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The results of the study of the macrophytes of the rivers Turia, Vyzhivka and Tsyr, the right-bank tributaries of the upper reaches of the Pripet River, are presented. The species composition of aquatic and coastal aquatic vascular plants was investigated during the vegetation seasons of 2018 and 2019 at 9 observation points located along the rivers from the source to the mouth. The most numerous species composition, 57 species, was found in the Turia River, 36 in the Vyzhivka River, and 28 species were identified in the Tsyr River. The macrophyte index for rivers (Pol.: makrofitowy indeks rzeczny – MIR) was determined from the results, and the ecological state of the rivers was assessed according to the methodology of the macrophyte assessment of rivers (Pol.: makrofitowa metoda oceny rzek – MMOR). The investigation showed that water quality in the Turia River on sites No. 1, 3 and 4 belongs to class III, satisfactory category. The surface water quality on site No. 2 of the Turia River belongs to class II, a good category. The water quality in the Vyzhivka River on all test sites belongs to class II, a good category, which testifies to favourable ecological conditions for the development of higher aquatic plants along the whole course. The water quality in the Tsyr River on test site No. 8 (Kamin-Kashyrskyi, upper course) corresponds to class II, good category. On test site No. 9 (middle course), the quality of surface waters of the Tsyr River worsens to the class III, satisfactory category.
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Authors and Affiliations

Myroslav S. Malovanyу
Maria Boіaryn
Oksana Muzychenko
Oksana Tsos

  1. Lviv Polytechnic National University, Viacheslav Chornovil Institute of Sustainable Development, Department of Ecology and Sustainable Environmental Management, S. Bandera St, 12, 79013, Lviv, Ukraine
  2. Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University, Faculty of Chemistry, Ecology and Pharmacy, Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection, Lutsk, Ukraine
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Four small (surface area: 0.4-2.3 ha), but relatively deep (max. depth: 6.5-7.8 111) man made reservoirs, created between 1979 and 1988 on recultivatccl waste heap of former sulphur mine in Machów (N 50°31'35": E 21°37'51")_ were studied in summer and autumn 2003. In autumn one lake - Kacze was not mixed down to the bottom, which could point to its meromixis. The other lakes were found to be dimictic. In all the lakes high values of total hardness, conductivity, chlorides, sulphides and low amounts 01· total phosphorus and nitrogen were found. Both phytoplankton and hydrornacrophyte communities were poorly developed. Considerable amounts or green-yellow bacteria were also noted in plankton The water chemistry as well as quantity and quality of plant communities reflect the chemical composition of loam soils which constitute the waste heap.
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Authors and Affiliations

Wojciech Pęczula
Radosław Mencfel
Kamila Baryła
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The constructed wetland integrated with microbial fuel cell (CW-MFC) has gained attention in wastewater treatment and electricity generation owing to its electricity generation and xenobiotic removal efficiencies. This study aims to use the CW-MFC with different macrophytes for domestic wastewater treatment and simultaneously electricity generation without chemical addition. The various macrophytes such as Crinum asiaticum, Canna indica, Hanguana malayana, Philodendron erubescens, and Dieffenbachia seguine were used as a cathodic biocatalyst. The electrochemical properties such as half-cell potential and power density were determined. For wastewater treatment, the chemical oxygen demand (COD) and other chemical compositions were measured. The results of electrochemical properties showed that the maximal half-cell potential was achieved from the macrophyte D. seguine. While the maximal power output of 5.42±0.17 mW/m2 (7.75±0.24 mW/m3) was gained from the CW-MFC with D. seguine cathode. Moreover, this CW-MFC was able to remove COD, ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, and phosphate of 94.00±0.05%, 64.31±0.20%, 50.02±0.10%, 48.00±0.30%, and 42.05±0.10% respectively. This study gained new knowledge about using CW-MFC planted with the macrophyte D. seguine for domestic wastewater treatment and generation of electrical power as a by-product without xenobiotic discharge.
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Authors and Affiliations

Pimprapa Chaijak
Phachirarat Sola

  1. Thaksin University, Thailand
  2. Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology (Public Organization) (TINT), Thailand
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The results of a research into the scale and consequences of the degradation of aquatic ecosystems in Ukrainian Polesie have been detected in article, and the areas of increased anthropogenic pressure have been identified which greatly affect the condition and number of aquatic macrophytes. The biodiversity of sites with different anthropogenic load was evaluated using the biodiversity criteria. In the research, the structural and functional features of macrophytic species diversity within Teteriv River ecological corridor as a typical river landscape of Ukrainian Polesie were determined and described, the floristic composition was determined. Within the ecological zones, the number of species and their projective coverage in areas with different anthropogenic pressures within Teteriv River ecological corridor were determined. The basic criteria for the implementation of deferred biomonitoring based on the analysis of the dynamics of the spe-cies composition of the phytocoenoses of Teteriv River ecological corridor on the indicators of ecological stability and plasticity using the species-specific criteria, are: Margalef species richness index, Sørensen–Dice index, Shannon diversity index, Simpson’s index, and Pielou’s evenness index. Based on the results, correlation dependencies have been constructed, which will allow to obtain data on the stability of the development of aquatic ecosystems according to the data of species surveys. Interconnections between biodiversity indicators and indicators of surface water quality within the Ukrainian Polesie were found; they are the fundamental component of a long-term monitoring of the stability in the development of aquatic phytocenoses.

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Authors and Affiliations

Tetiana P. Fedonyuk
Roman H. Fedoniuk
Anastasiia A. Zymaroieva
Viktor M. Pazych
Ella O. Aristarkhova

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