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In 1790, a small book appeared anonymously, Les fruits de la grâce. The article identifies the sources of this book and presents views of its two principal authors, prince Nikolay Repnin and Nikolay Kraevich. Both of them were Rosicrucians; they expressed a very deep Christian spirituality while their Masonic allegiance appears to have been a result of dissatisfaction with the legalism of the official Orthodox Church.
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Bakkarevich M.N., Nadgrobnyy pamyatnik, „Priyatnoye i poleznoye preprovozhdeniye vremeni” 1797, № 16.

Bakunina T.A., Znamenityye russkiye masony, Parizh 1935.

Bantysh‑Kamenskiy D.N., Knyazʹ Nikolay Vasilʹyevich Repnin, [v:] D.N.

Bantysh‑Kamenskiy, Biografii rossiyskikh generalissimusov i general‑felʹdmarshalov s 48 portretami, Sankt-Peterburg 1840, t. 2.

Barskov Ya.L., Perepiska moskovskikh masonov XVIII-go veka 1780‑1792 gg., Petrograd 1915. [Birkholz A.M.], AdaMah Booz, Der Compaß der Weisen, Berlin 1782.

Böhme J., Sämmtliche Werke, Leipzig 1831‑1847. Gavryushin N. K., Yungov ostrov: Religiozno‑istoricheskiy etyud, Moskva 2001.

Guyon J.M., Lettres Chrétiennes et spirituelles, Cologne 1717-1718.

Harris J., Diaries and correspondence, London: Richard Bentley 1845.

[Haugwitz von Ch.A.H.], Hirten‑Brief an die wahren, ächten Freymäurer alten Systems, 1785.

K[o]v[a]l[ʹ]k[o]v A., Mirnoye otdokhnoveniye v sadakh selʹtsa Savinskago, vo vremya nashestviya vragov, „Drug Yunoshestva” 1813, № 2.

Kozelkin D., Portret knyazya N. V. Repnina, „Russkaya starina” 1880, № 5.

[Kraevich, N.A., Repnin, N.V], Les fruits de la grâce ou les opuscules spirituels de deux amateurs de la Sagesse, 1790; Les fruits de la grâce ou les opuscules spirituels des deux F. M. du vrai Systeme, dont le but est le même que celui des vrais Chrétiens, 1790.

Krayevich N.A., Luchʹ blagodati, B. m.: Salamandra P.V.V. 2012.

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Longinov [M.] N., Novikov i moskovskiye martinisty, Moskva 1867.

Lopukhin I.V., Masonskiye trudy, Moskva 1913.

Lopukhin I.V., Nestʹ prorok vo otechestvii svoyem, „Drug Yunoshestva” 1812, № 11.

Lopukhin I.V., Zapiski, London 1860. Marcard H.M., Zimmermans Verhaltnisse mit der Keyserin Catherina II. und mit dem Herrn Weikard, Bremen 1803.

Maslovskiy S.D., Repnin, [v:] Russkiy biografitseskiy slovarʹ, Sankt‑Peterburg 1913, t. 16.

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Plyukhanova M.V., Krayevich, [v:] Slovarʹ russkikh pisateley XVIII veka, Sankt‑Peterburg 1999, t. 2.

Pypin A. N., Russkoye masonstvo: XVIII i pervaya chetvertʹ XIX v., Petrograd 1916.

Repnin N.V., [Razmyshleniye pri chtenii molitvy] “Otche nash”, „Drug Yunoshestva” 1813, № 3.

Repnin N.V., O trekh nachalakh vozrozhdeniya, „Sionskiy vestnik” 4 (1817), pp. 304‑323.

Repnin N.V., Razgovor mezhdu dvumya druzʹyami o politike, „Drug Yunoshestva” 1811, № 1.

Saint‑Martin L.‑C., Mon portrait historique et philosophique (1789‑1803), Paris 1961.

Sokolovskaya T.O., Lotareva D.D., Taynyye arkhivy russkikh masonov, Moskva 2007.

Umanets F.M., Ponyatovskiy i Repnin, „Drevnyaya i novaya Rossiya” 1875, № 7, № 8.

Vernadskiy G.V., Russkoye masonstvo v tsarstvovaniye Ekateriny II, Sankt‑Peterburg 1999 [1917].

