lwowska 1, 87-100, Toruń, Poland
  2. AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Mine Surveying and Environmental Engineering, Krakow, Poland

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