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Previous onomastic research into proper names in the Internet has typically been based on traditional and classic onomastic methodology. As a result, researchers have focused on the classification of names, the analysis of their structure, etymology, or function. In this paper, this traditional approach is compared with the new possibilities afforded by medioonomastics, a fast growing method which is combining the onomastic tradition and mediolinguistics. This paper provides only an outline and is only preliminary, although some analysis is also presented. It reviews onomastic techniques and the medioonomastic analysis of the names that function within the various types of texts in the Internet. Some examples are taken from Internet memes, as well as from Facebook profiles. One of these names is the Polish given name, Janusz, which is a brilliant example of the specific new functions, connotations and general semantic values generated by the Internet. This name has gained a new meaning: ‘a typical Polish man’, ‘unfashionable man’, ‘a redneck’. Another name is the title of the Facebook profile Chujowa Pani Domu, based on the TV-series Perfekcyjna Pani Domu, as a kind of semantic and pragmatic re-construction of the latter name. In the conclusion, the necessity of considering not only the type of object-named, but also the medium and especially the Internet, is emphasized. Such studies may offer a correct procedure for analysis which include the new medioonomastic methodology.

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Mariusz Rutkowski
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The following paper discusses the issue of the historical policy of Polish authorities in the area of social media. In the last few years, narratives about the past in the perspective of historical policy have been becoming an ever more important part of social lives, especially when they become a field of struggle between conflicted nations. The main hypothesis is whether historical policy narratives in Poland are built upon ahistorical thinking and its categories such myths and arche-types. The auxiliary questions concentrate on the context of those narratives as the authors propose three models for the historical policy roles – areas where historical policy adopted already existing narratives, those which are antagonised, and a “new” one that did not previously exist in social media. In the end, the authors conclude that ahistorical thinking is still dominant in Polish society and social media have become a new tool for political propaganda in the area of history.
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Dawid Gralik
Adrian Trzoss

  1. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, Wydział Historii
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The main idea of this article claims that the dominance of modern media technologies over the contemporary sphere of intersubjectivity reveals certain phenomena in the human world that did not exist in the pre-Internet epochs. One of them is technoratiomorphism. I use this term to define a hybrid operating in accordance with biological ratiomorphic mechanisms and overlapping with technological rationality. I also indicate some effects which are brought into social and individual existence by the presence of technoratiomorphism in communication. In my consideration I refer to Konrad Lorenz’s position and evolutionary epistemology, in general. I also interweave them with certain themes found in Stanisław Lem’s works.
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Jan Pleszczyński

  1. UMCS, Katedra Komunikacji Medialnej, Wydział Politologii i Dziennikarstwa, Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, Lublin, Polska
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Artykuł zawiera analizę jednego z kierunków przemian praktyk autobiograficznych prowadzonych w Internecie, czyli spadek znaczenia utrwalania i archiwizowania treści autobiograficznych, który następuje wraz ze wzrostem popularności przekazów efemerycznych, na przykład wiadomości usuwanych automatycznie po jednokrotnym wyświetleniu. Wskazany kierunek przemian praktyk autobiograficznych w środowisku sieciowym zilustrowano przykładami takich formatów, jak internetowe strony domowe, blogi, platforma społecznościowa Facebook czy aplikacja Snapchat. Przedstawiono kolejne stadia procesu ewolucji praktyk autobiograficznych online, jednak należy nadmienić, że proces ten ma charakter ciągły i jego poszczególne etapy się przenikają. Zarysowany kierunek przemian praktyk autobiograficznych w internecie jest w niniejszym artykule analizowany w odniesieniu do procesualnej teorii mediów i koncepcji zwrotu efemerycznego.
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Marta Więckiewicz-Archacka

  1. University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
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Ozjawiskach zachodzących w internecie i interakcjach między jego użytkownikami opowiada prof. dr hab. Dariusz Jemielniak, wiceprezes Polskiej Akademii Nauk.
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Dariusz Jemielniak

  1. wiceprezes Polskiej Akademii Nauk
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Ludzie coraz mniej wierzą nauce, a coraz bardziej wiedzy – mówiąc eufemistycznie – popularnej. Jakie są tego efekty?