Żytkowicz L., Rządy Repnina na Litwie w latach 1794‑7, Wilno 1938.
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Adam Drozdek

  1. Pittsburgh, Duquesne University
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Every conservation works related to an ancient masonry structures should be preceded by an appropriate diagnostic. This should be understood as geometrical survey and various tests, which results with a proper analysis of the structure, identification of materials, technologies and techniques used during construction. The effective tool which could be used in this field is 3-D laser scanning. The digital image obtained as a result of scanning could be a proper base for a preservation programme, as well as help for creation of a precise digital models for a structural analysis. The examples of 3-D laser scanning application presented in the article are diagnostic works carried by the Division of Fundamentals of Building, Warsaw University of Technology, with the cooperation of Warsaw University, at the archaeological sites in Alexandria, Egypt and in Tanais, Rostov, Russia. Based on this works some most important advantages of laser scanning in identification, diagnostics and preservation of ancient architectural monuments was stated.
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Wojciech Terlikowski
Martyna Gregoriou-Szczepaniak
Ewa Sobczyńska
Kacper Wasilewski

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Amii Ludowej 16, 00-637 Warsaw, Poland
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The use of FRP materials as external reinforcement of masonry structures has been recognized as an effective and minimally invasive method ofwall strengthening. The available literature and research reports confirmthe positive effect of the strip-like arrangement of composites with a horizontal, diagonal and – as shown in the paper – vertical configuration. The problem here is the proper estimation of the benefits of such FRP reinforcement, namely determining the real increase in shear strength. The paper described selected calculation procedures that can be found in the available literature (proprietary solutions), as well as in the published guidelines for the design of masonry walls strengthening using FRP materials. The results of experimental tests of sheared masonry walls made of AAC blocks and strengthened using vertical strips of carbon and glass fibres are briefly presented. Finally, based on the presented formulae, the values of the theoretical shear force resulted from the FRP contribution were calculated and detailed discussed.
The comparison of the experimental and theoretical shear forces showed that only one of the presented calculation methods gave a high agreement of the results for both carbon and glass sheets. In addition, it was noticed that in two cases the effects of strengthening – depending on the material used – drastically differed, which was not observed in the research.
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Marta Kałuża

  1. Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Akademicka 5, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
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A new method of creating constitutive model of masonry is reported in this work. The model is not an explicit orthotropic elastic-plastic one, but with an artificial neural network (ANN) giving an implicit constitutive function. It relates the new state of generalised stresses Σ n+1 with the old state Σ n and with an increment of generalised strains ΔE (plane-stress conditions are assumed). The first step is to run a strain- controlled homogenisation, repeatedly, on a three-dimensional finite element model of a periodic cell, with elastic-plastic models (Drucker–Prager) of the components; thus a set of paths is created in (Σ, ΔE) space. From these paths, a set of patterns is formed to train the ANN. A description of how to prepare these data and a discussion on ANN training issues are presented. Finally, the procedure based on trained ANN is put into a finite-element code as a constitutive function. This enables the analysis of arbitrarily large masonry systems. The approach is verified by comparing the results of the developed model basing on ANN with a direct (single-scale) one, which showed acceptable accuracy.
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Aleksander Urbański
Szymon Ligęza
Marcin Drabczyk

  1. Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, ul. Warszawska 24, 31-155, Kraków, Poland
  2. AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Drilling, Oil and Gas (doctoral student), al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland
  3. Idealogic Ltd., ul. Kapelanka 26, 30-347 Kraków, Poland
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The selection of the most proper strengthening method/system with an assessment of its effectiveness is quite complicated in the case of masonry structures, mainly due to their huge diversity in materials. The most popular strengthening materials based on the composite fibres and are laid on the masonry wall using epoxy adhesives (FRP system) or mineral mortars (FRCM system). This article presents a comparison of external strengthening made using different glass-fibre-based materials on the behaviour of specific masonry walls. The walls are made of AAC blocks (Autoclaved Aerated Concrete), commonly used in rather low urban buildings or skeleton construction. As a strengthening material the GFRP sheets and two types of glass meshes are used. The walls are subjected to diagonal compression, which reflects the shearing of the walls. The scope of research describes cracking stage, shear capacity and analysis of the mode of failure of tested walls.

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Authors and Affiliations

Marta Kałuża
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The rim of a post-exploitation basin is a particularly dangerous zone for buildings. This is due to the impact of mining on the nearby buildings, which persists even after exploitation activities are finished. The rim of the basin remains constantly deformed. This paper presents numerical analyses of buildings located in Marklowice (Silesian Voivodeship, Poland). They are located in an area that was exploited for mining, above the initial exploitation edge on the rim of the basin. The area of the analysed buildings was geodetically monitored during mining works. The results of the measurements allowed the observation of changes in terrain deformation indicators, together with the determination of the settlement’s final values after the operation was completed. Knowledge of the results enabled the preparation of numerical analyses of buildings with the use of the finite element method (FEM), the purpose of which was to determine the residual stresses in the structures after the end of the exploitation. The results are presented in the form of stress maps, which show changes in the internal forces in buildings left by mining operations. Specific examples are used. Two residential two-storey buildings were analysed; they were built using traditional brick methods, with a single-storey outbuilding. All of the analysed buildings are located in the mining commencement zone, in which the deformation of the surface has not faded away.
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Authors and Affiliations