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Wojciech Fendler
Dariusz Jemielniak
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Strategic Informatics is a monograph of the field of computer science in the field of; Its strategic development waves, the challenges of technological progress in the context of the strategic role of computer science, the main strategy-oriented applications in business, healthcare, agriculture, education and private home, strategic challenges of computer science in the humanities, digital state and city, sustainable development and information ethics, morality, and rights.
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Kazimierz Kowalski

  1. Professor Emeritus, California State University, Dominguez Hills
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Prof. Dariusz Jemielniak, Vice President of the Polish Academy of Sciences, discusses the dynamics of online communities and the study of digital interactions.
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Dariusz Jemielniak

  1. Vice President of the Polish Academy of Sciences
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In this article the author follows progressive evolution in web design that has been observed in Google Maps over the last 13 years (2005–2018). The analysis includes the graphic presentation of buttons, their layout and the changes in the functionality of the website. The results of the analysis corroborate the argument that it is possible to adapt the existing concept of progressive evolution, to the needs of Internet cartography. In the process of the analysis several crucial changes were spotted, such as the fact that as a result of the technological advancement the need to scroll the map with up, down, left and down buttons disappeared, being supplanted by the dragging function. In article all the discussed changes in Google Maps as an application for desktop computers and laptops, as well as a mobile application, prove that the product has been constantly improved. In the author’s opinion, the crucial aspect is to enrich the web map in the non-invasive way to make it as user-friendly and easy to use as possible. The synthetic juxtaposition allowed one to highlight the evolution, considered by the author an important feature of the non-invasive way of introducing changes. The author notes that progressive evolution on Google Maps and other internet maps will continue. It is important that the user’s needs are noticed during these changes.

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Tymoteusz Horbiński
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Traffic classification is an important tool for network management. It reveals the source of observed network traffic and has many potential applications e.g. in Quality of Service, network security and traffic visualization. In the last decade, traffic classification evolved quickly due to the raise of peer-to-peer traffic. Nowadays, researchers still find new methods in order to withstand the rapid changes of the Internet. In this paper, we review 13 publications on traffic classification and related topics that were published during 2009-2012. We show diversity in recent algorithms and we highlight possible directions for the future research on traffic classification: relevance of multi-level classification, importance of experimental validation, and the need for common traffic datasets.
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Paweł Foremski
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Otym, że zasięg i skala internetu wprowadzają zmianę cywilizacyjną niezależnie od tego, jakie technologie są najpopularniejsze, opowiada Kamil Śliwowski z Fundacji Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Informacyjnego.
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Kamil Śliwowski

  1. Fundacja Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Informacyjnego
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The subject of the article is the occurrence of dialectal features in Internet nicknames. The analysis was carried out on the basis of about 2500 nicknames that contained dialectal features. The names were obtained within the years 2012–2015. In the analysis, linguistic areas were indicated in which we may notice the influence of local dialects on that layer of the Internet anthroponymy. The influence of local dialects is visible in the fact that the Internet users reach for traditional folk names as well as name models related to the folk manner of identifying a human being, e.g. Jagatka, Jantecek, Janielka od Genowefy, Cesiek z Tuchowa. Apart from references to folk anthroponymy, the Internet nicknames reflect the influence of local dialect lexis (e.g. gzub, graślok, fusyt), phonetics (janioł, Carownica, łokrutny łoptymista), inflection (Śpisok z Łapsóf, ciupaga łod tater) and word-formation, e.g. (rzemyszek, cwaniuk).

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Renata Kucharzyk
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In this paper, we describe secure gateway for Internet of Things (IoT) devices with internal AAA mechanism, implemented to connect IoT sensors with Internet users. Secure gateway described in this paper allows to (1) authenticate each connected device, (2) authorise connection or reconguration performed by the device and (3) account each action. The same applies to Internet users who want to connect, download data from or upload data to an IoT device. Secure Gateway with internal AAA mechanism could be used in Smart Cities environments and in other IoT deployments where security is a critical concern. The mechanism presented in this paper is a new concept and has been practically validated in Polish national research network PL-LAB2020.

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Dominik Samociuk
Błażej Adamczyk
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The Internet of Things (IoT) is an emerging technology that was conceived in 1999. The key components of the IoT are intelligent sensors, which represent objects of interest. The adjective ‘intelligent’ is used here in the information gathering sense, not the psychological sense. Some 30 billion sensors that ‘know’ the current status of objects they represent are already connected to the Internet. Various studies indicate that the number of installed sensors will reach 212 billion by 2020. Various scenarios of IoT projects show sensors being able to exchange data with the network as well as between themselves. In this contribution, we discuss the possibility of deploying the IoT in cartography for real-time mapping. A real-time map is prepared using data harvested through querying sensors representing geographical objects, and the concept of a virtual sensor for abstract objects, such as a land parcel, is presented. A virtual sensor may exist as a data record in the cloud. Sensors are identifi ed by an Internet Protocol address (IP address), which implies that geographical objects through their sensors would also have an IP address. This contribution is an updated version of a conference paper presented by the author during the International Federation of Surveyors 2014 Congress in Kuala Lumpur. The author hopes that the use of the IoT for real-time mapping will be considered by the mapmaking community.

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Kazimierz Bęcek
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For over twenty years psychologists have been using information and communication technology to design solutions aimed at improving mental health and quality of life of their clients or patients. One of those solutions are internet interventions. Although these interventions are commonly used in other countries, knowledge about them in Poland is limited. The aim of the article is to introduce to the topic of psychological internet interventions by describing the basic functionalities of internet interventions, the context of their use, their classification, areas where they can be applied and challenges related to their future development and wider implementation.

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Roman Cieślak
Agata Kozłowska
Natalia Michalak
Agnieszka Koch
Anna Rogala
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The objective of the study was the comparative analysis of areas of Internet behavior (use of Internet, relations and Internet Addiction) with regards to gender in seven years’ perspective. The study was conducted in two stages (2005 and 2012) among Polish students (N = 452). Results showed significant gender differences in the use of Internet. The use of Internet is no longer predictor of Internet Addiction in both men and women. The higher number of contacts limited to Internet was a predictor of Internet Addiction in both men and women, but lower self -esteem in women only. Men were more prone to Internet Addiction in comparison with women and this tendency is on the rise.
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Dominika Ochnik
Aleksandra Dembińska
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The aim of the present paper is to discuss metaphorical constructions, based on figurative uses of words, in informal Polish in the field of computers and the Internet. The study is based on the author’s own corpus, compiled on the basis of short informal texts (entries, posts) written on 32 selected Internet forums. Altogether, the corpus consists of 1,541,449 words. The paper, as the title suggests, focuses on one metaphorical formula, i.e. COMPUTERS ARE BUILDINGS. The metaphors which can be subsumed under this heading belong to the most frequent in the corpus (alongside a different type, i.e. COMPUTERS ARE HUMANS). They are discussed within the cognitive framework, as introduced by Lakoff and Johnson (1980). Some attention will also be devoted to the possible infl uence of English upon Polish metaphorical constructions used in the area of computers and the Internet.

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Marcin Zabawa
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In this article, a monitoring system based on IoT technologies of the substation electrical system in the Republic of Kazakhstan was developed. At the moment, the operation of power systems is extremely important to maintain the frequency of electric current over time. For management and monitoring applications, it is necessary to take into account communication within acceptable limits. IoT technologies are considered the main functions in applications for monitoring and managing energy systems in real time, as well as making effective decisions on both technical and financial issues of the system, for monitoring the main form of data registration on an electric power substation in the city of Shymkent of the Republic of Kazakhstan, for consistent effective decision-making by system operators. In this work, an Internet of Things-based monitoring system was implemented and implemented for the substation of the power system using a specialized device built into the FPGA controller for fast integrated digitalization of transformer substations of real-time distribution electrical networks. The IoT platform also provides complete remote observability and will increase reliability for power system operators in real time. This article is mainly aimed at providing a practical application that has been implemented and tested.
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Maksat Kalimoldayev
Waldemar Wójcik
Zhazira Shermantayeva

  1. Institute ofInformation and Computing Technologies of the KN of the Ministry ofInternal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  2. Lublin University of Technology, Lublin, Poland
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This article discusses the traffic types typically used in industrial networks. The authors propose a number of methods of generating traffic that can be used in modeling traffic sources in the networks under consideration. The proposed traffic model have been developed on the basis of the ON/OFF model. The proposed solutions can be applied to model typical traffic types that are used in industrial systems, such as Time-Triggered (TT) traffic, Audio-Video Bridging (AVB) traffic or Best Effort traffic. The article discusses four traffic models with modifications and shows how the proposed models can be used in modeling different traffic types used in industrial networks.