Leszek Szojda
Łukasz Kapusta

  1. Silesian University of Technology, Department of Structural Engineering, Akademicka 5,44-100, Gliwice, Poland
  2. Kielce University of Technology, Faculty of Environmental Engineering, Geomatics and Renewable Energy, 7 Tysiąclecia Państwa Polskiego Av., 25-314 Kielce, Poland
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This article presents a comparison of the real amount of structural bending of a traditional residential building on curved mining ground with the bending results from an elastic model of the system: building + ground. Thanks to surveying measurements conducted during the exploitation front, the relationship between the curvature of the building and the curvature of the area in its direct vicinity was determined. The measurement work lasted one and a half years. Observation results collected in nature verify the deformation results of the modelled structure in the approach proposed by the guidelines for designing buildings in mining areas in Poland. Building Research Institute Instructions, Guidelines, Guidance 416 (2006) allows the adoption of an elastic model for the structure, and for the ground, it allows the adoption of linear elastic features characteristic of Winkler elastic ground. The main purpose of the work was to determine the overestimation of stress in the modelled building resulting from the use of a simplified, computational engineering approach.

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Authors and Affiliations

Leszek Szojda
Łukasz Kapusta
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The internal forces in stiffeningwalls are usually determining by numerical methods. Extreme values of forces and displacements can be achieved without significant problems. The numerical model is always labour-intensive; therefore, it is not used for single-family or multi-family buildings with a simple wall layout. To calculate efficiently internal forces in such walls uses an analytical model. Eurocode 6 (prEN 1996-1-1: 2019) does not provide specific guidelines for determining geometrical characteristics and procedures for calculating the values of internal forces in the stiffening walls. The use of numerical methods and other reliable methods was allowed. The paper presents the adaptation of the total stiffness method to determine internal forces in a building with a simple wall system. The method was based on dividing the masonry wall with openings into pillars, lintels, bottom sprandels and flanged walls. The analytical results were compared with linear-elastic FEM calculations. It has been demonstrated that flexural stiffness, shear stiffness and localization of rotation centre (RC) had a crucial impact on masonry structure.
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Authors and Affiliations

Radosław Jasiński
Krzysztof Grzyb

  1. Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, ul. Akademicka 5, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
  2. Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, ul. Akademicka 5, 44-100 Gliwice,Poland
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The safety of the masonry structure is determined by the value of the partial factor used, which is influenced by many factors. The variability of these factors determines obtaining significant differences in the load levels of various masonry structures. Hence, the analysis of masonry structures should be carried out taking into account a sufficient range of variability of factors affecting its safety. The article presents a multi-stage safety analysis of an exemplary brick masonry column. For the construction, the relationship between partial factors used for interactions in different configurations and factors for the masonry compressive strength was examined. The analyses consisted in determining the reliability index beta with the Monte Carlo method. The article presents the results of experimental tests carried out on a real construction, as well as the results of FEM numerical simulations.
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Joanna Zięba
Lidia Buda-Ożóg
Izabela Skrzypczak

  1. MSc., Eng., Rzeszow University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Building Structures, Poznańska 2, Rzeszów 35-084, Poland
  2. DSc., PhD., Eng., Rzeszow University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Building Structures, Poznańska 2, Rzeszów 35-084, Poland
  3. DSc., PhD., Eng., Rzeszow University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Geodesy and Geotechnics, Poznańska 2, Rzeszów, 35-084, Poland
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The problem of the arch barrel deformation in railway backfilled arch bridges caused by their typical service loads is analysed. The main attention is paid to vertical or radial displacements of characteristic points of the arch barrel. In the study results of deflection measurements carried out on single and multi-span backfilled arch bridges made of bricks or plain concrete during passages of various typical railway vehicles are used. On the basis of such results empirical influence functions of displacements are being created. In the next step, the results are utilised to estimate bending effects within the arch. The paper includes different procedures based on measurements of displacements in various points and directions. Using empirical influence functions arbitrary virtual load cases may be also considered. In this manner the proposed methodology shows a potential to be an effective tool of comprehensive calibration of numerical models of backfilled arch bridges on the basic of field tests carried out under any live loads.
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Tomasz Kamiński
Czesław Machelski