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M. Głąbowski
S. Hanczewski
M. Stasiak
M. Weissenberg
P. Zwierzykowski
V. Bai
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Persistent air pollution (SMOG) in large cities in countries based on energy and coal heating is a serious and growing problem. Improving air quality is currently the main challenge for the metropolises of Central and Eastern Europe. Despite intensive efforts, the average annual concentration of PM2.5 in this area exceeds the standard recommended by the World Health Organization (recommended standard – 25 μg). Data from environmental institutions show that, for example, in Kraków (Poland), the number of days with PM 2.5 concentrations drastically exceeding the permissible standards in the last year was 96. The article describes the method of controlling air purification in the apartment using automation devices, control software and applications available for smartphones, tablets and personal computers. The presented solution uses technologies that can use free (alternative) software, extending the functionality of devices and increasing the flexibility of the control system. The main goal is to maximize the comfort of home users and to minimize the cost of electricity consumption. Additionally, the existing air cleaning devices are adapted to the needs of the air cleaning control system.
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Wojciech Drozd
Marcin Kowalik

  1. Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Division of Management in Civil Engineering, ul. Warszawska 24, 31-155 Kraków, Poland
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The article offers an insight into the Slavonic contemporary etymological research and its new possibilities. Modern etymology has witnessed a seachange that can be referred to as a digital breakthrough. Thanks to the Internet and electronic media the etymologists today have easier access to historicallinguistic, dialectal and onomastic sources as well as to etymological dictionaries. They also better access to many monographs and studies. Moreover, today the etymologist has no problems making use of analogous materials published in foreign languages, the obtaining of which in the past had posed a major problem. This will clearly accelerate progress in etymological research, thereby opening up new vistas for etymology. We can research effectively the origins of dialectal and colloquial words as well as words no longer in use, a task which had earlier been very difficult.

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Jadwiga Waniakowa
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Introduction: Patient Targeted Googling (PTG) is not a new phenomenon, but in Poland — according to the information available to the authors — there has been no research in this area among nurses and midwives. The above-mentioned activity is associated with many doubts and concerns of legal and ethical issues, and therefore there is a need to explore it.
Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of PTG among nurses and midwives in Poland.
Material and Methods: The study conducted among 300 working nurses and midwives used a diag-nostic survey based on the author’s survey questionnaire. Statistical analysis was performed using PQStat version: Mann–Whitney U tests, chi^2 and Fisher’s correlations were used. The significance level was adopted at p <0.05 and highly significant at p <0.01.
Results: The respondents’ reasons for patient targeted googling were mainly lack of other sources of information, controlling adherence to recommendations, ascertaining the patient’s mental disorders, behavior, substance abuse status and physical appearance. PTG without informing the patient was con-sidered unethical and likely to violate the principle of informed consent and privacy. Respondents ex-pressed the need for PTG training.
Conclusions: The study presents the prevalence of PTG phenomenon among Polish nurses and mid-wives along with the different determinants of this activity.
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Patrycja Zurzycka
Katarzyna Wojtas
Zofia Musiał
Grażyna Puto
Katarzyna Czyżowicz

  1. Department of Clinical Nursing, Institute of Nursing and Midwifery, Faculty of Health Sciences, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland
  2. Department of Internal Medicine and Community Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland
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Kamil Śliwowski of the Information Society Development Foundation explains how the current reach and scale of the Internet entail a new stage of civilization – irrespective of what technologies ultimately gain the widest popularity.
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Kamil Śliwowski

  1. Information Society Development Foundation (FRSI), Warsaw

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