  1. Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Wyb. Wyspianskiego 27, 50-370 Wrocław, Poland
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This research paper presents the results of the analyses of the course of technical wear over time carried out for residential masonry buildings located in the mining area of the Lublin Coal Basin (LCB). As a result of the conducted analyses, models of the course of technical wear over time were obtained for the entire building development and for groups of buildings, taking into account the conducted renovation works and preventive structural protection. By comparing the parameters of the developed models, statistically significant differences in the course of technical wear resulting from the quality of maintenance and the use of preventive measures were identified. In addition, the durability of individual groups of structures was estimated and compared. Based on a comparison of the course of technical wear of 22-year-old building structures, unrenovated and with similar structural and material solutions, it was found that the rate of increase in technical wear after 50 years of use is on average 3.5% lower than in the case of unprotected buildings. In addition, the use of preventive structural protection extends the durability of the analysed building structures by an average of over 13 years. The obtained results may e.g. help owners or managers optimise the Maintenance Management of building structures.
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Authors and Affiliations

Adrian Jędrzejczyk
Karol Firek
Wojciech Kocot
Dagmara Rataj

  1. AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Mining Surveying and Environmental Engineering, Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków
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The article presents numerical analysis of a typical residential building in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin, which was erected in the early twentieth century and was not protected against mining ground deformations. The greatest impact of ground deformation on buildings are ground horizontal strain ε and ground curvature K. Numerical calculations included the building and the ground to take into account the effect of soilstructure interaction. The structure of the analysed building was made of masonry with wooden ceiling and roof elements. The ground was implemented as a layer 3.0m below the foundations and 3.0 m outside the building's projection. Construction loads are divided into two stages – permanent and functional loads as well as ground mining deformation. The maximum convex curvature K+ and the horizontal strain of the substrate ε+ were achieved in the 8th load step. The results of the analyses were presented in the form of stress and deformation maps. The most important results are the magnitude of the main tensile stresses σmax, which could to create cracks in the structure may occur after exceeding the tensile strength ft of the material. The presented method can be used to the analysis of endangered building objects by mining ground deformations.
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Authors and Affiliations

Leszek Szojda
Łukasz Kapusta

  1. Silesian University of Technology, Department of Structural Engineering, ul. Akademicka 5,44-100 Gliwice, Poland
  2. Kielce University of Technology, Department of Environmental, Geomatic and Energy Engineering, al. Tysiąclecia Państwa Polskiego 7, 25-314 Kielce, Poland
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The article presents the results of non-destructive testing and analyses carried out for a brick masonry building from the 19th century, which has many irregularities that involve a lack of inspections and tests of its technical condition for many years, as well as a failure to carry out necessary repairs. The conducted organoleptic tests enabled the most significant building damage to be indicated, and its causes were determined on the basis of the results of non-destructive tests and analyses. These causes include mainly wall cracks, ceiling deflections and excessive dampness. It also contains the relationships, which were developed using non-destructive dielectric and resistive methods when testing the moisture content of the brick walls. These results may be useful for other researchers dealing with brick masonry buildings from a similar period of time. The authors' intention was to present the existing poor technical condition of the brick masonry building and indicate its causes, as well as to present that a lack of appropriate maintenance can lead to a situation in which the life or health of residents is threatened.

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Anna Hoła
Łukasz Sadowski
Jacek Szymanowski
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The knowledge of the impact and the load-bearing capacity of unstrengthened/strengthened structures is a crucial source of information about the safety of masonry buildings near deep excavations, especially in dense urban areas. Incorrect calculations made for such designs can seriously affect not only an analyzed object but also the adjacent buildings. The safety of masonry buildings can be determined by many factors that are closely related to the hazards presented during the performance of deep excavations. These factors are at first identified and then prioritized. The AHP process in the multi-criteria analysis was used to support the decision-making process related to the verification of factors affecting the safety assessment of masonry buildings in the area of deep excavations. The proper design of building structures, including the verification of the structure strengthening near deep excavations, was found to be the most significant factor determining the safety of such buildings. The methodology for proceeding with the verification of ultimate (ULS) and serviceability (SLS) limit states in accordance with the literature data, current regulations, such as Eurocode 6 and other design standards, and the know-how of the authors, described in this paper was the next stage of the discussed analysis.
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Authors and Affiliations

Radosław Jasiński
Izabela Skrzypczak
Agnieszka Leśniak
Eduardo Natividade

  1. Faculty of Civil Engineering, Silesian University of Technology, ul. Akademicka 5, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
  2. 2 Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture, Rzeszow University of Technology, Al. Powstanców Warszawy 12, ´35-959 Rzeszów, Poland
  3. Faculty of Civil Engineering, Krakow University of Technology, Al. Warszawska 24, 31-155 Kraków, Poland
  4. Instituto Politecnico de Coimbra, Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Coimbra, Rua Pedro Nunes, Quinta da Nora,3030-199 COIMBRA, Portuga

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